• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 847 Views, 15 Comments

A Scratched Melody - Pankrazius

Octavia and Vinyl have to cope with their breakup after a hard fight. Princes or parties - who will be their savoir?

  • ...

First Chapter - Empty Rooms

I sat in the living room of our... no my house, staring holes in thin air. It was a week since Tavi and me broke up for good. Two rectangles on the wall, slightly paler then the rest of the light wood, remembered me. Two pictures, Tavi had taken away.

It was three days after her concert - I haven't had heard anything of her and was about to get really worried. Suddenly she knocked on the door. I was ready to hug her, to literally beg on my knees for forgiveness... but it turned out another way. Octavia wasn't alone. With her was the same blue stallion I saw in Sugarcube Corner before.

"Miss Scratch. We are just here to get Octavias possessions. So - please stay aside.", he had snarled, while he just shove me out of the way!

"Tavi!", I ignored the stallion. "I.. I."

"Please - be quiet. You have hurt Octavia more than enough.", the stallion growled, a hateful glaring in his brown eyes. "So don't make this harder, than it has to be."

I gulped.

Then Tavi rushed in, ignoring me with raised head.
She didn't speak one word with me. Not one bucking word. I didn't get it. This annoying blue guy blocked any attempt to get to her.
And then it was over. They had packed Tavi's stuff on a cart and moved away. I can't remember how long I stared after them.

But as I walked back into the house - the much emptier... deader house - my legs gave in. I sobbed silent, feeling more cracks in the surface of my slowly shattering world. To this point I had hoped to somehow convince Tavi. To apologize. To get her back. But this spark seemed extinguished.

* * *

"Don't you think we were to harsh to Vinyl?", I asked.

"Oh dear. I know you still like her.", Tune smiled. Then his face got a stern feature "But... she was just that mean to you - all the time. Her pranks, her chaotic behaviour. She had let you down... how often now? I just couldn't let her near you. No. Its better this way. Forget her - she is just a pain in your live. A pain gone now." he laid his hoof on my chin and raised my muzzle towards his and kissed me. Gosh - the butterflies in my belly went postal.

"I know..." I sighed.

For him it was more easy for sure. But I knew her as a friend for so long. To just forget her was not that simple. We lived for years in the same house. Shared many things...
But - Tune was right. Like always I think. She had played her pranks on me more than often. Had messed with my things. Even ruined some of them. Not on purpose, there I was sure - but because of her oblivious self. I don't know if that was less worse or more.
And - in marked contrast to Blue Tune, she never shared my love for classic music. She made fun of my work and never appreciated my sense for perfection. All in all it was for the better to move on and leave her behind. Like Tune had said.

No. Vinyl was no longer a problem. This chapter was closed for good. I smiled.

"Good girl.", Tune's face lighted and he smiled too.

This evening Blue Tune took me for dinner. The small restaurant on the road to Hoofington had a good reputation, but I never had availed myself the opportunity to dine there. Gosh - eventually with Vinyl. Just to get kicked out, because she would do something stupid.

"How did I earn this honour?" I asked as we trotted past the dark wooden windowed door.

"Oh, my lovely Tavi - you have earned any honour alone by being you." This was maybe a bit purple - but hey, after all we were a young loving pair. I blushed instantly and giggled like a filly. He was so gentle and polite. Yes I loved him.

"Garçon", inside the classic entrance room Tune waved one of the waiters over. "Your best table."
Gosh. His attitude. raised forehead, half closed eyes. His head shifted up. Like a perfect snob. Surprised by his acting I had to restrain myself to don't laugh out loud.

We got a nice seat in a bay with windows facing to the garden. The trees were full of brown red and yellow autumn leaves, the last rays of the sun shone like liquid gold. He sat in opposite to me, just a small round table with a white tablecloth and a lit red candle between us.

The food was quite excellent and the restaurant stood up to its distinction. But we had to concentrate on actually eating our meal, instead of staring in each others eyes or speak small silly words of affection.

"This was great. I love the place here.", I said while a warm feeling filled myself.

"I hoped you like it." he let occur a small pause, while he studied my face, letting me get red again. With half closed eyes - this time not arrogant, but more dreamy - he added "Bow."

"Excuse me?", I smiled wondering, focussing his blue eyes.

"Oh. I thought this would fit you. As cellist after all. But if it is not your taste...", gosh he was so sweet, as his ears turned red and he started to speak faster.

"A pet-name?", I added, still surprised.

"Oh. If you don't like it..."

"Its wonderful. Bow... that's sweet." I pondered a moment, as he exhaled with ease. "My Cello."

"Wait? What?" again he blushed. And silent I smiled in glee.

