• Published 8th May 2015
  • 4,468 Views, 365 Comments

Unnatural Existence - ShadowKirby

Pinkamena struggles for happiness, while having to take turns with Pinkie Pie for who is in control.

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Unnatural Existence

I mentally sighed as Pinkie Pie bounded around the bakery, throwing the sugary snacks they sold around the room with perfect accuracy, every single one landing on a table.

I would've rolled my eyes too, but they were currently under the control of the aforementioned pink pony.

'Why do you always have to bounce around whenever you do anything?' I asked her, mostly for the sake of actually doing anything other than just watching.

While outwardly she hummed and continued serving customers, she responded in her mind to me.

'Because just walking would be boring!' was her cheerful response.

'I expected you to say something like that...'

My name is Pinkamena, and I just so happen to have to share the same body with Pinkie Pie, a similar looking pony with a completely opposite personality from me.

Right now she was in control, since it was time for her day job.

No way was I wasting my time working in a bakery, I had absolutely no interest in that. Good thing for me I didn't have to, since I could just trade off with Pinkie; bad thing for me because I had to just watch, bored, while she did it.
It was a good thing I'd spent my entire life up until recently living in boredom, I suppose. Now the moments of monotony when it was her turn to have control weren't unbearable for me.

Too bad the same couldn't be said for her; she got antsy if I started having fun and she couldn't participate.

'Would you look at the clock for me?' At the very least I could still try and get her to do what I wanted but couldn't do.

"Sure!" She bounded over to the clock and stared up at it intensely.

'Pinkie...I didn't need you to drop everything you were doing and stare at it.'

"I'm just trying to be considerate, silly! It wasn't hard to do!"

'Yes, but now everyone is staring at you...' She blinked and turned around to see customers at the tables staring at her weirdly.

"Oh...oops!" was the giggle filled response, making me groan in annoyance. At least the ponies of Ponyville were used to her weird behaviour, so it only took a few seconds for it to be shrugged off as unexplainable.

Bouncing back into the kitchen I went back to the train of thought I had originally and pulled up a mental image of what the clock had looked like.
Hey, years of being unable to do anything but observe made things like that easy for me.
With that image in mind I instinctively attempted to breathe a sigh of relief. Her shift was almost over.

Outside my train of thought, Pinkie had grabbed a pie to throw to another table, when the front door opened with a jingle and a crash sound.

"Pinkie Pie!" a strangely excited and all too familiar voice said loudly as the door slammed against the wall.

Pinkie turned mid-throw and let the pie loose by accident at the interruption.


Eyes turned towards the door, to witness a sight that was both sad and downright hilarious.
A purple unicorn was standing in the doorway with a book on her head and a face covered in pie that was dripping onto the floor.

I laughed uncontrollably. It's much harder to hold in thoughts than your actual voice, you see.

Twilight Sparkle seemed unperturbed by the sudden assault of food and just shook it off, sending bits of the dessert flying around the room and causing complaints from onlookers.

"Pinkie!" She dashed up towards the pony mentioned with a huge and admittedly creepy grin. I knew what that look meant all too well.

"Hiya Twilight!" Pinkie Pie smiled at her friend, not even commenting on the weirdness of the situation.

"Pinkie! Pinkamena! I found out all about your problem!" She seemed out of breath.

"Really?" Twilight received an inquisitive head tilt from Pinkie.

"Yeah! And you're never gonna believe it! It can even be solved!" Her voice was brimming with excitement and her eyes shined. "You'll give me your full co-operation, right?"

"Oh. Um..." Pinkie looked to the right, away from Twilight, and all of a sudden I found myself in control of our body. I stumbled a bit before I regained my balance, having not expected to need to keep myself up so suddenly.

Many ponies in the store stared at me with awe and interest while I tried to hide behind my now straight mane.
I didn't like being the center of attention.

Explanations of mine and Pinkie's situation was spread very quickly, once I had finally been noticed, so as to avoid all the questioning that kept happening. Still, it wasn't like many ponies in town had actually seen us swap places before, so their reaction was understandable.

"Pinkie...don't do that..." I mumbled under my breath.


She was so chipper all the time. It was painful sometimes.


