• Published 23rd May 2015
  • 2,457 Views, 62 Comments

Starchildren - Stratocaster

An alternate plot of the rise of Nightmare Moon, with a shocking twist.

  • ...

A Tearful Reunion

Chapter 3: A Tearful Reunion

"And so the butler said, 'Hoofball?! But that's my scuba mask!'" said Pinkie Pie.

The six mares cracked up in laughter as they sat around the picnic table in the middle of the festival. Over the past couple hours, the five Ponyville natives had already embraced the peculiar Twilight Sparkle as a new friend. And in turn, Twilight was finally beginning to feel accepted in the humble little town.

"Come on, sugarcube," said Applejack to Twilight. "I bet ya have some funny stories too."

"Hmmm, well..." Twilight pondered for a moment. "There was one time when I was studying this conjuration book by Starswirl the Bearded, and I noticed a huge typo." She began to snicker at the memory. "The passage said, 'Execute with wonder and whimsy.'" She struggled to keep back the hilarity. "But he misspelled it as 'eggsecute'!" Twilight finally burst into a loud snorting laugh. "Get it?! It's a play on words!" She banged her hoof on the table, unable to control herself.

The other mares barely responded with a courtesy chuckle.

"Who's Starswirl the Bearded?" asked Rainbow.

"What's conjuration?" Pinkie cocked her head.

Twilight sighed. "Never mind."

As the awkwardness of the joke settled in, Rumble approached the table by her side. "Hey Miss Twilight?" he said. "Do you know anything about the stars?"

"Oh do I!" beamed Twilight. "Astronomy is one of my favorite subjects! Why do you ask?"

"Well, do you think you know why they haven't come out yet?" he asked. "It's after Nine PM, and a lot of ponies are getting ready to stargaze. But there isn't anything up there."

"That's strange." Twilight wondered as she peered up at the sky, which was now stuck between a mixture of bright orange, pink, and deep blue. "There hasn't been a cloud in the sky all day. The stars should be visible by now."

"Come to think of it," added Rarity. "It looks like there's still a tiny bit of sunlight over on the horizon."

"You're right," said Fluttershy, gazing around. "It's as if the whole sky just froze in place. Why hasn't nighttime come yet?"

"Well it better come soon," scoffed Rainbow. "Because I am not missing that fireworks show!"

"Say, Twilight," said Applejack. "You know Princess Celestia personally. Since she's the one who controls night and day, do ya think ya know why she's been keepin' the sunset goin' for so long?"

"This is pretty odd." Twilight scratched her chin. "It's not like the Princess to shrug off her duties, especially during the day of the solstice. The only reason I can think of why she's stopped the change of the sky is that her magic suddenly was cut off somehow." She started to tense up with worry. "Oh gosh, I hope nothing bad's happened to her."

"Ah come on," shrugged Rainbow. "She's the most powerful pony in Equestria. What could possibly stop her?"

"Rainbow might have a point." Rarity said. "I'm certain our beloved Princess wouldn't let anything halt the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Maybe she's just busy with the celebration in Canterlot." Fluttershy suggested. "Oh! Or maybe we missed daylight savings!" she gasped. "Oh my goodness! Does that mean I've been feeding my furry friends at the wrong times?!"

"Fluttershy, I think you're overreacting." Rainbow discerned.

"Well I'm not taking any chances!" Fluttershy stood up. "I'm going back home right now to reset my clocks!" She then flapped her wings and hurried through the air toward her cottage. But in her rush, she failed to see the other pegasus in her way and bumped into him hard. "Oops! I'm so sorry!"

"Ouch! Watch where you're flying, lady!"

Fluttershy barely even heard the rude reply, as she was busy staring in disbelief at the other pegasus. "Oh my gosh..." she gasped with wide eyes. "Is it...is it really you?"

"What are you staring at?" said Dark Star.

"Thunderlane!" Fluttershy swept the blackish gray stallion into her hooves and hugged him tightly. She became overcome with elation. "I can't believe you're back! It's been so many years!"

"What the heck are you talking about?!" asked Dark Star, perplexed by the strange mare.

"Don't you remember? It's me, Fluttershy! My, you've grown so much! I almost didn't recognize you either!"

"Look sweetheart," said Dark Star. "I don't know who you think I am, but we have definitely never met before!"

Fluttershy looked concerned. "What do you mean? You don't remember me? Where have you been?" she gasped. "Oh goodness, you must have gotten amnesia!"

"Amnesia?" That's when Dark Star remembered what his mother said about blending in with the citizens of Ponyville. He realized he made a blunder after the female pegasus mistook him for a friend. But he quickly figured out that playing dumb would work around that blunder. "Uh, yeah, I guess I have amnesia! Um, whatever that is, strange mare. Who are you? Where am I?"