"Now - If I am your Bow - then you are my Cello. Easy as that. Because we belong together. Right?"

"I guess you are, Bow." He giggled. Gosh in this moment I fell in love with him once again. Yes - he was the stallion of my dreams. He was the one pony who would fill my life. I felt never before as lucky as in this very moment. But... more lucky moments should follow soon.

Later this evening we learned both something new about each other. Something wonderful and... maybe a bit naughty.

* * *

I didn't sleep very well this night. Maybe because of the Neighponese instant-noodles I had for dinner. Maybe because of the scene this afternoon. Probably because of both.
I rolled around on my bed, even stood up in the middle of the night and tried to write music. After all, loss is a big theme in the business and many artists cope with loosing someone they love by writing awesome pieces. But I didn't even manage to combine two notes - let alone from setting chords or basses. I sat in front of my laptop - staring at the flat-line my visualizer showed and hit some arbitrary keys.
No music this night.

Every time I glanced around I felt more depressed. Sure - Tavi and me had shared the rent. But she was the one who bought all the decorative stuff. This vases and dust-catching figurines and such. Pictures to hang on the wall. I had laughed at her. Unnecessary junk. I spent my money on equipment and the only decorations in my room were band-posters. Hand-signed ones. Things with a real meaning. No clutter.
But now - I could see every bleach spot on the walls where pictures were missing. Every clean circle on the dusty tables. Shadows of missing cabinets and empty shelves. It felt more like in a storage room than a occupied house.
Books. Yes I read. Not much. But now and then I enjoy written things. But I never could bring myself to actually buy those. Here it was a benefit that Tavi thought of me as an illiterate moron. She even bought me books, just to watch me read.
But after all - they were her stuff - so she took them with her.

I looked at my watch. A bit after one A.M. Maybe I could stroll to the club to party and chill - then I would sleep like a baby. Or maybe not. The dead house gave me creeps.

Two hours later I was done. Danced for an hour straight - the DJ was good. Not my league - but hey - my league consisted of exactly me. I had a few drinks and felt better. But also tired.
The chill-out area was a collection of wild garbled sofas. Pink, yellow, green. Modern to vintage and some really eerie specimen of "Couchus singularis". The legend told they were all from famous musicians who actually died on them. But I knew Spring Breeze, who run this business - and he had gotten them for cheap from Quills & Sofas after a water-pipe-burst.

Anyway, I streted myself on the cosy green Janis Jockey-sofa. Before I could start pondering suddenly a shadow was cast on me.
Pale pink pony, with cherry colored mane. Berryshine.

"Now? Everything alright with you?", she asked.

"Oh. Yeah. Sure," I didn't want to tell her what happened. I mean after all I knew her barely. Sure, she was a regular guest in the disco and she was kind of a fan, I think. At least she danced much and seemed to enjoy my music. And besides, it was no small talk theme and I didn't want to worry her. Berry surely didn't came here, to sit and listen to the misery that had stricken me.

"That's nice. And how does Octavia? Didn't talk to her recently." ... me neither I think. I tried to keep my smile, but It felt false.

"She has a new friend. How is he?" Gosh. I don't know. A big jerk most likely...

"Oh. He's new. She seems lucky with him. Have not thought about him much." I didn't think on much other things, to be honest. It hurt every time my mind wanders towards them.

"You... look sad. Is anything wrong?" Please - just stop. Don't make me think about it. I was here to forget. I felt sweat on my forehead and heat rising in my face.

"Oh.. no. everything's fine. Fine..." I couldn't keep my smile any longer, so I hung my head low, to don't let her see my sad face.

"There is something wrong", she commented dry, shoved herself near me. "But if you don't want to tell, you don't have to."

"Heyyy, Berryshine - I though I fetch us something to drink. What do you want? Cocktail? Beer? Just say. Its on me," I jumped up. There was no denying - she wouldn't buy it. But, correcting my shades I grinned wider.

"Oh. Just water.", she looked up to me with a faint smile.

"Water? Hey - If I spend you one, you wouldn't insult me, by just wanting water, do you? So what now? Beer?"

"No. You're right. Thanks. But... orange juice. I had enough this evening," she sighed.

So I made my way along the dance floor up to the bar. The music hammered and light beams cut through the dancing crowd. Flocks of dry-ice fog, were softening the view. Summer Wind, a muscular pegasus stallion, yellow coated with blue long mane - about the same color as mine - and alike blue eyes, greeted me. He was the brother of Spring and kept the bar.

"Yo Summer."

"'Sup Vinyl. What can I get ya?", he grinned as ever, gleeful and loving his job. I suppressed the urge to wipe this grinning off his face, straightened myself and ordered another beer and juice for Berry. On other occasions I surely would have spiced her drink up a bit. But tonight I just wasn't in the mood for any pranks.

