• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,862 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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M: Broken Child

"So how did things go in Sector One?" Celestia asked curiously.

Spike and Samus exchanged glances. "Complicated," Spike admitted.

"Though I'm not sure if it was more or less so because of Spike's sense of smell," Samus added.

"How do you mean?" Luna inquired.

"We'll...get there," Samus replied. "The trip through Sector One was...somewhat difficult to manage as more dangerous creatures began attacking, although Spike was able to handle the escalation relatively easily. We also managed to spot the figure resembling a trooper a few times in our pursuit. At one point, a bridge we needed to cross shut itself down right ahead of us, the control device on the near side damaged. At that point, my suit alerted me that my Space Jump and Screw Attack functions were fully repaired, and I made the decision to activate them, since I was unable to contact Adam...and there was every possibility we were the only remaining operatives on the mission."

"The path led to a new elevator," Spike continued. "Which is when we encountered Melissa again, and finally got her name."

"Even if she lied about it at first," Samus countered.

"Reasonably so," Spike insisted, as they began speaking of that part of the tale.

As Samus and Spike entered a large new chamber, they saw the only feature of interest being an inactive computer system. As they approached, however, it turned itself on. Samus quickly went to examine it and attempt to access some files, but Spike hung back. He'd felt...something...when the computer turned itself on, and he wanted to be sure it wasn't what he thought before approaching.

A nearby door opened, and the blonde woman they'd helped earlier stepped out. She started to back through the door when she saw Samus, but paused when she saw Spike, shaking.

"It's me," Spike offered softly. "You don't need to be afraid. We're here to protect you." He stepped forward, shrinking himself down to human size and shifting to a bipedal physical configuration. "I'm Spike. This is my Mom, Samus. What's your name?"

The woman stepped forward nervously. "M-Madeline...Bergman," she offered.

"The one mentioned in the computer files?" Samus asked incisively. "Then you know the purpose of this station?"

'Madeline' nodded. "I do. ...let me show you." She took a seat at the computer accessing files as she made her way through security protocols. "Behind closed doors, the Galactic Federation was trying to create a special-forces unit composed of bio-weapons. In order to make it happen, they were attempting to create an organization modeled after the Space Pirates, with the Zebesians at the center."

"As we'd deduced," Samus muttered.

"I've heard of 'if you can't beat them, join them', but to recreate your worst enemies as a weapon?" Spike grumbled, shaking his head. "What were they thinking?"

"Yes," 'Madeline' replied. "Things went according to plan, but...a certain presence caused the life-forms to become ferocious. We were no longer able to control them." She paused, as though trying to formulate her next words carefully.

Spike leaned down. "Where did they get Ridley's cells to clone him?" he asked firmly, causing Samus' eyes to widen.

'Madeline' frowned. "...scrapings from Samus' suit upon your return from Zebes," she admitted finally.

"So now you're going to tell us about where the Metroids are being bred, what insane idea the military had for making them into weapons, and what security is in place," Spike continued.

'Madeline' lowered her head to the console, calling up the files on the 'Metroid Militarization Program'. Samus stared, stunned as she took in the details, realizing how she had unwittingly been used by the Federation to create this. "But...to control Metroids, they would need Mother Brain's telepathy. Did...did you clone that as well from my suit?"

"No," 'Madeline' corrected. "We developed an AI program to generate Mother Brain's thought processes, including the telepathy that controlled the Metroids. We called it...MB."

"And then Madeline gave you her name," Spike spoke up, catching both women off guard, "awakening your heart...and once you had emotions, the Federation couldn't control you. So they ordered you terminated...and you fought back."

'Madeline' stared at him, her expression stricken. "W...what...?"

"I'm part Metroid," Spike replied. "Not much, but some. Enough, at any rate, to feel Mother Brain's telepathy, but not be controlled by it. So I felt it when you remotely activated this terminal. At first, I thought you might just have telepathic abilities, so I got close...close enough to scent your mechanical components, identifying you...as an android." He smiled softly, reassuringly. "So...what name did Madeline give you, Miss Bergman?"

The android looked away. "...my name is Melissa," she admitted softly, sadly. "...what are you going to do with me?"

"What do you mean?" Samus asked, confused.

"I'm Mother Brain," Melissa explained. "The last vestige of the Space Pirates you hate so much, and the key to the military's ability to control this program. Logic dictates that you eliminate me to achieve your long term objectives."

"Is that why you ran away?" Samus asked softly. When Melissa nodded, Samus shrugged. "Well there's another logic. The Chozo created Mother Brain, with built in limiters designed to prevent her from going rogue...until she became filled with so much rage at being enslaved that she circumvented them. You, however, are a new entity with her capabilities. To me...that says you are a newborn Chozo, or at least as Chozo as Spike or I are. So answer me one question honestly. Have you, or any creature under your direct control, killed anyone since you were born?"

Melissa closed her eyes, then shook her head. "No," she replied. "I agitated the creatures, but they were not under my control. They never were. I...didn't mean for things to go so bad, but I hadn't realized how agitated they had become from Ridley's presence..."

"You only acted to defend yourself," Samus stated firmly. "We will protect you. And if we can find Madeline still alive, and she can forgive you for what happened, and you her for not being able to save you before...then we'll find a place in the universe where you can live peacefully and unafraid." I think I might even have one ready, she added silently, remembering the problems on Aether.

Staring up at Samus in disbelief, Melissa closed her eyes, wiping away tears before throwing her arms around the Hunter, clinging to her like a lifeline.

"There's one more thing," Spike added, looking at the files. "We'll need to eliminate any and all Metroids on this station."

"What?" Samus demanded, stunned. "But-"

"They've been modified to remove their vulnerability to cold," Spike explained, indicating the file in question. "Whether or not they were successful, if any of them remain...Melissa will always be hounded by those who seek to use her to control them. No faction can have that at their disposal."

Melissa nodded slowly as she released Samus. "Though unpleasant, your logic is undeniable."

Sighing sadly, Samus nodded. She didn't like the idea of once again exterminating Metroids, but there really seemed to be no other choice.

"The Metroids are in Sector Zero," Melissa explained, calling up the map of the station, isolating the unmapped area. "It resembles Tourian on Zebes...and can be accessed via Sector 2."

"How can we destroy the whole sector?" Spike asked.

"It has a built in self destruct protocol," Melissa explained. "If enough damage is inflicted to the sector, it will disengage from the station and explode."

"Then that's my job," Spike declared. "Mom, you should stay here and protect Melissa. I'll take care of Sector Zero."

"Are you sure you can?" Melissa asked worriedly.

Samus chuckled. "Just going to disengage your limiters and blast around?" she asked.

"That's the plan," Spike confirmed, turning to leave. He then smirked over his shoulder as he shifted to all fours. "Any objections, Lady?"

Rolling her eyes, Samus shot him a thumbs down. "Good luck, and stay safe."

"Will do," Spike promised, turning to head back to Sector 2.

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