• Published 4th May 2015
  • 21,881 Views, 923 Comments

Do...You? - Dr Atlas

It's not every day a pony asks for sex in the middle of battle, especially one this cute.

  • ...


“Let’s get this party...STARTED!”

The entire crowd cheered as music started blasting out of the speakers. Pinkie then grabbed a nearby mic and tossed it right to Twilight, who grabbed it with her magic and started singing.

As the song continued, two ponies in the background poked their heads out from behind a table, one being green and the other being blue. “Alright, Doomie.” The green one whispered. “You ready?”

The disguised Doomie shoved the disguised Twig away. “No.” He whispered. “I am far from ready, what if this doesn’t work, what if me and pink...or...Pinkie and I...realize this relationship will soon go down hill? What if we-”

“Shush!” Twig shoved a hoof in Doomie’s mouth. “Doomie, do you love her?”


“Do you love her?” Twig asked again, his face inches away from Doomie’s.

Doomie sighed. “Yes, I-”

“And does she love you?” Twig asked.


Twig grabbed him. “Doomie! Does she-”

Doomie pushed him away. “I don’t know, Twig! For all I know, she’s doing this just so she could feed me.”

Twig smiled. “Then that’s good.”

“How is that good?” Doomie said. “That means she’s just doing this because she-”

“Because she cares about you, silly.” Twig rubbed his brothers head. “You ever hear of ponies giving changelings love when they’re themselves?”

Doomie started fighting. “Well…”

Twig then patted his head. “She’s doing this outta love for you, Doomie.”

“But Twig-”

“No buts!” Twig booped Doomie's nose. “You are gonna face that mare with a big heart, a clear mind, a great body, and anything else you need that I forgot to tell you.”

“T-There was more stuff!?” Doomie started panicking.

“Well, I can’t tell you everything, you gotta find things out on your own.”


Twig started eyeing him. “What’d I say about ‘buts’?”

Doomie sighed again. “Listen, Twig, I really do appreciate the help, but you could’ve told me more.”

Twig shook his head. “I didn’t give you instructions, Doomie. I gave you advice, at least, I think there’s a difference.” He tapped his chin, wondering if there actually was a difference.

Doomie looked out into the crowd again, seeing that the song was still going. “Huh...how is it that they can remember a song?”

“They practiced?” Twig shrugged. “I dunno; ponies scare me from time to time with things like this.”

“What? How they can burst into song?” Doomie said, Twig nodded with a scared face. “I know for a fact it took the queen weeks to finally get her song all down,” Doomie continued. “she would’ve had a chorus too, if only we had more time.”

Twig sighed. “Yup...one is a lonely number, Doomie…”

“Uh...Yeah...It sure is.”

Twig patted Doomie’s back, almost breaking it. “Don’t worry, brother. I’m sure you’ll wow her with that amazing skill you have.”

Doomie rubbed his back in pain. “Ngh...Twig, for the last time, I seriously doubt she’ll be impressed by my-”

“There she is!” Twig pointed ahead, hitting Doomie’s nose in the process.

Doomie rubbed his muzzle and looked out of table, seeing his love dancing to the beat of the song. He then noticed what she was wearing. “Woah…She...she looks good in that...that…”

“Dress?” Twig said. “Yeah, I don’t get why ponies wear that clothes stuff, they’re naked all the time anyway.”

Doomie continued staring at Pinkie, his mind somewhat in a trance. “Yeah, but she looks so...beautiful in it…”

Twig laughed. “I’d bet the dress would look even more beautiful on her bedroom floor.”

Doomie snapped out of it once Twig said that. “H-Hey now! I-I wasn’t-”

“But you were thinking it~” Twig said jokingly.

Doomie blushed and looked away. “C-Can you just get out of here! I can take it from here.”

Twig chuckled. “Alright, brother, you do good, as for me, I’m gonna help the hive.”

“Help the-” Doomie turned around. “Twig, how are you gonna do that?”

Twig shrugged. “Well, we had a plan before, we can do it again, right?”

Doomie rolled his eyes. “Twig, that plan we had was just ponynaping the princess, I seriously doubt the second time will be the charm.”

Twig gasped. “The second time will be the charm!”

“No, Twig. I said-”

“Don’t worry, Doomie!” Twig turned around and held his hoof to his chest. “I will bring the source of love to the hive again! You stay here and find a better disguise.” With that, he trotted away, leaving Doomie to himself to wonder just what Twig would do.

“Probably go back home with flowers or something.” Doomie said to himself. “Now, how to surprise her…” He tapped his chin and started thinking. He looked around the party to see if there was something that could give him an idea, but all he saw were stallions, mares, guards, Pinkie, her friends. “Wait...I got the best idea.” Doomie then dashed under the table cover; a green light shining seconds later. “This is perfect.”


“You okay, Pinkie?”

“W-wha?” Pinkie turned to see Rainbow Dash flying above her after looking around the party. “Oh...uh, yeah, I-I’m fine...heh…”

Dash crossed her arms. “You sure, you don’t look okay, you seem...distracted.” Dash rubbed her chin and started to smile. “Wonder what it could be.” Dash then did a sultry pose in the air.

