• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 7,659 Views, 342 Comments

Caged Inside - ShadowKirby

After a decade of being trapped inside her own mind, Pinkamena takes control of her own body, happy to live life. Unfortunately for her, Pinkie Pie's friends want their friend back.

  • ...

Interactions, Part II

Author's Note:

THE BONUS CHAPTER IS RETCONNED. It was just practice at writing Rainbow Dash and Twilight, and it hurt the story rather than helped it. If any of you REEEALLY want to see it again, just send me a PM and I'll give you the link and unpublished password, but it's retconned now.

I am soooo sorry that this chapter took so long! I had severe writer's block, but luckily I've gotten over it. So updates should be a bit faster from now on!

I cursed the internal organ that led me to places I didn't want to go as I trudged slowly through the streets of Ponyville.
"Stupid stomach......stupid hunger......" was what was mumbled under my breath.

'Well if you couldn't eat, you'd starve, right?'

'Shut up. You're just a shadow to me now.'

I didn't feel like dealing with her now, and my harshness seemed to have the desired effect.
Eventually I had to quicken my pace in order to get the cure to my hunger faster, and I reached Sweet Apple Acres in only a couple minutes.

I sighed, wishing I didn't have to do this, as I noticed Applejack pulling a cart of apples.
Walking up to her, I didn't say a word, but rather just waited for her to speak up first.
Why bother saying more than what was necessary? That was just one of the many lessons drilled into my head on the rock farm as a child. At least it was one I had come to agree with, anyways.

Noticing me as I fast approached her, she stopped walking and addressed me.

"Oh....uh...hey, Pinkamena!'

I rolled my eyes at the awkward greetings I was getting every time I approached someone.

After a moment without any response from me, she cleared her throat and asked "So, what brings ya out here?'

"Twilight sent me to get some apples from you." I didn't want her thinking I decided on my own to ask for her help.

"Oh! Well if Twilight needs 'em for somethin' ah suppose ah could spare a few, we do have more than we need this season, after all....."

I took that as my cue to grab a couple from the cart on her back, and immediately took a bite out of one of them.

"Hey! What're ya doin'? Ah thought ya said Twilight sent you here!"

I sighed. Did she not get it? "She sent me here saying I could eat some apples since I haven't had any decent food yet."

"Oh. Well....ah suppose ah can let that slide."

I tried to finish the small meal as fast as possible so I could get out of there. I couldn't exactly leave while carrying two apples. Sure walking on two legs was possible but it certainly wasn't pleasant and was painful to do for too long.
That was probably the only reason I envied unicorns; so much easier to carry things around.

"So, how're you likin' your first full day in Ponyville?" Applejack questioned, obviously trying to strike up idle conversation that I had no interest in.

I could humour her, though; maybe get her to realize how little I cared about any of them or their stupid little town.

"I haven't liked it for the last bunch of years I've been here, and I certainly don't like it now."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "You ain't been here for years!"

I wanted to facehoof, but I was busy with my lunch. "It's not like I haven't been aware the entire time Pinkie has been here!"

"Oh." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Then surely you know how good friends Pinkie and we are, right? Why don't ya trust us then?"

I rolled my eyes like I did when I first showed up. This pony just kept missing the point!

"Of course I do. That's why I can't trust you. You'd all do anything to get Pinkie back!"

She just smiled in response, which confused me at first. "Look, sugarcube. It ain't a matter of one or th' other. Ya don't have to choose; friendship don't work that way. If ya both can be friends with us, then why not?"

I paused mid bite as I thought about her words.

'It.....is kind of true that they're not the kinds of ponies to be malicious towards another, right? But.....still, I'd have to relinquish control to Pinkie, and I'd be stuck in this crappy life in Ponyville!'

Finally taking that bite I had stopped in the middle of, I shook my head.

"It's not possible. I don't want to be stuck living here; I have no interest in this stupid place."

Applejack opened her mouth, about to respond, when a quiet 'hello' was heard by the both of us.
She and I both turned to the source of the voice and saw Fluttershy standing there, with Applejack's dog....Winona, was it?

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, but, um....Winona's all better now, so i brought her back...."

Applejack smiled at the timid pegasus while I focused on my apple, silently thanking Fluttershy for getting me out of that conversation.
"Thank ya kindly, Fluttershy!" Patting her pet on the head, she continued "She certainly looks a heck of a lot better!"

