• Published 23rd May 2015
  • 7,845 Views, 220 Comments

Rewrite - Bluegrass Brooke

Discord's made many decisions in life he's not proud of, casting that spell on Twilight being one of them. Left without his magic, he must rely on Twilight. In her, he finds a confidant and the courage to bury his past failings at last.

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Chapter Five — Of Curses and Complications

Spike poked at his oatmeal with all the enthusiasm of a prison inmate. Unfortunately, that came rather close to the truth. Upon Twilight’s request, he had grudgingly allowed Discord to make breakfast. Needless to say, his culinary attempts fell flat. He still could not fathom why the Spirit of Chaos wanted to make breakfast in the first place if not to torment him.

This whole fiasco with Discord losing his powers just felt wrong. Despite his and Twilight’s claims that they were working out the solution, he could not help but wonder. Lying his way out of any situation seemed programed in Discord’s brain. Twilight shouldn’t be so worried about someone like him anyway. A powerful draconequus couldn’t possibly be that drastically affected by a simple rebounded spell. He’s doing it for attention like he always does.

Sitting across from Discord at the table, Spike could clearly see the bandages wound just as thick around his abdomen as the first day. Every so often, Discord would run his talon carefully along his back and wince. For a moment, he entertained the possibility that he could actually be telling the truth. Come on, Spike, as if he’d be hiding that. Knowing him, he’d make a big deal about it if he had.

Shaking the thought away, he upturned his spoon, watching the greyish mush cling to its surface like half-dried concrete. After forcing himself to chisel out a few additional spoonfuls, he decided to save his hands and teeth the trouble. Judging from Discord’s zoned out expression, he wouldn’t be offended by the gesture. “Er, thanks for breakfast, Discord. I’m going to check on Twi now.”

Halfway across the kitchen, he was stopped by Discord’s magic grabbing at his foot. He hopped around to face him, “What now?”

Discord got to his feet, walking slowly over to his position on the crystal floor. “Instrument.” The word snapped in the otherwise empty room.

“Come again?”

Discord rubbed his temple with a claw, “Do you play one or not?”

An instrument? Spike closed his eyes, trying to think of a single time he had so much as held one. “Er, well, no . . .”

“Hmmm.” He tapped his chin as if lost in thought. “You—no, that won’t work either . . .”

“What are you—”

“You can sing?”

Spike grimaced at the thought of his ‘performance’ in the Equestria games. “No. Not in the least.”


“Discord? What’s this all about?”

Ignoring him completely, Discord began to pace the sunlit kitchen with all the air of a stratitician. Then, his face lit up as he flew over to him once more. “I’ve got it! You’ll be our tambourine man.”

“Tambour-what now?” Why do I have a bad feeling about this? “Who’s ‘our’ Discord?”

“Our band.”

Spike facepalmed, “A band? Seriously? Why?”

“Because, simpleton, there are more ways to break a spell than a spell.”

Huh? He could only stare blankly back at him until his still groggy brain put the pieces together. “Oh! You’re trying to fix Twilight's spell by using music?”



Discord waved his hands in the air. “Oh, come on! You can’t be that dumb.”

“I’m not dumb!”

“Well then, tell me when music was used offensively by Twilight to break a spell?”

Offensively? “Nev—Hang on! The sirens. Twilight and the girls used music to stop them.”

Discord jerked a nod, releasing Spike from his magical grip. “And we have a winner! So, now that you’ve figured out what should have been obvious from the start, are you going to help or not?”

“Sure, I guess. But we really don’t need a band, just some ponies to sing.”

“Hmmm. Point taken. Do you know of any?”

“Well . . . Big Mac sings and his buddy does too. Maybe they can help?”

He nodded slowly, eyes drifting to the door. “Twilight does as well . . . Perhaps I should speak with her too. Fetch the others for me.”

Spike considered refusing his demand for a moment, but started to think it over. The girls had hogged all the fun last time with the band. Maybe being in the band would Besides, he had admittedly been a touch jealous when the girls got to have all the fun with the band. “Sure, beats reading boring old books any day.”

