• Published 12th May 2012
  • 1,738 Views, 68 Comments

Immortality and Change - mines5

Scootaloo is turned into a vampire, and her struggles lead to her falling in love with a changeling.

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Chapter 2

The shock that somepony had read her diary and wrote in it sent Scootaloo reeling in terror and she nearly fell over backwards. Her reaction attracted the attention of the other crusaders making them wonder what could scare their normally brave friend.

“What’s got ya so scared of a little book Scootaloo?” Applebloom asked.

Scootaloo didn’t say answer her question immediately, so instead of waiting Applebloom walked over to the book. That was until she was pushed aside by an orange blur.

“NO! Don’t touch that!” Scootaloo exclaimed closing and swiping up the book in one fluid motion.

“Why not, whatever is in there has you spooked,” Sweetie stated.

“Yeah, its not like ya got any personal stuff written in that book.”

Scootaloo realised that they were going to learn about her secret anyway. She decided that it was best to tell them instead of having them find out on their own.

“I was really hoping to not have to tell you guys about this, but...” scootaloo let out a drawn out sigh, “but I need you to promise not make fun of me after I tell you what it is.”

“We promise,” they said in unison.

Scootaloo took a deep breath, realizing she was about to reveal something that she had never told anyone about. Steeling herself for a moment she worked up the courage to admit what it was.

“This book is my diary,” a long awkward pause taking effect,”I’ve been keeping it a secret because I didn’t want anyone to know I had one,” her eyes tearing up slightly. “And the pony that messed with our stuff wrote in my diary.”

“Well, why didn’ ya say so, its not like we were gonna pry without asking,” Applebloom stated with a smile, “Right Sweetie Belle?”

“Yeah, its not like we don’t have our own diaries to write in.”

After Scootaloo’s emotional release they had a group hug, the message in the book forgotten for the moment in all the emotional turmoil. With that over, she put the words that had been written in her diary to the back of her mind in hopes that they wouldn’t ask what kinds of secrets were hidden away in the folds of paper.

“Now that all that secret stuff out of the way, what do you think we should do?”

“Ah dunno,” Applebloom looked at the pile of furniture and items. “I just can’t get over why somepony would trash our clubhouse like this.”

“Speaking of the pony that trashed our clubhouse,” Sweetie Belle interjected, “what did the stranger write in your diary in the first place?”

“Well,” the pegasus didn't know how she could explain, “it said, Today is your lucky day, my future daughter.”

The other two fillies stared at her.

“Really?” they both said.

“Why would I lie about someone writing in my diary?”

“To sound cool?” Sweetie Belle laughed but she went quiet once she noticed Scootaloo’s stern face.

“Well, that sounds pretty, uh, creepy ta me,” Applebloom interjected.

“But what could it mean?” Scootaloo asked.

The other fillies just shrugged.

“Ah wouldn’t worry ‘bout it too much,” Applebloom said reasuringly.

Scootaloo nodded in agreement, eager to put the experience behind her.

“Let's clean this place up then,” Sweetie said.

With all that said, they set about picking up everything that had been disturbed by whomever had decided to rummage through their things. Finally managing to get everything put away a few hours later, with just enough time to get ready before the new pony party Pinkie had planned. Each saying their goodbyes to each other before they split paths to go home and get ready.


Scootaloo sat inside the clubhouse watching her friends leave to go to the party. She convinced them she would leave a few minutes later by telling them she had a few last things to do. She reopened her diary and looked at the words written by the vandal.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” she whispered as if afraid that somepony was listening.

Suddenly afraid of being alone, scootaloo packed up her things and headed out the door hoping that her fears weren’t true. The apple trees were flowering that time of year and she watched as the petals drifted around her, momentarily forgetting about her problems. Scootaloo wouldn't have heard the hoofsteps approaching even if she was listening. The first sign that she was being followed though was when a shadow fell across her eyes and a familiar voice whispered somewhat affectionately from behind her could be heard.

“Happy birthday my dear.”

Before Scootaloo could even turn to face her assailant she felt a sharp pinprick of pressure on her neck and the trickle of blood down her back. She screamed in surprise and pain as the attacker bit down harder, moments later she fell into the painless void of unconsciousness.

She was flying again. Her dream took hold quickly and she soared gleefully with her idol. Rainbow Dash glided next to her and prepared to teach the filly a new trick. Then she felt it, a growing urge to kill something, anything. Like a hunger for a daisy sandwich but this time for the life giving fluid in her friend’s body. As she prepared to attack her friend, that was now no more than food, something pulled her out of the dream.

“Wake up, you're gonna miss the party if you don’t!”

Scootaloo opened her eyes and was met with the visage of Pinkie Pie filling her vision.

“Your friends found you sleeping out in the orchard and they asked me to help take you to the party!”

Scootaloo rubbed her brow unable to remember how she could have fallen asleep in the middle of nowhere. Though she hadn't been getting enough rest lately, maybe that was it.

She looked around at the ponies already arriving to the party. She was looking for one in particular. The strange stallion stood on the outside of the party watching her. When he noticed Scootaloo looking back at him he abruptly turned his gaze and pretended to watch Lyra and Bon Bon bicker over the best types of cake frosting.

“I know,” Pinkie said, following Scootaloo’s eyes. “It’s his party and he’s just standing there, not talking to anypony. Weird right?”

Scootaloo nodded, part of her mind nagging her that something was wrong with the picture here. She felt a small itch at the base of her neck and she scratched at it. Then a familiar sensation started to nag at her. She wracked her mind to figure out what it was and where she had felt it before. As Rainbow Dash trotted past and gave a quick hello she suddenly remembered her dream.

“I don’t feel too good,” she muttered.

“I hope its not too bad, I wouldn’t want you to miss out on all the fun to be had at a party,” Pinkie said.

That’s when she started noticing the noise, multiple low rhythmic buh-bump’s in the background. The sound seemed to surround her and spark a deep longing in her mind.

“I really don't feel good at all.”

Scootaloo’s body was starting to hurt and the roof of her mouth was becoming sore. There was a clink of something small and hard landing on the table and she looked down. A shiny white tooth glinted in the sunlight. She swallowed in fear and a second tooth went painfully down her throat. Scootaloo felt the new gaps in her teeth and felt two pinpricks slowly emerging from the holes. Her eyes went wide.

“What’s happening to me?” she exclaimed in a whisper hoping no one had noticed.

It would be at that time that Elderfree walked over, he could tell her teeth were just coming in from this distance by the pained grimace that was just barely visible on her face.

“You look like you're in pain,” he stated nonchalantly.

Scootaloo was surprised at how quietly he had appeared next to her. So was Pinkie Pie.

“You are a very sneaky pony!” Pinkie laughed.

The only response she got was a passive smile from the stallion. Pinkie noticed that the punch was getting low so she left to go fill it.

“What’s happening?” she whispered again, to no pony in particular.

“Its your birthday,” he replied sweetly.

She suddenly remembered why she had been unconscious in the orchard. Her eyes drifted up to Elderfree’s face, horrified.

“Wh-What did you do to me?”

“Don’t ask questions right now,” he smiled. “Why don't you go enjoy the snacks. This is your party after all.”

She followed where his hoof was pointing but instead of being towards the table of food it was pointed right at her two closest friends.

“What are you-” Scootaloo started to say, but at that moment her sharp teeth finished growing and the thirst for blood took hold. Her vision reddened as she continued to stare at Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. No longer were they her friends, just objects that could quench her insatiable hunger.