• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 3,016 Views, 59 Comments

The Rainbow Pony - Level Dasher

In Equestria, legend tells of a pony, all the colors of the rainbow, who will grant the wish of a pony whose heart is true. But tread lightly—the Rainbow Pony will grant a wish only if the wisher completes a unique task.

  • ...

The Rainbow Pony

“…No pony that’s received the noctis-wing package has ever attempted their task.”

Rainbow Dash looked at her audience as she finished her short tale. Mixed expressions crossed the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ faces.

“I don’t think that’s the kind of myth we could really bust…” Apple Bloom said.

“It sounds more like an old ponies’ tale than a legend, anyway,” Sweetie Belle added, cocking a brow.

Scootaloo just stared straight through Rainbow Dash’s head. “Whoa…”

“Sorry, it’s the only one I can think of off the top of my noggin. And far as I know, it’s no ponies’ tale—my granddad used to claim that we’re descendants of the Rainbow Pony, so I’ve heard that story a thousand times. All the others are just ghost stories.” Rainbow Dash shrugged, then turned to Scootaloo and tousled her mane. “Was that too much for ya, squirt? It’s no ghost story, but it’s still a little creepy. I don’t want to go giving you nightmares again.”

Scootaloo slowly shook her head as she stared off into space.

“You kids could probably get some other myths and legends from Twilight. Try talking to her if you’re looking for myths to bust. Catch ya later!” Rainbow called, as she headed into the clouds for her daily nap.

“Err, I don’t know if Twilight would know those kinds of myths. I get the feeling she’d only know about, well, stories, like the one Rainbow Dash just told us,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Apple Bloom sighed. “Maybe myth-busting ain’t the best way to get our cutie marks anyway. We haven’t had any luck.”

“Well, except for trying to clean Rarity’s couch with a horseshoe,” Sweetie interjected. “That didn’t work at all, but it didn’t get us cutie marks, either. You got any other ideas, Scoots?”

“Uh-huh,” Scootaloo replied, still staring off into the distance.

After a few moments of silence, Apple Bloom asked, “Well?”

“Huh? Well what?” Scootaloo said, shaking her head a bit.

Sweetie Belle sighed. “You zoned out, didn’t you?”

“Uh, I guess so, yeah,” Scootaloo responded, rubbing the back of her mane.

“Hey, wait—I remembered another one,” Apple Bloom said. “Somepony at school said that a duck’s quack doesn’t echo. That wouldn’t be too hard to test.”

“Sounds kind of silly to me,” Sweetie Belle replied, “but it wouldn’t hurt to try.”


Unfortunately, Fluttershy wasn’t too keen on the idea of bringing one of her ducks into Ghastly Gorge. Unable to think of any other myths worth testing, the Crusaders finally headed home—as usual, without cutie marks. Scootaloo’s constant staring into space didn’t help them come up with any other ideas, but had Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle known of her internal dilemma, they would have agreed that her zoning out was warranted.

That evening as she fell asleep, Scootaloo finally made up her mind.

Rainbow Pony, I wish I could fly. I’ve been trying really hard, but I just can’t do it. Maybe you can help. I’ll try anything, just help me fly. I want to fly with Rainbow Dash. I want to fly…


As she rested at the base of a tree in a secluded area of the park, Scootaloo mulled over the last few days. All her attempts at flight steered her into the dirt, and the latest crusade had ended poorly—Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had both been grounded.

Attempting myth-busting on their own clearly wasn’t a good idea, but they did learn a few things. Sweetie Belle proved that freezing candles didn’t make them burn any longer, and Apple Bloom found out that putting a wooden spoon over a pot of water doesn’t always prevent it from boiling over. Unfortunately, neither attempt led to the earning of a cutie mark—only punishments for playing with fire.

Thus, with no recent fire-related shenanigans to be grounded for, and Rainbow Dash taking her daily nap, Scootaloo sat resting under the trees. Considering how often Rainbow Dash slept during the day, she thought maybe napping could help with her flying. It certainly couldn’t hurt, and if nothing else, at least she’d be well-rested.

A light rustling behind her drew Scootaloo out of her slumber. She awoke and instinctively turned to look for the source of the noise. Despite the grit in her eyes, the prismatic tail retreating into the trees caught her attention.

Jumping up to follow, Scootaloo cried, “Rainbow Dash! I thought you were napping! Hey, Rainbow Dash! Wait! Can you—aww…”

Scootaloo groaned and sank to her haunches. Having lost sight of her idol, she turned back to her napping spot to resume her rest, only to find it occupied…

…by a curled set of noctis wings.