“I’m just...looking around, seeing if the party’s going ay okay.” Pinkie smiled, trying her hardest not to act suspicious.

Dash landed on the ground and came up beside Pinkie. “Look, Pinkie, I know you’re kinda sad and all about losing your bug friend, but maybe he just wasn’t for you; maybe there’s someone else out there who wants to be with you besides him.” Dash was about to wrap a wing around her, only for Pinkie to back away.

“D-Dash!” Pinkie yelled. “How could you say that!? I love him...er...I loved him, and now you’re telling me I should go out with someone else.” She crossed her arms. “I don’t think there’s anyone else I’d rather love.”

Rainbow Dash frowned. “Aw, don’t say that. I’m sure there’s one pony out there who loves you; someone...really close who’s probably just...trying to...just...come out and say it.” Dash started stepping closer.

“Oh really?” Pinkie said, her hooves on her hips. “Who? What other pony out there loves me like he did? I don’t think there’s anyone else-”

“But there is!” Dash grabbed her hooves and pulled Pinkie in. “Listen, Pinkie, it’s time I told you that...well...I’m…”

Pinkie brushed Dash’s hooves away. “Look, Dashie, I know you’re trying to help and all, but you gotta understand that I really liked him, even more than you girls.”

Dash took a deep breath. “Pinkie, I...wait, e-even more?” Dash started backing up.

Pinkie nodded. “Of course, I know the six of us are just friends, and we will always be that, but he was more than that, Dashie.”

“J-Just friends.” Dash looked down. Unable to make eye contact after that.

Pinkie smiled. “Of course!” Pinkie grabbed Dash’s hooves herself. “And I know nothing will ever change that, I promise that we will always be nothing more than friends!”

Rainbow Dash continued looking down, seeing her own hooves locked in Pinkie’s. “P-Pinkie, I-I thought that...w-with you losing him that...I thought...”

“You thought what?” Pinkie tilted her head; oblivious to what Dash was feeling right now.

Dash finally pushed Pinkie away. “I-It’s nothing...j-just, just…” Dash turned around. “I’ma go get a drink…” She walked off, trying her hardest not to look back.

Pinkie sat there in confusion. “Wonder what’s got Dashie all worried.” She tapped her chin and smiled. “Eh, I’m sure she’s alright. Now, where is that Doomie?”

“Um...Excuse me, miss?”

The party pony turned around, her smile vanishing the second she saw who was behind her. “Oh, uh...h-hello, royal guard...Um...I-I’d love to talk, but right now; I’m waiting for someone.”

The guard stood straight. “Would that someone happen to be a changeling?”

Pinkie gasped. “W-What makes you say that.” She darted her eyes back and forth, wondering how this random guard knew a changeling was currently with her. “I-I don’t know any changelings.”

He stepped closer. “Last I heard, a certain pink pony was seen making out with a random bug.” He chuckled. “And that pink pony looks a lot like you.”

Pinkie started shaking. “L-Look, I-I don’t know anything about Doom- uh...a changeling being here.”

“I never said there was one here.” He sat down. “Are you saying there might still be one hidden in this...uh...area?”

“N-No...n-not at all…” Pinkie was getting really nervous now.

"Huh...strange. I could’ve sworn I’ve seen one trying to disguise as a pony earlier.”


He nodded. “Mmh hmm. I don’t know about you, but he was looking awfully suspicious when I was talking to him.”

“Y-you talked to Do- er...t-that pony?”

“Yup, had a few questions to ask him, but I could already tell he was a changeling from the start.”

“Y-You did.” Pinkie grabbed him. “W-What did you do to him?”

“Who, Doomie?”

Pinkie shook him. “Yes! What’d you do with-” She let go of him. “W-Wait, h-how do you know his name?”

The guard blinked, showing his real clear blue eyes. “Because that changeling is me.”

Pinkie dropped her jaw. “D-Doomie?”

Doomie blinked again, changing back to his fake eyes, and smiled, showing one of his fangs. “Yes, my delicious piece of pie?”

Pinkie’s frown turned into a smile. “D-Doomie!” Pinkie jumped with joy before hugging him, luckily, Doomie kept his balance this time. “Thank goodness you’re okay. Don’t scare me like that.”

Doomie chuckled and hugged back. “I just wanted to play a bit, no harm?”

“Yeah, but you had me worried.” Pinkie touched noses with him. “I thought for sure they...they…”

“Hey, don’t worry.” Doomie caressed her hair, his smile still present. “I’m careful when it comes to disguising.”

Pinkie raised an eye. “Um, then why is your fang showing?”

Doomie stopped smiling and glided his tongue over his teeth, feeling that one of them was longer and sharper than the others. “Oh...uh...heheh...right. Guess I shoulda spun around four times in a mirror...eh?” He shook his head and smiled again, this time with straight, flat teeth. “How’s this?”

Pinkie laughed. “It’s fine out here, but i’d rather have all of you showing when it’s just me and you.”

All of me?” Doomie raised one of his eyebrows.

