• Published 30th Mar 2015
  • 1,460 Views, 41 Comments

Collection of Character One-shots - roseprincess

A collection of character one-shots involving most of my favourite pairings.

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Rainbow Dash x Fluttershy (RainbowShy/FlutterDash)

Author's Note:

An example of one of my writing. No sexual referances or anything in this one, it shall be completely safe. Now, watch my awesomeness at Rainbow Dash! XD

(Actually, she's a bit out of character. Apologies)

It had been a long tiring day for poor Fluttershy, who had spent her hours out in the sun since seven o'clock in the morning till the present time, eight o'clock at night. This was after she had promised AppleJack to help in the farm, spent a whole hour on shopping for her animals lunch that she missed her own fueling meal of the day, passed by Pinkie Pie who was having trouble cleaning the mess she had made in the Cake's kitchen, offered to help Rarity gather jewels for her new dress, and just so happened to run into Twilight Sparkle and Spike cleaning books up in the library. She hadn't had a moment's rest since her sleep last night. Oh, and she just so happened to remember she was woken up at midnight due to someone having a bit of fun with an early hail season.

Fluttershy had never been so cranky in her life. Her roof was dented by the pounding off the hard ice falling down over her head and she opened up the window to see who was causing all the messed up weather. Now, Fluttershy was an understanding person. She would've understood if the Pegasus's machine had gone out of control, or if Discord was accidently creating chaos above her house. What she would not tolerate, was that the one Pegasus pony who she had trusted since she was a young filly was letting hailstones fall onto her shelter for fun. For fun.

So, it ended with Fluttershy screaming at the blue winged pony and slamming the window shut. When the sound dissapeared from her hearing, she flew up on the roof and proceeded in the next two hours to fix it, only to have three hours of sleep when she was woken up at again at five, and just decided to begin the day.

Now, as she trundled up the stairs into her quaint little cottage, Fluttershy just wanted to flop down on her bed and fall into a sleep she would not be awakened from for a least twelve hours straight, and worry about her other problems later. But since she doubted that would ever happen, she knew there was someone she had to have a talk with first, a bit calmer then before.

Rainbow Dash was enjoying her little nap when she swear she heard the quiet voice through her fluffy cloud bed. She rubbed her eyes and peered over, looking down at the one who had awoken her.

"What is it, Fluttershy? Can't you see I'm trying to catch up on sleep, espicially after last night?" She said in a rather annoyed tone.

"Oh, sorry..." Fluttershy apoligised, "I'll just come back-I mean, uh, you? Trying to catch up on sleep? Maybe it should be ME catching up on sleep, after all it was your fault!"

"After YOU yelled at me, I couldn't stop thinking until it was time to go to school," Rainbow Dash replied as she stared up at the clear blue sky.

"And who's fault was it that I yelled? I didn't tell you to rain hailstones down on my roof," Fluttershy said sharply.

Rainbow Dash peered back over again, "Come on now, you can't STILL be mad at that."

"Maybe I'm not. I just came here to ask poli-I mean, tell you not to do it again, at least please for the next twelve hours."

"Fine," Rainbow Dash flew down to the ground infront of her, "on one condition."

Fluttershy stayed silent for a few seconds, before saying, "And what might that be?"

"You be my personal maid." She said, and Fluttershy was so close to disagreeing, but she took a deep breath.

"Okay, I will."

Rainbow Dash lit up. "Great, see you at my house after your twelve hour sleep. Don't be late. If you're early, I'll pay you extra."

Fluttershy nodded. "Of course, I must still take care of my animals."

"Eh, bring them for all I care. However, you must do exactly as I say." Rainbow Dash said and Fluttershy nodded again.

~12 hours later....~

Fluttershy flew up to her friends door and knocked lightly, waiting for a reply. She waited at the side for a bit, until the door opened and Rainbow Dash was there to greet her.

"Come in, Fluttershy, you're just on time. There's plently for you to do." Fluttershy just nodded and followed her in, before she was given a few instructions.

"First, I want you to clean up the kitchen for me, the Cutie Mark Crusaders used it for 'Baking' the other day. Then of course, the hallway down that way could use a bit of a new look, so do whatever you want with it. Just make it look, well, cool. Oh and while your at it, I need you to watch after Tank." Fluttershy nodded and smiled, "Of course."

"Good. I have to go now and help the others with a few things down at Ponyville. If you finish all the chores before I come back, there'll be a little surprise waiting for you." Fluttershy nodded for the millionth time and watched as Rainbow Dash shot out of her house and she broke into thoughts. What was this 'surprise' she was talking about it? Whatever it was, Fluttershy was eager to find out.

She got to work on the kitchen, clearing the bench and the floor of the utensils, mopping, wiping it down, doing the dishes and putting them away. Before walking towards the hallway, Fluttershy made sure to give the animals a small snack, including Tank. After that, she stared at the broken down wall, before an idea popped into her head and she flew towards the garage, grabbing pots of yellow, blue and black paint. She normally thought she wasn't good at painting, but it wasn't true. Covering the wall with a dark sky, blue clouds and yellow lighting bolts, she hoped it was enough to fill Rainbow Dash's cool factor. She peered up at the clock and already 3 hours had passed. She could be back any minute. She shot downstairs and placed the cans back in the garage before zooming back up to the living room, with five minutes to spare.

When Rainbow Dash entered, she was surprised that anyone could ever work so hard on this. The kitchen looked like it had just been bought yesterday, and the wall looked like Fluttershy had hired some famous painter from Manehatten or somewhere else to do the job. She grinned, quite happy with the result. Tank, her pet turtle, seemed quite sastified as well, enjoying his nice crunchy lettuce leaf.

"Apologies if you don't like the painting." Fluttershy said softly.

"Fluttershy, you've more than one hundred percent earned your reward." Rainbow Dash smiled and walked towards her, leaving a small kiss on her forehead. Fluttershy blushed from head to toe and zipped around.

T-That was...embarrassing...but, even so, I liked it...I could so get used to this...

Rainbow Dash let out a laugh that only made her blush more.

"Oh you." She said and grinned happily.