Twilight sat in the Friendship Castle’s library, reading the latest Daring Do book for the third time. She had just finished chapter thirteen, when she heard three slow knocks on the front door.

After traversing the hallway, Twilight opened the door to find Scootaloo, an empty saddlebag upon her back. “Hi there, Scootaloo! What can I do for you today? Were you looking for some solo Twilight Time? I heard Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle wouldn’t be coming for a few days.”

“A-actually, I w-was wondering if you had any books on m-myths and legends,” Scootaloo stuttered.

Twilight lit up. “Of course I do! Come this way.” As she and Scootaloo walked down the hall, Twilight continued, “It’s nice to see you’ve taken an interest in reading. I can’t remember the last time you took something out of my stock, if ever.”

“W-well, there’s just something I w-want to look up.”

Escorting Scootaloo to the library, Twilight looked at her and asked, “Are you okay, Scootaloo? You seem a bit uneasy.”

Scootaloo shook her head quickly. “Oh, n-no! I’m fine!”

Twilight cocked a brow. “Well, okay.” When they entered the gigantic library, which had numerous Daring Do posters on the wall, courtesy of Rainbow Dash, Twilight led Scootaloo to a corner. “Here’s a little reading nook if you’d like to just sit here and read. There’s a whole encyclopedia on Equestrian legends and mythology on the far wall over there. Would you like some help finding something?”

“No thanks.”

“Alright. I’ll be at the front if you need me.”

“Okay. Thanks, Twilight.”

“You’re welcome.” Twilight smiled as she turned to walk back to the front of the library. “And Scootaloo, thank you for not calling me ‘Princess.’ It’s nice to see somepony listens.”

Scootaloo forced a smile. “Oh, uh, n-no problem!”

As she walked away from the young pegasus, Twilight’s smile faded. Something’s definitely going on in that filly’s head… Making her way towards her desk, Twilight heard a thump and a light clatter. “Scootaloo! Are you okay?” she called from behind the Biology shelves.

“Yeah, I’m fine! Just a big book!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Alright, then. You can just leave the book when you’re finished—I’ll put it back for you.”

“Thanks!” Scootaloo called. She sighed as she heaved the huge ‘R’ encyclopedia back to the reading nook. She flipped through the first pages and murmured to herself, “Okay, let’s see… Rainbow… Rainbow Origins… Here it is, ‘The Legend of the Rainbow Pony’…”


Twilight looked up when she heard a loud sigh from the reading nook. Moments later, Scootaloo came trotting out from the corner, letting out a relieved breath.

As she approached Twilight’s desk, Scootaloo smiled and said, “Thanks a lot, Twilight. I have to admit, that’s the first time reading a book has made me feel so good.”

Twilight wasn’t sure if she should feel insulted, but she decided to let it go. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Is there anything else you need?”

“No, that’s it. Thanks. And thanks for offering to put the book away for me. That thing is heavy!” Scootaloo laughed.

Twilight chuckled back, “Yes, encyclopedias usually are. Have a good day, Scootaloo! Stay out of trouble!”

“Thanks, Twilight. You too, and I will!” Heading out of the library, Scootaloo added, “Oh, by the way, Twilight—I think that book is outdated.”

“Huh?” When Twilight looked towards the door, she found Scootaloo had already shut it behind her. She scratched her head. “Since when does mythology get updated?”

Making her way back to the reading nook, Twilight found the encyclopedia; Scootaloo had left it open. Twilight read to herself aloud, “The Legend of the Rainbow Pony?” She chuckled. “I bet Rainbow Dash told Scootaloo she was legendary. It wouldn’t surprise me.” Twilight closed the book and returned it to its proper shelf. As she turned around to head back to her desk, she thought aloud, “That still doesn’t explain why she was so jittery, though…”

Passing through the rows of books, Twilight spied something on the floor, and picked it up in her aura. “Is this what caused that clatter earlier? Hm, this certainly wasn’t here before. I guess Scootaloo dropped it. It looks…” Twilight inspected the small, off-white object closely. “Wait, this looks like…” Twilight turned back to the book she had just replaced and took it off the shelf. “What was she reading?”

Twilight turned back to the page Scootaloo had left the book open at.

