• Published 8th May 2015
  • 4,468 Views, 365 Comments

Unnatural Existence - ShadowKirby

Pinkamena struggles for happiness, while having to take turns with Pinkie Pie for who is in control.

  • ...

Twilight's Solution

Pinkie Pie's POV
My eyes snapped open as I awoke, with a frown upon my face.

The sleepy feeling that normally came with waking up wasn't even there. 'Mena was upset, and I couldn't get to her to help her for some reason!

''Mena?' I tried talking to her in my mind, but as expected there was no response.

"Why are you so upset? What's wrong?" I whimpered a bit, ears lowering along with my mood.

They perked up again and I grinned as I got a great idea!

"Twilight! I'll go to Twilight! She knows everything!"

In a flash, I threw the covers off and dashed out of my room, speeding to the Ponyville library as fast as I possibly could.

I knocked frantically at the front door to the Ponyville library.

"Twilight!? TWILIIIIIGHT!!!" I yelled as I pounded on the door. She better answer soon! 'Mena could be in trouble!

I heard the familiar *SMACK* sound of Twilight falling off her bed and I giggled a little, before slapping myself in the face.

"Serious time, Pinkie Pie! Your friend is in danger!"

The door opened, and there stood Twilight, with her messy bedmane, baggy eyes, and grumpy frown.

She looked so silly! It was hard not to laugh.

"Pinkie Pie...what have I told you about waking me up too early...?" She said in a calm voice.

"Um...that I shouldn't?" I grinned at her in embarassment.

"And why shouldn't you?"

"Because...it messes up your schedule?"

"And what did you do?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

I looked down and pawed at the ground, ears lowering in shame. "Woke you up early..."

"Mhm. Now, please promise you won't do it again." She sighed, as if we had done this a dozen times. Had we?

"I'll do better than that, Twilight! I'll Pinkie Promise!" I went through the sacred motions of the Pinkie Promise, forever binding me to my words.

"Good." She walked back inside and closed the door.

"Wha-hey!" I knocked on the door again. "Twilight! Come back here! I need your help with 'Mena! It's an emergency, she's in trouble!"

After a few seconds the door opened, though Twilight hadn't been near it. She was so good at magic, she didn't even have to look!

Trotting inside the tree home, I looked over at Twilight to see her making some of the brown drink that the ponies in Canterlot had.
What had she called it? Coughing? I don't know.

"What's the problem?" She turned and looked at me, the tired and slightly annoyed look still on her face.

Twilight was super smart! She'd know what to do! So I took a deep breath...


"PINKIE!" Twilight interrupted me. "Slow down. I can't understand you when you're speaking that fast when I'm wide awake, let alone now!"

She yawned and poured herself some of the Coughing.

"Sorry!" I started again, but slower this time. "'Mena was being super quiet all of last night! And when we were asleep, she was crying! I tried to get to her, but the something-nothing was in the way!"

"Hold on- the 'something-nothing'?" She asked in a confused tone, taking a sip of her drink.

I nodded frantically. She must know what the something-nothing was! "Uh-huh! It was something, 'cause it felt like glass, but it was nothing, because it wasn't there! But it was in the way, so it was a something, but I couldn't see it, so it was a nothing!"

She facehoofed. She does that a lot. I'm not sure why.

"So there was an invisible wall between you and Pinkamena?" She asked.

"Yeah! That! And because of it I couldn't get to 'Mena to find out why she was crying and help her!"

"You don't even know why she was crying?" Twilight didn't seem happy about that.

I shook my head and frowned deeply. "Nope! And I couldn't figure it out!"

"Did you try letting her out?"

I blinked and stared for a moment. "Oh yeah! I should do that!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and shook her head for some reason. I was too excited to find out how I could help 'Mena to wonder about that, though, so I quickly gave up my control to let Pinkamena out.
Right away my mane became flat and I lost control.
And right away, Pinkamena fell forwards onto her face.

"Ow..." she moaned.

I giggled in my mind. She was silly, just falling down like that!

"Pinkamena? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Twilight asked, suddenly a lot more care and worry in her voice than when she was talking to me.

"I don't want to be here..." 'Mena mumbled into the ground.

I couldn't see anything but floor since 'Mena still had her face on it, so I couldn't tell what Twilight's expression was.

'Mena! Why were you crying last night?' She could finally hear me, right?

"They all just stare at me.." she said with what sounded like...fear? No, she wouldn't be afraid! What was there to be afraid of?

"Who stares at you?" Twilight asked, complete confusion in her voice.

