• Published 25th Sep 2011
  • 10,585 Views, 180 Comments

Pony Effect - Grif

What if ponies replaced humans in the Mass Effect universe?

  • ...

Intermission 1

[Equestrian Embassy, Citadel]

“Okay, Commander, now that you’re officially a Spectre, you’ll need a ship to get around in the Terminus Systems,” Lyra said, tapping her hoof thoughtfully. She leaned back on her chair and clasped her hooves together. “Fortunately, the princess has already made arrangements.”

“Well, now that the commander will be getting her own ship, I’m sure the Navy has other plans for the Great & Power—” Trixie started impatiently, apparently eager to rid herself of Twilight as soon as possible.

“She’ll be taking the Normaredy, captain,” Lyra said, deadpan.


“You heard correctly,” the ambassador replied, unfazed by the shocked look on the captain’s face. “Commander Sparkle will be reassigned as the captain of the Normaredy for the duration of her mission. In the meantime, you’ll be reassigned here to me, as my advisor.” Lyra wrinkled her nose slightly as she spoke. Twilight thought Lyra didn’t look all too happy about the situation either.

“But, but... my ship...”

“Captain, the princess’ decision is final,” Lyra said firmly. She glared at the captain, as if daring her to make more objections. Trixie worked her mouth like a goldfish, but no words came out.

Hearing no further protests, the green unicorn flashed a wan smile. “Good, I’m glad you approve, Captain.” The ambassador turned to face Twilight. “I have already transferred the appropriate clearance and command codes over to your assistant.”

“I’m honoured, Ambassador.” Being the captain of one of the most advanced warship in the galaxy? The princess was sure going out of her way to provide her with the best equipment available. She glanced at the former captain. Trixie seemed to have lapsed into a state of shock, her violet eyes vacantly staring at the wall.

“Cheer up, captain. Think of it as a promotion. Not every captain in the Navy gets to be the ambassador’s personal assistant after all.”

Trixie blinked at Twilight’s words. Her expression changed to one of dawning understanding, then her typical brash arrogance.

“Of course! The princess foresaw my special talents are more useful behind the front-lines.” She used a forehoof to flip her immaculate mane back. “The Great & Powerful Trixie shall not disappoint. The whole Citadel shall know the prowess of this captain. For it is I, the Great & Powerful Trixie!” Trixie reared on her hindlegs and struck a dramatic pose, fanfare and fireworks erupting behind her. Twilight coughed and spluttered as the smoke from the display blew into her face.

Lyra remained impassive, though Twilight thought she saw the corners of her lips curling a litte. “Well, ‘Great & Powerful’ Trixie, you might want to start by clearing up all these outstanding requisition forms that piled up in my office.” Lyra levitated over a dozen PDAs over to Trixie. “Then you can sort out this mess of…” The ambassador went on to dictate over twenty different task for Trixie to do.

Twilight had to stifle a guffaw at the way Trixie scowled after Lyra was finished.


[The Wards, Citadel]

The Wards. A place for everypony’s needs, if you knew where to look. Which was why two ponies were on a shopping trip at this very moment.

“Now Fluttershy, you know Angel needs a new outfit. I won’t let him go into a fight with that horrible outfit of his,” Rarity said. She had to suppress a shudder at the fashion disaster that the bunny constituted. Angel was still wearing that makeshift armour he somehow fashioned together on Appleloosa. The unicorn had no idea how the rabbit managed to incorporate a geth’s chest piece into the armour, never mind how he built the whole thing to begin with.

“Um... okay Rarity.” Fluttershy answered, glancing at Angel. The rabbit on her back was wearing his perpetual scowl, and looked at the crowds with bored eyes. “I’m sure we can find a pretty outfit for you Angel,” she said softly to the rabbit. The scowl on Angel’s face deepened.

“Ah, this shop looks promising. Levona’s Fine Armoury,” Rarity said, clapping her hooves. “Come, Fluttershy. Let’s get shopping done.”


“Ugh! If I hear one more asari shopkeeper saying, ‘I’m sorry miss, but we don’t stock for small animals’, I’m going to tear my mane out in frustration!” Rarity seethed. The white unicorn was especially distressed at her abject failure to help her friend to find the outfit he needed. For all the wonders of the Citadel, there was a surprising lack of choices in bunny outfits. Especially combat-ready ones.