The Legend of the Rainbow Pony

While its specific origin is unknown, the legend of the Rainbow Pony is said to originate from an early Pegasus tribe, before Equestria’s foundation. Originally thought to be an old ponies’ tale, the story of the Rainbow Pony turned into legend when pegasi began telling of events similar to the tale happening in real life. The legend says that ponies ‘whose hearts are true’ may make a wish for the Rainbow Pony to fulfill. However, before their wish can be granted, they must complete a unique task assigned to them by the Rainbow Pony. Ponies learn of this task when they receive an item wrapped in noctis wings—it is said that the task is never explained, but that they simply know what it is when they receive the item.

Twilight cocked a brow. “This sounds ridiculous. Where did Scootaloo hear about this? Is Rainbow Dash trying to prank her? That would be pretty mean.” Scratching her head, she continued reading…

The Rainbow Pony has never been fully seen—it is assumed to be a pegasus due to the story’s origin—but the subjects of all accounts mention that a prismatic tail vanished from their view just before they received their package, thus leading to the legend’s title. All recorded ‘sightings’ of the Rainbow Pony had similar factors. The noctis wings the subjects received their items in appeared to have been genuine. While there seemed to be no sign of forced or surgical removal, nopony knows if the wings were taken from a live noctis pony. The items the subjects received were all, to their shock, a pony’s bone…

Twilight’s eyes widened as she looked at the object in her aura. She was right—a pegasus’s wing digit.

…The bone each subject received was somehow related to their wish (e.g., a pony who wished for financial assistance received a navicular bone, likely relating to the phrase ‘itchy hoof’). Finally, and possibly the most important, all subjects refused to reveal or attempt their ‘assigned’ task.

Twilight’s brows furrowed. “Scootaloo wouldn’t tell me what was bothering her. Is there some truth to this?”

The tale of the Rainbow Pony lasts in today’s legends, but no new accounts have been recorded for centuries.

Twilight’s eyes bulged. “Is this what Scootaloo meant by outdated? Did she—”

While some believe that, should it exist, the Rainbow Pony had dark intentions, compensated for by its bright colors, Equestrian philosophers believe that the supposedly dark implications of the tasks are a message to the wisher—that they must face the trials or tribulations they are meant to face, instead of attempting to take a shortcut by making a wish. Given that the tellers of all the accounts refused to even share the task they were ‘assigned,’ it can only be assumed that the tasks are intentionally so horrifying or costly to them that they would not dare attempt them, and instead be forced to face their hardships head-on. All accounts confirm that no subject attempted their supposed task, and no harm ever came to them for it.

A strong message given through potentially controversial means, the legend of the Rainbow Pony is still commonly told amongst pegasi to this day.

Twilight sighed and shut the book. “Somepony has some explaining to do.”


Landing on the occupied cloud, Twilight stirred the slumbering pegasus from her sleep. “Rainbow Dash, we need to talk.”

“Hmm? What about?” Rainbow Dash asked, propping herself up and rubbing her eyes.

“Did you tell Scootaloo the legend of the Rainbow Pony?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. The Crusaders were trying to bust myths, but I don’t think that was the kind they meant. It's the only one I know, though—family tale and all.”

“Yes, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are grounded because of that crusade. You know, faking that a myth is true wouldn’t have helped their cause. That one in particular isn’t funny. You really worked Scootaloo up,” Twilight explained.

“What are you talking about?”

“And where exactly did you get your hooves on a wing digit?”

What?” Rainbow Dash cried.

Twilight held up a small object. “This, Rainbow. Scootaloo dropped it at the library. This is a real bone. So help me, if you actually used genuine noctis wings—”

“TWILIGHT, STOP!” Rainbow cut her off. “A-are you telling me Scootaloo actually found that?”

Twilight let out a huff. “Yes, Rainbow. I read about this legend, and I can easily guess what Scootaloo wished for. I understand encouraging her to work hard on flying and not take shortcuts, but why in Equestria would you plant something like—”

Rainbow shoved a hoof in Twilight’s mouth. “Twilight… I didn’t do that. If Scoots found that somewhere…”

Twilight’s eyes bulged, then she took a deep breath. “Well, at least she’s relieved…”


Scootaloo sauntered down the road. “I’ll get it one of these days,” she said to herself. “I’ve just gotta face it head-on, like the book said. Gotta keep trying—I bet it’ll make me a better pony in the long run if I try everything I can.” She shook her head and took a deep breath. “I just wish the Rainbow Pony could have told me some other way instead of giving me that kind of task. I mean, sure, I want to fly…” She jumped and hovered in the air for a few seconds before dropping back to the dirt with a thud. “…but even suggesting… doing that? Nuh-uh, no way. I’d rather go flightless the rest of my life.”