"I want to stay where it's safe...!" She said a bit louder, and suddenly my mane poofed up as my control was returned.
I hopped up onto my four hooves and wagged my fluffy tail a couple times.

"Twilight? Do you know what's wrong with 'Mena? Because I sure didn't understand! She's acting crazier than me!"

Twilight took another sip of her drink. "Pinkie, when did she start acting this way?"

I sat down and put a hoof to my chin. "Hmm...when we were in the marketplace yesterday! Why would she start acting weird because of the market, I wonder?

"I see. And did anything happen while you were there?" Twilight asked me. I didn't really like it when Twilight asked so many questions about me. But, I had to help Pinkamena!

"Hmm...well, Bon-Bon asked me to show her Pinkamena! Of course I said yes, since I knew she'd be happy, and 'Mena could become friends with another one of my friends!"

Twilight nodded, a look of understanding appearing on her face. She knew! She knew why 'Mena was acting so weird!

"And how did she react?"

I tilted my head and looked upwards. "She reacted weird. First, she told me not to let her out, and then she started panicking, thinking that ponies were closing in on her, and she was yelling about being stared at!"

Twilight nodded and sighed. "Pinkie, I can't believe you'd do that." She paused. "Actually, I guess I can..."

I fidgeted in intense curiosity. Why wouldn't she just tell me already?

"That I'd do what? What's wrong with 'Mena?"

Twilight finished her drink and looked much better than before. "It'd be best if I didn't tell you yet. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. For now, just be nice to her."

"But Twilight! I wanna know how I can help her!" I pouted. It wasn't fair! Why couldn't she tell me? I couldn't just let 'Mena be upset forever!"

Suddenly I was picked up by a levitation spell and moved out the front door.

"If you want to help her, don't let her out in the middle of crowds anymore!" The door closed on me.

I frowned and dug my hooves into the dirt. "Keeping secrets from me...I just want to help 'Mena!"
I turned and flicked my tail at the house, eyes narrowed, as I walked away from it.

The day went pretty normal after that, and I quickly got over my irritation at Twilight. She tended to do that kind of stuff often, and she told me she'd tell me later! So for now, I decided to just go ahead with my day.
And my day happened to involve baking delicious delectables for Sugarcube Corner!
Time flew by my face like a flock of birds when I worked, and soon the worries were forgotten on me.

"Hmm, hmm hmm!" I hummed happily as I bounced around, when I was suddenly interrupted by Lyra.

"Hey there, Pinkie Pie!" Lyra said cheerfully.

I grinned my biggest grin back, the happy voice raising my spirits.

"Hiya, Lyra!" I greeted. "What can I do for ya? Need a cake? Or a muffin? Or a donut?"

“Oh, no, actually, I was interested in meeting this other personality of yours. You've been the talk of the town since yesterday!”

My smile faded a little.”Oh, um...”

'What should I do? 'Mena is still being all weird!'

I thought intensely about what I should do, which I don't normally do.

'Maybe making a new friend will help her! There aren't any crowds around since it's almost closing time, and that means it's almost her turn anyways!'

My ear twitched and I tapped my chin.

'Hmm...I know! I'll just ask Pinkamena first! 'Mena, do you wanna be let out to meet Lyra?'

I waited for a moment but didn't get any response. Did that mean she was okay with it?

'Well...it wouldn't hurt to try, right? She didn't say no!'

For the second time that day I retreated into my mind and let 'Mena take over, this time intending to let her take her full turn.
Immediately she was in control with her flat mane and tail, and she hid behind the long pink hair.

“Whoa...hi!” Lyra said with interest.

“H-Hi...” 'Mena mumbled and walked backwards, stumbling a bit.

“Is something wrong?” Lyra asked with worry.

“I...have something to do!” 'Mena dashed upstairs at a speed I thought only Dashie could move at and immediately slammed our bedroom door shut, and locked it with the lock I never used.

'What's wrong, 'Mena?' I asked in concern. Why wouldn't anyone just tell me the problem?

'Leave me alone! I hate you!'

Her words stung me like a bunch of mean bees.
She didn't hate me...did she? No, we were friends! We had fun together! So why did she say that...?

The next thing that happened was 'Mena flopped onto our bed and cried.

Pinkamena's POV

'I hate her...I hate her...I hate her!'

I cried rivers of tears, which made my coat and the bed sheets damp. I was going to use my turn to stay up here and cry. I couldn't cry in my mind. I couldn't get the emotions out.

Now I could. And it was a huge relief.

