• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 7,646 Views, 342 Comments

Caged Inside - ShadowKirby

After a decade of being trapped inside her own mind, Pinkamena takes control of her own body, happy to live life. Unfortunately for her, Pinkie Pie's friends want their friend back.

  • ...

Cage Unlocked

I walked down the winding dirt path slowly towards Fluttershy's house for our daily morning get-together.
I don't think I'd ever needed to talk to her more than today. I was in a serious moral crisis right now and if anyone could help me, it'd be her!

After a much longer than necessary time I reached the wooden door to her cottage home and reached up, knocking loudly with a hoof.
I tapped the ground impatiently as I waited for her to open the door.

The sound of a handle turning and the squeak of hinges hit my ears and I was greeted by the smiling pegasus holding the door open.

"Good morning, Pinkamena!" She greeted me cheerfully.

I wish I could be as happy as she was.

"Hi, Fluttershy..." I sighed and trudged inside slowly, making a show of how I was feeling by letting my mane fall in my face and letting myself basically flop onto the green couch.

"Oh my, what's wrong now?" She questioned me, concern shining in her bright eyes.

"I don't know what to do..." was the response I mumbled into the soft cushions.

I heard the sounds of hooves tapping on wood as she walked towards me and sat down on the other side of the wooden table she kept near her couch.

"About what?" She spoke in her usual kind tone.

"Pinkie Pie..." I sighed sadly. I knew I had to be more specific than that, but I wasn't sure exactly what to say to someone who wouldn't understand exactly how I felt.

"Is she... bothering you again?"

I could hear the pain in that question. She obviously didn't want to think badly of Pinkie.

"Not really..." I whispered barely audibly.

"Then...what?" Now there was a hint of confusion in her voice on top of everything else.

"I don't feel good about keeping her locked up like this..." That was the problem, wasn't it? I felt bad for keeping her locked up now?

"You feel bad?" There was a bit of hidden happiness in her voice there.

That happiness hurt me, but I knew it was only expected.

"Yes... but she's been in control for ten years, and I've only been here for a few weeks! I-I don't want to go back to being trapped..."

That was it. That was the biggest thing.
I was afraid.


I jumped a bit when I felt a hoof brushing through my mane, but relaxed quickly.

"Well, I may not know what it's like to be so trapped, but I know what it's like to be scared, Pinkamena..."

"I know." I grinned a little.

Things were silent for a bit before I spoke up again.

"What do you think I should do?"

She 'hmmed' and seemed to think for a moment before answering my question, hoof still running through my hair.

"I think you should take turns with Pinkie Pie."

"Take turns?" I repeated. "But I...don't want to ever lose control of myself again. I don't want to risk it!"

"You'll be let back out again. You're my friend too, remember?"

It was true. I did trust Fluttershy, didn't I?

"But..." I wasn't sure what else to say. I had no arguments left. Maybe it wasn't fair I had lost all those years due to Pinkie Pie, but she didn't know. I did, and how terrible of a pony would it make me to knowingly condemn her to that fate?
And not just that... I'd be hurting my new friends by doing that. They'd be hurt if I never let Pinkie out again.

"I-I'm gonna go..." I mumbled quietly and got up, brushing her hoof that had still being running through my mane away.

"So soon?" She sounded disappointed.

"Yes." My brain hurt too much. I didn't want it to get worse.

"Okay...well, remember you can stop by any time!"

I nodded and left hurriedly.

Instead of heading to Sweet Apple Acres, I headed back to Sugarcube Corner. I had left Fluttershy's early in order to avoid the very thing talking with Applejack always seemed to do.
And at this point, my mood was so low I'd much rather eat a bunch of donuts and get sick than eat apples.

So that's exactly what I did. Passing through the busy parts of town without giving so much as a glance to anything but the road beneath my hooves, blocking my hearing from all the noise of ponies around me, and just headed back to the bakery that also happened to be my home as of now.

I took a deep breath when I entered the shop, enjoying the smell of fresh baked sugary foods.

