• Published 11th May 2015
  • 3,599 Views, 106 Comments

My Journey - HopeForTheFew

A story of one mans journey to find a new life where he can be free from all his pain.

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Chapter 3: A New Found Enemy

Author's Note:

I know this is a short chapter but I wanted to make it sort of a cliffhanger. Enjoy :heart:


Celestia stared in disbelief of what they created. In an instant however, she burst out of her stunned position. "Twilight, get to the other Elements and tell them to meet me in the throne room as soon as possible." Celestia said fear steadily growing inside her.

Twilight nodded and started out the door when she stopped, a thought going through her mind. "Are we going to kill it?" Twilight asked. Fear in her eyes.

"If we have to then, yes but I would much rather contain it if possible." Celestia said and then called out to the sergeant that was helping one of the two guards that the creature blew across the room, up on his feet. "Sergeant I want you to gather up your fastest and strongest guards available and send them after the creature, we cannot afford to let it loose with the possibility that it might attack my ponies." Celestia said staring hard at the sergeant.

"Yes your majesty." The guard said while rushing out the door in a split second.


I was now out of the city on my way towards to forest that was about two miles in distance. I should be able to get home by nightfall I thought to myself. Then all of the sudden I heard behind me the sound of flapping wings. I turned around but it was too late. The Pegasus rammed me into the dirt behind me but in a instant we were both up. I looked beyond the Pegasus and noticed several more ponies on their way towards me. "Aww hell no" I said to myself but at that moment the other pony in front of me noticed my attention was no longer on it and took that chance to ram me again into the dirt. I got up faster though this time and charged the Pegasus and gave a swift uppercut to the pony knocking it back at least a hundred feet. It was then though that fear crept in me. It was fear that I may have accidently killed the pony, I stared off towards the pony but to my relief the pony tried to get up, it wasn't dead but was extremely hurt. I then decided instead of bringing more harm to the creatures I would instead run. Though something in the back of my mind told me that I would have to kill in the end of all this.

I reached the woods in due time while keeping the other Pegasus off my back by delivering quick jabs and hooks and at the same time delivering a scary bright flash of light that was not meant to harm the ponies just scare them, and to my luck, It did just that. But before I entered the woods I looked back at the castle only for fear to fill my eyes when I saw what appeared to be several thousand pony guards leaving the gates of the city. It was then that I had took to the fastest run I have ever done, it seemed like the new strength gave me quicker speed, however I was still not quite as fast as the Pegasus chasing me, but I was definitely faster then the Earth ponies and Unicorns that were behind the Pegasus in the long chase even if the unicorns teleported.

Upon entering the woods I noticed almost immediately the path that I had made the other day. I followed the path for quite some time until I reached my home. It appeared that either I had lost the ponies in the woods or they had decided to leave me be for the time being until they regrouped with the army that was not to far from my homestead. I entered the building sat down on the couch with dark thoughts going through my mind. This new power I had gained gave me apparent super strength and faster speed. However, it also gave me horrible thoughts. I cant be stopped, with this new power who could stop me? I could rule this pathetic world. I could rule and kill whom I pleased I thought, a twisted smile growing on my face. But it soon disappeared when I realized what I was thinking. "I have to control it." I said to myself. I then got up made myself something to eat and prepared for the army that was closing in on my position. I then made up my mind to go out and face them because of the fact that I seemed to have no other option at this point seeming as they were trying to kill me. Without any fear In me I marched out the building and began my journey for the battle that was soon to come. For some strange reason that I could not make out I apparently lost the care that I had before. I still cared for the ponies that I would inevitably hurt or kill but not as much care as I had before.

I left the building and started a quick jog towards the end of the woods. In about a couple of hours I reached the edge of the woods I noticed that the ponies had made camp right outside of the woods, so I then decided to go around and exit the woods through a different way, in other words flanking them.

I exited the woods and gazed upon the mass of tents in front of me and a smile crossed my face. "If I'm going to go out, I am going to go out with a fight... And maybe a bang if I can manage it" With those words said I made the loudest war cry I had ever made, (hence it being louder then other times do to this power.) and watched as the ponies gathered up and stared at me, some had fear in their eyes while other had absolute rage. The two Princesses entered into view and gazed angrily at me. I gazed at them a wicked smile on my face as all the ponies started yelling and began their charge to destroy me, if they could. But I had tricks up my sleeve, I new how to use this new power and with that in mind I made my own charge using the new strength to increase my yell making it louder then all of the ponies that yelled in unison. And watched in what appeared to be slow motion as I drew up my fist and thrust it into the princess of the suns muzzle.