• Published 29th Apr 2015
  • 3,845 Views, 166 Comments

Team Harmony - Norwegian boy

What would happened if there had been more then 6 elements of harmony?

  • ...

Not so Great and Powerful

Magicians, they live to entertained others. I always loved magic, how they can make stuff disappear and do other stuff. Like I said they like to entertained others but there are those who just do it to bolster their ego, like Trixie.

It’s been three days since my incidence with Gilda, Dash and Pinkie has stopped blaming themselves for what happened and I had moved from the farm and into my own house. Right now, I was outside of the town with Twilight while she was practicing magic, with me as the test subject. I’m just glad her spells haven’t turn me into a frog.

“Alright Fox, just stand still. This is the last spell.”

I was standing still with my arms crossed. “I’m standing still Sparkle, just do your last spell already.” I said with annoyance in my voice.

“Hey, you agreed to help me. Remember?”

“I remember but I didn’t think it would take half the day.”

“Relax, like I said this is the last spell.”

Her horn stared to glow and then I felt something under my nose, I could fell a moustache.

“Sparkle, did you just give me a moustache?” I asked her.

“Yes, yes I did.”

“Mind telling me why you did that.”

“I have to get better in magic, so I have to practise every spell.”

“Great, now get rid of it. Something tells me that I don’t suits a moustache.”

Her horn glowed again and I could feel it disappeared. “Yeah, you looked kind stupid with it.”

We started to head back to town. “You must really love magic.”

She blushed when I said that. “Is that obvious.”


“Ever since I saw princess Celestia raise the sun when I was a little filly I wanted to learn everything I could when I came to magic, so I studied every day.”

“You studied every day? Didn’t you go out and play with kids on your own age.”

She looked down in ground. “I never like playing with others, I preferred books when I was little.”

“You had no friends when you were little, that’s a little sad.”

“That’s not true, I had my big brother, Shining Armor. He was my best friend.” She rube her arm in embarrassment.

“That doesn’t count, he’s your brother not a real friend. But back to the magic part, just how talent full are you?”

“I don’t know, I think that Sunset is better than me.” Then her mood dropped. “I just hope that my friends don’t think I’m too good.”

“Listen Tara, there’s nothing wrong in begin talented. If they can’t see past that then they are not your friends.”

“I don’t know about that part.” She decided to ask me something. “How did Applejack and her family reacted when you said that would be moving out?”

“The adult didn’t mind but the little on didn’t like it.”

She laughed of that last part. “I guess that Applebloom didn’t like you moving out.” She got that part right. When I told her that I would be moving out she locked herself in her room.

When we arrived back in town we found out that there was no pony around, at least were we arrived. Then I saw Snips and Snails running towards us.

“Make way, coming true.” Said Snails.

They almost knock me and Twilight to the ground when they ran past us. “Hey, look where you two are running. What’s wrong with you two?” They stopped

“Haven’t you two heard, there’s a new unicorn in town.” Snails

“Yeah, they say that she got more magical power then other unicorn, ever.” Snips.

“And where is this unicorn?” I asked them.

“She is in town square, come on.” Snails.

“Yeah, come on.” Snips.

They stared to run towards the town square, I put and hand on my cheek. “So, there’s a new unicorn in town and him or she thinks she’s the most powerful unicorn ever? This I have to see.” I stared to walked towards the town square with Twilight right behind me.

When we arrived, we saw a lot of pony’s gatherer around a big stage, I saw Sunset standing back in the crowd. So, me and Twilight walked over to her.

“What’s going on here Sunset?” I asked her.

“A unicorn arrived not long ago and said she had spectacular show to show us, I think her name is Trixie or something.” She then noticed Twilight. “Twilight.” Was all she said with venom in her voice.

Then the atmosphere became very tense, it was like you could cut tension in the air with a knife.

“I think I’m going to stand with the others.”

Sparkle push through the crowed to AJ and the others who was standing closer to the stage, I looked over to Sunset with a disappointed look.

“What? Did I do something wrong?”

“Yes, when are you going to forgive Sparkle? It’s been a least two weeks.”

“She tried to kick me out of my house Fox.”

“I know that and she has apologised like a thousand times already, you can’t be mad at her forever. At least let her rent out a book.”

Sunset sighed. “Alright, I’ll talk to her.”

I was about say that I was glad for that part but I never got that far, because fireworks erupted from the staged and a blue unicorn white hair and tail appeared, she was wearing a purple hat and cap.

“Watch in aw when the great and powerful Trixie performs most spectacular feed of magic ever witness by pony’s eyes.”

Then more fireworks exploded and I couldn’t help but slap a hand on my face, I don’t mind magic but when the person talks in third person, I can’t stand that.

