• Published 29th Apr 2015
  • 3,845 Views, 166 Comments

Team Harmony - Norwegian boy

What would happened if there had been more then 6 elements of harmony?

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A Fox in Time part 3

“Hey, I said take me to your leader not put me in jail.”

After waking up to my lasted trip, I found out that I had travel even further back in the past, to where Celestia and Luna’s parents were rulers of Equestria. Now, you are probably wondering how I know that, the guards said that I was trespassing into king Solaris and queen Gaia’s castle, I put two and two together.

So here was, in jail and no way to get out. I sat down on the bed in bed in the cell and let out a heavy sighed. “This is just great.” I look out of the cell and saw some guards there. “Hey, can I get some food here? I’m starving.” I wasn’t lying, I was starving. They didn’t move a muscle. “Is this how you treat prisoners?” Still no answer, I just lay on the bed and started up at the celling. All I could do was wait.

I don’t know how long I wait but eventually I could hear the door to the prison open and in walk a male alicorn and here’s the creepy part, he kind of look like a male version of Celestia. He had white fur, the colour of his mane/tail was composed of three different version of the colour red, he also had a beard. He walk to my cell and look at me in my good eye and let me tell you, I was actually terrified. I could actually fell his magic aura and it was hug, it was more powerful than the sisters. I sat up in my bed.

He walk to my cell and stop not far from it, he study me a little before he spoke. “So, you’re the fox who magical appeared in my throne room.” That was the place I landed, weird. “If you were going to kill me then you should done a better job.” Say what?

Then Falco interrupted me “So let me get this straight, you landed further into the past and Celestia’s father thought you were there to kill him. Did it get that right?”

I nodded my head. “Pretty much.”

That made him laugh. “Oh man, you have the worst luck.”

I couldn’t help but snort of what he said. “You have no idea.”

I just started at the king as he had gone mad. “You think I am here to kill you? Why would I do that? I don’t even know who you are.” I knew his name but that was it.

“My name is king Solaris and I am the ruler of Equestria and you will address me like that.” Oh no, a ruler with an ego, just my luck.

“Yeah, that’s not going to happened.”

That just made him angry. “Then you can rot in your cell unless you tell me who send you to kill me.”

Is this guy serious? “No one send me, I ended up in your throne room by accident.” I doubt he would believe me if I told him I was from the future.

“Then you can stay here for the rest of your life.” He turned around and walk out of the dungeon, I just stared out of my cell. “Great, just great.” I lay back in my bed.

Again, I have no idea how long I was in the cell, but I was getting hungry, I hadn’t eaten for a while and throwing up kind of made me even more hungry. I happened to look out my cell and saw the two guards leave the dungeons, one could only wonder where they were going, probably to eat. Man, I could go for some meat.

Right after the guards left the door open again and this time a little filly step into the dungeons and I recognised her right away, it was Celestia, filly Celestia. She was just like the grown up one, just that her hair/tail was pink.

She walk to my cell and look at me with curiosity, I couldn’t see fear in her eyes which was weird.

“Should you be in here?” I asked her.

Her eyes widen when she heard me talk. “You can speak?”

I couldn’t help but roll my eye, I haven’t heard that in a while. “Yes, I can speak. What did you think I would do, make some weird noise when I spoke.”

She actually started to pout. “I don’t know, I have never seen a fox walk on two legs and talk before.” I have to give her that one.

“Alright the, what are a princess doing here in a dungeon?”

Her eyes widen again. “How did you know I was a princess, are you a spy?”

I just rubbed my forehead. “No, I am no spy, it’s bad enough that your father thinks that I am one.” Now she just confused. “Your fur is the same colour as Solaris and you’re an alicorn, I just put two and two together.”

She just nodded her head. “I guess that makes sense.” I guess so too.

“You still haven’t answered my question, what are you doing in here?”

“I’m here because I heard a rumour that a giant fox that appeared in the throne room and was arrested,” She then look away. “I am also hiding from my mom.”

Curious. “My I ask why your hiding from your mother.”

She then look down on the ground and then she kick up dust with her feet. “My mom is pregnant and now is like I don’t exist anymore,” She then look at me with tears in her eyes. “all she talks about is a pony that hasn’t been born and she ignores me, I hate it.” Now I felt bad for her, if I could, I would hug her, but it was a little difficult at the moment.