'Hard to believe I used to be disgusted by the stuff...'

I headed into the back and, not really caring about anything anyone else said, grabbed a few fresh made donuts and chowed down.
Hey, I lived here, and Pinkie normally ate this stuff all the time.

'Though I'm not really letting her do it am I? No, I'm just torturing her by doing it while she can't.'

I felt a stab of pain in my heart. The donuts weren't helping.
After that short, unhealthy lunch, I had been sitting on my bed all day. I couldn't do anything else. My mind was locked on this problem.
Hours passed, and I continued to sit there in misery.

'Why can't this just be simple!?' I practically cried in frustration.

My eyelids were growing heavy, but I refused sleep. I didn't want to have to see her face to face. I wouldn't be able to handle it.

Even now, I knew she could hear my thoughts, but at least she wasn't speaking to me, and I couldn't see her myself.
In the end, I realized it was simply a matter of letting her take control again or not.

Letting her take control would be the selfless, right thing to do, but on the other hand, it was so unfair how I got so little time while she had been free for a decade!

My eyelids drooped.

I yawned.

I couldn't fight it anymore and collapsed backwards onto my bed, mane messily spread out, dozing off instantly while still in mental turmoil.
I refused to make eye contact with her and busied myself by staring at my own hooves, which were much duller in contrast to her bright pink.
I couldn't face her like this, not when I was so unsure, not when I could barely handle this problem just with my own thoughts!

"Don't worry about it, Pinkamena!" I heard her clearly forced cheerful voice. "You don't have to worry about letting me out, since I'm staying right here!"

My head snapped up and I suddenly had the ability to stare at her, which i did with wide eyes "Huh!?"

"Yeah! I already took your life away from you for that long and I'm not gonna take it back! It wouldn't be fair! You should have your chance to be happy, too!"

"But you'll be unhappy..." I said in a much quieter tone. Looking back on it, I realized I was worried for her well being, the exact opposite of what I used to do.

"Nah! I'd be making you happy, and making ponies happy is what makes me happy!"

I suddenly knew.

I knew what I had to do.

"Pinkie..." I started shakily but increased my confidence. "You staying locked up in here isn't what would make me or anypony else happy." I walked closer to her slowly. "Your friends would be miserable forever if you decide to stay here. And..." I pawed at the 'ground'. "I wouldn't be happy knowing I was imprisoning you..."


"Of course." I nodded.

"But you'll be stuck instead! It's better if I stay here!" She said in a tone that had a slight whine of despair in it.

I grinned a bit. "Hey. Don't worry about that! We can take turns, right? We'll just promise to take turns!" Maybe, if we really could live that way, my moral dilemma would finally be solved. "It's...what I want."

I saw a smile, a real smile, on her face now, and I knew I made the right decision. I felt a strange sort of satisfaction from that smile.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" She chanted and went through the motions of her Pinkie promise.

As she finished she looked at me expectantly and I smiled widely.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."
As I sat in bed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes after having woken up, my heart pounded as I thought about what I was going to do.

I was going to give up my freedom, the freedom I had regained after a decade of my life.

'No.' I thought, 'I'm not giving it up. Because we'll be sharing our freedom.'

"I'm ready..." I whispered to the pony trapped in my mind as I closed my eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to imitate what she did that originally let me loose.

I tried to let go of any commands to my body, I tried to let go of my own will to do anything, and I tried to retreat into my mind.

And all of a sudden, I once again found myself caged inside.
I had a different perspective as I listened to her thoughts, watched through her eyes, and heard through her ears.
Before, for so many years, I had simply hated life, hated the situation I was in, had pretty much hated everything.
Now I had found a meaning, and the only thing left was to see if this pinkie promise really would be kept.

Pinkie was trotting happily towards the library. I'm not sure why she decided to go to Twilight first, but I guess it doesn't really matter
When she raised a hoof and knocked on the door, a crash was heard as well as the grumbling of a certain unicorn, who opened the door, looking tired.