“There’s the spirit!” Discord steered him out of the kitchen with his paw. Soon they were standing by the front entrance.

After stepping forward, he did an about face. “What about Fluttershy? She sings really well too.” There was no way he’d forget her.

Discord looked away, chuckling almost sheepishly. “Well, I wouldn’t want to concern my Flutterbuddy with something so trivial. Besides, she doesn’t like singing in front of others.”

“Uh-huh.” More like you don’t want her around to see your screw up . . . “Meet in the library?” Spike added.

He gave a mischievous smile, “Perfect.”

“Later then.” Spike quickly retreated before he got roped into another of Discord’s errands. As he made his way through the early morning mist, he could not help but feel excited. For once, he would get to be part of the solution rather than the neutral observer.

Once Spike left the room, Discord limped over to the wall. The cool stones numbed some of the searing pain, but not all of it. He assumed after a good night’s rest, his energy would return. However, if anything Discord felt even more tired and weak than he had last night. To compound matters, an irritating nausea had set in, making it nearly impossible to focus on anything productive.

Despite his best attempts at easing the borderline vertigo, the world continued to twist and turn around him. Groaning, he sunk to the floor, covering his head in his hands. Dammit . . . I need help. Though, admitting it and taking action were separate matters entirely. At the very least, he should probably lie down.

He snapped, expecting the familiar tug of teleportation magic to kick in. Nothing. Again and again he snapped, but he might as well have been a clapping circus seal for all the good it did him. His eyes widened, heart beginning to pound against his ribcage faster and faster. This is bad . . . really, really bad.

Why couldn’t he perform a simple transportation spell? He had done it yesterday after all. There had to be more too it than that. His transportation yesterday had been weak as well, hardly carrying him any significant distance. That coupled with his entirely non-functioning magic meant that his symptoms were getting worse at an alarming rate. This was no ordinary rebounded spell, but a curse.

I need to tell Twilight. Discord got to his feet, nearly toppling over at the onslaught of disorientation. If I can make it there in one piece . . . With all the grace and balance of a drunkard, he made progress towards the library.

If something eventful happened on the walk, it did not register with him. Every ounce of focus he retained went to staying upright. Come on! By the time he arrived at the library, his back ached so badly he wondered if he might faint. Deep breaths, Discord. Relax. A panic attack was the last issue he wanted to deal with. Perhaps he should rest first, then—no, he needed to talk to her. If he did not speak now, he might not have the courage to do so later. Or—a chill ran through his spine—there might not be a later.

Twilight had found herself second guessing her original strategy. Hours of research for three days had left her with nothing more than a headache. Discord’s right, magic’s not getting us anywhere. Maybe I should . . . no . . . he’s mad at me right now. And that's what I deserve after I ignored him for so long . . . Her stomach churned with the unwelcome guilt.

She let out a long slow breath to collect herself. At the very least, she could take his suggestion and wait it out, spending some time with him as she should have done from the getgo.

A familiar sentence returned to the forefront of her mind. ‘It’s not easy for me, Twilight, it’s not!’. . . He’s right . . . but it should be. Her mind went back to all the times Discord had shown up. Each time she had acted annoyed to see him, no matter the situation.

In fact, she could not think of a single time she had been honestly happy to have him around. What kind of ‘friend’ was she anyway? Did Discord even view her as a friend? . . . He shouldn't, not really. Or were they both simply slapping the label on out of obligation? Would the others see it that way?

She slammed the book closed, looking outside the window. Plenty more hours left in the day, hours she could use to finally make good on her promise to Discord. I’m not going to be some nominal friend, I’m not! I can change how it is now, and I will.

Just as she started to the door, it swung open and Discord walked in. Only, he didn’t quite walk . . . staggered would have been closer to the truth. Judging from the way he tottered back and forth, was extremely disoriented. Twilight flinched when he stumbled. When it happened a second time, she rushed over to him, sliding to stop just shy of his deer leg. “Discord? What’s wrong? What happened to you?”

He sank to the floor, sprawling out and even shaking a little. A undeniable, yet foreign panic filled his eyes. “I-I can’t use my magic. Don’tknowwhat’swrong,” he slurred.