Author's Note:

This is the product of an odd dream I had. If I had taken the plot directly from the dream, it would have ended up as an HiE or PoE fic, but it would have just been too weird for my taste. The Dark tag was new territory for me, so this might be a bit different from my usual work, but I figured I could get something out of that dream…
*Small Edit*: A few people have said that the Dark tag doesn't totally fit this story, as it's not really dark per se, just a tiny bit creepy. However, some of those same people (as well as a few others) have said that none of the other tags really fit either, so... let's just leave it as is, shall we?
*Another Small Edit*: The Royal Guard placed this story in the "Drama" genre, so I'm adding that tag, but leaving "Dark" as well.

If you have any major issues with this story’s plot, blame it on my f***ed up subconscious. I didn’t really want to go much further with this one, for my own sanity’s sake.

Eat your heart out, Freud!

If you have any questions about this story that aren't covered in the comments, feel free to ask me here so there aren't too many more spoilers down there.

Comments ( 58 )

i don't understand the ending. can someone please explain it to me?

5932621 Depending on what you're referring to, it's kind of supposed to be up to reader interpretation, but basically, the legend of the Rainbow Pony is true. If that's not enough, maybe you can PM me what exactly it is you're confused about and what detail you're looking for.


Given that the tellers of all the accounts refused to even share the task they were ‘assigned,’ it can only be assumed that the tasks are intentionally so horrifying or costly to them that they would not dare attempt them, and instead be forced to face their hardships head-on. All accounts confirm that no subject attempted their supposed task, and no harm ever came to them for it.

Imagine the Rainbow Pony meets Bender:

…The bone each subject received was somehow related to their wish (e.g., a pony who wished for financial assistance received a navicular bone, likely relating to the phrase ‘itchy hoof’). Finally, and possibly the most important, all subjects refused to reveal or attempt their ‘assigned’ task.

One has to wonder what those tasks are.
Considering the bone, it can't be good...

Interesting. Why is Scootaloo relieved?

5933764 Thanks for using the spoiler tag. :twilightsmile:
If you recall from the encyclopedia entry, no pony ever attempted their task, and none of them received any harm. Before she read that, Scootaloo thought completing her task was the only way she would be able to fly because she made the wish, but she didn't want to do it. When she realized that the task was a message, and not an actual assignment, she was relieved.
Does that explain it?

5932621 Perhaps this was the explanation you were looking for?

And could you two do me a favor and put the spoiler tag on those quote boxes?

5933836 Yes. Thanks.

This is going on my "read it." :pinkiesmile:


Then that brings up a question: What if a pony actually follows through with their 'task?'

5940300 The implication is that no pony ever would, either due to morals or cost (for those with no sense of morality). So the answer is, given that the Rainbow Pony is trying to give them a message (albeit through controversial means), what do YOU think would happen if they dared attempt it? Your answer would likely ride on what you thought the task was...


Not everypony would refuse to follow through. Some would be greedy and selfish, others would be mentally unstable and willing to do anything to achieve their dream... The scenarios are virtually unlimited if you look at it that way.

5940708 Well then, you have virtually unlimited answers. But I guess the true answer would be...
It depends on the pony.
That's probably not the answer you're looking for, but it's the answer you're going to get. And no, it's not a cop-out— it really does depend on the subject.

I don't see this as an open ended story. When you leave a story open, it's usually on how a character is going to respond to a situation. The author will then throw in hints that vouch for different choices.

The story feels like it's missing half the plot, sorry.

5942365 Ah, see, you're right, but that's not really what's happening. If you read some of my previous responses (all in spoilers), based on some of my wording, I'm not surprised you thought that was my aim, but the fact is...
The story isn't actually open-ended. The ending choice was absolute— Scootaloo wasn't going to do it. If that wasn't clear, I apologize—my editor did point out that I hadn't made it clear enough on my first draft, and I made a change. I guess not everyone made the assumption, though. What's supposed to be open is what a number of people have been asking— what was Scootaloo's task, and why was she relieved at the end? That's what I'm leaving to the imagination.
If you'd like to discuss it, head to the blog I linked in the A/N.

