• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 1,183 Views, 27 Comments

The Cloudsdale Underground - Stratocaster

Rainbow Dash takes big risks in an illegal racing circuit.

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A Pegasus's Loyalty

The Cloudsdale Underground

Chapter 1: A Pegasus's Loyalty

"No no no no no no no no no!"

Rainbow Dash zipped through the Ponyville skyline, dodging between rooftops expertly. But this was no race or usual stunt she was in the middle of. She chose to fly so she could get to her destination faster and without causing a ruckus on the ground. Her heart pounded and she breathed heavily, nervous about what she might find.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay!" she frantically chanted as she buzzed to the side of town.

There, Rainbow finally reached the Ponyville hospital. She landed with a long skid and burst through the front door. Along the way through the corridors, she cantered sill frantically, paying no courtesy to the passing doctors and nurses and patients on stretchers. After taking a quick look at a directory as she passed by it, Rainbow kicked into gear and rushed to the correct room. At last, she found the emergency wing of the hospital and nearly knocked down the door as she entered the room. Her worst fears were there in front of her.

"Oh no! AJ!"

There on the bed was Applejack, lying in pain. Her front right leg and her back left leg were both hoisted in traction and her back right one was also in a cast. Her face and body were almost covered in bandages and gauze, and her left eye was swollen and purple. Nurse Redheart carefully adjusted the bed to make sure she was comfortable.

Rainbow came to her friend's side. "Oh my gosh, Applejack I'm so so so sorry!" she pleaded. "If I had watched where I was going, I wouldn't have crashed into your barn...again."

"It's alright, Rainbow," said Applejack meekly. "Accidents happen." She grunted from a tinge of pain in her leg. "I guess that'll teach me to work with lumber."

"Oh man this is bad." Rainbow frowned. "It's all my fault!"

"Hey hey, listen Dash," Applejack managed to smile at her. "I don't blame ya at all. That roof wasn't well supported, and ya couldn't have known I was under there."

"That's no excuse!" replied Rainbow. "I feel terrible. I have to do something about his. I'll...I'll pay for your medical bill!"

"Oh come on now, Dash." Applejack rolled her good eye. "Ya don't have to do that. Just the fact that you cared enough to come here is already enough."

"But...but I caused this." Rainbow could feel a tear welling up.

"Don't go blamin' yerself, ya knucklehead." Applejack reassured her. "I'll be fine. It'll take a lot more than a few breaks and bruises to bring this ol' cowgirl down."

Rainbow tried her best to keep her chin up. She wiped her tear away and gave her brave pal a hug, as gently as she could. "I promise I'll come back as soon as possible."

"That's all I need, sugarcube." Applejack winked, her morale uninjured.

Rainbow couldn't help but smile at the farm pony's gusto as she walked out. But her face quickly turned long again in the hallway, the guilt still dwelling insider her.

"Um, Rainbow Dash?" said Nurse Redheart, who exited the room behind her. She seemed hesitant to break the news. "I'm afraid Applejack's condition is worse than she thinks. She has multiple compound fractures, and some internal bleeding. She'll be fine overall, but based on the level of treatment we'll need, she'll likely be staying here for at least six months."

"Six months?!" gawked Rainbow. "She can't be here for that long!"

"Well, we can perform a special operation to mend her back to health within a couple weeks." Redheart said. "But I'm not sure if she can afford it."

"I don't care whatever it is!" stomped Rainbow. "I'll pay for her operation!"

"It's fifty thousand bits."

"...Oh...that is pricey."

"I'm really sorry, Rainbow." Redheart assured her. "We'll do everything we can to bring her to a speedy recovery."

"Thanks, Nurse." Rainbow sighed and left the hospital on hoof, hanging her head in shame.

Outside, the young pegasus moped through the street, as the guilt was too much for her to bear. Applejack may have been tough as nails, but if Nurse Redheart's predictions were true, that meant Rainbow would have to live with that guilt for a whole six months, at least. She knew she couldn't accept that. She had to do something to make her mistake put right. But it would be an even longer time before she could pay that fifty thousand bit bill. Rainbow hated how the world ran on money.

Eventually, she fluttered upward, still moping, and tried to find a nice fluffy cloud to relax and ponder on. But as she hovered, she overheard a conversation between Cloud Kicker and Thunderlane floating by.

"Hey, did you hear what's goin' on in Cloudsdale?" said Thunderlane. "Apparently, there are rumors of a secret racing circuit, unqualified by the Wonderbolts. And they hold huge cash prizes for the winners of each race."

"Wow that sounds like fun!" replied Cloud Kicker. "Maybe you should join."

"Are you crazy?!" bugged Thunderlane. "Only a complete nut would think of taking part in those kinds of races! They're full of thugs and cheaters and whatnot!"

"Kinda like you?"

"Oh shut up!"

A spark ignited in Rainbow's brain. The words 'racing' and 'cash' stuck in her ear as she formed an idea. There was no arguing against it. Rainbow quickly perked up, and sped back to her floating home, to pack immediately for Cloudsdale.