Fluttershy lowered her head in response, her ears flattened. Really, this shopping trip was stressing her friend out more than even she was. The yellow pegasus scrapped up the courage to speak. “It’s okay Rarity. There’s really no need for Angel to get a new outfit. He looks fine just the way she is.”

“Nonsense, darling. I won’t take no for an answer. I’ll get her a new outfit even it means I have to weld the outfit myself,” Rarity answered firmly. What kind of fashionista she would be if she let the travesty that was Angel go uncorrected on her ship?

The pair trotted past another shop, this one fairly mundane in comparison to the ones they visited previously. The holographic sign was dimly lit and said simply, ‘Harten’s Odds and Ends: Everything You Ever Need.’ The window was caked in grime, and obscured the shop’s interior. Rarity didn’t even give the shop a second glance, dismissing it as yet another run-down store.

“Canterlot-clan. Do you not wish to browse my wares?” a muffled voice called out from the shop’s darkened interior. The pair stopped at mid-trot and turned to face the speaker. It was a volus, standing by the door.

“No thanks, volus. I’m sure we can find our wares somewhere... more reputable.” Rarity replied, a little unnerved by the volus’ sudden appearance.

“I... overheard your little conversation. I might have something you can use.” The short, stocky alien, slightly shorter than a pony, stepped out of the shadow of his store. The volus, like all of his kind, was dressed in a black, durable environmental suit, in a similar manner to quarians. The volus species evolved in a methane-based atmosphere, a rarity in the galaxy. In order to survive in the oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere most of the other Citadel races take for granted, they taken to wearing special environmental suits when off-planet.

“Really? In a dinky, run-down store?” Rarity waggled an eyebrow at the volus. Fluttershy just stared at the alien, wide-eyed. She had never seen a volus before.

The volus merchant shrugged. “I specialises in wares which other shops find too exotic to stock. Unfortunately, that also means I don’t get many... customers, as you might imagine.” He waved a pudgy hand towards his shop.

“Still...” Rarity recalled her stellar lack of success so far in more reputable stores. And the equally unproductive time in the space mall. “Alright, we’ll see what you have. No funny business, mind.”

“Um, Rarity, I’m not so sure...” Fluttershy looked at the darkened store with worried eyes. Tales of evil criminals who kidnapped ponies to torture them and bake them into cupcakes danced in the back of her mind.

“Trust me, darling,” Rarity reassured the pegasus, and flashed a smile. She began to follow the volus into the shop. After a moment’s hesitation, Fluttershy made to follow her friend as well.


[C-Sec Shooting Range, Citadel]


The loud crack of the rifle echoed across the deserted shooting range.

“Ha, nailed that one in the head,” Dash boasted, blowing the smoke off her rifle with satisfaction. Her chosen target sported a neat hole in the center of the head. Glancing at her companion, she gave a cheeky grin. “Beat that, AJ.”

Applejack just grinned back, and loaded her battle rifle. She reared on her hind hooves and gripped her gun steadily. Seconds ticked by as she slowly sighted the target.

“Applejack, if you can’t—” Dash started, before a series of shots interrupted her words. A neat line of holes in the center of the head of the target indicated where Applejack aim was. Dash’s jaw dropped at the sight.

“How did you—?” she spluttered.

“Rainbow Dash, you ain’t the only pony here who knows how to shoot. I been a soldierpony longer than all y’all been in C-Sec,” Applejack drawled lazily.

“Hmph. Well, I bet I can beat you in a real fight,” Dash replied, a jealous expression passing over her face.

“Now, now, Dash. You can’t be the best in everything you know,” Garrus called from behind. The turian was sitting relaxedly on a bench behind the ponies. His metallic face broke into a grin upon seeing the scowl Rainbow Dash gave him. He ducked as a water bottle sailed over his head.


[Equestrian Embassy, Citadel]

“Ooh, ohh, Twilight, can I ask a question?” Pinkie Pie asked in a bright voice. She bounced excitedly as she spoke.

Twilight, who was trying to concentrate on reading her PDA on the couch, sighed. “Yes, Pinkie what is it?”

“Great! Sp you see, there’s this friend of mine. He loves to fight and stuff. He’s also the bestest cook ever. Can he join us in the mission? Huh? Huh? We need all the help we can get right? Plea-a-a-e-se? He’s the bestest friend of mine ever in the Citadel.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. If what she knew of Pinkie’s behaviour was any indication, this would be yet another stray pony she’d have to pick up and nurse during the mission. She also knew the pink pony would not leave her alone to her studies unless she agreed in some fashion. With a reluctant long-suffering sigh, Twilight nodded in agreement. “Just... let me see him before we go alright?” Hopefully, she could find some reason to keep her companion off the ship if he or she turned out to be as annoying as Pinkie was.