It seems a little more than open ended. If you are willing please watch puella magi madoka magica and reconsider adding more to this very entertaining piece. And if I've got you messed up with that anime suggestion, please also watch genei wo kakeru taiyou. ~doki

5947086 ... :rainbowderp:

I read the basic plots of those animes, and all I have to say is...

Woah. :twilightoops:

That's not quite the arena I was trying to get into with this story. I do understand the recommendations, though.

I hate to disappoint, but I think I'm leaving this one as it is. The dark tag was new territory for me— the fact that I managed to be this successful with this one was actually very surprising. :pinkiegasp:

Thanks for taking an interest, though! :twilightsmile:

Okay ~doki doki
I've been watching too much anime. But I'd love to see much more of your work in the future.~doki

1: Maybe I would look over this again. I think I found a sentence that needs rephrasing.
2: This seem unfinished.

1) Which one do you mean? Could you use the spoiler tag please?
2) Quite a few people see more coming out of this, but it was intended to be the way it is. If you have a suggestion, though, please feel free to head over here and let me know. All constructive criticism is welcomed.

5950658 “That didn’t work at all, but it didn’t get us any cutie marks.

5955255 Ahh, I see. I'm not surprised that threw you off. Look at the whole exchange.
They were trying to earn their cutie marks in busting myths, so the goal was to prove that something DIDN'T work. What they tried indeed did not work, and even though that was exactly what they were trying to accomplish, they still didn't earn a cutie mark for it.
Does it make sense now?

1. Please make a sequel.
2. What are "noctis wings"?

1) You're not the first to ask, but I'm sorry to say the answer is still negatory. For my own sanity, I don't really want to continue with this.
2) Noctis wings are the wings of a noctis pony (bat pony, and no, not like Flutterbat— they're a different species)

This is great, but it needs an ending (one vote for making it really dark).


6004076 I'm glad you like it! :twilightsmile: But this already has its ending.
I should also point something out:

I didn’t really want to go much further with this one, for my own sanity’s sake.

Sorry, but I'm leaving this one as is.


Darn! I guess I'll just have to imagine one. In any case, good work and keep writing.

I like the way this story turned out. At first I thought it ended a little early or was open ended, but I reread it and realized I had missed some connections my first time through.

I'm kind of surprised that anyone thinks that anypony would carry out the horrible task given to them by the rainbow pony. It's pretty clearly stated that the rainbow pony only seeks out those who are pure of heart. That also makes a pretty decent case for the rainbow pony being good themselves. They don't test ponies that will fail, they only test those who are good but feel the need to wish.

Or something, maybe I'm going too meta with this. :pinkiecrazy:

6034741 Nah, you didn't go into meta territory. It looks like you got the gist of it.
The point was that the RP would assign a task so horrifying that they knew the wisher would never attempt it. The message was for them to face their trials head-on and not try to wish them away/fixed, because that's what they were supposed to do— face them. The wisher would, like you said, likely be someone who felt desperate, but really was meant to face their troubles because they would become who they were meant to be or better because of it. Basically, they'd be failing the test by trying to take it in the first place (hopefully that makes sense).
And you were also right on it not really being open-ended. Something is open (to interpretation), but it's not the ending...

Bahahaha, just came back to reread this story man, and I am laughing at all those comments requesting closure. It's so sweet to see it happen to someone else.

Insert orgasm face here.

Also, remind me when you are next on, I wanted to ask something about this story. I keep forgetting.

Ah, I thoroughly enjoyed this. This story has just the right amount of mystery. You, sir, have earned an upvote! :yay:

Also, the cover picture makes a lot more sense after reading this. Nice choice.

5940708 I know it has been about 9 months since you said what you said, but...

The legend says that ponies ‘whose hearts are true’ may make a wish for the Rainbow Pony to fulfill.

Would somepony "true of heart" complete a task so many disliked, and felt relieved not to do, just so that the can have a wish granted? Remember, this task is repulsive to all that are shown it, so do you think that the good ponies would carry it out in greed and selfishness? The ponies given the task are not evil, selfish, or mentally unstable to the point of psychopathy. What do yo think the task is? Is it murder? Is it to do things which are sick, cruel, and twisted to foals? Is it regicide or homicide(or is that Equicide?)? Robbery? Extortion? Property damage? Killing ones friends? Torture? Would anypony with a true heart do these? No. That's why the Rainbow Pony doesn't give the task to a random wisher, only the good ones. If one was somehow able to be good enough to receive the task yet dark or desperate to fulfill it, do you think it would go unpunished? Unnoticed? The other ponies would not catch them and punish them accordingly?

