• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 3,182 Views, 71 Comments

It Was A Misunderstanding - GarfieldThePony

After realizing that she has feelings for Discord, Fluttershy must figure out if Discord shares the same feelings as her. But everything goes downhill, when chaos starts to appear.

  • ...

Best for Equestria?

As Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash soared through the sky, the yellow pegasus, still in disbelief that her draconequss friend would start causing chaos unexpectedly, stared in shock of the chaos enfolding around her; trees had started to pull themselves out of the ground, and began to walk, the dirt roads turned into a polka-dotted blue and purple pattern, and apples had grew frog legs and were hopping around.

She knew the draconequss worked in unexpected, and strange ways, but this was something else. She knows he wouldn't start causing chaos, even if he had a reason to, she knows that he cares more about their friendship then chaos. But does he really care?

She glanced toward the blue pegasus, who was struggling to get the blue cotton candy out her mane without pulling out any hair or fur. Rainbow Dash was always untrusting of Discord when he was around, sometimes she would understand why Rainbow Dash wouldn't trust the draconequss due to his actions in the past, who would trust a Lord of Chaos as much as Fluttershy?

“Rainbow,” the yellow pegasus started to say. "Do you really think Discord caused this?"

The blue pegasus grunted in annoyance. "Of course, he would, Fluttershy. Who else has reality-warping powers like Discord’s?”

“I don’t know, I just can’t wrap my head around why would Discord suddenly start causing chaos again.”

“I can’t see why you keep protecting him, Fluttershy,” Rainbow huffed, pulling off a piece of cotton candy. “He’s always causing us trouble, he almost never helps us, and he betrayed us when Lord Tirek attacked! And you always end up defending him?! Why?”

The yellow pegasus looked down at her hooves as if she was being punished. “Because...he's my...f-friend, I know you still don’t trust him, and I can understand that, but I trust him wholeheartedly without a doubt. I sincerely care for him. All he is is just a lonely draconequss in need of a friend, in need of me."

Anxiousness washed over the yellow pegasus, as time seemed to slow down between them, as she hoped her friend would understand. From the corner of her eye, Fluttershy saw the the blue pegasus’ lips had curled into a smirk.

The yellow pegasus frowned in confusion. “What?”

“I see why now,” Rainbow narrowed her eyes at her. “You like...”

A surge of pain struck Rainbow’s head as the sky around them became full of dark cotton candy clouds that rained down small larks upon the two pegasi.

“Ow,” Rainbow breathed, massaging her head. “Stupid raining larks. C’mon Flutters, this way.”

Rainbow Dash grabbed the yellow pegasus’ hoof, as she started to zoom out of the raging storm.

“Where are we going?”

“Outside the cloud cluster!”

Rainbow Dash pulled the yellow pegasus out of storm and into a clear sky. Fluttershy looked behind them, and observed behind her to see the storm still raging on, while they were untouched. Looking around, she noticed that other random spots in the sky were raining as well.

“It only rains in random parts of the sky, not the whole sky, and it only lasts a few minutes.” The blue pegasus explained. “So, no need to worry until they reappear.”

Fluttershy scratched her head in confusion. “Well, that just makes that...underwhelming,” she studied the ground below with the larks laying on the ground. “It’s just the larks I’m worried about. Are they okay?”

Soon the larks disappeared in a bright flash of light, leaving Fluttershy, looking dumbfounded.

“Look, there’s Twilight castle,” the blue pegasus pointed toward the shining crystal castle. “Let’s go before it starts raining there.”

Waking up from her daze, the yellow pegasus reminded herself that she should've been used to that happening and she shook her head to remind herself about her task on hoof.


As the two pegasi resumed flying, the blue pegasus’ eyes darted in the yellow pegasus’ direction, her brows drew together.

“This doesn’t mean I’m still not done with you and defending Discord,” The blue pegasus whispered, cupping her hoof in Fluttershy’s ear. “I think you two are hiding something.”

The yellow pegasus said nothing, as she slowly turned her head to face the knowing pegasus, her face started to sweat, her eyes widened on surprise and a small blush covering her stained cheeks as she felt her muscles tighten up.

“It’s nothing! There’s nothing we’re hiding!” The yellow pegasus urged, as she quickly sped past the blue pegasus. “Nothing!”

The blue pegasus smirked. “Yeah, it’s nothing. Just keep telling yourself that, Flutters.”

As the two pegasi arrived at Twilight's Friendship Castle, they spotted the distressed, lavender alicorn, pacing around in circles at the front entrance, her mane still unbrushed, and muttering faintly under her breath. She smiled in relief as she saw Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash land in front of her.

Twilight rushed in, pulling the two into a tight hug, "It's so good to see you two in a time of crisis like this," she said, pulling away. "Now, c'mon, let's get inside before anything else happens."

As they got to the throne room, Fluttershy noticed the rest for her friends were already there, waiting for them, except for Pinkie Pie, who was happily gulping down the root beer from a blue cotton candy cloud.

Twilight grunted in frustration. "Pinkie! How many times did I say not to have the cotton candy cloud inside the castle!?"

"Aww, but, Twilight," the pink earth pony whined in disappointment. "It's so goooood. He finally added whipped cream this time, but he did not add a single scoop of vanilla ice cream anywhere! What's with that draconequss and not adding all the toppings!?"

"She's right, Pinkie," Rarity added. "The root beer is making this whole floor sticky!”

“No, it hasn’t!” the pink pony argued. “The root beer hardly touched the floor!”

“And then how else did it become sticky?!”

“Don’t blame it on me! It would’ve been better if there was a table here instead!”

As the two ponies kept arguing, Applejack sat up from her throne and marched in between them and pushed them apart. Her face etched with irritation.