"Good morning Pinka- " she stopped speaking in an instant and her eyes widened as she saw who it really was at her door.

"Hiya Twilight!"

Twilight was slack jawed, and I had the reflex to grin. Too bad I couldn't.
But Pinkie did it for me anyways, which I thanked her for.

"P-Pinkie! It's you! You're back! How? What happened to Pinkamena? Where were you exactly!?" There was so much excitement and joy in her voice despite the fact what she actually said was purely from confusion.

I felt a strange enjoyment when I saw her smile due to Pinkie being back in control, which I found odd.

Pinkie tapped Twilight on the head and giggled. "No time for questions! We should throw a party to celebrate me and Pinkamena both living in Ponyville together now!"

"H-Huh?" Twilight seemed to still be trying to catch up with what was happening. "You-you came to an agreement?"

'Was I really that unreasonable?'

Pinkie just giggled in response to what I said, and Twilight tilted her head in misunderstanding.

"Of course! We can both be happy, what with having such super amazing friends!"
Twilight got a comically serious look. "Well you better answer all my questions eventually, Pinkie Pie!" Her serious look melted into a wide smile. "It's good to have you back..."

I heard Pinkie's thoughts on the matter of answering questions as soon as she had them.

'Well if you don't want to bother answering questions, I will.'

The happy mood continued as Pinkie Pie started setting up her first party in weeks in a flash.
After a few hours I was getting a little worried.
Sure they all knew I existed now, but...was Pinkie going to let me have control anytime soon? I decided to bring it up with her when she was putting the finishing touches on the decorations for the party in her ...our...room.

'Pinkie, are you going to let me out anytime soon?'

I was unfortunately getting a bit impatient.

"Don't worry!" She responded cheerfully as she bounced around, hanging a few streamers. "We can trade places during the party! It'd only be fair since it's a party for us after all!"

'.....That's good enough, I guess...'

Pinkie had gotten Twilight to spread the word to her other friends about the situation...and party. Easier to show them all at once.
A knock on the door was finally heard and in a pink blur that left me dizzy, Pinkie dashed towards the door and opened it.

"Hi girls!"

"Pinkie!" I felt a bit of pain as a tackle hug hit Pinkie.


"Aww, I missed all of you too! But c'mon! It's happy party time!"
The longer the party went the more and more concerned I was about actually getting a turn. Was Pinkie going to keep her word? So far it didn't seem like it. She'd been keeping control all day!

'Pinkie...' I started, a bit of fear in my voice. Fear that I'd be stuck for another ten years.

'Don't worry, Pinkamena!' She thought to me, perpetually smiling.

"Hey everypony! I want you all to know that I'm happy to see you again, but it's Pinkamena's turn now!"

Before anyone, including myself had time to react, I suddenly had control of myself again, and my mane was straightened.
But this time, my coat and overall colour wasn't dull, but rather almost as bright as Pinkie's. I think that's a sign of something.
I grinned and my ears flattened against my head. I felt a bit awkward having suddenly been thrust into this situation.

'Maybe a bit of warning next time?'

'Oops! Sorry!' She giggled. I was glad things seemed to be going much better now.

And with the scenario leading up to the agreement between us fully explained, it seemed everything really was going to be happy from now on for me, and Pinkie Pie.
Twilight looked through the stack of books Princess Celestia had sent from the Canterlot library after she had been asked for help with the confusing situation by her student.

She sighed as so far nothing seemed to be very helpful. Of course, at least things were peaceful between everyone regarding the situation now, but the lack of understanding was killing her.
A few questions had been answered by Pinkamena, yes, but even the main victim of this all didn't understand much.

With just the last book in the pile of unread ones laying next to her left, she picked it up with her magic, expecting more useless information.
But, as she read on, a grin formed that grew wider and wider.

"It all makes sense now...!"

It all made sense.

"And I think I know how to fix it..."

Author's Note:

SEQUEL UPLOADED! That's what that little ending bit was for :)

Thank you all for reading this story, and thanks SOOOO MUCH for the HUGE amount of support throughout it! I never expected this story to get so popular, when it's really nothing great in my eyes.