So, I did what I could, I walk to the bars and patted her on the head. “Having a little sister doesn’t sound that bad.”

“Maybe, but I worried that my parents would just forget me.”

“That’s just not possible.” She look up at me. “You are their daughter and they will never forget you. Sure, I don’t have any sibling myself but if they forgot you, then they are really bad parents and beside, you are going to get a young brother or sister, you have to be a role model for that pony.” I know who the baby is, but I am not going to tell her. “And you also have to be nice to your younger sibling, if not then your parents will definitely hate you.”

Now she was scared. “I don’t want that to happened, I don’t want my parents to hate me.”

“Then stop fell sorry for yourself and talk to your mother.”

That got a determined look in her eyes. “You are right, I am going to talk to my mother right now.” She then ran out the door, could help but shake my head. “Kids.” Then I just realized that I could ask her to open my cell door. “Crap.”

I have no idea how long I was in the cell when I got another visited, it was night, so it have been a long time. I was just sitting on my bed when a female alicorn was standing in front me, she has blue fur and her tail/mane was light blue and it look like the night sky, she kind of look like Moon and I could see that she was pregnant.

“Let me guess, your Solaris wife.”

She nodded. “That’s right, my name is Gaia and you’re the fox that landed in the throne room.”

“Yes, I did, and I didn’t mean to it.” I wasn’t about to tell her how I ended up there.

“According to my husband you are here to kill him.”

Oh brother. “No offence to your husband but I think he’s a little paranoid.”

She actually became sad when I said that. “Yes, over the years he has become more and more paranoid, I think the years as king has affected him. He used to be a kind ruler but now, I don’t know.” Then she got a serious look in her eyes. “Now, might telling how you just appeared in the throne room.”

I still wasn’t sure if I should tell her. “Even if I told you I’ not sure if you would believe me.”

She leaned closer to the cell door. “Try me.”

Is it a good idea to tell her? If she believe me then she might set me free and let me leave, but on the other hand, she could think I was crazy and make sure that I was look away forever.

“Fuck it, I’ll tell you.” Yeah, I decided to risk it. “I came from the future thanks to the elements of harmony.”

I wasn’t sure if she believe me or not, is was a little difficult to read her. “Are you telling me that you are from the future and you ended up in the throne thanks to the elements of harmony?” I just nodded, she just crossed her arms. “Prove it, tell me what happened to me in the future.”

I kind of expect that. “I can’t do that because if I did it could alter the future, I almost did that before I got here.”

She wasn’t impressed by my answer. “Didn’t you just tell me that you came from the future?”

“Yes, but I just travelled about fifty years into the past the first time, I have no idea how long I have travelled this time. If had to guess I would say at least over two thousand years, maybe even more.” I placed both hands on my face and started to rub it. “Look, I don’t expect you to believe me I just need to get to the elements and then maybe I can get back to my own time. If not, then I going to stay here for something I haven’t done.” I let out a heavy sighed, I hope she believe me.

“Open the door.” I was shocked to hear those word, I watch as a bat pony opened the door to my cell. “I will take you to the elements so you can return to your own time.”

I was confused right now. “You actually believe me?” I said while getting up from the bed.

She nodded. “Yes, you don’t look like the lying type and I am pretty sure that you are here by mistake and not to kill my husband.” She got that right. “Follow me and stay close to me, if my husband’s guard see you there will be trouble.” I really don’t want that.

I just had one question; “Why are you helping me? You don’t know me at all.”

“When I heard my husband say that fox that was walking on two legs was send here to kill him and that he placed you in prison for it, I couldn’t help but question his decision. After hearing you tell your story, I believe your just lost fox that wants to go home.”

I was stun of what she said. “Wow, your good.”

She just shrugged her shoulders. “It’s a gift. Now, come on, I don’t want my husband to find out.” I got out of cell pretty fast. “Go and see if the coast is clear.” One guard saluted and headed to the exit.

He then opened the door and took a look. “It’s clear my queen.”

“Good, let’s go.” She walk first and I followed. Man, I can’t believe I’m trusting my life Celestia and Moon’s mother, considering their father has a screw loose.