Pinkie nodded. “Yup, not a trace of pony on you.”

Doomie blushed. “R-Right now, in front of every-”

Pinkie giggled. brought his hooves up to her face. “Not here, but maybe after the party.”

"Oh...r-right." He smiled

Pinkie giggled. “This party’s still going on and it’s doing pretty good too!” Pinkie extended her arm across the area. “Just look at everypony having a great time celebrating the wedding.”

“And the victory too?” Doomie said.

Pinkie turned back to Doomie. “Aw, come on, Doomie, I’m sure it’s not about that too.”

Doomie raised an eye. “Are you sure you're sure? You know, this isn’t the first time creatures have thrown victory events after they chased us out.”

“It hasn’t?”

Doomie sighed. “Nope...it hasn’t, but at least no one’s-”

“POW! Right in his face!”

Doomie and Pinkie turned around to see a group of ponies laughing, one of them stopped and said. “A-And then whahahahat happenehehend?”

The one who yelled regained his composure and continued. “And then the filthy bug landed right on the other side of the street, I was about to dish out some more until that wave hit.”

Another chuckled. “I remember one getting the snot beat out of him by this one chick, I was amazed the bug didn’t run off when he had the chance.”

Another pony laughed. “Those things are just idiots when it comes to plans, I mean, with the queen wantin’ to get love, how the heck would they even get it by invading?”

“How would they get it in the first place?” One said with a roll of his eyes. “Did you see how those things looked, they are the ugliest monsters I have ever laid eyes on.”

“You’re right about that, filth like that needs to live outside.”

Another one chuckled. “Provided they can even live outside in the first place.”

Another roar of laughter came, making Pinkie cringe and flinched with every harsh word. She looked up at Doomie, who was only staring at them with an expressionless face. “U-Uh...Doomie, you okay?” Pinkie tapped him.

Doomie turned back to her. “I’m fine...you get use to stuff like this. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve heard insults and harsh words like that, sometimes right to our face.”

Pinkie frowned. "Y-You're not upset?"

"I told you, we get use to it."

"Should you?"

Doomie craned his head to the sky, unsure of how he should answer that. He then wondered how his siblings would react to this. "I wonder what they’re doing right now.” He said.

Pinkie looked up. “Who?”

“My hive and how they’re handling what happened to them.” Doomie answered. “I can’t imagine how they’ll take this defeat. I know this isn’t the first time, but this is probably the worst one.”

“The worst?”

Doomie nodded. “The one before this was being chased out of town with torches and pitchforks, kinda embarrassing when that happened, and the second worse one was in that creepy village.” Doomie shivered. “We thought having the same cutie mark would be okay, but geez, they were weird.”

Pinkie started getting sad with all of this. “A-And no one’s ever given you a chance?”

Doomie looked back at her. “No one...they’d just love us for what we weren’t, not for who we really are.”

Pinkie held his hooves. “But I do...and I’m sure others will love your brother’s and sisters too. I-I know your siblings can be rude to each other but-”

Doomie raised an eye. “But we’re not rude to our fo- er...out lovers.”

“You’re not?”

Doomie brought both their hooves to his chest. “We may be mean to each other, but we treat our true loves with the kindest of hearts, or...at least, try to when we’re...not ourselves.”

“But, that’s just for food, isn’t it?”

“For them, it probably is, as for me, not anymore.” He locked eyes with her. “Pinkie, I don’t care if I can’t feed off you, I just want to love you for who you are, and I’m sure we can work this out.”

Pinkie smiled. “And I love you for who...work this out?” Pinkie leaned back. “What do you mean?”

Doomie turned away. “M-Maybe we should talk in private. Is that okay?”

Pinkie looked around the party one more time before turning back to Doomie. “Of course it is.” With that, the two of them made their way out of the area and to the gardens. "Come on; this way."

Doomie walked along side her. He then noticed her dress again. "Okay, um...y-you look nice, by the way."

Pinkie laughed. "Oh, you like the dress? It's pretty nice, isn't it?"

Doomie continued staring. "Y-Yeah....it is..."

Meanwhile, Dash dropped her jaw, and her drink, as she saw Pinkie walk away from the party with a guard next to her. “S-She...she...t-that fast?”

“Uh...you alright, sugarcube?”

Dash turned around to see Applejack. “A-Ay jay...I-I think I saw Pinkie...w-walk away with…”

“Uh...Dash, you’re startin’ to tear up.” AJ came up to her and rested a hoof on her shoulder. “You sure you’re okay?”

Without warning, Dash brought Applejack in for a hug. AJ reacted with wide eyes. “I-I’m fine...A-As long as I have have you too...”

AJ smiled and hugged back. "Aw, thank's Dash. You're a good friend too."

"J-Just a friend!?"

Author's Note:

I know the whole "Dash is lez" thing is overused,
but I just could not resist.
Besides, how many stories have her getting rejected
and not having her go out with the rest of the mane six,
or other mare's,
or have sex with them?
Not. Enough.
Either that or I ain't looking hard enough...
Doomiepie iz best ship.