“Oh, he’s waiting outside right now,” Pinkie Pie replied happily. Before Twilight could reply, the sounds of a scuffle interrupted the conversation.

’t go in without an appointment,” the guardpony outside was saying, apparently to the intruder.

“Out of my way, pipsqueak. I already have my appointment with a friend,” a rough reptillian voice answered. One that Twilight recognised from Chora’s Den. Her head snapped to Pinkie, who was grinning manically.

“Pinkie! Your friend is Wrex?!” Twilight demanded, already dreading the worst.

“Duh! He’s my bestest best friend. Why wouldn’t we be?” Pinkie Pie answered, as if the very fact was obvious. Her blue eyes were sincere as far as Twilight could tell.

Twilight facehoofed. The pink earthpony was somehow the good friend of this dangerous mercenary bounty hunter. The burning question that was eating Twilight was, How? How the hay she managed to gain the trust of a krogan? The sounds of the scuffle escalating outside broke Twilight’s chain of thought. She better let the krogan in before somepony got shot.

Stepping through the door, she was greeted with the sight of the familiar red-armoured krogan being dogpiled by three different guardsponies. Two were holding Wrex down, who in turn was apparently in the process of breaking the wings of the third guard. Thankfully, the krogan’s sidearms were still sheathed behind his back. All four froze at the sound of Twilight’s hooves clopping.

Twilight sighed. “Let him go, guards. He’s with me.” The guards glanced at each other, then at the commander. Realising that she was serious, they reluctantly let go of the krogan.

“Wrex, you can let go of his wings as well,” Twilight added. Wrex blinked at the command, before releasing his hold on the guard’s wings. The guardspony rubbed his wings gingerly and nodded his thanks.

The sound of galloping hooves behind Twilight was the only warning she got of Pinkie approaching, before she found herself snout-first on the floor. The lively party pony jumped to hug Wrex, who reciprocated the gesture.

“Wrex! Silly krogan. You didn’t have to muscle your way in.”

“Well, I didn’t like the way they’re looking at me,” Wrex said, and shot a glare at the guardsponies around them. The guards glared right back, no love lost between both side.

Meanwhile, Twilight found herself knocked to the floor on her rump. She shook the stars out of her eyes, and turned to look at the mercenary. “I take it you’re the one whom Pinkie mentioned?”

“Yes. I still owe a couple of favours for my pink friend here. Wrex always repays his debts,” the krogan answered plainly.

Twilight let out another long-suffering sigh. “Since I probably won’t get a say in the matter anyway, welcome aboard,” Twilight said sardonically.

“I look forward to see you in battle... Commander.” Wrex replied simply, an amused grin on his face. Twilight had an inkling the krogan knew just how persuasive Pinkie Pie can be. Somehow, that irked her a little.

“Oh thank you thank you thank you so much Twilight. It’s going to be so much fun with so many friends going together,” Pinkie said excitedly as she bounced around Twilight.

d. “Yeah, fun,” she said. Adding the krogan to the crew was certainly going to bring howls of complaints to her ears before long. Already she dreaded on how to explain to the princess of the wisdom of letting so many alien crew onboard one of the Navy’s most advanced warship.

Her letter to the princess was already a week overdue.


[Engineering Deck, ESV Normaredy]

“Wow, this ship is a marvel,” Tali said with a note of wonder in her voice. The quarian, along with Spike and Scootaloo, was standing before the Tantalus drive core in the ship’s Engineering deck. Outwardly the core looked like a ball of blue plasma suspended in mid-air, pulsating softly. Tendrils of energy reached out towards the containment pylons which spun slowly around the core itself.

“Yep, one of the most advanced ship in the galaxy,” Scootaloo proudly replied. She felt a thump on her head.

“Scootaloo! We’re not supposed to tell anyone that. Top secret and all that ya’know.” The dragon on the pegasus’ back admonished. He folded his arms in disapproval.

“Oh, come on! She’s going to be on the ship for the next three month or so. You really think she wouldn’t notice the technology in the place. For princesses’ sake, she’s a quarian,” Scootaloo replied hotly.

