• Published 12th May 2012
  • 1,735 Views, 68 Comments

Immortality and Change - mines5

Scootaloo is turned into a vampire, and her struggles lead to her falling in love with a changeling.

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A beautiful young mare sat in a Las Pegasus restaurant, watching other ponies pass outside of her window. Five and a half years had passed since she became the monster she was now but anypony who looked at her just saw another pretty face. Scootaloo sipped a glass of water, the only thing her body allowed her to drink other than blood. Helped keep ponies from becoming suspicious whenever she stopped by a restaurant and ordered nothing.

She had been surprised when her body continued to grow, believing that vampires stopped aging after they became converted. Scootaloo had gone to libraries to learn more about her ‘condition’. Turns out a vampire that had yet to reach puberty would continue to age until they started to mature. She had recently stopped growing so Scootaloo guessed that she would be in the form of a teenaged mare forever.

She noticed a pair of stallions watching her from a table across the room. She could tell what they were thinking. She formed their presumed conversation in her mind.

“Hey man, look at that mare over there.”

“I see her. Should I ask her out?”

“Yeah man, she’s looking at you. You should totally get it on with her!”

As if on cue one of them stood up and made his way towards her.

“I’m not interested,” Scootaloo stated as she waved her hoof dismissively. After the short exchange she left through the front following the path until she got to an alley and turned in. She knew exactly what was going to happen next, and to her it was the best alternative she could find on short notice.

“Hello there sexy,” said a pony from behind her.

“I’m sure you know what you’re doing,” Scootaloo replied, “although you may find I’m the one on top soon.”

The stallion approached, disregarding what she had said. He slowly walked over, not noticing that she was staring at him hungrily. Only as her lips parted to reveal her fangs did he finally understand what Scootaloo had meant with her cryptic words. By then, it was too late to do anything to save his life. Scootaloo looked around very quickly to make sure nopony would witness and she lunged at him. His eyes were still focusing on the spot she had been when Scootaloo knocked him to the ground and ripped into his neck. The stallion let out a gurgled scream then became silent and still. The pony was dead within a few seconds and Scootaloo drained him of the crimson liquid.

After Scootaloo had finished with her ‘dinner’ for the night she walked over to her saddlebags. Pulling out a small cloth she tried her best to wipe away the blood from her lips. The second stallion rounded the corner, intending to join in on the ‘fun’, but instead stumbled across the body of his friend. Scootaloo looked at him and momentarily wondered what she should do about this sudden complication in her day.

"Well, you've just seen something that I can't let you tell other ponies about," she stated nonchalantly,"so how would you like your life to end?"

“Pl-please don’t kill me!”

“I am sorry, but its too late for that.” she shook her head sadly. “Do you promise not to scream?”

As soon as she finished saying that he turned on his hooves and began running for his life. A scream was barely out of his lungs when he felt her teeth sink in. His scream was cut short as her fangs sank into the base of his skull, severing his spine. He fell to the ground in a heap with Scootaloo on top of him. Scootaloo was no longer hungry so she released the stallion and watched him die, blood dripping from the wound she had inflicted. She almost smiled for a moment, sadistic pleasure surfacing shortly.

She shook her head, disgusted with herself.

“Oh Scootaloo,” she muttered quietly, “Look what you've become.”

She turned and went back to her saddlebag to clean herself up. Then proceeded to walk back into the street as if nothing had happened. She decided that there was nothing in Las Pegasus to see so Scootaloo headed towards the city limits. She knew it would be a few hours before anyone noticed those two were missing she would be long gone by that time.

Gone and on her way to the next town.

Dodge Junction or Appleloosa sounded nice this time of year and they were only a few day’s walk non stop from Las Pegasus. She decided to head towards Dodge Junction and she hoped that they had forgotten about her from the last time she visited nearly a year ago.

Scootaloo was about halfway to Dodge Junction when she heard what she presumed to be a group of ponies following behind her. She had no desire to walk with others so she quickened her pace, hoping to lose them. Suddenly the ground gave out before her hooves and she plummeted into a pit. A wooden spike drove up through her stomach but other than that she had managed to miss the other poles jutting out of the pit’s floor. As she pulled herself off of the spike five ponies dressed in violet and black cloaks circled around the hole’s opening.

“This one is a lovely specimen,” one of them stated as Scootaloo hissed like a cornered snake at them.

“Look,” another laughed, “it’s trying to make us fear it.”

“Be careful,” one warned. “It isn’t as injured as we expected it to be.”

“I am going to kill you all!” Scootaloo screamed, preparing to jump out at them.

They chuckled, and one of them replied, “Just try.”

She crouched down then released her tensed up muscles, hurtling herself at the nearest one. Before she collided with him he sidestepped and in a fluid motion drove a stake into her chest, barely missing her heart. Scootaloo screamed as the blood she had drank from the stallion poured out of her. She writhed in the dirt, now muddy with blood, unable to break through the mind numbing pain coursing through her body. Her assailant gathered around her, preparing to finish her off when one of them suddenly collapsed to the ground dead, a throwing knife protruding from the back of his head. The others turned and faced the new arrival.