She knelt beside him, trying to make eye contact, but he did not seem to recognize her. “Can’t use your magic? What do you mean?”

“I can’t transport, I can hardly do basic unicorn magic. And it’s getting worse!” His voice cracked, “Why’s it getting worse? What’s happening? It’s a curse, isn’t it? You cursed me.”

Twilight reached out, but hesitated, before starting to stroke his coat. The rapid pounding of his heart made her flinch. “Discord, I didn’t curse you. Why would I curse you? You’re . . .” My friend Her own heart lurched at the possible implications of a curse. Had she cursed him? Certainly not intentionally, but anything was possible, wasn’t it? “Calm down first and tell me what’s happened. Can you do that?” she said soothingly.

Discord nodded, gritting his teeth as if trying to calm himself. “I felt weak when the spell hit, but I brushed it off as an after-effect,” he took a deep breath, before continuing, “I thought it would-would get better . . .”

“But it hasn’t?” She breathed, still gently stroking his side.

His gaze fell to the floor. “No. Every day I grow more lethargic and dull. My magic isn’t coming as I call it, or doing as I command. It’s hardly worked at all today! I could barely cast a holding spell.” he managed, through an almost frantic panting .

Seriously? The blood rushed to her ears. The Spirit of Chaos couldn’t use magic? He was practically made of magic, wasn’t he? “So-so you can’t use your magic at all right now?”

Discord shook his head, resting it gently on the crystal. “I do not have the strength to try.”

That can’t just be from the spell. “Strength? What do you mean?”

“I’m tired . . . Fell out of the treehouse playing with the kids yesterday.”

“WHAT? Are you okay?”

“I told you I am not, didn’t I?”

Twilight grimaced, placing a hoof to his forehead. He’s burning up! “Discord, you’ve got a bad fever. That’s probably why you’re so dizzy.”

He released a long slow breath, closing his eyes. “Sooo tired.”

“I need to get you some medicine,” she squeaked, getting to her hooves and charging out of the library. Please be okay, please be okay.

Twilight knew next to nothing about the medical treatment of non-pony species, but she assumed that it had to at least follow the basic principles. As far as she knew, it had worked for Spike. After forcing Discord to drink a fever-reducing potion, he agreed to move over to the corner and lie down.

While he rested under one of her blankets, she drug out just about every book on curses the castle held. They represented the one branch of magic she had next to no knowledge about. Curses were generally attached to objects, and so their study had been relegated to mere historical accounts. The four books resting atop the cushions had to be at least five centuries old. Undaunted, Twilight levitated the first and began to read.

After an hour of intensive study, one section in particular caught her attention.

‘Draining Curses

Whereas most curses are designed to cause immediate and dramatic impact, there are a select few that act quite like poisons. Beings of immense magical prowess or those composed of magic, are virtually immune to most curses. However, as these curses come on at a remarkably reduced speed and intensity, they go undetected. Thus, the target might be living for days or even years without being aware of the curse’s influence. By the time that influence is seen, the window for the cure has often long passed.’

A draining curse? That has to be it! But that means . . . Oh, Celestia! Twilight shot to her hooves, flying over to the still sleeping draconequus. Though his soft breaths came out as gentle purrs, she could not help but shake as she watched his bandaged chest rise and fall. She lay down beside Discord, shaking him gently until he started awake.

Discord regarded her for a moment as if having trouble recognizing her. Then, realization dawned in his eyes. “Twilight? What—do you need something?” he replied with a raspy voice.

Her hoof ran instinctively across his forehead. Still warm. She leaned in closer to listen to his breathing. His warm, sweet breaths, though slow, were at least steady.

“Er . . . Twilight, wha-what are you doing?” Discord’s face had gone red as he stared down into her eyes.

Twilight realized too late that she had nearly pressed her muzzle to his. “Oh, my—sorry! I-I,” she shook her head, they had more important matters to deal with, “you were right, it is a curse.”

Discord nodded, leaning away from her, “Yeees, and what about the solution?”