“I’m still standing right here,” the qurian’s voice broke into the conversation. The two looked at the suited alien sheepishly. “Your pilot is right by the way. There’s no way a quarian can miss the extra tech this ship has built in,” Tali added. “But you can trust me. I owe my life to your commander after all.”

Spike frowned and pondered the quarian’s words. He wished Twilight was here right about now, she’d know what to do. Since she was not however, he’d have to make a decision now on her behalf. “Oh, fine. I hope Rarity doesn’t mind you poking around.”

“I’m sure I can work something out with her,” the quarian replied in an amused tone of voice.


[The Wards, Citadel]

A ladylike shriek echoed from the interior of the dark, dusty shop.

“What in the name of Equestria is this?” Rarity cried in shock, as she surveyed the mountains of junk arrayed in front of her. “This... this is an outrage. It’s not... even... “ Rarity spluttered.

“I stock only the finest in exotic wares,” the volus proudly waved his hand over the piles of indescribable debris.

Rarity’s left eye twitched at the volus’ words. How dare this ignorant lout lure her, a purveyor of the finest armour in the galaxy, to this... this... unseemly junkyard. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Focus, Rarity. Fluttershy was counting on her to dress up her pet bunny. She already reassured Fluttershy about this flight of fancy, and she couldn’t go back on her words now. She glanced at Fluttershy again, who was staring wide-eyed at the amount of junk in the place. Yes, she must not fail her friend.

She looked over the (what was more properly termed) junk pile again, and an idea began to click in her mind. “So... how much for that?” she asked the volus slyly, pointing to a random piece of junk.

“Five credits.”

Rarity’s eyes gleamed. “Five, you say?”

“Yes. Five. In fact, every single item here is worth five credits,” the volus replied cautiously. The alien suddenly seemed a lot more nervous.

“Very good,” Rarity replied, a cryptic smile on her face. The volus stared at the unicorn strangely, apparently expecting more resistance.

Closing her eyes, Rarity concentrated, and started casting a spell she had been practising for quite some time. Her horn lit up in a brilliant flash, momentarily lighting the whole shop with the power of a star, before subsiding.

Fluttershy rubbed her eyes in surprise, her vision momentarily blinded by the sudden show of magic. Then as the spots in her eyes faded, she began to notice glowing outlines of various objects within the junk piles. She saw Rarity grinning happily at the volus merchant.


“I think that worked out quite well, don’t you think Fluttershy?” Rarity said, a trail of various armour pieces and components floating behind.

“Umm.. yes.” Fluttershy hesitantly agreed. The yellow pegasus was not quite sure what to think of the whole incident. “Was that... another one of your spells?” she asked shyly.

“Of course darling. One I have been practising for quite some time but never got around to using. It’s main purpose is to locate salvagable quality components. I been meaning to use it as a way to salvage usable equipment off the battlefield.” Rarity proudly explained. “And I must say it worked beautifully.” Never before had she gotten such a bargain. Only a hundred credits for well over two dozen quality components. And of bunny size to boot. The engineer pony was sure the volus was steaming on the inside when she counted off the credits.

“Now... onward to the Normaredy. I got a bunny armour to put together!” Rarity said with a flourish.


[Engineering Deck, ESV Normaredy]

“So.. being a pegasus, why did you take a job as a ship pilot?” Tali asked nonchalantly. “I thought all pony pegasi would much rather fly than be cooped up in a ship.”

“Now don’t you dare question my position. I got all the way here through on pure merit, my disease has nothing to do with it,” Scootaloo replied with a defensive tone.

“Disease?” Spike blurted. He quickly covered his nose. “Are you contagious?”

Spike. “And no, it’s not contagious.”

Tali shrugged. “I just joined the commander. I only know you’re the ship’s pilot.” Spike, who was still covering his nose, nodded.

“Fair enough, I guess Twilight wouldn’t know either, unless she’s been reading my files.” Scootaloo glanced around shiftily for a moment, as if afraid to tell her tale to anypony else, before turning back to the two.

“I have Vroelik’s disease. That means I have weak wings. I... I can’t fly like other pegasi do,” she admitted in a quiet voice.

“You can’t? But then...” Spike was silenced by a well-timed glare from the pilot.

“When I was a filly on Canterlot, I used to admire other high flying pegasi. Incidentally, one of them was the Rainbow Dash. Boy, was I obsessed with her for some years. I collected posters, pictures, hay, even cardboard cutouts. I dreamt that, one day, I’ll be like her. Soaring through the air, be the envy of everypony, you know.”


