• Published 25th Sep 2011
  • 10,586 Views, 180 Comments

Pony Effect - Grif

What if ponies replaced humans in the Mass Effect universe?

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Chapter 1

In the year 1248, explorers on Luna discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization.

In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars.

The basis for this incredible technology was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time. They called it the greatest discovery in pony history.

The civilizations of the galaxy call it...



[Unknown location]

“Well, what about your protégé, Twilight? Unicorn, but I don’t recognize her cutie mark.”

“Her talent is magic. Pure magic.”

“She has no friends, withdrawn and by all accounts, anti-social.” A short pause. “Is this the kind of pony we want protecting the galaxy?”

“Twilight is intelligent, smart and incredibly talented. Given time, she will learn the magic of friendship.”

“I defer to your judgment, sister,” the first voice reluctantly said.

“Do not worry, my dearest, I have absolute faith in my student.”

“I’ll make the call.”


[Canterlot System, Outer Space]

My dearest, most faithful student Twilight Sparkle,

You know I value your diligence and I trust you completely. But, you simply must get away from your books. A good student must also learn about the world by experience, not only through her reading. To this end, I’ve decided to assign you to the new ESV Normaredy as the second commanding officer on its’ maiden voyage to Appleloosa. I trust you will enjoy the experience.

Your loving teacher,
Princess Celestia.

Twilight let out a small sigh as she reread the letter for the twelfth time. If it was such an honour, why did it feel like punishment instead? Had she not been the Princess’s best student all these years? Granted, she didn’t leave the palace for the past year, but she had been studying diligently about military tactics, strategies and all that. She rolled up the scroll and carefully stowed it in her saddle-packs, and returned to brooding on the events of the past few days.

Being the good student she was, she had immediately packed her bags after receiving the letter. The unicorn had set off for the nearest starport on Canterlot (which so happened to be Ponyville Intergalactic Starport). To the credit of the officials at PIS, they were already waiting for her when she arrived. With speed and efficiency she could scarcely credit the normally laid-back workers of the starport, she had been whisked through the terminal. Twilight was up and flying in the shuttle to the Normaredy in less than an hour after arrival.

“Approaching the ESV Normaredy, ma’am,” the pilot’s voice chimed over the speakers.

Momentarily distracted from her dark thoughts, Twilight glanced out of the window. She managed to get a glimpse of the ship she was about to serve on. It was… impressive. From the distance, Twilight’s logical mind estimated it to be almost triple the length of the shuttle. It’s streamlined shape reminded her of an eagles; with two wing-like structures attached to the main body of the craft. Just in the background, she could make out Luna, the small moon of Canterlot.

Twilight nodded. It should be impressive. It was the product of the first collaboration between turians and ponies in designing an entirely new class of stealth frigates. Years had been spent in the design of the ship, with emphasis on speed and stealth. True to its design, the prototype ship boasted the galaxy’s first ever stealth system. The princess herself was said to have had a personal hoof in the project. Billions of credits had been sunk into the project, and now the fruit of that labour was right before her eyes.

As the shuttle neared the frigate, she began to appreciate the finer details of the ship. The ship was painted in sleek white with alternating black strips. The name Normaredy SR-1 painted proudly on the aft section of the ship. The ‘wings’ that she noticed initially was actually the anti-photon thrusters of the ship.

Twilight sighed again, deciding it was time to put on her armour. It was uncomfortable, but this was a formal occasion, and she was supposed to look her best during her first time round. Or at least, that was what her books on ship protocols had to say on that. She carefully levitated the various pieces of her onyx armour out of her packs, and starting putting them on. Shoulder guards. Saddle-piece. Flank-piece. Leg armour. Each piece clinked into place with practiced ease.

At least she didn’t need Spike anymore for this, having been subjected to countless sessions of training on just putting on her own armour. It was harder than one would think. She smirked slightly as she recalled the memories of the combat magic training course she had been put through.

It was supposed to be a tough affair, meant only for the most elite of combat magic users. Yet the Princess insisted Twilight take the course, reasoning it was only proper for her student to learn how to defend herself. Twilight had balked at first. It was, after all, a combat course. Ponies could get hurt. It was unpony-like. Military training was unpleasant at best. The very notion of combat made the bookish unicorn queasy. The Princess persisted. Eventually she caved, and enrolled in the course.

At first, it had been everything she feared. The instructors were harsh. Life was brutal, with long days and late nights. It wasn’t uncommon for Twilight to stumble into bed, bone-weary and tired to the core. Yet, over the months, she began to enjoy it the challenge of it. Her affinity to magic was a boon. It had enabled her to easily cast spells where other unicorns stumbled.

However she rarely, if ever, socialised with her fellow candidates, preferring instead to spend long hours in the library on the theories of magic and combat. The other candidates labelled her as a recluse and loner. It suited her just fine.