“I would leave her alone before more of you join your friend,” a dark red unicorn smiled as he levitated two more throwing knives. On him were belts with more knives that glistened in the desert sunlight.

“What do the Spectres want with this vampire?” Demanded one of the cloaked ponies. “She is young and unimportant!”

“All the more reason to protect her.”

“Why you protect these monsters is a mystery to us,” the apparent leader of the cloaked ponies growled. “But you killed my nephew and I will seek vengeance for this!”

The shadowy ponies ran in different directions and disappeared into the haze of the desert. The red unicorn walked over to Scootaloo and attempted to help her up.

“Don’t touch me,” she hissed, knocking his hoof away.

“Very well,” he backed away and watched her.

Scootaloo pushed herself up and checked her wounds. The hole in her stomach was halfway healed but the spike still protruded loosely from her chest. She yanked it out, wincing in pain, then threw it.

“Who are you?” She demanded.

“The organisation I work for calls me Spectre 23,” the unicorn replied with a smile. “But you can call me Red.”

She looked at him, distrust in her eyes. “What is this organization?”

“We are a group of ponies and non ponies who like to walk in the shadows making sure those in the light stay safe.”

“What do you want with me?”

“I am what you could consider,” Red paused to think. “a recruiter.”

“Let me guess,” Scootaloo laughed. “You want me to join?”


“And what makes you think that having a blood drinking monster in your club is a good idea?” She rolled her eyes and started walking again trying to outpace Red. He followed.

“Because you wouldn't be the only one,” he replied sympathetically.

She stopped and looked at him. “Are you like me? But I hear your heart beating and I can smell the blood in your veins.”

“Oh no,” He smiled. “I am not but my mother is. That is why I am so... agile. A small percentage of the vampire traits were passed down to me.”

“But,” Scootaloo tilted her head in confusion. “I thought vampires couldn't have children?”

“Lets just say we have our ways of bypassing problems like that.”

Scootaloo started walking again but slow enough that Red could keep up.

“What would I get out of this?” She asked.

“Well, you would get friends and sanctuary from a world that doesn’t appreciate you,” he walked next to her. “But the most important thing you would get is a home.”

Scootaloo looked at him and smiled. “That sounds very tempting.”

He smiled in reply.

“But I am going to have to decline,” she continued. “Whenever I find a place to call home something happens and I lose everything.”

Red stopped smiling. “I am very sorry to hear that. Just watch out for those cloaked guys. They call themselves the Shadow Trackers.”

“Thank you for the offer and goodbye.” She walked faster leaving Red behind.

As she disappeared into the dusty haze he shook his head “I am not letting you get away that easily my dear.”

Scootaloo arrived at Dodge Junction two and a half days later. She felt hungry all over again, the wound that had been inflicted on her drained her considerably. It was time to find a suitable candidate for consumption.

“Help!” A mare’s voice cut through the air. “That pony just robbed the bank!”

That was easy Scootaloo thought to herself.

Walking up to the pony that yelled Scootaloo asked, “Which pony was it?”

“Him!” She pointed to a pony boarding a wagon.

“You’ll have your money back by the end of the day,” Scootaloo told the mare.

The wagon pulled away and Scootaloo trotted after it. When she was out of view of Dodge she broke out into a full gallop and easily caught up to the wagon. Once she had caught up she jumped quietly into the part that the bank robber was in and told it to him straight.

“Today was a bad day to steal from the bank.”

“How in the-” he was cut short by the evil smile on Scootaloo’s face.

The ponies pulling the carriage didn't notice the exchange going on behind them and they didn’t even hear his stifled screams as she tore into his neck. The only thing that caused them to realise that their plan had been shot to the moon was when Scootaloo jumped onto one of their backs and snapped his neck and then proceeded to do the same to the next stallion. She decided to not let anything go to waste and she promptly drained each body of their blood. Someone would find this later, but she hoped that no one would catch onto the fact that it was her. Plus, the vultures circling overhead would help obscure the evidence.

“Skillful one aren’t ya.”

Scootaloo spun around and faced Red. “What are you doing here?!”

Red shrugged, “First of all this is the same road you left me on. Second of all, I like a good show.”

“I am not a theatrical program that you can admire,” she hissed.

“Of course not,” he smiled. “You are something better.”

“Are you trying to flatter me?”

“A little.” he chuckled.

“Don’t tempt me to kill you,” she warned, albeit not seriously.

“Sorry.” He trotted away laughing.

Scootaloo returned to Dodge and gave the stolen money back to the mare.

“Oh thank you!” she clapped her hooves together with joy. “However did you get it back?”

Scootaloo smiled. “Mostly luck. They were in such a hurry that they didn't notice that the bag had fallen off the carriage.”

“Thank you again!” she hugged an uncomfortable Scootaloo. “How ever can I repay you?”

An hour later Scootaloo checked into a hotel with a saddlebag full of money. She entered her room and made a beeline towards the bathroom to take a shower. She couldn’t remember the last time she had showered, it had been so long. As the water ran down her body she allowed herself to forget about her problems. She knew she had to leave soon or she would attract suspicion, but a night or two couldn’t hurt she thought. As she dried herself off and prepared to relax for the night, four cloaked ponies silently approached her door.