• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 1,183 Views, 27 Comments

The Cloudsdale Underground - Stratocaster

Rainbow Dash takes big risks in an illegal racing circuit.

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A Pegasus's Bond

Chapter 6: A Pegasus's Bond

Rainbow walked a bit unsteadily through the corridor of the zeppelin as it sailed back to the mainland. After her biggest near-death experience in the Eastern Ocean, she was still trying to shake off her sea legs, which wasn't helped by the constant airborne motion of the zeppelin. Nevertheless, she managed through the queasiness over to the onboard infirmary. She stepped inside to see Volt sitting close by one of the beds which held Flare in a comatose state hooked up to a breathing tube. Volt looked at her longingly before turning to Rainbow, who entered with two cups of cider.

"Something else you're not telling me?" she joined next to him while trying to crack a friendly smile.

Volt sighed as he took one of the ciders. "I don't know why you're here," he said. "I thought you hated my guts."

"Well, I still kinda do," shrugged Rainbow. "But it just wouldn't be right to ignore you after what happened."

Volt looked back at his fallen racing rival somberly. "Thanks." He uttered.

"Hey, I'm a good listener after all." She replied.

"I mean for saving her." He said.

Rainbow looked at Volt with more sympathy. "She means a lot to you, doesn't she?"

Volt stared down reflectively. His edgy attitude had finally been put aside. "I love her." He said, stroking Flare's shoulder. "She means everything to me."

Rainbow paused to consider a question that had been nagging at her for a while. "Volt...how did you join this group anyway?"

With another heavy sigh, Volt sat back in his chair. "I was an orphan growing up alone in Cloudsdale." He explained. "I managed to live off of challenging others to back-alley races. I even tried out for the Wonderbolts once, but they wouldn't let me in because I played dirty. Then I met Peregrine Falcon. He found me off the streets and took me under his wing. For some reason, he saw potential in me, and offered to join his racing circuit. I was scared at first, but...then I saw his daughter."

"So it's true, huh?" Rainbow said.

"Yeah, Flare is Falcon's daughter." Volt nodded. "And I fell in love when I saw her fly in training. She's so tough and brave, and it's like she excites my blood every time she flies. I agreed to compete for Falcon, but really I was just doing it for Flare. I had hoped that one day, once I got on Falcon's good side, he would repay me for all my progress with his daughter's hoof."

"Well, I can definitely see you guys together." Rainbow said. "But I just don't get it. What kind of father would make his own daughter compete in a bunch of dangerous races?"

"I was the only one she told this to," continued Volt. "But when Flare was born, her mother died of childbirth. So I guess Falcon kinda had a grudge against her. He started treating her less like a daughter and more like a worker, and so he would make her try to prove her worth through racing. When Flare told me that, I made a promise to her. I would become the best racer in the Underground and become successful enough to take her away from all of this. But Falcon is such a damned perfectionist that he still won't let either of us leave. He's a tyrant. He won't give us any freedom until we're just as good as he is. And now it's almost gotten Flare killed." Volt gripped his beloved mare's hoof. "I'm sick of it, Dash. All the training. All the races. It's torture."

Rainbow frowned reverently. "I'm sorry, Volt." She said sincerely. "The only reason I joined this circuit was to help a friend in need. But you have it way worse. I wish there was some way I could help."

"Don't worry about it." Volt turned to her with a soft look. "I'm just grateful that you and Soarin' rescued Flare. I've seen a lot of gutsy flyers come and go. But you, Dash? You're one of the best. I was just too stubborn to admit that."

"Ah, I was just trying to push myself." Rainbow smiled. "But you're a natural at this. You and Flare."

"I guess we have to be, in Falcon's eyes." Volt nodded.

As if on cue, Falcon entered the infirmary with a disdained scowl directed at Rainbow. "I knew you were bad luck." He said in a gravelly voice. "Ever since you arrived, you've been making a mockery out of my racing league. No good can come from small town amateurs."

"Piss off, old man." Rainbow stood her ground. "What kind of father puts his daughter's life in danger like that?"

"I assure you I'm not completely heartless." He approached his unconscious daughter. "I came to make sure that Flare is still alive and well. She is my flesh and blood after all, even though I thought she would be strong enough to handle that underwater tube. Apparently not."

"You crossed a line, Falcon." Volt said. "She doesn't need your pity."

"And who are you to speak up to me like that?" Falcon glared at him. "I gave you a new life! I picked you up from nothing and gave you all the luxuries of a champion, and now you repay me with disrespect! I should send you back to the streets you came from!"

"At least I'd be better off!" retorted Volt.

"Well it doesn't matter now." Falcon sulked. "Since I've pretty much lost faith in everypony in this circuit, I'm cancelling the rest of the Underground early. It's been a disaster this whole time."

"What?!" gawked Rainbow. "But I still don't have enough prize money for my friend's medical bill!"