She gave a long sigh, sitting back on her haunches. “I . . . I don’t know. But, I’m more than certain it’s a draining curse. Sort of builds up over time and,” a lump formed in her throat, “is really dangerous. Once symptoms start it-it’s difficult to slow them.”

Discord stared wide eyed at her. “Sym-symptoms?” His voice began to shake, “Wha-what should we do? I cannot live without my magic, Twilight . . . I just can’t.

What should they do? His symptoms only got worse, and, the book mentioned curses’ cures were specific to the situation in which they were cast. How would they even begin to look for a cure? Before she really understood why, she had wrapped him in a bone crushing hug and buried her muzzle in his mane. “I’m so sorry! It-it’s all my fault.”

Rather than responding or pulling away, Discord cried out. She released him immediately, but there could be no denying the pain filling his eyes. Her blood ran cold. “Discord? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he growled through gritted teeth.

“Like Tartarus! You’re in pain.”

“I’m fine.’

“No you’re not!” Her voice cracked, “Why won’t you let me help you? Don’t you trust me?”

His icy glare said it all. But, she had to know if she was going to help him at all. The salty tears continued to drip into her mouth, but she could care less. “Discord, please, please let me help. What’s wrong? Is it the curse or the cut or—”

“I do not know!” Discord snarled. “It’s the most dammed pain I’ve ever been in, all right?” He leaned in close enough for her to see the tears in his eyes, “I don’t know how to deal with pain, Twilight! What-what do I do?”

Twilight wrapped him in another hug, this time as gentle as she could manage. “We’ll work on the solution together, okay?”

He returned the hug, body quivering like a scared colt’s. “Al-alright.”

With that settled, she let him go and levitated the books to them, settling down on the cushion in front of Discord. He didn’t mind, even scooting a little closer and grabbing a book for himself. After a few minutes of silence, she settled into her usual rhythm though it had become punctuated by the occasional sharp intake of breath from Discord. Twilight grimaced, hooves tightening around the book. I’m so sorry . . . we’ll get through this together, then-then maybe we can start over . . . the right way this time.

Author's Note:

Lands above . . . I don't know where to begin. I'm sooooo sorry for the wait! :fluttercry: I feel awful about all this. Between writer's block and my being sick so much, it's been annoyingly difficult to write on this story. But, I've finally managed to do it and I hope the next will come much faster.

This chapter was really difficult for me. I had originally wanted to go with one idea, but it didn't have the "bite" I was looking for. So, I switched it over to the one you see above. Then it became a crazy balancing act with pacing, plot progression, foreshadowing, and character development. I hope what I ended up with was satisfactory in the end. ^^"

As always, I tried to include Spike in the story. I've got some interesting plans for him from a character development standpoint, so look forward to that! Discord in pain is a little too fun to write for me. I had to force myself not to go overboard. :twilightblush:

Next chapter's going to be a more light-hearted one (I think).

— Bluegrass

Hey there, it's me again, NerfStranger :P

Oh my Gosh. How long has it been? Three damn weeks! xD I'm sooo sorry. Blue and I both had a lot of stress these last few weeks and my living in Germany and the time difference of course made it worse. But yeah we finally did it. And this chapter turned out really great if you ask me ^^ Hope you guys think so too.

We had lots of difficulty with this chapter, because we often couldn't decide what to do or which character gets his section. So after re-reading and re-writing this chapter a LOT, it finally came out as best as it could.

We thought it's a good time to finally get a small look at what Spike thinks about the situation. Also, as you could see its getting very intense now and the tension only keeps flaring up more and more hehe. So be prepared for what comes next ^^
Beside that, we needed a few cute scenes to break up the dark tension ;3

Yeah . . . so i hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry again that it took us so long.

Just that you know, the two of us want to work on the chapters together, which also means we don't finish without the other. So keep that in mind if a chapter maybe takes a day longer than usual or so.

We’re really trying to post those chapters pretty soon after another and now that all the stress is over that will probably be the case again ^^


well then, i'm excited to read what you think ;)

Bye bye for now. Until next chapter!

*waves at you*

~ Chris aka. NerfStranger