Now were walking through the hall of the castle and I just had to ask about her pregnancy. “So, how long are you?” I have no idea if that was the right question.

“If you’re talking about my unborn foal, four month.”

“I guess you’re happy that you are getting a baby.” I wasn’t about to tell her that Celestia had visit me, not yet.

I was walking behind her, but I knew that she smiled. “That I am.”

It’s time. “What about your other child?”

That got her to stop and turn around to face me. “Are you talking about Celestia?” I nodded. “How do you know her?” I could tell her I meet her fake one in the future, but I decided not.

“I got a visit from her while I was in my cell and she told me that you care more about your unborn child then her, is that true?”

“She told you that?” I nodded, again. Her face then became sombre. “I didn’t know that she felt like that, did she say anything ells?”

“Yes, she was worried that you and your husband would forget her.” She didn’t say anything, she was just shocked. “I suggest you and Celestia have talk later.”

“Yes, you are right.” She then just smiled? “You talk like you’re a father.”

I just shrugged my shoulders. “I am, I have a daughter that is fourteen.” She just keep on smiling as she started to walk again, and I followed her.

We finally arrived at our destination, I giant door that had six different cutie mark I hadn’t seen before, it was obviously that they had the elements lock up in that room. Before I could take look at the marks, Gaia open the doors with her magic.

“Don’t let anyone in, not even my husband.” She told one of her guard.

The guard saluted. “Yes, my queen.” Me and Gaia went inside.

Once inside I could see the elements in their stone form. “Here they are, the elements of harmony.”

“Yes, I can see that.” That was sarcasm. I walk over to them and started to study them, considering who to touch

“What are you doing?” Gaia asked me.

“I’m thinking, last time I used them I didn’t see which one I touch.”

“So, you think that each elements does something different depending on which it is?”

I gave her a thumbs up for that. “Bingo. Well, that’s my theory at least.”

I didn’t see it, but I knew that her mouth fell open when I said it. “Your theory? Are you telling me you don’t know?”

I turned around and I was a little annoyed. “How could I? I don’t how they work, a friend of me have been studying them for almost a year and she is still clueless, for he most part. Tell me, do you know how they work?”

She opened her mouth a few time to answer but she said nothing. “No, I don’t know how they work. The elements of harmony are a mystery and I guess they are still that in your time.” I didn’t question what she said.

I was about to touch one of them when a guard came in. “Sorry to bother you my queen but your husband is on his way here and he is not happy.”

She actually groan when she heard that. “I was afraid of this, that paranoid fool. Delay him at all cost.” The guard just saluted and headed out the doors. “You better leave before he arrives.” I was about to argued with that.

I touch the closet one and as I did the doors open and a pissed off Solaris walk in, I just said. “See you later alligator.” And then he disappeared.

Solaris just watch as the fox disappeared into thin air, he then look at his wife with anger in his eyes, Gaia wasn’t affected at all. “Care to explain why you let the prisoner escape.” He said with anger in his voice.

“I didn’t let him escape, I let him out. He might look like an enemy to you but not to me, I saw a fox that didn’t belong here, so I send him home. If you have a problem with that then find someone who care,” She walk past him. “you paranoid fool.” Gaia left the room leaving a pissed of Solaris alone.

When I finally could feel again, I was once again lying on the floor face first. I pushed myself up and threw up again. “This can’t be healthy for me.” I rolled around so I was lying on my back and I look up at the celling, it was intact. “Crap.” I wasn’t in my own time, then I saw swords pointing at me, again. “Not this again.” Déjà vu.

Then one of the guard spoke. “Halt creature, you are trespassing in queen Gaia’s castle.” Queen Gaia’s castle? That catch my attention.

Then a female voice spoke up. “Stand down solider.” It sounded like Celestia. “Fox is my guest.”

The guard in question, look over his shoulder. “But, princess Celestia, he just appeared out of nowhere. He could be a spy for all we know.” Not the first time I been called a spy, it’s better than an assassin who is trying to kill the king.

“He is no spy captain, he is my guest and I be happy to tell my mother that you threat him.”

That got every guard to sweat, the actually started to sweat. “As you wish princess.” They actually put away their swords.