"Hold on, AJ," she said to herself. "I'm gonna get you back on your hooves!"


Fortunately, the floating sky metropolis of Cloudsdale was travelling relatively close to Ponyville, in central Equestria. And as a native, Rainbow already knew her way well around the cloud-built streets. Unfortunately, she had no leads whatsoever to a secret pegasus racing circuit anywhere. And asking certainly wasn't going to help.

"Secret race. Secret race." Rainbow trotted down the fluffy cloud road, looking left to right for any signs or flyers. "Oh what am I doing?!" she stopped. "They wouldn't advertise a secret race!"

"Did you say secret race?!" came a gruff voice.

"Uh, yeah?"

Speaking was a yellow male pony in a dark blue Cloudsdale Police Department uniform, walking over to her with a stony face. "You must've caught wind about the Cloudsdale Underground."

"I guess," said Rainbow. "Do you know about it?"

"I wish!" the officer replied. "My squad has been trying to crack down on it for years!"

"Crack down?" Rainbow cocked her head curiously.

"That's right." The cop huffed. "The Cloudsdale Underground is an illegal circuit. They travel to all parts of Equestria for tracks that are deemed too dangerous by Wonderbolts regulations. That's why only freelance flyers take part in the races. The whole organization is headed by rogues and crime lords. And for some reason, we haven't been able to find them yet!"

"Oh, that sounds serious." Rainbow instantly started to regret her decision.

"You weren't thinking of joining the Underground, were you Miss?" the officer looked at her suspiciously. His hoof started to move in a nudging gesture.

"What, me?!" she immediately played innocent. "Never! I was just...curious! Um, are you pointing somewhere?"

"I'm pointing you to move along, Miss!" he said, suddenly darting his eyes from side to side. "You should forget what you've heard!"

"It looks more like you're pointing toward that alley." She replied.

"Yes! That alley!" the cop said in a strange manner as he continued nudging. "Definitely do not go into that alley! There is some bad crime that happens in there!"

Rainbow looked at the peculiar cop for a moment. It was then that she noticed that his badge didn't even have a number. "Hey what's your deal, pal?" she glared.

The cop then gave up the strange act and suddenly pulled Rainbow by her tail into the nearby alley, before any passersby could see. He quickly pushed her against the wall, covering her mouth, and took off his cap revealing a spiky bleached white mane. "You're looking for trouble, sweetheart!" he seethed.

Rainbow pulled his hoof on her mouth. "Huh?! Wha- who are you?!" she blurted.

"So, you wanna join the Underground, huh?" the fake cop stared her down. "We don't just let little fillies like you in."

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Rainbow pressed herself against the wall in surprise. "You're with the Cloudsdale Underground?! And you're posing as a cop?! Don't you think that's kind of illegal?!"

"We don't exactly abide by the law in our little club." The shifty pony said. "You see, we have 'standards' and 'conditions' that-"

"Now just hold on a minute!" Rainbow interrupted and glared at him. "...'Little filly'?! Just who do you think I am?!"

"Heh, a pretty thing like you should stay away from our races." He lifted her chin. "It's kind of a big kid's game, ya hear?"

"Listen punk!" she retorted. "I happened to have graduated at the top of my class in Cloudsdale Academy. I'm the speed record holder in Ponyville, and I was even an official member of the Wonderbolts...for a few hours. In fact I'm even friends with Spitfire!"

"The Wonderbolts?!" the shady pegasus laughed a cocky laugh. "The Wonderbolts wish they could clean our hooves! If you really wanna join, somepony like you's gotta have a death wish!"

"I have my reasons." Rainbow insisted boldly. "And I don't care what it takes. I'm joining your stupid circuit! Now tell me where to go!"

The phony cop stared at her for a brief moment. Then he let a crooked smile cross his face. "I see, you really do have a death wish. Alright, I'm curious to see what you can do. Follow me." He flapped his wings and took off. Rainbow followed, looking around for witnesses.

Sailing over the pristine white buildings of Cloudsdale, Rainbow followed the cop poser all the way to the harbor at the edge of the city. There several huge zeppelins and many hot air balloons were docked, taking on and unloading passengers and/or cargo. Because of its constant movement, Cloudsdale became a hot-spot for passing airship pilots and opened the city up for tourism. The fake cop led Rainbow to the farthest end of the harbor, where a powerful quad-engine zeppelin waited on its moorings. There was a gangway leading up to the passenger entrance and a sign above it reading "Party Time Air Cruises". Strangely, there was an entire lack of passengers outside.

"Hey what gives!" said Rainbow. "I thought I was joining an illegal race, not a cruise!"

"Will you keep your big mouth shut?!" hissed the poser, looking around discretely.

Awaiting the two at the passenger entrance of the zeppelin was a red mare dressed in a deckhand's uniform. She stood formally and greeted them with a friendly smile. "Welcome aboard, sir!" she said in a pleasant young voice. She then saw Rainbow. "Oh, and I see we have a new gold flight miles member!"

"Gold what?" Rainbow looked confused as she stepped aboard.