In the end, she graduated with flying colours, easily outclassing the other candidates. Her marks in the final assessment were said to be the highest in the history of the military academy. As a reward for passing the course with the highest honour, she was allowed to wear the rank M7, one of the highest ranks for combat magic forces in the Equestrian Navy. It had been a proud day for her when the Princess herself appeared to present her with the coveted insignia.

Since then, she went back to her former position as the protégé of Princess Celestia. Twilight merely considered her military rank as a formality and gave no further thought to it. The Princess herself did not press the issue. Until now.

“Initiating docking sequence with the Normaredy, ma’am. Please remain in your seats until we have fully docked,” the pilot’s voice chimed again, interrupting Twilight’s reminiscing.

Her purple eyes betraying a flash of annoyance, she nevertheless began to repack the odds and ends that fallen out from her pack while she was on board. Just as she finished, the shuttle shuddered, presumably having docked with the ship. The muted sounds of the shuttle engines went silent.

“We have docked with the Normaredy. Commander, please exit through the door indicated by the light,” the pilot calmly announced.

Twilight stretched her limbs, testing the feeling of her armour on her body. Satisfied that it was properly fitted, she gathered her saddlepacks and trotted slowly to the indicated exit. Twilight begin tapping her hooves as she waited for the airlock to disengage.

With a hiss, the airlock doors slid open, revealing a marine pony in full dress uniform standing at attention. At the sight of Twilight, he saluted smartly.

“Welcome aboard the ESV Normaredy, commander.”


[Canterlot system, Outer Space]

The ESV Normaredy cruised through the vacuum of deep space, her anti-photon thrusters gently firing as she approached the mass relay in the system.

“The Ponytar Prime Relay is in range, initiating transmission sequence,” the ship’s pilot’s voice said crisply over the speakers.

“We’re connected. Calculating transit mass and destination,” the pilot’s voice announced again. “Relay is hot, acquiring approach vector. All stations, secure for transit.”

The twin engines of the ship began to fold and align themselves to prepare for FTL travel.

“Board is green. Approach run has begun.” A note of anticipation entered the pilot’s voice. “Hitting the relay in 3… 2… 1…”

The sleek black and white frigate aligned itself in parallel with the mass relay. A moment of silence. Then a burst of energy from the core of the relay struck the ship, propelling the ship instantly to faster than light speeds.

The ESV Normaredy accelerated out of the Canterlot system and disappeared into deep space with a flash.


[ESV Normaredy, Pilot cabin]

“A smooth transition. Your captain will be pleased,” the turian said flatly, before turning his back and walking away. The bipedal alien stood out amidst all the equine crew members in the ship; his dull grey skin and black armour contrasting sharply with the colourful coats of the ponies manning the ship.

“I hate that guy,” the pilot mumbled under her breath, as soon as she was sure the turian was out of earshot.

“Scootaloo! Nihilus gives you a compliment and you hate him? Such shocking manners,” the white unicorn sitting beside her admonished. The tag on her uniform identified her as Chief Engineer Rarity. A cutie mark of three diamonds could be seen beneath her uniform.

“I hope you don’t mess up that pretty mane of yours in the bath,” the brown pegasus retorted, her wings flaring in annoyance. “I jumped us halfway across the galaxy, aiming for a target that is the size of a pinhole. It’s not great; it’s incredible!” She waved her hooves about theatrically, to which Rarity just gave her a cold stare in response. The brown pegasus seemed unperturbed by the show of disapproval.

Scootaloo glanced around for a moment to ensure the turian was not in earshot and whispered in a conspiratorial voice, “Besides I don’t like Spectres: they’re bad news. Call me paranoid.”

“Paranoid? More like rude,” Rarity said primly.

“I think you better watch what you’re saying,” the lavender unicorn standing behind the pilot finally spoke. She eyed the pilot critically for a moment before continuing. “The Council funded this project, with the explicit support of the Princess. They have a right to check up on their investment.”

Twilight’s thoughts wandered as she reconsidered her words. Spectres — formally known as Special Tactics and Reconnaissance unit — were the elite soldiers chosen by the Citadel’s Council themselves. They were supposed to be the right hand of the Council, enforcing the Council’s will where a fleet would not do. Given the importance of their task, they were given virtually unlimited powers and privileges at their disposal. The presence of Nihilus on the ship only meant the Council was taking their investment very seriously.

Before the pilot could reply, the commlink on her console chirped. “Joker, the Great & Powerful Trixie demands a status report.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes at the use of her nickname but kept her voice professional. “We just cleared the mass relay, captain. Stealth systems engaged, everything looks solid.”

“Good, link us to the nearest comm buoy. I want the Equestrian Command to know every single glorious deed we’re about to do. Also, send that dolt of a commander over to me for a debriefing,” she ordered, her voice akin to a rich brat demanding sweets.

