• Published 30th Mar 2015
  • 1,461 Views, 41 Comments

Collection of Character One-shots - roseprincess

A collection of character one-shots involving most of my favourite pairings.

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Spikealoo (Spike x Scootaloo, Request)

Author's Note:

“Can we have a Spikealoo chapter?
“First thing that came to mind: they form a friendship with benefits of the relationship until it evolves into a full emotional relationship and they don't even notice until the transition is complete.”
I tried my best, but I'm sorry if it's not REALLY what you wanted. It is 1600 words long though, so enjoy!

“Spike!” Twilight called out as she rushed into the library, starting to shuffle through the shelves.

“Spike!” She tried again, but there was still no reply. She stopped looking and dropped all the books on the ground as she released her magic, running up the stairs.

“Spike?” Twilight questioned and moved her eyes around the room, before sighing.

“We really need to revisit the amount of times you get off.”

Late at night, Spike trundled back to the library, tired but still happy. He didn’t exactly like been caught up in such a boring session, but he got his benefits from it too. One of them was a break from working for Twilight, even if he had to stay up for five hours past his bed time to try and encourage a young filly to fly when he couldn’t even fly himself. Heck, he didn’t even have wings! But he’d read through every single book about flying since Twilight started to learn so many times that he managed to give plenty of good pointers, stuff about wing span, flapping and soaring. And steering. You wouldn’t even guess how many times the Pegasus flew into a tree in her attempts. He sighed happily. That was fun.

He was barely even half way up the stairs when he was knocked back down by Twilight.

“Woah!” He placed his hand on the ground and pushed himself up, “What gives Twilight?”

“What gives? What gives? That YOU were gone when I most needed you!” Twilight stated immediately.

“I’m not allowed to have time off?” Spike questioned and tried to head up the stairs again, Twilight following close behind.

“Yes, but five hours isn’t really acceptable!”

“Sorry, she wouldn’t let me go…” He sighed happily again, smiling, leaning up against the window.

“She? You weren’t hanging out with Rarity, were you?” Twilight asked, coming to conclusions.

“Nup. I was just trying to teach a young filly how to fly…” He turned away from the window and walked towards his bed. Once again, it didn’t take long for Twilight to come to, well, re-conclusions.

“You were hanging out with Scootaloo? I’m surprised she actually wanted to hang out with you. But for five hours?”

“Yeah, she was persistent. Anyway, can we stop with the questions now? It’s late and I’m tired…” Spike placed the blanket over him and lay to the side, closing his eyes with a smile.

Twilight stayed quiet, thinking to herself about this situation. He didn’t…

~Five hours ago~

Scootaloo pushed her wings to lift her up off the ground, struggling to stretch them out and fly, but to no avail. She fell back down on her rump and sighed.

“I’m never gonna make it…”

“Sure you will! It just takes practice! That’s what I said to Twilight. Look, kid, you can do it. And I really want to help, because you can do something I can’t. You just have to try your hardest, and if you can’t think of anyone else to do it for, you can do it for me.” Spike said, smiling. “We’re friends right? Now, according to the book, you need to loosen up a bit. Just relax and let your wings do the job. Flying may seem hard, but it’s because you’re trying too hard. You don’t need to push yourself, you just need to believe. Let’s see it now.”

Scootaloo nodded and closed her eyes, trying to think of as many calming, non-stressful thoughts as she could, mainly involving her friends, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. She focused on all of the times they tried to gain their Cutie Marks, all the fun they had, all the adventured they went through. During this period of thinking, Spike watched as she rose into the air and he smiled, folding his arms and nodding.

I knew it would work, he thought. He decided not to startle her, as it may cause her to fall again. He waited till she opened her own eyes, and looked down at the ground.

Scootaloo’s mouth formed into a wide grin and she looked forward, flapping her wings up in down with the wind in a way she never had before.

“I’m…I’m flying! I’m flying!” She shot up in the air, and back down to the ground, grabbing Spike and placing him on her back before flying off, above the trees, above the clouds. It felt so good to finally be up in the air. She flew over her familiar friends who seemed just as excited as she was.

“Scoots! You’re flying!” Rainbow Dash called and flew up to join her. The other two members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders called out too,

“She’s really doing it! You’re really doing it!” Apple bloom and Sweetie Belle said together.

