• Published 23rd May 2015
  • 7,845 Views, 220 Comments

Rewrite - Bluegrass Brooke

Discord's made many decisions in life he's not proud of, casting that spell on Twilight being one of them. Left without his magic, he must rely on Twilight. In her, he finds a confidant and the courage to bury his past failings at last.

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Chapter Four — Reality Check

Not surprisingly, Twilight’s library contained no books on power draining magic. The closest, found jammed in the corner of a pocket spell handbook involved a kind of temporary paralysis spell employed by security guards in cities like Manehattan. Though Twilight made careful notes for its future use, knowing the spell brought her no closer to her goal.

Twenty books in and she already felt like calling it quits. Beyond her own personal observations, there was no indication that such a spell could even be performed. Yet, here she sat, pouring over book after book to remedy the effects of a spell that should never have existed in the first place.

Her eyes fell to her “helper,” watching him turn a few innocent office supplies against each other in a mock battle. The pencils had overran the notebook fort, but the quills were raising up some resistance. Twilight shook her head, trying to ignore the fact that she had just tried to analyze some of Discord’s magic.

“Fascinating, is it not?”

Already annoyed, Twilight tried to ignore his snide grin. “Fascinating,” she said in her most sarcastic tone. They were the first words either of them had spoken since breakfast, and they lingered in the air like stale hay jerky. As it soaked in, another, almost surreal realization dawned. For the first time since the accident, he didn’t seem mad, just his usual obnoxious self. Why should she be angry at him for that? Given the situation, she was the last pony who had the right to cast judgement upon him. “So . . . why are they fighting?”

Discord raised an eyebrow, “Why does anypony fight? Territory, love, honor,” his tone grew playful, “rights to the top drawer of the file cabinet.”

“What? Seriously?”

“Don’t underestimate the determination of writing utensils, Twilight.” Though he had a mock serious tone, his broad smile ruined the effect.

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but paused as a pair of pencils started to ruthlessly rip the feathers off of a particularly valuable eagle feather quill. The minute scream of agony made her skin crawl. “Discord, aren’t they getting a little too . . . lifelike?” she cautioned.

“Nonsense, they . . .” Discord trailed off as the pencils waved the writing point of their victim like a macabre trophy. “Yes, I suppose so.” With a snap of his paw, the supplies fell down as if struck by some death ray. Another snap returned them all to the top drawer of the nearest file cabinet. “A pity, I did want to see how it turned out.”

“Uh-huh.” For a moment, she watched Discord scoop up the books and place them manually back on the shelves. Granted, he got their locations wrong, but he had not used a single spell to shelf them. Nothing, just his hands. When he finished, he turned to her with a decided, ‘What are you looking at?’ expression. “Sorry, Discord, just . . . I’ve never seen you . . . well, you know.”

“Know what?”

“Actually pick up after yourself.” She held up her hooves for emphasis. “Like normal.”

Another awkward silence, then he snorted dismissively. “Really?” He walked the floor, hands behind his head. “Just because I choose to dazzle you ponies with my magic doesn’t mean I’m incapable of physical labor.”

Labor?’ That’s being a touch generous, don’t you think? Twilight shrugged, tossing a spell book at him with her magic.

He caught it in his talon, a sour look on his face. “What?”

“It’s a book.” She shot him a playful smile, “Try reading it instead of goofing off.”

Another, sour glare, then he tossed the book back onto the cushions. “Your precious books aren’t getting us anywhere,” he spat.

“They’re the best lead we have to fixing this mess.”

“Who says we need to fix it?” Discord waved his arms around the library. “Not everything can be solved through magic.”

She pinned her ears. “Oh, really? This coming from the Spirit of Chaos. You practically breathe magic, Discord!”

Discord only stared at her, eyes wide as if coming to some sudden realization. “I-I can get on fine with minimal magic, at least for the time being.” He pointed an accusatory finger at her, “You haven’t given the spell enough time to dissipate. Give it a week or so, and then we’ll worry about our options.”

Twilight’s limbs began to shake as the blood rushed to her ears. What’s wrong with him? “Why are you being so casual about this? Do you like having your magic drained? Do you want to be stuck like this forever? Why won’t you let me help you?”

“Oh, now you want to help me!” Discord rounded on her, standing on four legs and leaning in so close she could feel the heat of his breath against her coat. “Where have you been lately, huh? Every time I come to be a ‘good boy’ and learn about friendship, you just up and dismiss me,” he snapped loudly into her ear, “like that.”


