• Published 24th Apr 2015
  • 568 Views, 16 Comments

Journey to North Star - Cool writer

A Human and his new tribe of Thestrals are on a pilgrimage for a new home.

  • ...

1, Graduation

"And now, I would like to welcome to the stand, Alex, Aldetoro!" Principal Rulesky announced. And with that, the student (now graduate) in question, stood up and went to receive his diploma. Alex had been able to pass his classes, barely. He had spent a lot of time practicing his gun skills. But, here he was, graduating college! He walked onstage and took the rolled up paper in his hand, shaking the principal's hand with his other. The Principal smiled warmly at Alex. Alex smiled back.

"You've done great kid," Rulesky whispered. Alex nodded,

"Thank you." Alex responded. He walked off stage, happy as could be. He was proud to have finally graduated college, sure his parents were gonna give him 3 months to find a house/condo/apartment to rent/buy, but today he was going to celebrate with his friends and family that he had done it.

A few months later...

"Are you sure I should buy... this?" Alex asked his dad, gesturing at the apartment they had just entered.

"Yes, the deal was you had a few months to find a place, or we would find one for you." His dad replied. Alex sighed. The apartment his parents were going to force him to buy, was a small one bathroom room, with the kitchen, living room, and bedroom sharing the same space. The walls were a very unappealing lime green color.

"Still, can we get a place with more... room?" Alex pleaded.

"Well, this is all you can afford for the moment." His dad sighed. "Untill you get a better job, this is all you got." Alex groaned. He was so close to getting enough the raise he needed to rent the apartment he wanted. But, he was stuck with one of the rooms that new york city is known for. This was not what Alex had in mind when he graduated a few months ago.

Author's Note:

Short, I know. But "I cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" that the chapters will be longer... (can't believe I just did that)