“I know right? And it’s all thanks to Spike!” Scootaloo replied happily and slowed down, hovering in the air before landing on the ground. Spike felt a blush rise to his cheeks and he jumped down.

“Hey, look, we’re right infront of the cake store! Let’s go get some!” Scootaloo raced inside and Spike followed after her, “Hey, wait!”

Inside, the two sat across a double seated table with their cake and icecream, eating quietly. Scootaloo’s emotions seemed to be excited but Spike was having different thoughts. He was starting to find Scootaloo…well, attractive. While his heart wasn’t thumping as it did with Rarity, he still knew that he had gained another love interest, he could feel in his stomach, not in his chest. Or maybe he was just hungry. He took another bite and looked over at Scootaloo again, who was already finished. Spike sighed and placed down his fork.

Scootaloo swallowed her last bite and looked over at the half eaten piece of cake infront of him.

“Are you gonna eat that?” She asked and Spike replied with a simple shake of his head. Scootaloo grinned and pulled the plate toward her and stuck her fork in; she was about to take the bite when she noticed Spike’s sad expression.

“Is something wrong? You look a little down.” Spike snapped up and shook his head.

“Oh, it’s nothing, I mean, uh…Scootaloo?”

“Yes?” Scootaloo asked and placed the fork on the plate.

“If I, um…told you I really liked you…what would you say?” Spike asked, nervous. Scootaloo seemed to not be affected by this small confession at the moment.

“Well…I’d probably say my feelings back…But of course, that can’t be true, right? I mean who would really like an orange passion juice pony such as myself?”

“Me.” Spike replied, knotting his claws together.

“I do, Scootaloo, really.”

Scootaloo blushed lightly, and nodded.

“In that case…I really like you too.”

Spike replied with a smile. “Okay.”

“Okay.” Scootaloo said, then thought.

“Hey, you wanna come back to my place? We can stay up late and watch movies.”

“Sure!” Spike said happily and jumped down. He climbed back up on Scootaloo’s back and together they flew off to her place.

~Scoot’s place~

Scootaloo pulled open her huge draw of DVD collections.

“Okay, so I have a lot of Disney…and more Disney and a little bit of Non-Disney….what should it be?”

Spike laughed, “I suppose Disney then.”

“Sweet! In that case, we should watch Sleeping Pony. It’s my favourite!” Scootaloo pulled out the DVD and placed the disc in the player, sitting back on the couch as it started to play. Spike quickly turned off the lights and ran back to the seat, where they both stared forward at the screen.

Spike seemed to be enjoying the movie at the start. He was very interested in the princess Aurora, and was curious about the deep sleep. What he really didn’t like was the end. He knew at the start that the villain was a lady, but he was very annoyed when she changed into a dragon.

His kind.

Okay, he was a small cute dragon and that was a giant fire breathing dragon but it was still a dragon. It was still really a part of his family being killed off, evil old lady or not. He thought about what that would happen to him. What if people started hating him? What if he turned out like that?

“Are you alright?”

Spike jumped up at the sound of Scootaloo’s voice, clearly alarmed.

“Oh, just fine! The movie was great! Um, why don’t we watch something without, uh, dragons this time?”

Scootaloo realised what he was talking about, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s fine, you didn’t know. But I never want to watch that movie again.”

Scootaloo nodded, but didn’t move from her spot. She didn’t want to watch any more movies anymore.

Spike jumped off the couch. “In that case, maybe I should pick o-” Spike was interrupted when he felt the wetness of the kiss on his cheek and he turned back to Scootaloo, who was bright pink.

“I’m sorry, I-”

“You know what?” Spike said quickly. “I have a much better idea.”

~back to the morning, while Spike is still asleep in his bed~

Twilight closed the book. “So, Pinkie Pie, you better have a birthday party planned for next year. Make it green and orange. Rainbow Dash, prepare to be REALLY shocked. Applejack, prepare a LOT of milk. Rarity, we’re going to need new outfits, the smallest ever. Make both girls and boys. Fluttershy...babysitting. And Twilight, get ready to call the ambulance.”

“What is all this for Twilight?” Rarity asked, confused, as were all the others.

Twilight took a deep breath and turned around.

“Don’t ask me how it’s actually possible, but Scootaloo is pregnant from Spike.”

A loud thud was heard as Rainbow Dash fell onto the ground, completely shocked.

“On second thoughts Twilight, call the ambulance now.”