“You what? Oh, you’re too busy? Yes, I suppose chatting with your girlfriends and organizing books is more important than spending a few minutes just talking to me.” He snarled, breathing heavily now. “And then you blame me when I can’t understand ‘simple’ aspects of friendship. It’s not easy for me, Twilight, it’s not!”

His words echoed around the library, dispelling every ounce of confidence she held on to. “I—”

“No! You know what? I’ve had enough of this!” With a loud crack and a cloud of stale smoke, Discord vanished.

Twilight fell to the floor, quivering. Once again, she said the exact wrong words, hurting him even worse than before. Friendship should not come this hard. She closed her eyes, fighting back the urge to cry. How? How did I miss it?

Discord felt the spell slow, allowing his surroundings to come into focus. What had been the library floor became a carpet of grass at the base of the crystal castle. His breaths came out short and painful as the blood rushed to his ears.

I didn’t know,’ eh? Ignorant, the lot of them. What did they care to learn of suffering of sacrifice . . . of loneliness? Ignorance is comfortable, as easy as breathing. Understanding? Well, that is painful and comes at a price. They acknowledge and even accept their choice and he supposed he could understand their reasoning. But those who never sought understanding had no right to claim it.

He leaned against the cold base of the castle, grateful for the soothing effect it had on his back. Despite dressing the wound carefully, it still stung with the slightest movement. Slowly, reluctantly, he let the anger leave him. Holding onto it could only cause old habits to resurface, better to release such musings as they came.

Twilight’s words came back to him, persistent as the sunlight now beating down on Ponyville. ‘Why won’t you let me help you?’

Because you fail to see, Twilight. Because the only reason you wish to help me is out of guilt, shame, and fear of Celestia finding out. Do not think me as oblivious as the others . . . I have lived too long to revel in ignorance.

Discord looked out at Ponyville, watching the smiling faces and wishing he could gather some semblance of joy from them. Those masks behind which dwelled the darker side of life. Oh, they hid it well enough, but it came out like the steady drip of a leaky faucet.

Twilight had either never noticed or chose to ignore the scathing remarks, their halfway glances, their disgusted scowls whenever he walked down the street. What she likely dismissed as curiosity he knew to be fear and hatred. And it would fester as long as he continued to screw up this reformation of his. It would not register with his friends because it did not concern them.

It would never concern them. That simple truth stung worse than any dagger to the chest. Did they know how difficult it was for him to ‘fit in’? How it felt to have their life defined by past mistakes? Did they even care that he spent every day struggling to prevent the unrelenting loneliness from consuming him? Why was spending a few minutes of in their company so much to ask?

A mechanical clatter broke the trance like a machine being tossed into the castle. Come to think of it, that’s what it sounded like. Discord got to his feet, walking towards the disturbance. Despite the growing crescendo, his pace did not alter. If he tarried long enough, there might be something interesting waiting for him upon arrival.

Sure enough, when he rounded the corner, he found a pink filly with an obnoxiously self-important smirk holding up what remained of a scooter in hoof. Her lackey, a grey earth pony was strong hoofing a white unicorn to the ground. The other two, Applejack’s sister and Scota-something or other were shooting daggers at the tiara-clad filly.

Discord almost laughed. Looks like a Meximane standoff . . . Though he approved of a little teasing as it did make for more independent kids, he did not agree with playing dirty. And this filly sure knew how to play dirty.

“Make a move, Scoota-poo and your stupid scooter’s history,” she sneered, waving the contraption closer to the castle’s wall for emphasis. The poor scooter already looked like it had been smashed against it a few times.

Apple Bloom, at least he thought that was her name, puffed out her chest. “That’s enough! Give it back, Diamond.”

“Yeah, eets not yooors,” came a muzzle cry from the pinned down unicorn.

The pegasus lept towards her, trying to snatch the scooter, but Diamond dodged.

“What’s wrong, Scoota-poo? Can’t catch me? Why don’t you just fly over and get it that way?” Diamond gave a mock gasp of surprise, sneering evilly back at her. “Oh, I forgot, you can’t, can you?”

Discord had had enough. Stretching his wings, he flew over to them.

