• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,868 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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M: Aftermath

As everyone around marveled at the intensity of the tale, Samus continued, filling in the last few details. "Adam actually had to carry Melissa all the way out, she was in such a bad state," she explained. "Thankfully, with the Metroid Queen and Ridley dead, there was nothing agitating any of the creatures, so we didn't encounter anything hostile on the way back to the ships. Of course, that's when we learned that Adam's ship had been...sabotaged..."

Adam stared at the wrecked ship he had come in on, the vast majority of its systems torn out and tossed towards the open docking bay doors to float out into space. "That's problematic," he grumbled.

"Not really," Samus replied. "My ship's big enough inside for everyone as long as Spike shrinks down. Strapping in will be a problem, but as long as we don't accelerate too suddenly..."

"You've got room?" Anthony called out, stepping out of the wrecked ship. "Boy is that a relief, Princess. Thought we'd be stuck here."

"Anthony!" Samus gasped out in relief. "You're alive!"

"And kicking!" Anthony responded, grinning widely. "But where's the ankle-biter?"


Samus' words were cut off as a rift in space opened above her ship. Spike flew out, landing roughly atop the broken Federation ship. He slowly lifted himself up, looking haggard and worn, a thousand yard stare dominating his eyes. "We need to leave quickly..." he managed to say, his voice sounding detached. "A Federation military vessel is nearly here, and it locked weapons on me after I identified myself."

"Everyone onto my ship, now!" Samus barked out. Once everyone was on board, she strapped herself into the pilot's seat. "Spike, brace everyone!"

Once everyone was braced as best they could, Samus gunned the engine, shooting out of the Bottleship docking bay. Almost immediately, her sensors showed that she was being locked onto with weapons and tractor beams. She cursed under her breath. Even with the ship's cloaking tech, it was only a matter of time before a lock on was made, and they were either taken into custody or destroyed.

As she sent her ship into a twisting course, trying to evade, she saw another wormhole open, this one large enough for the ship to dive through. Glancing back, she saw Spike's eyes glowing. Realizing he'd opened it for them, she sent the ship straight in, hoping Spike knew where he was sending them.

"They tried to destroy you?" Cadence gasped out, stunned.

"They were desperate," Adam explained. "When we took the CPU from the Deleter, they received a signal, so they knew that we had the proof not only of what the Bottleship was about, but that they tried to kill everyone involved to keep the secret and the Metroids. That would be enough information to completely destroy their careers, or even send them to jail for life, if not the death penalty for treason."

"Their entire modus operandi had been based in keeping the operation secret," Ghor explained. "If the secret got out..." He let the sentence peter out as he shrugged.

"So where did Spike take you?" Apple Bloom asked curiously. "Did he find someone who could help?"

"He took us straight to Admiral Dane," Samus explained. "A good choice. Not only did we know him personally, he had always been firm in his stance against bio-weapons, even more so than Adam. If there was anyone high enough in the military hierarchy to handle the situation who we knew would be on our side, it would be him." She paused, glancing away. "Not that it went how we wanted it to..."

Admiral Dane frowned across his desk at the group gathered there. "I'm afraid things aren't as simple as you'd all like them to be," he admitted finally, having heard the entire story from all involved and read through all data they'd provided. "While I can take action, there's really only two possible courses to take, and I doubt any of you will find either palatable."

"What do you mean?" Samus asked, frowning.

"The first option is the full inquiry," Dane explained. "Drag all of this to light, show the entire Federation what was being done on the Bottleship, and how far they were going to keep it secret. Full inquests and Court Martials for those at the highest, and everyone involved facing the harshest penalties that can be levied."

"I like the sound of that," Spike growled, the sound rumbling along the full length of his throat.

"You won't like the sound of the next part," Dane continued. "MB will also have to be brought to light...and the policy on bio-weapons is absolute. She'll be destroyed."

"No!" Madeline cried out, pulling Melissa to her.

"That's what created this situation in the first place!" Samus called out.

"I know that," Dane replied. "The other option is what keeps Melissa alive, but is just as unpalatable."

"...we keep quiet," Adam translated. "The ones who made this project know you have the information and can destroy them, and that keeps those involved safe...but they aren't punished for their actions. They get to keep working, but just get less ambitious about it, keeping it more secret."

"WHAT?!" Spike roared out, leaping to his feet. "After everything they did, we just let them go?"

"If Melissa's to survive, that's what we have to do-"

Snarling in defiance of Dane's words, Spike stormed out of the office, smashing part of the metal wall aside as he charged out.

"...those Demolition Troopers weren't kidding," Dane murmured, staring at the damage Spike had inflicted, somewhat awed.

"And that's with his armor limiting his strength to the environment!" Anthony quipped.

"Sorry about him," Samus said quickly, turning to go.

"Don't be," Dane replied. "I feel much the same about this situation."

Nodding, Samus raced out to pursue Spike, finding him slumped in the gardens outside the building. "Spike..."

"And they just get away with it..." Spike mumbled, staring into nothing, his eyes unfocused.

Samus stepped forward, putting her hand on Spike's shoulder to offer comfort...but jerked back as she felt the emotional turmoil swirling through him, tearing him apart inside. "Spike..."

"...they welcomed me, Mom..." he moaned out, tears pouring from his eyes. "I went into Sector Zero...and the Metroids welcomed me as a friend, a brother. They tried to make me comfortable, guide me to places to eat...and when I started to wreck the place, they just kept asking me...why? Why? I knew I had to, and they could see my thoughts, but they couldn't understand!" He curled up on himself, shrinking in despair, quite literally. "They screamed in fear, and in pain...but they never attacked me. They were made to be weapons, but they were innocents...and I killed them all! I heard their screams as they died! ...and I heard the silence as they were no more..."

Spike had shrunk down to the size he'd been when he'd first set foot on Tallon IV, small enough for Samus to cradle in her arms...and that's exactly what she did, scooping him into her embrace, letting his turmoil wash over her, struggling to be the rock in his sea of despair.

"And...and the ones who made them...the ones who made those innocent weapons, only to die...they aren't even going to pay for it..."

Samus' empathic tears beaded Spike's forehead, her emotional control strained beyond its limits as she felt her son's pain...

Twilight's tears beaded her returned draconic son's forehead as she held him, feeling his despair as he relived one of the worst moments of his life. Warmth surrounded them both as Samus joined the ponies in trying to offer desperate comfort.

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