7025617 You just hit the nail on the head, my friend. :pinkiehappy:


I just realized how similar their whole thing is to Skullgirls.

7026178 Hmm... Honestly, I've never heard of it, but after looking at its Wikipedia page, I guess I can see why you'd say that. :applejackunsure:


I've never played it, but I'm writing a collaborative crossover fic of it with TF2 with a friend of mine.

What's this? A fresh air of originality?

Thank you, author.

I got Skullgirls. I've also offered up a free key for it quite a few times on my facebook feed, but no takers. And it's funny, I never made that connection myself.

This was kind of a subversion of the Dark tag... I thought Scoots might have missed the point and be about to attempt it anyway, but no. Not that I'm not relieved.

I'm not sure the dark tag fits this story, but none of the other tags fit it either. I had to read the story twice to really understand it, but I can't see anything to change to make it more understandable without ruining it.

Good story. Very thought provoking.

Creepy. Possibly the lack of continuation makes it creepier (imagination fills in the gaps). Probably shouldn't have read this at 1am

Wow. amazing. love it. And creepy if you read it near to midnight. XD

I like the legend itself. It's creepy and has a good theme/moral.

The character writing I was sort of bored by. I didn't feel invested in what Scootaloo was thinking.

But upvote overall.

7026190 I have a question. Do ponies only have the one time to complete the task? Say if a pony chooses not to do the task, but a few years later does, for whatever reason, decide to do it, will their wish be granted? Basically, I'm asking if the opition is always available to them.

7033605 The implication is that the assigned task is so horrifying to the wisher that no matter their situation or desperation, they would never attempt it. While the Rainbow Pony specifically only seeks out those who are 'true of heart,' the task assignment is also a test of their morals and character. The wisher would fail the test by attempting it in the first place. Someone else made a comment about the possibility of a pony that might actually attempt the task, and 7025617 gave a spot-on response.

7033652 I was working off the idea that you have no idea what could possibly happen in the future, so a situation could come up where a pony might be desperate, or insane, enough where they might take the chance for the wish. Kinda like the Joker from Batman or Walter White from Breaking Bad, all it would take is one really bad day.

7033685 I understand that perspective. I'm saying that even if a pony was driven to madness, if they had any morality whatsoever, they STILL wouldn't attempt their task. That's how horrifying these tasks are supposed to be (can you imagine?). Now if somepony was driven so mad later in life that even their morals weren't a factor anymore, then cost would drive the restraint (hence the "horrifying or costly" part of the legend).
You're diving deeper into this than I really intended, but if you want to look at it from all angles possible, and still want the "what about the future" answer, then here's an addendum: If the true of heart who made a wish in the past do not attempt their task initially, as is the Rainbow Pony's intention, if madness drives them to the brink of a potential attempt in the future, the Rainbow Pony would reappear and change the task to something that even a pony in a state of insanity wouldn't dare do.
If you want to go on and say "everypony has their breaking point," then the Rainbow Pony would have no choice but to make their task a suicide, to prevent them from harming anypony other than themselves. If a pony got so far into insanity that they would actually attempt suicide to get a wish, then they're a lost cause.
The key here is the 'true of heart' part. Do you think the Rainbow pony would select a pony true of heart early on that could possibly go so far to the other extreme later in life?

7033923 This is more of a personal thing, but I really don't believe in the whole "True of Heart" thing. Any person, no matter who they are, if pushed hard enough, if screwed over badly enough, will break eventually. And then they will be willing to do anything it takes to survive and get what they want.

7034375 Well, that's your train of thought. You're entitled to it, and I won't judge you for it. If you stick with that, then any characters you may think of that would follow that path would eventually be led to that last (well, second-to-last) part of my previous comment. You haven't specified whether you actually liked the story or not, but regardless, you took your time to give your input on the story's premise, so thank you. :twilightsmile: You actually may have pushed me to answer questions that others may have asked, so now they're available.

7033234 Thanks! And thank you for the input. I really didn't delve too deeply into Scootaloo's mind when I wrote this because I didn't want the task to be revealed. I thought keeping her deeper thoughts secret would keep the suspense, but you're right— I probably could have gone a little deeper into her mind and still kept the suspense up.
It's not often that I get constructive criticism and an upvote— thanks! :pinkiehappy:

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