There had never been a time Apple Bloom wanted to kick Diamond Tiara senseless quite so bad. As if her usual “blank flank” taunts were not enough, she had once again gone after Scootaloo’s insecurity. Just as she made a move towards her, a familiar and extremely unexpected shape sped past to stand behind Diamond. Discord?

Discord raised a finger to his mouth, looking at them, a slight grin on his face. Taking it as a symbol to keep quiet, she winked, pretending not to notice. Completely oblivious to the situation, Diamond continued as though nothing were out of place.

He clucked disapprovingly. “My, my, my, what do we have here?”

Diamond turned slowly, just like those mares in horror movies. Her eyes grew wide, then narrowed. “None of your buisness, freak,” she spat before returning to Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom’s knees knocked together as Discord landed with a thud on all fours, bristling until he appeared twice his usual size. His wings crackled as they gradually grew out until they cast huge shadows over Diamond.

The air grew stale and dry, as if brought forth from an abandoned well. Discord’s features grew steadily more animalistic, teeth and claws lengthening to wicked points. Even his fur seemed to grow longer and, if possible, wilder. A low, primal snarl sounded from deep in his throat, setting even Diamond back a step, shivering. “I suggest you drop that, girl. Unless,” he lowered his head, eyes flashing menacingly, “you’d prefer a practical lesson in on why bullying is wrong.”

That was all it took. Diamond dropped the scooter as if it were a viper, Discord catching it just before it hit the ground. Without a second’s hesitation, Diamond started galloping headlong towards town, Silver Spoon hot on her heels. The sight brought a triumphant smirk to Apple Bloom’s face particularly when a distant, “Father will hear about this, beast,” could be heard as their attackers fled. Yer Daddy can’t do anythin’ to stop Discord.

Now that they were gone, Apple Bloom turned to Discord, smile slowly vanishing. His scary glowing eyes continued to focus on them, remaining in that unnaturally feral form. Though she did not know him personally, she had heard enough about him.

Though every filly and colt in their school had been taught about what he did in the past, they were told he had reformed. So why did he keep staring at them like that? Is he mad at us too? They all took a conscientious step back.

Discord suddenly shook himself like a dog as a ripple of magic went through him, changing him back to normal in a heartbeat. “Well, that was fun.” After a chuckle, he held up the scooter, running a talon across it’s now cracked hoof board. “Hmmm.” He turned to them, a gentle smile replacing his former intimidating snarl. “Soooo, who owns this?” Curiosity quickly replaced Apple Bloom’s fear. Was he joking or did he really want to give the scooter back?

They stared blankly back at him for a while longer. Then, Scootaloo took a cautious step forward, ears lowered submissively. “Er . . . it’s mine.”

Discord walked over, and they flinched. But, he simply got down on his knees lowering the scooter to the ground. Then with a snap that sounded closer to a whipcrack, the scooter repaired itself completely.

Scootaloo’s eyes lit up as she quickly snatched the scooter. Then, as an afterthought, “Uhm . . . thank you?”

“You're welcome,” he said, still smiling softly.

Did he just help us out? Apple Bloom took a few steps forward, “Thanks, Discord. That was amazin’!”

“She totally deserved that,” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“No problem at all, little fillies.” Discord sat down in front of the wall, leaning against it with a sigh. “Whats up with her anyway?”

Hmmm. Throwing caution to the wind, she trotted over, sitting in front of him. If the casual, almost conversational air about him was anything to go by, Discord meant no harm. He don’t seem so bad to me . . . “She’s always like that. Thinkin’ she’s better ‘an everypony else, just ‘cause she’s got rich parents. An, she’s always botherin’ us for not havin’ our cutie marks,” she added bitterly.

“Yeah!” Sweetie chimed in, joining her on the grass.

“Hmmm. Sounds like she’s quite the pest,” Discord murmured, stroking his beard absent-mindedly.

“Eeeyup.” Realizing she sounded like her brother, she added quickly, “I mean, we could have handled it on our own, but, you saved us a lot of trouble. We’re real grateful, aren’t we, girls?”

To her surprise and annoyance, Sweetie Belle said nothing and Scootaloo remained frozen in place. Urgh. She put a hoof on Discord’s paw, “Well, I’m real grateful.”

Discord’s eyes widened, “I-I uh . . . you’re welcome.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Scootaloo added, finally inching over to them. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at Discord. “Why’d you bother helping us out? Don’t you have important chaos stuff to do or something.”