I tuned out their conversation. It didn't matter to me, after all.

Well, it didn't matter to me until I heard the two of them whispering, with my name somewhere in their conversation, and when Fluttershy addressed me in a nervous voice. "Um, Pinkamena?"

I tried to ignore her.

"I-I was just wondering, I-if you're not too busy....if you'd like to, um, come to my cottage to relax..."

My ears twitched. My first instinct was to flat out say no, but I did realize how that'd probably be better than heading back into town with no idea what to do, or stay here and have Applejack continue to try and talk to me.

"Fine....." I grumbled. At least Fluttershy was quiet and probably wouldn't bother me much.

Finishing the last of the apples I had taken, hunger gone for now, I got up and walked past Applejack without so much as a glance.

Fluttershy seemed to be keeping her distance from me even as we walked towards her home, but I could see the concern in her eyes.

Of course, I knew it was for Pinkie.

Not a word was uttered on the way there, which made me a bit happier than I was before.

Yes, I liked Fluttershy the most. She was like me in that she only spoke when necessary, and she wasn't comfortable in social situations. Maybe not as assertive as me, but still.
Even when we entered her cottage she just gave me a small, nervous smile and motioned to the couch nearby, which I happily took up space on.

She quickly left to some other part of her house, probably to take care of some of her animals. Who knows.

I just closed my eyes and relaxed, taking the time to enjoy the peace and quiet. Even Pinkie Pie was quiet. What could be better than this? No stupid rock farm responsibilities, no super-happy party monster, no ponies pestering me..

Of course that was all interrupted when Fluttershy flew into the room seemingly carrying a tea pot and some cups.
I sat up and looked at her with a bit of irritation, but said nothing.
My look made her flinch backwards a bit, but I saw her take a deep breath and land on the ground after putting everything she had on the table in front of me.

"I figured you might like something to drink, so I made this, j-just in case...."

I looked down as the liquid in a cup in of me, sniffing it a bit.

I'd never had tea before. Well, aside from the few times Pinkie drank it at Fluttershy's house, but it's not like I could really taste it well.
Deciding I had nothing to lose, I tried a bit.
It was...an odd flavour, Not really bad or good, I suppose.
I didn't feel the need for any more and just lay down again, sighing.

Fluttershy, surprisingly, didn't leave, but she didn't speak up, either. She just sat there and sipped her own tea, her smile seeming to get less nervous as time went by.

This was nice. I actually was able to enjoy myself here. At least Fluttershy didn't seem so bad. Maybe there was a bit of a positive side to being in Ponyville.
Pinkie Pie's POV

I opened my 'eyes' again. I was back here. Back in the dream world place that I apparently went to whenever sleep happened.

I had been pretty miserable that day... after all she said and did! I can't believe anypony could be such a meanie!

But of course she was only a meanie because she had been stuck like this for years, right? I couldn't imagine being stuck like this for even a week, let alone years!

"So I have to deal with you again... try not to wake us both up way too early again."

I looked at her. She had a bored expression.

What should I say to her? Should I say anything? She was way happier today than I even knew she could be when I just left her alone...
A while passed before anyone said anything.

"I never thought you had the ability to be quiet for so long. But then again, I shouldn't be surprised by the effect being stuck like this can have on someone."

My eyes widened. "I'm sorry...." I mumbled quietly, the first thing I had said in a long time.

"Hmm?" she seemed confused.

"I'm sorry, I should have listened years ago when you tried to get me to realize you were stuck here like this! I know you're only being a meanie because of what happened to you and I get it, 'cause it's happening to me now!"

She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well, if you think apologizing is going to do anything to help you, you're wrong. Maybe I'll accept it in ten years once we're even."

I sniffled as tears threatened to fall loose. I hadn't been able to cry during the day but I could now.

Things were quiet for a long time after that until I spoke up again.

"Applejack is right, y'know, my friends can be your friends too!"

She grunted. "Maybe. But I certainly don't want their friendship. It'd be pointless. I want to just get a new cutie mark, and get the heck out of the stupid town forever."

"But....." I wasn't sure what I even wanted to say, so I just fell silent, until everything started getting bright again, meaning she was waking up.

"If I have to deal with you every night....." I heard her mumble before white was all I could see.