I'm sorry for the lackluster final scene. I intend to go back and fix it, along with many other problems with this story....eventually.

Please let me know what you thought of it in the comments, and make sure to check out the sequel, as it's far better than this story!

Comments ( 93 )

Woo hoo!!

Twilight! Is being! Unresonable! Like usual!

Ooh yeah!!!!


I was singing about Twilight being a bit rash about Pinkie's condition.

Can't wait for sequel!

5926555 I can't wait for it either XD

If that was me? I wouldn't even give a shit! I would've said "Fuck all of you I am out of here bitches!" Because that is my body you can't make me do that shit bitches because its my boooooddddyyyyy! You will never get your Crack and Steroid addict friend back ever! Mmmmmmm byyyyyeee!

5926579 wait why is this comment posted on chapter 5?
And thanks ^_^

Also no, never thought about it. I know about the Pony POV series but I haven't read a ton of it, and I never really thought of corrupted Fluttershy as a separate character (odd for me, normally I would...)

5926586 lol
but where would you go? what would you do? XD

Honesty, why make a sequel? The story is perfect as it is.

5926599 Because I like it. And the ideas were in my head since halfway through.
And I unfortunately structured the final chapter in a way that it needs one...

Also, this story felt a lot like a setup to me.

Oh, yeah, and it seems to have gained a lot of popularity and stuff.

(P.S. Perfect isn't a great word to use for this. I have many problems with my own story, because I've been learning throughout it.)

Comment posted by GNECproductions deleted May 1st, 2015

Great story. Really looking forward to the sequel. Something tell's me Twilight is going to do something she shouldn't.

so im guessing either she will try to fuse them or give them separate bodies...either way shenanigans will be the result!:pinkiecrazy:

But, as she read on, a grin formed that grew wider and wider.

"It all makes sense now...!"

It all made sense.

"And I think I know how to fix it..."

*Dives for the bomb-shelter

5926517 Tell me more about this... sequel.

I hope that by "fix it" she means give both of them a body and not get rid of pinkamena but I guess we'll see in the next installment of caged inside! :twilightsmile:

It is scary how close this is to almost being the prequel to one of my stories... That is if they were humans instead and the 'fix it' did what it did in my story. Those of you interested, it's actually a Displaced story. "Mind and Magic".

With just the last book in the pile of unread ones laying next to her left, she picked it up with her magic, expecting more useless information.
But, as she read on, a grin formed that grew wider and wider.
"It all makes sense now...!"
It all made sense.
"And I think I know how to fix it..."

Well... you know what to do people.



Thanks for the story! :pinkiehappy:

I love this story! The way you did it was amazing! I can't wait for the sequel!


Pinkie and Pinkamena solved their conflict, and Pinkamena now got friends and learned about friendship. Any sequel would deal with the "Easy solution" of giving Pinkamena her own body. Granted, you could have the sequel be about both ponies having therapy sessions, but is not as interesting with the main conflict having been solved. Or it could be that each of the mane six has a hidden personality... meaning the Sonic Rainbow basically made the mane six nuts, THAT I would like to read.

5927927 ah well you're wrong about what the sequel is going to be about; I think it'll be more interesting than this one was. Just wait and see :)

5927835 Thank you so much! ^_^

5926682 Thanks! ^_^

5926773 shenanigans XD probably something like that

5926814 XDDDDD good choice

5926959 wait and see like everyone else :3

5927026 wait and see

5927574 XDDDD taking cover might be a good idea

5927757 thank YOU for reading it! ^_^

Every time you've updated this story, I've had that feeling I should comment on it, but somehow I just can't find anything to say about it. I like it, but at the same time, it also kind of falls flat for me. I can't really think of it as an original work of its own, it just feels entirely too much like an abridged version of "What is a Name?" to me. That's hardly your fault, though, so congrats on finishing anyway. :pinkiesmile:

5928268 I absolutely love 'What is a Name'. It affected me more than any other story Ive ever read.
and I never noticed the similarities until you pointed them out just now.