“It had to be her of all ponies in Equestria.”

I looked over to Sunset. “You know her?” I pointed at the unicorn on the stage.

She nodded. “Her name is Trixie Lunamoon and we knew each other since childhood when I lived in Manhatten, when we graduate she told me she would travel the Equestria and entertainment ponies. It also looks like she has started talking the third person.”

What a small world, back to the stage. Trixie some magic trick, like summoning some flowers, boring.

“Well, well, it looks like we have some neigh sayers in the house, who is so ignorant to challenges the magic ability of the great and powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they are in the present of the most magical unicorn an all of Equestria.”

Oh brother, someone save me from the mare. And I thought that Falco had a big mouth, hers is much bigger. That’s for sure, I wonder if Twilight is going to do something. I manged to look over to her and looked a little nervous. Then Trixie showed more fireworks, please stop. Then Dash flew up to her, why I’m a not surprise.

“So, great and power full Trixie. What makes you think you’re so awesome anyway?”

“Why, only the great and power full Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquished the dreadful Ursa Major.”

Then lights erupted and showed a picture that looked like Ursa Major, everypony was in awe when they heard it while me and Sunset gave each other a looked, wondering if she was crazy or not.

“When all hope was lost the ponies Hoofington had now one to turn put the great and powerful Trixie step in and with her awesome magic, she vanquished the Ursa Major and send it back to its cave deep in the Everfree forest.”

That was it, I couldn’t hold in any longer. I thought it was so funny that I stared to laugh and all eyes were on my, especially Trixie.

“Who dear to laugh at me?”

I don’t usually laugh at this but I thought it was funny as hell. “I’m sorry but… that’s the funny’s thing I have ever heart, hahahaha. Please stop…”

That was all I could say before she yanked me on stage with her magic, I landed between her and Dash. She held me down with her magic.

“Do tell why you think is so funny that the great and power full Trixie manged to vanquished a Ursa Major.”

“I think is funny that you manged to beat a forty foot tall bear from the Everfree.”

That shocked everyone and special Trixie, she tried to say something but nothing came out at first but she manged to get words out in the end.

“That’s right, the great and powerful Trixie manged to vanquished a forty foot Ursa major.” She then lifted me up so I faced her. “Do you call Trixie a liar?”

“I think that Trixie has an issue in her head, who the hell talks in third person.”

That just mad her even more angry, she was about to attack me but she was hit by a yellow beam that made her staggered backwards and made her lost her grip on me. I landed face first on the stage and it hurt, Dash help me up.

“You okay Fox?” She asked me.

“I been better.”

We looked over to Trixie and she was not happy. “Who dares to attack the great and powerful Trixie?” We looked in the direction were the beam came from and the other side of the stage stood Sunset.

“That would me Trixie.”

Trixie was stunned when she saw Sunset but recovered fast. “Well, well, is it not Sunset Shimmer. How long has it been? eight? Nine years?” Trixie stared to walked towards Sunset.

“It’s been teen years and I can see that you haven’t change at all, still think that you are better than others.”

Trixie stopped about two meters from Sunset. “Oh, but I’m am, Trixie has always been better than others ponies.” She created more fireworks, what about some originality.

“If you mean that you sabotaged others then yeah you are better than others.”

The whole audience gasped and Trixie stared to get nervous. “That’s a lie, Trixie was always better than other ponies. Trixie has always studied hard to get better at magic.”

Sunset snorted at that. “Oh please, you fell asleep in class all the time. You thought that school was a waste of time.”

Trixie became even more nervous, she turned to the audience. “Who are you going to believe? Me? The great and powerful Trixie who manged to vanquished a forty foot Ursa major? Or.” She pointed at Sunset. “This pony that is a liar?” The audience was unsure that’s for sure except for two ponies.

“Soooo cool.” Said Snips and Snails together.

Snips “That’s settles it.”

Snails. “Trixie is truly the most talented pony in Equestria.”

“You heard it ponies off Ponyville, now if you will excuse me. Trixie is tired and would like to rest.”

She walked off the stage and the crowd disbanded except Sparkle and the others, I jump off the stage and Shy came up to me.

“Are you okay Fox?”

“Don’t worry Shy, I’ll survive.”

Then Rarity came. Are you sure? It looked like you landed pretty hard.”

“Would you girls stop worrying, I’m fine. The only thing that got hurt was my pride.”

“You should have punch her.” We all gave Dash a look. “What? I know you don’t hit mares but she deserved it.”

“Maybe she deserved it Dash but I’m not going to hit just because she had a big ego.”

“That’s good and all but how did you know that an Ursa major is forty foot tall.” Rarity ask me.

“Because I’ve seen one.” Now the girls looked at me with sceptical looks. “I’m not lying, Sunset can back me up on this.”