“Good, get back to work all of you.” They walk away.

I just lay there as I heard footsteps, Celestia was walking towards me. Shen then look down at me and I could see that she was much older than last time, her mane was still pink.

She then gave me a smile. “Good to see you again Fox, how are you?” I felt like crap.

“How long?” That just confused her. “How long has it been?”

“Oh, it’s been ten years since you first appeared her.”

I couldn’t help but placed both hands on my face and groan. “You got to be kidding me, I only travelled ten years into the future. I’m going to die before I get back to my own time.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Considering that I throw up every time I travel in time.” I sat up and that made me burp. “Sorry, I have throwed up three times already.”

Celestia just giggle. “It seems that magic dosen’t like you.” You have no idea.

I stood up and took a look around I saw that I had ended in the throne room, then I notice only one throne. “Where is your parents?” I had an idea, but I had to ask.

“My father left right after my sister was born, he said he didn’t want to live with my mother anymore.”

I knew it. “I’m guessing that’s my fault, sorry.”

Celestia shock her head. “Don’t be, I never like my father and besides, he wasn’t actually the king.”

“What do you mean?”

“You see, after the three tribes founded Equetria, they let my mother ruled over the land considering they can’t live forever, and she eventually fell in love my father. Then they got married and he became king.” Gaia was the original ruler, that’s cool.

Who knew. “You don’t say…”

She then smiled. “Come, let me show you to the room where you be staying for the night.” She started to walk towards the door.

That just confused me. “What do you mean by night?” I look out the nearest window and saw that it was actually night time.

“I have heard enough.” I stop talking and everyone in the room look at Twilight was furious right now. “I can’t listen to this anymore, you have messed with time itself. Travel back in time and changing the past.”

She then started to ramble which made Sunset to walk over to her and slap her on the head. “Would you just shut up, it’s not like he did it on purpose, it just happened.” The yellow unicorn told the purple one.

“Maybe, but…”

“And besides, he didn't change anything in the future. Celestia was still replaced by a fake, Nightmare Moon was still send to the moon and we became the next bearer of the elements of harmony and if the future did change, we wouldn’t remember it all. All we can do now is to believe Fox so shut up” That got Twilight to shut up.

“Thank you Sunset.” She gave me a small smile. “As I was saying.”

As me and young Celestia walk through the halls of the castle, the guards gave me looks, like they were watching me the whole time. I just ignored them, if they wanted to scare me they had to do a better job.

Then I decided to ask Celestia something. “Why do I have to stay the night? Can’t you just show me where the elements are? Then I can leave.”

She didn’t answer me right away. “Sadly, I can’t. After you appeared my mother hide them, and I don’t know where they are, so you have to wait until tomorrow.”

“That’s just fucking perfect.” I know she look like Celestia, but I had to be sure. “Tell me, what did I tell how you should threat your unborn sibling?”

“You told me to nice, which I have been.” That’s her. “Why do you ask that?”

“No reason.” I have a reason, but I wasn’t going to tell her, that’s for sure. I’m not going to fuck up the future.

Then we finally arrived at the room I was staying, which was good. Considering every guard has given me the dirt look, like they want to kill me, good luck with that.

“Here we are, you be staying her and when my mother comes back tomorrow you can leave.”


I was about to open the door. “Do you want some food?”

That was a question I didn’t have the answer for right now considering I have been throwing up three times now, better be on the safe side. “No thanks, I will wait.” With that I entered the room. Once inside I walk straight to the bed and fell face first on it. “Fucking Discord.” I want to blame him, but I guess is my own fault to that I’m in the past.

I don’t know how long I just lay in the bed looking at the celling. It’s been a while since I arrived, but I just couldn’t sleep, and the reason was in the room. “Fuck it.” I got up and headed to the bathroom, not to do my business but to get a glass of water. Once I had the glass with water, I headed back to the bedroom and walk to the corner nearest to window. Then I threw the water into the shadow and I hit my target.

“What the hay?” Out from the corner came a little filly, Nightmare Moon filly. “Why did you do that?” She asked me with annoyance.

“Why are you spying on me?”

“I’m here to see if you are dangerous or not.” Not this again.