...oops. Man, I'm on a roll today, and I'm not even trying to spoil anyone's fun. Don't feel bad, though. It's different enough to still be more than just a knockoff and the writing is certainly good enough to stand on its own merits. The inspiration is just very, very visible if you've read both stories. The sequel sounds like it'll go in a very different direction, though, so I'm looking forward to that.

5928363 well yeah, it's going in a different direction, but I realized I'm still unintentionally copying ideas used before me by What is a Name.....not giving spoilers here, but I don't know how I'm even going to write the sequel anymore.
Don't feel bad for doing that, you just helped me realize, that's all. I feel stupid for not noticing it before.

Well, you're welcome, I suppose. Don't tear yourself up over it, though. That kind of thing happens to everyone who starts writing at least once. I can't think of the name right now, but there was this one big-name professional author a few decades ago who wholesale copied a novel by Nabokov without ever even noticing himself until it was lying on the shelves.

5928394 I'm trying to not tear myself up.

Well, whatever you do, I would stay away from any mention of big-ass gems. :derpytongue2:

5928416 what? sorry I'm not sure what you mean ^^;

The ending to that story. They try to shove Pinkamena into some crystal or another, if I remember correctly.

5929100 well 1. I'm not gonna do that 2 SPOILEEEERS and 3. having that there in a story sense was both good and bad (Sorry went all critic there)

Twilight, I swear to Alvis, if you try to dampen or destroy Pinkamena, I will reach through my screen and throttle you.
People don't force others to change like that! It'd be like condemning a facet of someone with multiple personality- well, exactly that! They are a living being! They think, the feel, they are! If you think you're saving Pinkie, you aren't! You're just killing someone who she had finally made friends with. Someone who has had their life robbed of them, and actually forgave their captor. Someone with thoughts, feelings, even friends, and yet you would desecrate their at-long-last achieved balance?

As once said by an insane AI, with surprisingly nonsensical sense,
'This isn't brave. It's murder.'

I am glad this was the outcome, instead of some split-into-two-ponies bull or one-may-live-but-the-other-must-die crap. It helps to emphasize that no one is really the bad guy here, that both sides are simultaneously in the wrong and in the right.

Good ending AND sequel?
Yay :yay:

5930201 or twilight found a way to split them

So Pinkie and Pinkamena will be sharing time. Cool. As far as the sequel, one thought went immediately into my mind. Especially, at the end:

5931734 Maybe..everyone forgot about that because they care about their friend too much to notice? X3
(My pathetic attempt at handwaving a mistake XD)

5931792 XD well it will all make sense in time, and hopefully it'll be fun even while making sense

5930201 I'd like to see you do that to Twilight XD
but just wait and see what happens :)

5930968 yay! ^_^

5926587 Hmm, I really don't think of Flutterrage as simply a corrupted persona created by Discord. She already has made two appearances during Iron Will's seminar and her time as a Power Pony. If one simply tweaks it the right way, she could be a great defender in her own way.

5932776 Technically, she hasn't...and both those episodes were terrible, so eh.
But this is fanfiction anyways; my story wouldn't be a thing if not fanfiction. So whatever.

5945245 Wait you posted that on the first chapter did you post it after reading that chapter or the whole story?
And maybe, but what could anyone do in a situation like this? XD

Ok, so here's my thoughts on why there is blood on the cover picture: IT's showing what Pinkamena believes happened when Pinkie showed up. Pinkamena had her own destiny, that she was going to fulfill, but Pinkie showed up and "murdered" that destiny. it's also probably representing Pinkamena's freedom and ability to move being taken away as well. Oh, and how she believes Pinkie is sadistic. Just my take though, I'm probably wrong.

5987467 thank you! You gave me an explanation for the cover image XD

I didnt want a picture with blood, ive been looking for a better picture for the story for a long time.

5987610 Glad I could have helped, even a little!

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