"And how is that my problem?" scoffed Falcon as he strode out. "You should count yourself lucky that a wannabe like you has managed to survive this long. We'll be arriving in Cloudsdale shortly. I'll just be glad to have a jinx like you away from my sight."

Rainbow stuck her tongue out as he exited.

"Look Dash," said Volt. "I know what it's like to fight for somepony you care about. So I want you to take my winnings I had saved from earlier races. It's the least I can do."

Rainbow looked at him in surprise. "Volt, are you sure? I mean, what's gonna happen to you now?"

"Well, I want to quit the Underground, but I think Falcon will come after me if I do." He gave her a half-hearted smile. "Don't worry about me though, I lived through a lot. I'll be able to get myself, and Flare, out of here soon. But you got a future ahead of you, Dash. You just might be one of the greatest flyers in Equestria. Don't let this crummy tournament keep that from happening."

Rainbow looked down with a heavy heart. Not long ago she saw Volt as just another thug who was trying to get her goat. But now he was another friend to fight for. She knew she couldn't accept his offer. But she also knew she could still make things right. "Hang on." Rainbow cantered out of the infirmary and hurried after Falcon down the corridor. "Hey Falcon!"

"What now?" asked Falcon with a groan.

"The competition may be over, but I ain't done yet." She said. "I challenge you to a race, one on one, just you and me!"

Falcon stared at the feisty mare for a moment, then failed to keep back laughter. "Now that's adorable! Forget the fact that you could never beat me in a race. If you think you're getting any more prize money from me, keep dreaming. I'm done wasting my time with you."

"This is no longer about me." Rainbow held firm. "If I win, you have to give all of the wealth you made in this shady tournament to Flare, Volt, and every other pegasus you've worked to death."

Falcon sneered. "Fine. But if I win, you'll have to stay in my racing league for the rest of your life. And if you fail to exceed my exceed my expectations, I will not make it easy for you."

"Oh don't worry." Rainbow smiled cockily. "This race will be all I need to blow your mind."

"If you say so." Falcon turned to leave. "I'll be choosing the track for us. Make sure to bring your best game tomorrow."

"I'll be miles ahead of ya, old man." Rainbow turned away.

"Dash, are you out of your mind?!" Volt came up to her. "Falcon is unbeatable!"

"Oh please," Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Has anypony actually seen him fly?"

"Don't be fooled by his age." Volt said. "He trains every day in secret so that nopony can observe his technique. There have been pegasi who've challenged him before and...well..."

"How bad could it be?" she shrugged. "Have you raced him before?"

"Yes," he shuddered. "And I was the only one who came back after losing."

"...Oh..." Rainbow stared for a moment. "Whatever! I'm not gonna let the odds beat me. I'll give Falcon a run for his money!"

"You don't understand!" urged Volt. "Look, you're a fantastic flyer and all, Dash, but Falcon is just plain over-powered. And if he doesn't know how to beat you now, he'll find a way on the track! He's knows every trick in the book! He's unstoppable!"

"And you sound like his fan club." Rainbow mocked.

"I'm just saying this is a bad idea because I'm worried for your life."

"Volt, you won't believe how many times I've risked my life, before I joined this stupid tournament." Rainbow told him. "I've faced more bad guys and monsters than a pony should have to. And do you know what I get out of it? Knowing that I'm fighting for the safety of my friends. So no matter how much crap I face, I'll go through a thousand races with Falcon as long as it means somepony else will be happy. That's what I believed before, and that's what I believe now."

Volt smiled at her tenacity. "You really are something else, Rainbow Dash. But that doesn't mean you'll be going this alone."

"What are you talking about?" she asked. "It's a one-on-one race."

"Sweetheart, you're talking to the cheating master here!" he grinned deviously. "If you're gonna win against Falcon, then you gotta be able to play dirty. And you're gonna need my help."

"Count me in too!" Soarin' strode in happily.

"Oh really?" Rainbow grinned slyly at him. "Mister Honest Wonderbolt is going to start bucking the rules?"

"Well if it's going to be like that, maybe I won't save your life again." Soarin' winked.

"You're not too bad either, poster boy." Volt said to him. "No hard feelings?"

"Hey, I was actually kinda jealous." Soarin' scratched his head. "You gotta teach me how to turn at a ninety-degree angle like that."

"I'd be happy to teach a Wonderbolt a thing or two." Volt gloated.

A hoof tapped Rainbow on the shoulder from behind. She turned around to see a familiar face smiling at her.

"Gotta go fast!" Turbo gave her a friendly salute.

"Sure, Turbo," smiled Volt. "You can also help." He then turned to Rainbow again. "Dash, I can never thank you enough for what you're doing. I think you just might have a shot at this."

"I guess it's just a bad habit of mine." She shrugged. "And don't you worry, Volt. We're going to make Falcon pay for his torture, especially for Flare's sake."

"So, how are we gonna beat this old crook?" asked Soarin'.

"Simple. We just have to look at all the rules we've ever learned about flying," Rainbow grinned. "And forget them all."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. I'll make sure to publish the final chapter quite soon!