They all look at her. “It’s true, me and Fox saw one in Everfree forest about a month ago.”

“Why would you to go into a such dangerous place.” Rarity asked Sunset.

“Because Rarity, sciences. Can we talk about this another time? I need to talk to Twilight alone.”

That made Twilight very nervous but we said nothing and headed home.

“So, what do you want to talk about Sunset?”

Sunset took a deep breath. “I want to talk about what you did when you first arrived, you tried to kick me out of my home.”

“I know and I’m sorry, how many times must I say that before you forgive me?”

“Sorry is not gong cut it but maybe I been a little hard on you so I’m going to let you borrow a book but, you are only allowed to borrow one at a time and you are not allowed to sit in the library to read the book.” Sunset put out a hand. “Deal?”

Twilight shook her hand. “Deal.”

Sunset nodded. “Good, now come. Let’s get you a book.”

Both went back to the library so Twilight could borrow a book, little did the know that Snips and Snails was heading for the Everfree forest.

After I had gotten home I went straight to the shower, when I done night had arrived in Equestria. I had just put on my shirt when the ground stared to shake. “What the hell?” I ran outside and the first thing I saw was a giant bear heading towards the town which happened to be Ursa minor, I ran towards it.

When I reach centre of the town I could see Trixie with Snips and Snails standing there and something tells me that those two has something to do with this all. I ran over to them.

“What’s going on here?” I asked them.

“We brought a Ursa major so Trixie could vanquished it.”

“Wait, you brought this here? Are you out of your pony mind?” Said Trixie.

“As much as hate to admit it, she is right. You just don’t bring a giant bear to town.” I told them.

Snips “But, she is the great and power full Trixie.”

Snails. “Yeah remember, you defeat a Ursa major.”

Then the Ursa minor came up to us roared toward use, covering us with slime. I was dripping with slime.

“Oh come on, I just shower.”

Then I saw Trixie ready to ‘vanquished’ the Ursa minor, normally I would have stopped her but I was curious if she manged to do it. She summoned a rope and tied it around two of the bears finger, I just slapped a hand on my face. It just snapped the off like nothing.

Snips. “Come on Trixie.”

Snails. “Stop goofing around and vanquished it already.” Don’t get your hopes up kid.

She then summoned a cloud that did nothing, so much for great and power full.

Snails. “Well, that was lame.”

Snips. “Yeah, come on. Where’s all the cool explosion and smoke like early.”

Then lighting came out from the cloud and burn the bear on it ass and it was mad, or tried to crush them with one of its claws but luckily, I managed tackle them to the ground before they were crushed. Then it tried to crushed use again but was stopped by a yellow barrier. I was Sunset.

“What the hell are you four waiting for? Move you’re your flank already, I can hold this forever.”

She doesn’t have to tell me twice, I put Trixie on my right shoulder and grabbed Snips and Snails with my left hand got away from the big angry bear. It wasn’t easy thanks to Trixie, she shouted at me all the time, she also tried to kick me and hit me.

“Would you put Trixie down? Trixie doesn’t need to be rescued.”

When I was at safe distance I let go of the kids and dropped Trixie down on the ground with thumb.

“Hey, carful. You could have hurt Trixie.”

That’s it. “Would big mouth Trixie shut the hell up, if you didn’t notice me and Sunset just safe your life so I expect to be grateful but something tells me that word is not in your dictionary. Now if you excuse me I have to save Ponyville from a Ursa minor, you three stay can stay here.”

I turned around and ran back to Sunset, I could barely hear Trixie say something but I ignored it. When I arrived back to Sunset I could see that she was struggling to hold the barrier up, it mostly thanks to the Ursa minor who was hitting on the with is claws.

“How are you holding up Sunset?”

“Not… good… somepony… have… to… stop… the… Ursa minor…”

“Just hold on just a minute longer, I going to get someone who can help.”

I ran towards town and the only pony that can help, when I arrived at town hall I could see Sparkle and the others trying to calm the rest of the town. I ran over to her.

“Sparkle.” She looked in my direction. “I need your help.”

“My help? With what?”

“Too calm down that Ursa minor that’s destroying the town.”

She stared to panic. “No, I can’t do it. You have to fine somepony ells to do it.”

“There isn’t anyone ells, right now Sunset is trying to stop it with a barrier but she can’t hold out any longer.”

“You didn’t hear what my friends said when they saw Trixie when she did her magic.”

“What did they say?”

“They said that they didn’t like that Trixie show it off like a school girls and other stuff, I don’t want them to say that about me.”

I grabbed her shoulders. “Twilight, listen to me. If they are your friends then they don’t care how talented you are, right now you are the only one who can help Sunset and this town. Are you going to let what they said get in the way?”

