• Published 11th May 2015
  • 3,607 Views, 106 Comments

My Journey - HopeForTheFew

A story of one mans journey to find a new life where he can be free from all his pain.

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Chapter 2: My New Found Strength

They led me through the large hallways of the castle. "Might I ask where your taking me?" I asked. They did not answer me, instead they led me down a set of stairs that seemed to be underground since there were no more windows around, "never mind I think I know where I am headed." I said.

After awhile we reached what appeared to be a cave system. "Yep, I thought so." I said sighing deeply as I saw with weary eyes what lay beyond me. What was ahead of me was rows upon rows of jail cells. I made no attempt to stop what was happening, what else could I do but go along with it? I would get my chance to escape soon enough, or at least I hoped I would.

They locked me up in one of the cells and set six guards watching me at a time. During the whole journey down here they kept the three hundred surrounding me, so it was obvious that they thought I was capable of doing devastating damage.

"What are you?" one of the creatures asked.

"I am a Human." I said simply. "But, might I ask, what are you?" I asked

"We are ponies" A different pony said with a tired and annoyed tone of voice

"Well that explains your size." I said mockingly. I got glares from everyone when I said that comment.

We talked for quite some time. I told them of myself, my family, and where I came from. They told me of Pegasus, unicorn, Earth ponies, and the rare creatures called Alicorns which apparently were the large white creature and the large blue one that I faced outside. They then began telling me about the Alicorns and how they ruled over Equestria. I then began to ask questions about Equestria which they only answered a few of my questions. They probably did that because they were worried about more of my kind invading their land. I then began about what they called 'magic' which apparently they could not use on me very well hence the fact that apparently the two Alicorns had trouble blasting me back with their attack. And then I asked about their world, they gave me funny looks when I asked that, until I told them I was not from this world, then they began to flip out. One of the ponies flew away to get some help of some kind while the others were just spewing surprised words at me like "A-a-alien?" and "What-bu-but-how?"

After awhile of them flipping out the pony that flew away returned with the large white and blue Alicorns, They also came with what looked like a lavender Alicorn, only this one was a lot smaller only a little bigger then the other ponies actually. The lavender Alicorn then began asking me all kinds of questions very rapidly and excitedly and writing down all the answers I could give her. She asked about where I came from, why I was here, who I was, and how long I was here. I answered all of these questions as best I could, however, it seemed to be like every time I answered a question two more appeared inside her brain.

The questions went on for a good three hours or more. I answered as many questions I could. The creature then began saying that she would come back tomorrow and begin some kind of test on me. That raised hopes inside of me that maybe I could pull off an escape of some kind. I said goodbye and then spent the rest of the night sleeping on the thought of escape.

I awoke to find six different guards around my cell, only these guards were different, they had what appeared to be shiny dark blue armor an grey fur as well as bat wings. "Night guards." I whispered to myself. Though I tried to be silent, the ponies still heard and answered.

"Yes we are Night guards, what of it?" A female guard asked.

"There is nothing 'of it' its just that I put two and two together. Tell me what time in the night is it?" I asked the female pony.

"It is sunrise." A guard said walking down the hallway with the lavender pony.

"Greetings, friend." I said.

"We'll see if we are to be friends." The lavender pony said.

"Sounds good to me." I said hiding the smile that was slowly rising within me.

They unlocked the doors and a group of guard ponies surrounded me and started shoving me towards the large doors ahead. Well shit, I'm not going to be able to escape like this. I thought to myself.

After awhile of walking they led me to what appeared to be a laboratory of some kind. There was machines everywhere around the room, a lot of the machines had crystals within them, only what was freaky was that the crystals were floating in midair within the machine. Stupid magic.I thought to myself.

After awhile of looking about, they began to shove me towards a bed of some sort. They strapped me onto the bed and rolled me into a small room in the corner. But before I was rolled into the room I noticed he door open across the room and the white and blue alicorns entered. I stared them down as I was pushed into the small room, they stared back at me none of us wavering our stares until the door was closed to the point that I could no longer see them. "Your majesty's, the creature is ready for the scan." One of the ponies said but I could no longer see anyone, I could only hear.

"Very good, please continue." I could tell from the voice that it was the dark blue one that the ponies called Princess Luna.

"Yes your majesty." Once I heard those words fear started to grow within me and I struggled against my bonds.

"Don't worry creature, you will not be harmed." what I could only assume was the white Alicorn said.

"You are called Celestia correct?" I asked staring at the mirror that was ahead of me.

"Yes I am Princess Celestia of Equestria." The alicorn said.

"Well I suppose it is better sooner than late to get pleasantries out of the way, my name is Jesse." I said.

"I'll remember that." Celestia said.

And with that said and done with I then began to hear a loud humming noise that was coming from behind me. "We are just scanning you." Celestia said. "You will not be harmed." I nodded my head and took deep breaths and tried to relax. However, they were wrong, the next few moments I was placed in the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. As I heard the humming of the machine grow louder I started to feel a little ache in my head.

"Okay this is starting to hurt." I said as the pain started to grow.

"Don't worry, a little numbness in your head is normal." One of the ponies said.

"IT IS NOT NUMBNESS DAMNIT, IT IS PAIN." I said very loudly. But it was right after I spoke those words that the pain grew to be something else. The pain now surrounded my whole head as I started to scream at the top of my lungs because of the pain, it felt like someone was ripping my head in half very slowly, trying to cause as much suffering as possible. I heard voices saying things but I could not make them out, I wasn't trying to make them out. I was struggling against my bonds as hard as I could but it was no use, I was stuck there on the receiving end of the pain. But then, it happened. I felt something in my head that stretched down through my whole body, I felt strong, the pain was now gone and now all that remained was the memory of it and this new found strength. With one hard tug the bonds snapped. I then got up and headed to the door delivering one hard punch to it sending it flying to the other end of the outside room. I then began to walk casually out the other door as I got looks from all the ponies, looks of fear, curiosity, and anger. They tried to stop me from leaving the room but I just sent them flying to the other end of the room. And then I started to make the long trek back to my homestead. The long, long trek back home.