The pilot could still remember the time she dreamt of flying. She was there, on an open field, lazing about. Her mother was going to ground her afterwards for skipping school, but she didn’t care. Then she saw it. A solid rainbow streak crossing the sky. Rainbow Dash. The fastest pegasus on Canterlot. “One day. I’ll be just like her. One day,” she whispered.


Her eyes teared up as she told her tale, the memories obviously painful. “But as I grew older, I found myself being left behind as more of my friends took to the skies. Soon... I was the only filly left in Flight School who still can’t fly.” Scootaloo turned away from the Tali, and trotted a few steps towards the drive core. Putting her fore-hooves on the railing, she continued.

“And I had no idea why. Everytime I tried, my wings just wouldn’t take flight. I can’t even hover off the ground for more than a few minutes, and I get these weird pains in my wings after each try. Eventually they got a doctorpony to look at me.”


The doctorpony had summoned her to his room. She had no idea why. All she knew was there was something terribly wrong with her. Being a pegasus meant she was supposed to fly. But after five years of flight school, she hadn’t even manage to master basic flight. Scootaloo sighed as she neared the doctor’s room. The white door suddenly looked even more intimidating than before. Gulping, she rapped on the door nervously. “Come in,” came the doctor’s gruff voice. Scootaloo timidly entered the room and made to sit on the proffered chair. The elderly unicorn had a sympathetic look in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Miss Scootaloo. I have bad news.”

Minutes later, she came out of the room weeping openly. It was official. She would never ever fly. Not even modern medical technology could help her there. Now, she’d never fly like Rainbow Dash. Her life was ruined. Her dreams shattered. Scootaloo moped for the rest of day, not bothering to show up for class. She quit flight school the very next day.


“I was depressed for quite some time, moping about in my room. I bet I had my family worried for a time there. I even thought of suicide, as much as I shudder of the thought of taking one’s life today. Then one day, my parents brought me to see the official launch of the cruiser, ESV Fillydelphia, from the Stalliongrad Orbital Docks.”


Scootaloo pouted as the space elevator ascended. What was so good about watching a ship fly off anyway? Dozens of ship fly off into space everyday anyway. She knew her parents was trying to cheer her up, but Scootaloo was not looking forward to it.


The elevator doors opened. “Come on Scoot, we’re just in time to see the show,” her mom said excitedly. Scootaloo found herself being nudged towards the crowd around the viewports. Somehow she managed to land a spot that offered a spectacular view of the dreadnought.

It was a sight she would not forget. The sheer size of the ship. The excitement she felt watching the engines flare into life. The slight tremor as the ship engaged its’ engines. The roar of the ponies cheering as the ship slowly moved out of the dock. It was... exhilarating. A feeling she remembered from watching Dash fly by her all those years ago. Then it struck her. If she couldn’t fly, then she damn well could learn how to fly one of these beauties.

She enrolled into Equestrian Institute for Space Pilots the next week.


Scootaloo turned back to face Tali and held out her forehooves. “And here I am. Years of hard work. Now I’m piloting the best ship in the galaxy. And it’s awesome.”

Tali was impressed. Not many would work so hard to overcome their disabilities and come out to achieve something much more. Scootaloo reminded her so much of the quarian struggle.


“Why does Trixie insist on calling you ‘Joker’?” Tali asked. She had heard the captain referring the pilot as ‘Joker’ a couple of times during their brief conversations together.

Scootaloo shrugged, and said nonchalantly, “Oh, it’s just a pet name for her. She thinks I don’t respect her enough and called me ‘Joker’ as revenge of some sort. I think. Hard to tell with that showmare.”


[Briefing Room, ESV Normaredy]

“Alright, everypony, are you ready to leave the station?”

She was met with words of assents from all those assembled in the room. Twilight spied a raised yellow hoof.

“Yes, Fluttershy, what is it?”

“Um... Rarity made a custom suit of armour just for Angel. Maybe... he... can show it to you... if you don’t mind.” Twilight thought the pegasus looked positively terrified at the fact she was speaking to so many ponies at once.

“Sure, Fluttershy. Let’s see this new armour of his.” Twilight flashed a reassuring smile, if only to calm the pegasus. Rarity looked at Fluttershy expectantly, a worried look in her blue eyes.

The other ponies waited with bated breath. Seconds turned into minutes as everypony looked at each other in awkward silence. Rarity bit her lower lips nervously as she glanced at the direction of Fluttershy.