Scootaloo had to stifle a chuckle. The commander had heard every single word. She responded in a gleeful voice, “Captain, she’s right here.”

“Oh… then tell her!” The captain abruptly cut the link. Scootaloo looked disappointed, evidently expecting a more colourful reaction.

Twilight arched an eyebrow. “Joker?”

“Long story. Maybe I’ll tell you about it later,” the pilot said dismissively. She quickly steered the conversation to another topic. “Anyway, you heard the lady, commander. She doesn’t like to be kept waiting,” Scootaloo continued, noting the annoyed look on the Twilight’s face. “Good luck.”

“Thanks a lot, Scootaloo,” Twilight said, a trace of sarcasm in her voice. She turned around and began making her way to the briefing room. Great, now I’ll have to face Trixie again. Her brow furrowed as she considered the unpleasant thought.

As she trotted off, she overheard the last scraps of conversation between Rarity and Scootaloo: “I don’t know how you put up with that...”

Twilight strolled past the rows of workstations just behind the pilot’s cabin, each crew member busy in their their assigned station. Occasionally, a pony would call out routine reports to the pilot’s cabin, followed by acknowledgement by either the pilot or another crew. Twilight nodded at each crew member as she passed them, more out of protocol rather than any sense of friendship.

Finding herself reaching the CIC deck, she stopped to glance at the holographic starmap located right in the middle of the CIC. The three-dimensional holographic representation of the galaxy rotated slowly, a small blue dot indicating the Normaredy’s current position. The starmap was overlooked by a small podium and surrounded by more workstations. All along the walls of the room, various switchboards and monitors flashed and beeped. A crew member had her head in one of the panels, effecting repairs of some sort. The smell of acrid smoke wafted past Twilight’s nostrils as she trotted past.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the navigator and the ship’s nurse chatting merrily in a corner. The latter was bent over in laughter, probably in response to a joke. Twilight dredged up their names from the depths of her memory. Navigator Ditzy Doo... and Nurse Cherilee. Twilight had not actually talked to them much, having spent most of her time in her cabin. Studying about the ship’s design and function naturally.

Just behind the CIC was the briefing room. Two pegasi marine stood guard in front of the unassuming door. Their black armour shone as if they have just been polished, and the guns on their shoulders well-oiled. They saluted briefly with their wings as Twilight trotted past. She inclined her head in response, acknowledging their salute before trotting past and into the room beyond.


[ESV Normaredy, Briefing Room]

The spectre was standing in front of a monitor, watching a promotional video of Appleloosa. He turned as the lavender pony entered the room; the doors sliding shut smoothly behind her. The turian flicked the video off, and turned to address Twilight.

“Ah, Commander Sparkle, so good of you to join me. Good thing you got here first, it’ll give us a chance to chat,” he started conversationally, his voice inflection-less. His small, black eyes seemed to study the unicorn with great interest.

The commander stared in fascination, her first real chance to get a good look at one of the famed Spectres. Nihilus, like all others of his kind, had metallic plates covering his face. Elaborate white markings covered his facial metal platings. He wore black body armour; lined with red markings, apparently customized to his taste. A pistol hung comfortably from his right hip.

“What about?” Twilight finally replied, a curious look in her purple eyes.

“I’m interested in this world we’re going to… Appleloosa, right?” He pronounced the planet’s name with care. “The pride of ponykind. Proof that ponies can establish colonies across the galaxy and protect them.”

“I don’t get what are you trying to say.” Twilight feigned ignorance, even as she knew all too well what Nihilus was trying to imply. Many alien species regarded the new pony race which so recently joined the galaxy with suspicions. Not all were friendly.

“Ponies are newcomers to the galaxy, commander. Do you really think—”

“I think we are more than capable enough to protect our own. With the Great & Powerful Trixie in command, we have nothing to fear,” a haughty voice behind the commander broke into the conversation. Both the turian and commander turned to the source of the intrusion.

A slate blue unicorn trotted into the briefing room, an air of superiority preceding her every step. She was garbed in a gaudy blue uniform and a pointed hat resembling a wizard hat of legend, decorated with stars. Her blue eyes met the commander’s own set of purple eyes.

“Twilight Sparkle, we meet again.”

“Yes, captain, I am well aware of that,” Twilight replied, trying not to grit her teeth at the memory of her past encounters with Trixie in Canterlot, which included a certain Ursa Minor. Why in the name of Equestria does it have to be her? she thought rather gloomily. Although she had been forewarned of the presence of the captain since getting on the ship, meeting her face-to-face brought reality home like a bucketload of apples.

“Hmph, after our incident in Canterlot, I had hoped that I wouldn’t need to see your plebian face again. I still remember how you humiliated me.” Trixie’s face darkened for a moment, before being replaced by her characteristic smug look. “Fortunately for you, I am magnanimous enough to let old petty hatreds slide,” Trixie continued, clearly not meaning a single word. Her violet eyes dared Twilight to do something reckless.