Discord raised an eyebrow, “Important ‘chaos stuff’?”

“You know, like turning houses upside down and terrorizing towns and stuff.”

Sweetie Belle shot Apple Bloom an ‘Is she serious?’ look. Apple Bloom sighed, “Scoots, he’s reformed he don’t do that anymore.” Then, another thought occurred to her. What did he do now that he was reformed? “You workin’ for Celestia or somethin’ Discord?”

“I er . . . no.” Discord avoided their gaze, clasping his talon over his chest. For the first time since he came, Apple Bloom noticed a thick bandage wrapped around his midsection. She gasped, “You ain’t hurt or somethin’?”

“No-not really. Just had a magical mishap with Miss Goody Two Hooves.” He jerked a nod towards the castle.

Sweetie Belle frowned, “What kind of mishap?”

“Well,” he gritted his teeth, looking away, “nothing major, my magic’s a touch out of whack, that’s all.”

“A touch out of whack?” Scootaloo eyed her prized possession with a frown, “But you fixed my scooter okay . . .”

He dismissed the thought with a wave of his paw. “Yes, well, that’s basic magic. Any unicorn could do that.”

“Oh.” Apple Bloom tried to think of something else to say, then the idea came to her. “Hang on! Yer here for a while, right?”


She lept to her hooves, “Why don’t you go crusadin’ with us? You’ve probably got plenty of ideas we ain’t even thought of yet.”

“Crusading for cutie marks?”

“Yup!” Sweetie Belle chimed, jumping to her own hooves now. “It’ll be a lot more fun with you around. Scoots?”

Scootaloo cuffed the grass, looking away, “Yeah, sure, whatever. Let’s just get going.”

Discord smiled broadly. “Well then, count me in!”

As they made their way into town, Apple Bloom had high hopes that today they just might earn their cutie marks after all.

“Soooo, guess weed remover’s off the list,” Apple Bloom remarked as she plucked yet another burr from her tail. The minor grimy spots and burrs she had were nothing compared to the thick coating of mud they were all sporting like war paint.

“Urgh! What make you think weed remover was a good idea, Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo snarled, trying without success to remove a large dirt clod from her mane. “And you,” she turned to Discord who happened to be standing next to Apple Bloom. “Why didn’t you say something about the mud pit before we fell in?”

Discord rolled his eyes, “This might come as a shock to you kids, but I’m not omniscient!”

“You’re not?” Sweetie Belle looked genuinely put out.

“No! Why in Equestria would you think that?”

“Er . . .” Apple Bloom could have mentioned all the stories Applejack had about him popping up at the exact worst time. That and he seemed to know way more than anypony had a right to.

Scootaloo scoffed, “Duh, I knew that. But, you’re waaay taller than us.”

He barked a laugh that reverberated around the patch of trees like thunder. “Point taken. So, you kids ready for an actually decent idea?”

“Well, I dunno . . .” Joining the Spirit of Chaos for a ‘decent idea’ sounded like a very bad plan.

Her friends exchanged nervous glances, but to Apple Bloom’s surprise, Sweetie stepped forward. “Okay. Anything’s better than Apple Bloom’s ideas.”

“Hey! Mine ain’t that bad. Girls?” She watched them start forward, leaving her behind.

Discord turned his head back to her, “You coming or what?”


They continued in relative silence, with the occasional joke from Discord which somehow always got them to laugh no matter how stupid it was. Apple Bloom grew a bit suspicious as they began winding their way through the orchard. They stopped at last by the pond. “We goin’ to work on our lifeguard cutie marks or somethin’?”

Without warning or ceremony, Apple Bloom felt herself being lifted by the scruff of the neck and tossed headlong into the pond. The cold water shocked her senses long enough that she didn’t notice Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo plummeting into the water beside her.

An ensuing splash indicated that Discord had joined them. “And we did it.”

“Did what,” Scootaloo grumbled, looking practically murderous. “It’s still spring. The water’s freezing!”

Discord rolled his eyes, swimming lazily away, “Please, it’s not ‘freezing,’ just a little chilly.”

“A lit-little chil-chilly?” Sweetie Belle managed through chattering teeth.

“Yes, well . . . we had to get the mud off somehow. And, who knows, maybe you can get your ‘polar bear’ cutie marks or something.”