After what seemed like an eternity, a soft voice broke the silence. “Come on, Angel. Don’t be shy. I think you look pretty.” Pause. “It’s okay Angel, I’m sure they won’t laugh at you.” Another pause. “Pretty please? I’ll even get you a carrot afterwards...” Yet another pause. “Thank you, Angel.” The yellow pegasus looked up towards the other ponies with a shy smile and stood aside to let her friend pass.

Twilight googled as Angel hopped to the center of the room. He was clad in some sort of custom black armour, complete with visor and comm set. Each piece seemed perfectly tailor made to fit the bunny perfectly. To top it off, it was decorated with glitter. Sparkling glitter.

“I... I think it looks wonderful,” Twilight finally manage to mouth. The other ponies mumbled their approvals and comments behind her. Rarity beamed at the praise, apparently overjoyed by the reception. Angel though, seemed unamused by all the attention he was getting.

Twilight made out another hoof from the crowd. “Yes, Dash, what is it?”

“Twilight! What the hay do you think you’re doing letting that krogan onboard?” the boisterous mare thundered. Rainbow Dash hovered out from the crowd, and zoomed straight to Twilight’s face. She pointed an accusing hoof at Twilight’s snout. “He’s a criminal for princesses’ sake.”

“Dash, you can rest easy. The krogan promised not to break anypony limbs while under my command. At least, not without my permission,” Twilight replied, feeling a bead of sweat on her brow.

Rainbow Dash was not so easily reassured. “But Twilight! He’s a krogan. K-R-O-G-A-N. He kills ponies for a living.” Her last sentence caused a few to gasp in shock.

“Rainbow Dash, I know how to spell krogan. I also know he does not kills ponies for a living.” Twilight glanced at the floor for a moment. “Well, mostly anyway.” she admitted in a smaller voice.

“See, Twilight, we can’t just let—” Rainbow abruptly stopped when the briefing door slid open. Twilight saw the flash of fear in the pegasus’ eyes, though the pegasus betrayed no other hint of her unease. Only one pony could induce such a fear in Rainbow Dash...

“Sparkle, is there someplace I can stash my weapons? All the crew lockers are full.” Wrex’s voice behind her innocently inquired.

Twilight whirled around to face the krogan, the biggest grin she could muster plastered on her face. “Uh.. yes. You can try that spare room on the Engineering deck.”

“Thanks,” Wrex answered curtly, and stalked off. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. Even though she had just defended the krogan, the mercenary still made her nervous. That was despite the number of times they already met after their introduction. Something about his casual attitude to killing bothered her.

“See, Twilight. I bet he’s just waiting for a chance to betray us.” Rainbow hovered indignantly in front of Twilight, her forelegs crossed. “Why does he need all those weapons for?”

Twilight put a hoof to her head. She knew that she was losing the argument. Yet, she could not in good faith just kick the krogan off the ship after that promise to Pinkie. Instead, she put on the sternest face she could muster. “Dash. Trust me. He’s with us on this mission. And that’s final.” Her voice brooked no other argument in the matter. Twilight fervently hoped she was not making a wrong decision.

“Oh...” The sky-blue pegasus looked like she was about to fire off more objections, before hanging her head in defeat. “Fine. I hope you know what you’re doing, Twi.” Dash pouted and slowly flew back into the crowd.

“Well, anything else?” Twilight called. Another hoof. A party pink one this time. Twilight mentally groaned. “What is it this time, Pinkie?”

“I’m just thinking. Since we’re going on a loo-o-o-o-n-n-n-g-g-g-g trip, shouldn’t we stock up on party supplies. I would hate to throw parties with no supplies, because then we wouldn’t have balloons. And with no balloons—

Twilight put up a forehoof to stop Pinkie’s rambling. “Pinkie, we’re on a mission to stop a very dangerous criminal. We have no space to carry party supplies.”

“But, Twilight—"

Twilight put a hoof to her brow. “No, Pinkie, I’ll have to insist on this. No parties while we’re on a mission.”

Pinkie looked disappointed at the refusal, her lips set in a deep pout. Twilight began to wonder whether she had gone too far. Then, on a dime, pink pony brightened again. “Oh well! I bet I can improvise. Parties will be parties, so long I’m holding one!” Her blue eyes gleamed with determination.

Twilight sighed. There’s no putting down that pink force of nature.

“Alright, if there’s nothing else. Let’s move out.”