Twilight did not rise up to the bait. Instead, she just glared at the captain sullenly, her anger obvious on her face.

A discreet cough interrupted the exchange.

“I think we should get the briefing started, don’t you think captain?” Nihilus suggested, his voice tempered with an undercurrent of menace. A taloned hand was already resting casually on his pistol. Clearly, the Spectre was a being with little patience for fools.

“Y-y-yes, of course,” Trixie stammered uncharacteristically, the confidence in her voice lost. She tugged her uniform nervously with her hooves and took a deep breath. With a more professional voice, she continued, “The situation is this, commander. We have been assigned to a covert operation of transporting something off the colony. From initial reports of the research team on Appleloosa, it appears to be some sort of Prothean beacon.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as she digested the implications of the captain’s words. The Protheans were an advanced race that vanished 50,000 years ago. The mass relays and the Citadel itself were said to be relics of the Prothean race. To this day, Prothean relics were some of the most sought-after items in the galaxy, the potential for technological advancement from studying such a relic literally priceless.

“Unfortunately Appleloosa is just a farming colony, and does not have the facility to deal with a discovery of this magnitude. We need to bring the relic back for proper study at the Citadel,” Trixie continued.

“This discovery would mean a great deal to all the council races, not just ponies,” Nihilus added.

“Nihilus is also here for another purpose, to evaluate you.” Trixie’s eyes were suddenly shifty.

“What? Whatever for?” Twilight narrowed her eyes at the captain’s choice of words. The princess never mentioned anything about an evaluation.

“Our dear Princess apparently nominated you to be the first pony candidate to join the Spectres.”

Twilight initial reaction was one of surprise. The Princess... Spectres? Then understanding dawned as she reconsidered the cryptic way her mentor had worded the letter to her. My mentor wanted this to be a surprise. Princess Celestia sure knows how to keep a secret, she thought happily, an involuntary smile broke on her face.

Trixie scowled. “Personally, I think she’s making a terrible mistake. But she’s the princess and I’m just a captain. Unfortunately.” Trixie’s voice left no doubt on how she felt about this. Twilight managed to keep a straight face as she imagined the reaction of the captain on hearing news that her rival was about to be inducted into the Specters. She pitied any crew member who had been unfortunate enough to be within range of the captain’s wrath.

“Nevertheless, you must realize the importance of this task. The Spectres represents the Council’s power and authority. If a pony is accepted into the ranks of the Spectres, it shows how far ponykind has come.” Trixie ground out the obviously rehearsed speech.

“I look forward to working with a personal student of Princess Celestia.” Nihilus offered a short bow. “I hope you do not disappoint your princess’s decision to endorse your candidacy into the Spectres.”

“I won’t, Nihilus.” Twilight’s chest swelled with pride with the knowledge of her mentor’s confidence in her. All her training, all the years of preparation, just for this. Suddenly, the princess’s intention was made clear. Twilight realised with a start that Princess Celestia probably planned for this years even before she took her in. I guess being thousands of years old makes one take the long view.

“Good, the sooner you’re off my ship, the better,” Trixie said disdainfully.

Nihilus continued, ignoring Trixie entirely. “You will be in charge of the ground team, commander. I will be there… to observe.”

“Whenever you’re ready.” Twilight saluted the spectre smartly. The spectre nodded, his facial features betraying no hint of what he thought of the lavender pony.

Scootaloo’s voice boomed over the intercom, interrupting their meeting. “Captain, we have a problem. Just intercepted a distress signal from Appleloosa.”

“Well, play it on screen, Joker,” Trixie snapped. Twilight and Nihilus exchanged questioning looks. What could possibly be happening on Appleloosa?

“Aye aye,” the pilot replied, a trace of annoyance lingering in her voice.

The monitor in the briefing room flickered to life again, showing soldier ponies on a lush landscape. The sound of gunfire echoed erratically from the background. A soldier pony yelled into the camera, “We’re under attack by an unknown enemy force, I repeat, we’re under—” the soldier’s voice was cut off with a grunt of pain as a stray shot hit his flank.

The view shook wildly as the camera fell to the ground, then righted itself as somepony else picked it up. An orange mare’s face came into view. “We need evac now! I don’t right care who’s gettin’ this, just send help…” Her voice trailed off as the camera swung around to catch a huge grayish ship coming down from the sky. Even from the low-quality of the feed, Twilight could make out a distinct insectoid shape to the ship. Red lightning trailed the ship as it began its descent towards the colony.“Sweet horseapples…” the soldier whispered, before the transmission was abruptly cut. Static filled the viewscreen.

“Our mission just got a lot more complicated,” Twilight observed.