“That’s not even a cutie mark!” Scootaloo attempted to splash Discord which resulted in his tail striking the water so hard that they were hit with a wave.

“You’ll have to do better than that,” he jeered, swimming away.

Now that they were wet, it seemed stupid not to swim. A splash war with Discord ensued and they soon forgot all about the initial temperature shock. After about forty minutes of swimming around like idiots, they crawled over to the bank and collapsed.

Scootaloo waved her hoof feebly in the air. “I . . . think . . . we . . . won.”

“I don’t know about that.” Discord chuckled, reclining on the nearest patch of grass. “Have fun?”

They looked at each other for a moment. At first, she thought it would be horrible, but, they had enjoyed themselves. She turned back to Discord, jerking a nod.

Sweetie Belle groaned, attempting to magic some water out of her mane. “How’s this supposed to help us get our cutie marks, Discord?”

“It’s not.”

Apple Bloom felt her heart skip a beat. “But you said you had a better idea for cutie mark huntin’.”

Discord tisked, fidgeting with the now loose bandages around his chest. “I said no such thing, Apple Bloom. I said I had an actually decent idea. I never specified what it was for.”

“What?” Apple Bloom shot to her hooves, stamping them into the dirt, “But earlier you said you’d help us with our cutie mark huntin’.”

“I am helping.” Discord stopped his attempt at tightening the bandages to smile back at them. “You just spent almost an hour not worrying one bit about your cutie marks. And you had some fun in the process.”

“But how’s that goin’ to help anythin’?”

Discord frowned, “You don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what?” Sweetie Belle practically moaned.

“That obsessing over cutie marks isn’t going to get you anywhere. What is,” he gestured to all of them, “is just relaxing.”


“Yes.” He stood shaking off some of the water. “You see, I’ve lived a long time, girls, a very long time and I can tell you that no solution ever came from obsessing over the problem.”

“But we need our cutie marks.”

Discord barked a laugh. “I don’t have a cutie mark, do I? I haven’t dropped dead yet.”

Apple Bloom stared blankly at him. “Well . . . no . . .”

He knelt down, gathering them in his arms. “Listen, I know you want to find your place in the world, but running yourselves ragged doesn’t do you any good. You’ll find your place, give it time.”

With a loud clap, he teleported a few feet away. “Now, let’s enjoy the rest of the afternoon.”

Sweetie Belle trotted up to him, “What are we doing next?”

Discord winked, “That is for me to know and you to find out . . .”

An entire day spent in the company of three rambunctious fillies might be considered torture to some creatures, but Discord saw it as inspiring. Adapting to the situation came so naturally to children that he no longer wondered if they would come around to him but when. In a matter of hours, the girls had not only accepted him, but had come to consider him “one of the gang.” Even Scootaloo warmed up to him after a time.

After their swimming lesson, they had taken turns suggesting activities that weren’t centered around crusading. His personal favorite had been Scoots’ highway bandits game which proved to be delightfully chaotic. After crawling in the dirt with his fellow “sheriff” Sweetie Belle, they had managed to sneak behind the others and reclaim the treasure for themselves. River rocks really did make excellent substitutes for bits.

The sky had already turned a deep red by the time they collapsed on the clubhouse floor. Discord leaned against the wall, admiring the cheerful colors, posters, and sloppily written “creeds” tacked all over the place. The little corner of Rainbow Dash posters, trophies, and banners resembled a shrine. Please, she’s not that great. However, the treehouse, unlike the castle was messy and felt completely welcoming.

“So, is that it for the day?” Sweetie Belle asked in a slightly hopeful tone.

“I think so.” Apple Bloom walked slowly over to his corner by the door. “Anythin’ else, Discord?”

Why are you asking me? He shook his head, keenly aware of how stiff it felt. “Call it a day, it’s getting late.”

Scootaloo stood, limping over to the podium and smacking the gavel against it. “This session of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is officially adjourned.”

Discord got slowly to his feet, catching himself on the wall. For the past few hours, his vision had become annoyingly blurred. Despite his irritation with Twilight, he looked forward to heading back to the castle for some rest. Yes, rest, that’s all he needed right now.

He staggered out into the cool evening air. Looking over the railing proved a mistake as the ground appeared to grow further and further away. Grimacing, he took a few steps back, unfortunately, he hit the end of the boards, toppling over the opposite railing.