I didn't care if she could hear my thoughts and knew what I was thinking, I didn't care if she knew I hated her, she should know!
I never asked for her to be a part of my life! Why couldn't I just be whole? Just one pony? Just me and not stuck with another pony in my head!?

'Especially not one as stupid and insensitive as her!'

She had gone silent not long after my breakdown started. Knowing her, she must've realized I actually meant those words and had shut up to sulk on her own.

My tears were just slowing when I got a knock at my bedroom door.

“Pinkie? Pinkamena? It's Twilight, let me in!”

“GET LOST!” I screamed, not in the mood to deal with any of her crap.

“Pinkamena! Open this door or I'll come in anyways!” Her angry tone responded to mine, though with nowhere near as much malice.

“NO! Go away! Leave me alone!” Being alone, that wasn't even possible for me anymore! And it's what I enjoyed most!

A snap sound and a flash of light later, and Twilight appeared in my room, having teleported past the door.

'Why do they even bother making locks?'

“Pinkamena, I understand that you have severe social anxieties. So, I set up a counseling appointment for you!” She said with a grin.

“YOU WHAT!?” I screamed in disbelief. She did something like that without asking me!?

“Yeah! Look, I know you probably don't want to go, but it's for your own good! Don't you want to recover from your fears? I know the counselor personally, she's from Canterlot and is very nice, one of the best there is!”

“NO! I don't care! You can't make me go!” I yelled in her face.

Twilight sighed. “Looks like we have to do this the hard way.” I suddenly felt myself being lifted by her levitation, making me feel completely helpless.

Before I was out of range, I clamped my teeth down on the end of the bed-frame and hooked my forearms underneath it.
Twilight grunted with effort as she struggled to pull me off.

“Let...go...Pinkamena! This is...for your own...good!”

“Mo! Mi'm mot moig!” I said between clenched teeth in retaliation, holding on for dear life.

After a brief struggle between us gravity affected me again and I let go, rubbing my jaw and wincing.
Behind me, Twilight was breathing heavily and groaned.

“I had really hoped not to do this, but...”

A flash, and I suddenly found myself in front of Sugarcube corner, and my sudden appearance made all the ponies around look at me.
They were staring again!
I retreated into my mind as fast as possible, my mane poofing up.

“Uh, hehe, nothing to see here anypony!” Pinkie giggled and waved at all the ponies staring, who turned and went back to whatever it is they did in their lives.

Twilight came out the front door and looked at us, nodding.

“I was right, she did give you control. Good. Now don't let her out yet, Pinkie!”

'That manipulative...!'

“Why, Twilight? It's still 'Mena's turn!”

The purple abomination of a pony smiled. “We're heading to Pinkamena's appointment! You can let her out when we get there!”

I said a less than appropriate word in response to that.

“Um, Twi...I don't think 'Mena will be happy...”

“Of course she will be! After her therapy, she'll be happier than ever! Don't you worry.”

“If you're sure...” Pinkie seemed concerned.

“One-hundred percent positive!” She assured, beaming before turning abruptly. “To the train!”

“So, Twilight, this is the Pinkamena Diane Pie you scheduled?” The counselor, whose name I didn't even care to bother remembering, asked.

Twilight chuckled a little. “Well, sort of...” She turned to Pinkie and me. “Pinkie, you can let her out now.”


I suddenly found myself in control, and I stumbled a bit. The counselor was shocked. I didn't care.

“I'm NOT doing this!!!” I quickly gave control back to Pinkie, who gave an apologetic look at Twilight.

“Sorry, Twi...she really doesn't wanna come out!”

Twilight facehoofed. “Just keep letting her out until she stays!”

What followed was a couple minutes of Pinkie and I switching repeatedly until Twilight yelled, “ENOUGH!” I froze, wide-eyed.

“Listen, Pinkamena, you will lay down and go through this session, unless you want me to teleport you into another crowd!”

I shivered and fell to the floor. Covering my eyes and lowering my ears.

“Twilight, that's the worst thing to do to someone with social anxieties!” The counselor scolded.

Twilight was the one to lower her ears and appear meek this time. “S-Sorry...”

"From now on, only expose her to those she isn't comfortable around gradually. And don't threaten her like that, Miss Sparkle!"

I clenched my eyes shut. The faster I got through this, the faster I could go home.

Author's Note:

Chapter 5 will be rewritten. For anyone wondering how it was going to end, I'll put an explanation in the Author's notes of chapter 5. If you want to see it, the password is 'password'.