So I headed back through the disco, glancing over the dancing ponies on the colorful lit dance floor, watching groups of others sitting around small tables or chilling in the bays lined up on the wall. Somehow the noise felt good. 'twas to loud to hear ones own thoughts. And I didn't want to think at all, this moment.
I took my way back slowly. Embracing the deafening, benumbing sound. But at least I left the grand room and the music diminished to audible thumbing basses.

Closing the door to the chill-out-area behind me, the sound was gone at all. And my thoughts came back. Sighing I looked up, spotting Berry, still sitting on her Marelyn Monterufolino-couch. But she wasn't alone in the room. In another corner two pegasi sat opposite to each other. I knew Thunderlane dark grey with his signature Mohawk - but the mare didn't ring any bells. Didn't matter anyway. They giggled and held hooves.
Gosh. Another lucky pair. I plopped down on my former place, hoofed Berry her drink and took a deep sip from my glass.

"So. What's up now.", she stared directly in my eyes. Or better in my shades.

"I.." I paused. Suddenly even the beer in front of me looked stale.

"You'll feel better, if you tell. I promise."

I pressed my lips together and gulped the lump down my throat. What should I feel better about? Tavi won't come back from talking.

"Tavi and me..." Shit. The rest of the words refused to come out. But they didn't have too, it seemed.

Without a word Berry closed the distance between us and laid her hoof around my shoulders. I wound myself out of her hug and jolted up.

"Sorry.", without any further words I ran out of the room, left the disco and came to my senses somewhere on the Town Square. Shit! Gosh darn it! My heart puckered and I felt the need to puke. A part of me just wanted to curl up somewhere and cry out in pain. The lucky pair, the lucky dancers. Summer Breeze. 'twas just to much to handle. I didn't want to see friends together. I didn't want to see happy ponies. I couldn't blame them. Least of all Berryshine, who just wanted to help me.
But... I just couldn't bear it any longer.
I ran home. Seeing the dark house and knowing no one where inside hurt again. But at least I could sleep. Had drunk enough booze to make me sleepy. Tomorrow it would look better I tried to convince myself.

* * *

Maybe you know this moment before you are truly awake? This half dreaming half conscious time? The moment everything is perfect. I swear, I smelled fresh scrambled eggs from below, you know with all this herbs and spices in it. On the rare occasions Tavi was earlier awake than me, she made them sometimes. Along with pancakes and other fancy stuff.

Funny thing - one would think Tavi is everyday up before me. But normally I am the early bird. Cannot lie still when the sun shines. Tavi however is a real slugabed. Tartarus knows - I had actually to wake her sometimes, so she don't oversleep.
Its not that strange if you think about it. Classical concerts are given in the evening and the after-parties - with plenty of expensive champagne and canapés, this much to small food-bits - last to the early morning. Like my work.

But this had to be one of this rare events. Yes. I was long on the road. Disco I remembered. Then - slowly like honey the single bits of remembrance came back. Breakup. Tavi moved out. Long shitty night. The same time the smell of fresh eggs faded away. I tried to hold the dream, to just deny what really happened. I felt like... like an ant trying to escape the maw of a doodlebug inside his pit. I ran in vain, as the sand of consciousness dragged me deeper and deeper to the one bad cognition.

Without much impulse I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled towards the stairs. I tried to ignore every empty spot on the wall and the half-open door to Tavis room. I fetched something out of the fridge - hoping it wasn't spoiled.
I sighed and ate. Then I sighed some more.
I pondered, cursed Tavi, her stage-show - and myself. Again and again I replayed the situation in my mind. I knew exactly what went wrong. Maybe I was lazy with my schedule. But it was her fault too. She had just overreacted. Maybe it was my fault. But... refusing to talk with me yesterday had hurt me! And this was just unnecessary!
C'mon Vinyl. Is this how you want to live for the rest of your life?
No. I had to make a decision. Tavi won't come back. She didn't like me any more. More - she was angry and hated me now. So it was the best to forget her simply. I had my work. I had my music - both things Tavi never respected anyway!

I could live my life without her! I even could have fun again. After all it seems, she didn't cope all to long on dumping me... . A new friend in a matter of hours? What should that tell me? That I wasn't worth at least a few moody days?
My fault - her fault - or not. This was no way to treat a friend. Not even an ex-friend. But she should see. If she just found new friends - I could do better.

Shivering by this new thought I stood up. Just out of this haunted house. I had to clear my mind.

Author's Note:

So, the second chapter is out.
Hope you enjoy.

And please don't hesitate to write if anything bothered you (and of course if you liked it, too.)