Discord had always been quick on his feet, and, if he had not been so dazed he probably would have caught himself before his back slammed hard into the unrelenting earth. For an instant, it did not hurt and he thought perhaps he had avoided any serious damage.

Then came the searing agony. It sent ripples to every inch of his body. He wanted to cry out, but the wind seemed to have been knocked out of him and it was all he could do to force himself to breathe. So he lay there, eyes shut tight and waited until he felt like moving. Eventually the pain started to catch up to the shock, adding that to the mix. The girls cantered over, probably shouting something, but they might have well been whispering inside a fish bowl for all the good it did.

Urgh. My head . . . Slowly, reluctantly, he opened his eyes. Trying to sit up resulted in a sudden nausea. He leaned over, throwing up a bit of bile and of all things blood.

That set the girls into an almost fit of hysteria only magnifying his already building headache. “Girls, calm down, I-I’m fine.”

Apple Bloom pranced nervously in front of him. “Should I get Applejack or Big Mac or—”

“Apple Bloom, I’m fine.” He put his paw on her shoulders, pushing himself to his feet. “I’m fine.”

Before they could mollycoddle him further, he snapped, teleporting the furthest away he could which happened to be the outskirts of the Apple Orchard. Pathetic.

Groaning, he set off towards Ponyville, more reluctantly than he had left it. Trying to ignore the pain proved easier said than done. Each step sent what felt like hundreds of needle pricks through his back, settling in the wound. In no time at all, a slight limp replaced his usual, swaggering step. This was going to be a very long walk . . .

Discord knew something wasn’t right the moment he stepped foot inside the castle. For one, his eyes did not adjust to the light and for another, he nearly vomited again as the entire world seemed to come out of focus. Thankfully, he made it to his room without any unwelcome interruptions from Twilight.

After settling on the bed, he began to unwrap the bandages. His heart did a somersault as his paw met with a warm sticky substance. Sure enough, a large portion of the formerly white bandages were dyed a sickening red.

Discord turned to see the damage, nearly starting at the steady stream still emanating from the wound. It did not appear life threatening, but that did little to help his nausea. A firm application of pressure eventually stopped it, but he still found his hands shaking.

A small voice in the back of his head sounded, ‘Relax, Discord, ponies get hurt like this all the time, and they do just fine.’ Yes, but they were not beings of chaos and magic. I don’t bleed like this, I just don’t . . . Why had he not healed by now? Surely the effects of one foolish spell could not last so long. And yet, the proof lay before him on the bloody rags.

He groaned, trying to re-bandage it to little success. Every few seconds, his quivering hands would drop the roll. The longer he stared at the cut, the more panic swept over him. After a few frustrating minutes, he finished, resting his head on the covers.

Exhaustion. Complete and total surrender of willpower. An unfamiliar, unwelcome experience. No ordinary spell could do this to him, and undoubtedly, no ordinary cure would work. Twilight had been right after all, time would not solve this. That left one nagging question yet to be answered. What would?

Author's Note:

Another chapter down, a lot more to go. :rainbowlaugh:

This one took a bit longer than I was anticipating, largely due to my writer's slump. I had a lot of fun writing the first section, particularly Discord's little quill and pencil war. I really enjoyed typing up the first half of section two. Scenes like that grant me the opportunity to really delve into a character and their current struggles/mindset. Thought it'd be cute to have Discord hanging out with the CMC, so I made sure to include that.

Hey there guys,

In case you didn't know, I'm the pre-reader of this story and I'm working together with Bluegrass on every single chapter. ^^ Now we decided that we should do these notes together to tell you a bit about the process of the chapters from two perspectives :D

Wow you guys got a long chapter this time ^^ In the first section we wanted to bring in a little peace just before the storm between the two of them. We thought of another situation to bring important details later on in the story (so be excited hehe). We wanted to make some Crusading happen and I think we found a good way to introduce that. We couldn't decide at first how we place the relationship between Discord and the CMC so we had to change that bit a few times ^^ but, in the end, we came to the friendly kind.

The Discord-falls-from-the-Clubhouse idea came from me haha yeah I saw the opportunity and had to take it *grin* sooo, we wanted to wait till next chapter before an encounter between Twilight and Discord. And we think it's finally time that Discord accepts the fact that something is seriously wrong here. So whats he gonna do ‘bout it? Guess you have to wait for the next chapter.

peace out till next time :3

~ Chris aka. NerfStranger