I grabbed her arm and started to drag her towards the door. “I don’t care you think I am dangerous or not, I am not in the mood for this shit.” I open the door and tossed her out. “Don’t spy on me anymore.” I slammed the door before she could say anything.

“Did you seriously do that?” This time it was Rarity. “You just tossed water on princess Nightmare moon and threw her out of your room?”

“She was spying on me and I wasn’t in a good mood at the moment, can you blame me?” She didn’t answer.

After what felt like hours, the sun finally came, and I haven’t sleep all night. Then someone knocked on my door and in came Celestia.

“Good morning.” Is it? “Did you sleep well?” She then saw my face, I wasn’t happy. “I guess not.” She then look away, can’t say I blame her. “I came to invited you to breakfast, if you want.”

My stomach then made some sounds. “I could eat.” I got up and followed her.

Once we arrived at the dining room I saw two pony I had never seen before, two alicorns. One was a stallion, he had brown fur and his mane/Tail was black, he haply eating breakfast by the table. The other was a girl and she had pink fur with withe mane/tail, she was also eating breakfast. Only the stallion look familiar to me and I don’t know why. Both of them was sitting by a table that could fit twenty guest, at least.

Then Celestia spoke. “Fox, let me introduce you to my colt friend.” She walk over to the stallion. “This is Ataxia,” He just waved at me with a smile. “and this is empress Heartfire, the ruler of the Crystal empire.” She said while looking at the mare that sat across Ataxia, she just look at me a shock expression.

“You weren’t kidding Celestia, there is a giant fox in this castle.”

I saw as Celestia rolled her eyes. “Of course, I was telling the truth, why would I lie?”

The pink alicorn named Heartfire just shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t, it’s a little difficult to tell with you sometimes.” I could actually see Celestia’s eye twitch.

Then Ataxia spoke. “Now, now. There’s no need for this. We have a guest here.” Even his voice sound familiar, where have I heard it before. He then saw that I was staring at him. “Is there something wrong?”

“No.” I decided to sit away from them, so took a place at the other end of the table. Then I buried my face in my hands.

Celestia took a seat. Then Heartfire leaned over to her friend. “He isn’t very nice.” She whispered.

“He had a rough couple of day.” Heartfire just nodded of Celestia’s answer.

When I came to breakfast, I’m just glad they had pancakes in the past. After we had eaten, me and Celestia walk through the halls of the castle.

Then the princess decided to speak. “I heard that my sister visit you yesterday.”

“She didn’t visit me, she want to spy on me, to see if I was dangerous.”

She nodded. “Whatever she did, you could have handle it better.”

I just shrugged my shoulders. “Maybe but considering my situation can you blame me for acting like did.” She was about to say something, but I cut her off. “When is your mother coming back? I want to get back to my own time.”

“She should be arriving soon.”

Then we arrived at main doors to the castle and on que, the doors open and in walked Gaia. She let out a frustrating sighed. “That’s the last time I go the Griffon kingdom, what an ass the king is.” She then look in the direction off me and Celestia, she wasn’t happy to see me. “Oh great, it’s you. I thought were back to your own time.” Definitely not happy to see me considering I could hear the sarcasm.

“Just show me where the elements are then I can leave.”

She started to rub her forehead. “Fine, the faster I show you were they are the faster you can leave.” She started to walk. “Follow me.” I did that.

After some walking we came to dead end further in the castle. “You didn’t bring me her to kill did you?”

She smirked when I said that. “No, I’m not that cruel.” She walk over to the wall and placed her hand on it, then her hand started to glow and the wall open. “After last time I decided to hide the elements so other would find them that easily.” When the wall was gone I could see the elements inside.

“Neat trick.” I told her while walking into the room.

“Yes, I have my moments. I just have one question, do you know how you are going to get back to your own time.” That was a good question.

“Maybe, but what I have is just a theory. Time to test it.”

I placed my hand on one of them and thought about the future, then everything went black.

Author's Note:

Not my best, that's for sure. One chapter left of Fox travel in time.

Also, there a vote going on and the question is; should Fox date more mares than Fleur? What I am asking is, should Fox have an harem? Maybe I should have written that.

Just head over to this site and vote. The results now is;
53 % no
47 % yes

There is still time to vote.