Remembering Twilight, I looked back at her and motioned to the entrance to the kitchen situated right next to me, and entered it myself quickly to get out of the spotlight.

She followed quickly, practically bumping into me.

"So? Will you?" Her huge, unnerving grin was still there, constantly freaking me out. I wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. Based on past experiences, I wasn't sure I trusted her.

"That depends. I'm not promising anything without proper details." My eyes narrowed and I stared intensely at her to get my point across.

"Oh, fine!" She huffed. I could tell she hadn't really wanted to have to explain things to me. That made me even more cautious.

Good thing Pinkie wasn't the one dealing with this, she'd say yes right away. She could be so naive and irresponsible sometimes.

'Heeey! I'm not irresponsible!' I knew she'd be pouting as she said that if she could.

''Yes you are.' I wasn't afraid to say it to her. Blunt and to the point was all anyone should be. Why bother with unnecessary words?

"I found out that...well, the two of you...technically, neither of you should exist." I could hear the reluctance in her voice.

"What do you mean?" I stated flatly while Pinkie listed off a bunch of worries and confusion which I pushed to the back of my mind.

"Well..." She paused. "The rainboom caused an emotional one-eighty for you. Dreary, dull, unhappy, straight to cheerful, super happy ball of energy."

I gave her a bored expression. "And?"

"And so when the rainboom hit you, instead of your emotions safely transitioning, they split into two alternate personalities!"

I stared. I had assumed something like that had happened, but the fact that we were supposed to be together, as an 'in-the-middle' of the two of us was news to me, and...a bit off putting.

"We're...the same pony? Entirely?"I asked rhetorically with hesitation.

"Well...to put it in simple terms, yes." was her response. "But, uh," she quickly switched her voice back to cheerful and excited, huge creepy grin having returned. "you two can be put back together! There's a spell some unicorns can do that is used to mend split personalities." She paused and looked away before turning back to me.

"But, uh, it doesn't always work depending on the situation, and generally only highly advanced experts in the medical field can do it..."

I gave her a blank look. "Why are you telling me all this?" I honestly wasn't sure. Did she seriously think I'd want to do that? Even if it was properly possible?

She gave me a bewildered look. "Because the two of you can both be in control at the same time this way!" Her voice dropped. "Isn't that what you want?"

I sighed and shook my head, turning away from her. "If you really think I want to just...give myself up, then you're wrong."

A bell rang. "Thanks for the information, Twilight, but if you haven't noticed it's still working hours. I'd appreciate it if you left."

I felt Pinkie trying to take control as she wanted to go help the customer, but I wasn't letting her out until Twilight was gone. I just knew she'd do something to complicate the situation more.


I rolled my eyes.

A sigh came from behind me.

"Alright. See you later, Pinkamena, Pinkie." The purple unicorn brushed past me and headed out from the bakery.

'C'moooon Pinkamena! There are poor, hungry ponies out there! It's not even your turn until after work!'

'You're the one who suddenly gave me control out of nowhere.' I sighed and let my limbs go limp, trying to retreat into my mind and stop control. And just like that, all attempts to send commands to my body failed, as my straight hair poofed up indicating Pinkie's control.

After a couple weeks of constantly swapping, it had become much easier to do than it had been at first. It used to take a large amount of focus, but not anymore.

Honestly, I was a bit glad to retreat into my thoughts alone and let Pinkie take over. It'd make it easier to be able to just think about what Twilight had said to me, as it certainly gave me a lot to think about.

"Sorry for the wait, everypony!" Pinkie yelled cheerfully as she hopped out into the main room again, ready to continue her job.

Since I was the one trapped in 'our' mind, I could hear her thoughts while she couldn't hear mine.
She happened to be trying to not focus on Twilight's words and just focus on her happy tasks.

'The opposite of me...'

I spent the rest of her shift thinking about the facts I had learned. It unnerved me, to say the least.

Imagine just being told that you technically shouldn't exist!

If me and Pinkie somehow joined together again, would I still be me?

I would've shaken my head if I could. None of it mattered, anyways. It wouldn't even really be possible even if I did want it, so why bother thinking about it?

Satisfied with my conclusion, I waited patiently until Pinkie's shift was finally over, to take my turn for some actual enjoyment.