She hesitated a little. “No, but…”

“Listen to me Twilight, you are not Trixie. You aren’t the one that’s going around bragging about how good you are in magic, right now you are the only one that can help Sunset and save this city.”

I could see confidence in her eyes after I said that. “Alright, let’s do it.” I nodded and we went to help Sunset.

When we arrived, we saw that she was still holding up the barrier but just barley, I looked at Twilight and she looked unsure.

“I don’t know Fox, I don’t what I can do.”

I pointed at the bear. “That’s just a baby and its cranky because Snips and Snails woke it up.”

She looked around. “Okay, I have an idea. Stand back.”

I did as she said and her horn stared to glow. The wind stared to pick up and then I heard music, which I assumed Twilight made. Somehow that worked, the Ursa minor became sleepy. Then her horn stared to glow even brighter, she lifted the water tower and empty it, then she levitated it towards the barn and milked the cows? I don’t want to know who that work. She then levitated the water tower which was full of milk to the Ursa minor.

She then levitated the water tower which the Ursa minor was holding to the Everfree forest, when it was gone, Twilight and Sunset collapsed on the ground, both was breathing heavily. I check on Twilight first.

“You okay Twilight.” She nodded, I then went over to Sunset and help her up then the other showed up. “How are you felling Sunset?”

“Like I run a marathon, holding up that barrier took a lot of magic.”

Then the girls came, I guess they saw what Twilight did.

Applejack. “Heavens to Betsy. We knew you had ability, but not that much.”

“I’m sorry.” Twilight immediately replied. “Please don’t hate me.”

“Hate you?” AJ, Dash and Rarity exclaimed at the same time.

Rarity. “Why, whatever do you mean darling?”

“Well, I know how much you hated Trixie’s showing off with her magic and I just thought-“

Dash cut Twilight off. “Who, who, who. Magic as nothing to do with it, Trixie is just a loudmouth.”

“MOST unpleasant.” Rarity added.

“All hat and no cattle.” AJ finished.

“So, you don’t mind my magic tricks?” Twilight ask them.

“Your magic is a part of who you are sugar cube and we like who you are. We’re proud to have such a powerful, talented unicorn as our friend.”

That was nice said put Sunset wasn’t that happy. “And what am I? chopped liver? I was the one that stopped that Ursa minor with a freaking barrier, if it wasn’t for me Fox, Trixie, Snips and Snails would be dead.”

“Right, I meant two talented unicorns as our friends.”

I think you were a little late on that AJ. “Whatever, I’m going home. I need some rest after holding that barrier for so long.” She stared to walk towards the library leaving me with three ponies that felt bad.

“Wait Sunset, I didn’t mean like that.”

They were about to go after her but I stopped them. “Forget AJ, the damage is already done. I suggest you all wait until tomorrow to apologise to her.”

“I guess you’re right.” Said Rarity.

“Good, now if you all excuse me. I’m going home to take another shower, I got bear saliva on me.”

Sparkle came up to me. “I’ll wake you home, my hotel is in the same direction.” But before we could head of Dash decided to ask something.

“Wait a minute, what about Trixie?”

“What about her?” I asked.

“Aren’t somepony going to do something about her? She brought giant bear into the town, she has to pay for that.”

“First of, it wasn’t Trixie that brought that Ursa minor, it was Snips and Snails and beside I think she is long gone so just let it go Dash. Now, are there something ells?” No one said something. “Good.” Me and Twilight stared to walk home.

After a while of walking Sparkle decide to say something. “You were right.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Right about what?”

“That my friends don’t care that I’m good at magic, it’s part of who I am.”

“It’s good that you understand that, I would like to hug you but I’m covert in saliva.”

We part ways, she was headed to the hotel while I headed home. I open the door to my home and walked in, it wasn’t that big. It was an ordinary house. Living room, kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms on the second floor. I closed the door and was on my way up the stairs when someone knock on my door.

I couldn’t help but groan while walking to the door, I open to see who it was and boy was I surprise when I saw who it was, Trixie.

“What the hell do you want?” I said with venom in my voice, I was not happy.

“Trixie want to know why you help her.”

“I saved you, Snips and Snails because you were in danger. That’s what I do.”

“Well, the great and power full Trixie didn’t need your help. Trixie was never in danger.”

“Not where I was standing, you and the kids was about to get crush and I wasn’t going to let that happened. Now, why don’t you go home and leave me alone.”

Somehow that made her angry. “Trixie will not forget this.” Then all of sudden smoke appeared where she was standing and it blinded me, I waved away the smoke and when I could see again Trixie was gone. I looked down the street and saw Trixie run down it, I couldn’t but question this mare. I closed my door and rested my head against it, something told me that I would be see her again.