• Published 24th Apr 2015
  • 570 Views, 16 Comments

Journey to North Star - Cool writer

A Human and his new tribe of Thestrals are on a pilgrimage for a new home.

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2, The life of a Bat

Stella (the oldest mare of the group) was lying on a cloud, snoozing through the warm, beautiful evening. She was never a day pony, but now being a Thestral to top it off made her a litteral night pony. Stella was a dark navy blue bat pony, with a regular blue mane. He silver eyes remained still behind her closed eyelids. She was awake, of course, but she still wanted to sleep. She suddenly heard the sound of beating bat wings. Nocturn was up. Nocturn was Stella's "gal-pal," and closest friend. Soon, the beating wings were right next to Stella.

"The early bird gets the worm Stella." Nocturn's voice invaded the quiet. Stella (who was facing away from Nocturn) grinned and began to snore comically loud. Nocturn started laughing. "If you don't get up I'm gonna buck that cloud." She threatened.

"But the moon isn't up yet!" Stella whined, flailing one foreleg in the air. Nocturn rolled her eyes.

"Get up you," Nocturn said, nudging Stella. "You're the leader and you gotta lead us!"

"I'm not the leader," Stella said, moving out of the way so that Nocturns hooves shot past her, then Stella grabbed Nocturn (who was much smaller than her) and pulled her onto the cloud, trapping her in a nuggy. "Luna's the leader."

"Stop it!" Nocturn laughed. "let me go!"

"Not until you let me sleep!" Stella laughed back.

"Ok ok! You can sleep!" Nocturn finally gave in. Stella smiled in her victory and released Nocturn.

"Thank you." Stella grinned. Nocturn and Stella were as close as (good) sisters, and almost considered each other as such. The sun was just on the edge of the horizon now and was about to set. The moon was in the same position in the opposite side of the sky. Stella looked at the full moon on the rise. She sighed. "Well I might as well get up anyway," Stella said, standing up. "Come on, let's go." Stella said, unfolding her leathery bat wings. Nocturn (who was already airborne) smiled in her victory. Stella began to beat her wings, and she took flight. Flight was nothing new to her, but for some reason, it felt much more natural flapping her leathery bat wings than her feathery pegasus ones. Before the two started to descend, they soared for a moment, enjoying the best part of being a Thestral.

After their evening stretch, Stella and Nocturn landed by the camp. The "camp" was just a bunch of sleeping bags around camp fires. It wasn't that impressive.

The camps inhabitants weren't any more impressive. Most of them were small foals, a few were in their pre-teenage years. Stella was about ready to live on her own but was still young enough to be considered, "a child" so she was still taken up by Luna's spell, and was grateful. Before she was a pegasus living on her parents farm, only her parents were missing. Lots of ponies had vanished when Discord ruled. Stella and Nocturn approached the camp, where day ponies were going down, and Thestrals were getting up. But, standing in the exact center of the group, was princess Luna, leader of the new (and secret) Lunar Republic. Somehow, Luna knew all the citizens of the Lunar Republic, and their names. Luna looked up and noticed the fillies approach.

"Hello there, Stella and Nocturn." Luna smiled. "It is a treat to see you."

"The same to you," Nocturn replied, trying to sound regal.

"Yeah, hey Luna," Stella said to the princess in her casual way. Luna always was close, and friendly to the people of the Lunar Republic. Luna smiled a warm smile at the two fillies.

"I've been thinking," Luna began. "That the Lunar Republic should find a leader for when I'm not here." Stella knew what she was implying.

"Nooo thank you," Stella replied, firmly. "I am not cut out to be a leader." Luna looked surprised.

"Ok then," Luna said again. She was about to continue, but before she could a blue collum of light shot from the sky, and hit right between Luna, and the two fillies she was conversing with. It emitted a low humming noise.

"What the hay is that?!?!" Stella called out. If you looked up, you could see a ball of light fall to the ground at an alarming rate. It hit the ground with a thud and an "oof." Then, the beam vanished, leaving a strange lump, and a circle of burnt grass, behind.