“Enough you two!" she hollered, stomping her hoof. "I know It’s bad enough that Discord is running amok again and ya might be a little on edge, but y’all don’t need to be bickering with each other over silly things!”

The room fell silent as the orange earth pony huffed in annoyance, plopping herself back down in her chair. Guilty exchanged glances soon followed as Pinkie and Rarity looked at each other with regret.

The white unicorn lowered her head. "I'm sorry, Pinkie. I don’t know what got over me.”

"Yeah...I'm sorry too."

the room fell silent again, as the white unicorn seated herself, and the pink earth pony, still standing, pushed the blue cotton candy cloud away from her. Twilight slowly trotted toward to her chair, and plopping herself in the seat. Clearing her throat, she said:

“Thank you, Applejack, I don’t know what we’d do without you.”

The orange earth pony nodded in response.

“Okay, now that everpony’s here,” the lavender alicorn sharply darted her eyes toward the yellow pegasus. "Now explain to me, Fluttershy, why is Discord causing chaos when he was supposed to be fully reformed after Tirek’s defeat?!"

The yellow pegasus shrank back under her gaze. "I-I don't know why he's causing chaos, he was normal last night, but it couldn't be him causing this; it could be somepony else."

"Then who else in the wide world of Equestria would cause chaos like this other than Discord!?"

“I don’t know, Twilight, I just don’t know...” the yellow pegasus fixed her eyes on Twilight. “But don’t you remember the last time we blamed Discord for something, and we all thought he did it?”

“That time was different!” Twilight pressed. “The chaos outside...”

“And it turned out, he wasn’t the initial cause of it in the end.”

“Yes, I know what happened, Fluttershy,” Twilight explained, before she pointed outside. “But Fluttershy, just look outside and tell me that that chaos out there is not Discord’s!”

Fluttershy was silent. The yellow pegasus's eyes shifted, glaring at the purple alicorn with disappointment. "I'm ashamed of you, Twilight. You should know better then to blame a friend for something that you're not even sure of! Discord’s changed since he betrayed Equestria, and he’s been trying to get back the trust he lost! And I know you can’t see him trying, but in my eyes, he is!”

Twilight stared at the yellow pegasus with astonishment. She couldn’t believe how much her shy friend could be so loyal to the draconequss. She’s the closest the him, after all, so it kinda makes sense. But that didn’t explain how assertive she was, does she care about the draconequss that much? Did spending all her time with Discord change her?

As much as Discord annoys her, the lavender alicorn can’t deny the draconequss is still her friend. He gave her the last key to the chest after all. And he's has been working with Princess Celestia on civil duties to repay for his mistakes. It's true that it was unfair to call out Discord for something she wasn't sure of. Maybe they should talk to him first before making any hasty decisions.

"You're absolutely right, Fluttershy," Twilight started to say, sitting up in her throne. "I’m the Princess of Friendship now, and I have a duty to help friends, and as much as I hate to admit it, Discord is my friend. He’s as much of a friend to all of us. And I’m sorry for ever blaming him on a hunch.”

Fluttershy felt a small smile tug at her lips. “Apology accepted.”

“Good. Now what do you want to do about this?”

Fluttershy cupped her chin. “Can we agree to talk to him first before we do anything harsh?”

"I figured you’d say that. Alright, who agrees on talking to Discord first?" Twilight asked, as she simultaneously raised her hoof.

Fluttershy smiled happily, as she raised her hoof. "Thank you, Twilight."

“Just doing my duty.” she whispered, winking an eye.

The white unicorn raised her hoof. "I agree with Fluttershy; let's talk to him before we do anything rash, he is still our friend after all."

“I reckon I agree as well.” Applejack said, tipping her hat.

“Oh, oh me three!” Pinkie agreed.

There was a small silence and all heads turned toward the blue pegasus, who was eating a piece of cotton candy, she stared back at them in confusion.

“Do I have to agree?” she whined.

“Yep!” Pinkie Pie pipped.

Rainbow Dash groaned, crossing her hooves. “Ugh, fineee~, I agree too.“

Fluttershy placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Thank you, Dashie. I promise you, that you won’t regret it.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” The blue pegasus uttered. “Can we go already?”

“I don’t see why not.” Twilight answered, getting up from her throne. “C’mon, let’s go.”

As the rest of the ponies got up from their seats. They headed toward the exit of the throne room, all was silent except for the trotting of their hooves.

“Hey, Twilight,” Rarity said, breaking the silence. “How are we going to get through to Discord? He’s too unpredictable to know what he’ll do.”

"Fluttershy will get through to him, she knows him the best out of all of us."

“But what if she can’t get through to him?” asked the white unicorn. "What if we can't get through to him?"

The lavender alicorn said nothing. But instead her eyes shifted focus toward the yellow pegasus next to her, her eyeslids slid down, and her face etched with remorse. The yellow pegasus stared at the alicorn with confusion. The realization hit Fluttershy hard in the gut, as she felt her heart sank, and felt her body starting to go heavy.

“I'm sorry, Fluttershy, but we'd have to turn him back into stone.”

Fluttershy felt her heart drop into a million pieces.

“N-N-No, you can’t turn Discord into stone!” she exclaimed in panic, grabbing on to the purple alicorn. “He hates that!”

The lavender alicorn placed a hoof on her head, giving her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. It’s just a last resort. I’m certain that you can talk some sense into him...or any sense into him for that matter.”

Author's Note:

Who knew a 268 word excerpt from the pre-second chapter could turn into more than two thousand words? I decided on separating the chapter two, because I felt that the conversation between Fluttershy and Twilight should've been longer instead of a few sentences.

P.S: All chapters under this are the old ones still.