The passenger deck inside the zeppelin was well-lit and complete with carpeting and decor. Photos of other airships exploring Equestria, and murals of picturesque skies adorned the walls between the luxurious cabins. It really did seem to Rainbow like it was meant for a cruise. But still the only thing missing was passengers. As she looked around, she heard the hatch close and a loud slap across somepony's cheek.

"You idiot, Volt!" the female deckhand scolded, her pleasant voice turning into a harsh one. "What do you think you're doing bringing some chick onboard?!"

"She's here to join, Flare!" the yellow pegasus named Volt rubbed his cheek. He then removed his cop disguise revealing a cutie mark of an electrode ball. "Apparently she's supposed to be fast."

"You know how the boss gets about recruiting new members so close to race time." The red pegasus named Flare then removed her flight uniform, letting down her tightly tied jet black mane and showing her cutie mark of a streak of fire. "He's going to turn you into vapor when he's done with you!"

"Hey look lady!" glowered Rainbow. "I'm good enough to race anypony in this little cult of yours!"

"Don't you talk to me you little bint!" sneered Flare. "I have every mind to toss you back off this ship!"

Just then, the deck shuddered for a moment, and the ponies instantly began to feel heavier. Outside the windows, the skyline of Cloudsdale sank below, as the zeppelin lifted off its tethers.

"You were saying?" Rainbow looked at the other mare smugly.

Flare ground her teeth in anger. "We'll just see what our boss has to say about you." She got in her face. "He doesn't take new members so easily."

"Really?" Rainbow met her face with hers. "I'd like to know how he let you join."

"Kiss." Volt muttered lightly, watching the other two.

"What did you say?!" Both mares looked at him.

"Nothing!" Volt walked away.

"Come with me." Flare seethed.

She begrudgingly led Rainbow down the corridor until they reached a larger area of the deck. It was a lavish lounge with floor-to-ceiling windows giving a tremendous view of the sky and the earth far below. Gathering in the lounge were over twenty pegasi, all unique yet equally thuggish looking. Most wore various pieces of black leather and spikes, as well as other ragged mismatched clothing. Some wore expensive jewelry and bling, others featured crazy punk hairstyles, and some even had grizzly scars across their faces from past races. The Cloudsdale Underground had convened; and standing before them in front of a window was their aforementioned boss.

"My friends...welcome back."

The speaker was none other than the notorious crime lord, Peregrine Falcon. With a massive bounty on his head, Falcon made his fortune from betting on, and fixing, Wonderbolts races, and eventually started his own line of racers who were the founding members of the Cloudsdale Underground. But the crime lord didn't just manage races, he partook in them. He was a pegasi of staggering figure, his muscles trained from years of rigorous stunt flying. His coat was a desert orange, his black mane graying from middle age, and his left eye was a charcoal brown; the other eye was blinded from a long scar that ran down it. To add to his menacing figure, Falcon wore a long black duster jacket and a matching wide-brim hat, that could conceal his face. If there was a perfect picture of an enigmatic villain, he would have bowed to Peregrine Falcon.

"It feels far too long since our last circuit." He spoke in a low gravely voice. "But considering the few of you who survived it, I consider last year's races...entertaining. I can only hope that the rest of you newcomers will show the same amount of guts."

"Man," scoffed Rainbow quietly. "Who's the creep in the pimp outfit?"

"Shut your mouth!" hissed Flare. "That's Peregrine Falcon! He started this whole circuit. You will show some respect."

"Hey, as long as he's giving out money, I'll respect anypony." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Then, Falcon paused in his speech, hearing Rainbow whispering. He looked at the rebellious mare from Ponyville with intrigue. "Well well, another addition to our cruise."

"Sorry, Falcon," said Flare, embarrassed as the others looked at the newcomer. "She showed up uninvited."

"Now now, Flare my dear," said Falcon with a crocodile grin. "The more the merrier. Anypony with the lust for speed is welcomed. Tell me, my blue filly, what is your name?"

"It's Rainbow Dash. And I ain't no filly, old man."

Some of the racers glared and readied themselves to teach her a lesson for insulting their leader.

But Falcon let out a resounding chuckle. "Quite the feisty one, aren't we? Looks like you have a run for your money, Flare."

"And just why, Miss Rainbow Dash," continued Falcon as he stalked toward her. "Do you decide to join our fun and games?"

"I'm not here for fun." She narrowed her eyes. "I'm here for your cash prize. I assume fifty grand?"

"Hmm, if you want to know what your prize is," he taunted. "You'll just have to stick around to find out."

"Fine." She replied. "I'll still beat every one of these goons."

Falcon chuckled again. "If you say you're that fast, then I guess I have no reason to see a demonstration of your skills." He looked at her sinisterly. "We'll just let the first race of the circuit decide that, Miss Dash."

"Bring it on." Rainbow scowled.

Falcon turned back to his crowd. "I hope that all of you will enjoy yourselves on my personal zeppelin while you still can." He spoke with a mysterious edge. "Tomorrow we land in the San Palomino Desert to begin the first race. And so my friends, tonight, sleep like geese, and tomorrow...soar like eagles."