"Oh you poor thing!" Fluttershy frowned. "I can't imagine what must have happened to you."

"Yeah, me neither." He fibbed. "Uh, what did you say my name was again?"

"You're Thunderlane." She answered. "And my name is Fluttershy. We used to be best friends in school before you disappeared somehow. I've missed you so much."

"This is all so confusing to me. I feel so scared and alone." Dark Star piled it on the dramatics.

"Oh Thunderlane," Fluttershy hugged him again. "Don't you worry. I'm going to help you regain your life."

Dark Star felt unsettled by the fact of living the life of some pony he'd never heard of, but decided to stick to the plan for the sake of redeeming Nightmare Moon. "That would be nice. Thank you, Flittershoe."

"Fluttershy. But it's a start." She smiled warmly.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHH OH MY GOSH!" shrieked Pinkie from the ground below. She ran back to her friends' table dragging a pony, like a puppy on a loose leash. "Applejack! Over here! Look who I found!"

Applejack got up from her chair and became baffled, as she faced a tall, burly red stallion led by Pinkie. She stared for a moment in silence trying to comprehend the face. "Big Macintosh? Is it...really you?" she asked softly.

Red Nova pondered for a second, trying to think of a perfect response. "...Eeyup?"

"Lansanks, I don't believe it!" Applejack began to tear up from joy as she held her brother's face. "Big Mac yer actually here! Where've ya been?! I've been missin' ya every day!"

"Uh...I...er...well...um..." Nova struggled to come up with an excuse, but he had spent far more time preparing to fight than getting his story straight.

"Oh who am I kidding, I don't even care!" Applejack squeezed him. "I'm just happy to see ya again, big brother!"

Nova felt a bit of relief in his mind when she said that. He was thinking before that the pony he was impersonating was this mare's coltfriend or husband. He thanked himself for avoiding a big mistake.

"This is a miracle!" smiled Applejack. "Oh just wait till the whole family sees ya again! Granny Smith, lil' Apple Bloom, Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp,"

Nova began to sweat as the load of family information hit him so quickly. He was not excited to meet a whole kin of farmers who thought that he was one of them.

"Big Macintosh, you're back!" greeted Fluttershy. "Oh Applejack, I'm so happy for you!"

"Wait, is that who I think it is, Fluttershy?" asked Applejack, pointing to the male pegasus.

"It sure is!" she replied. "Thunderlane, I'd like you to meet my friends."

"Um...hello?" said Dark Star sheepishly.

"Whoa! Thunderlane!" Rainbow perked up and grabbed him in a rough friendly hug. "I can't believe you're back! I haven't seen you since flight school! Where the heck have you been?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Rainbow," said Fluttershy. "Thunderlane has amnesia, so he doesn't seem to remember a thing. Not even from when before he disappeared."

"Well then we'll just make this a welcome back/recovered memories celebration!" cheered Pinkie Pie.

"Is that even a thing?" asked Rainbow.

"Big bro! Big bro!" shouted Rumble as he barreled through the onlooking crowd and cantered towards Dark Star. He hugged his long lost brother's leg, burying his crying face in his fur. "I knew you'd come back!" he said, unable to contain his excitement. "I've been wishing for it every day!"

"Thunderlane," said Fluttershy, her heart melting from the shorter colt's joy. "This is your little brother, Rumble. I've been helping to look after him for the past few years."

"Really?" Dark Star looked down at the elated colt, still gripping onto him. His every intention was to peel him off, but knew that would make him look bad. So he tried his best to feign as much happiness as he could. "Um...it's good to see ya, uh, little bro." He patted the young one's mane.

"I can't wait to start playing with you again, big bro!" smiled Rumble. "We can have air races all the time! And you can finally show me how to play hoofball!"

"Uh, sure!" fibbed Dark Star. "Whatever you want...little man."

"You can even play with Fluttershy too!" said Rumble. "I know she's missed you just as much."

"Rumble!" Fluttershy blushed. "Go easy on him, he's trying to regain his memory."

"Wow, this really is a miracle." Twilight said to Applejack and Rumble. "What are the odds the both of you would reunite with your brothers on the same day? You must so relived." She tried to show support, while hiding her lament.

"You okay, Twi?" asked Applejack. "Ya don't look that excited."

"Oh trust me, I'm really happy for you." She explained. "It's just that, believe it or not, I also had a big brother who vanished a long time ago. I miss him constantly."

"Don't worry, Twilight," grinned Fluttershy, lending her a hoof. "If Rumble and Applejack can find their brothers again, I'm sure you'll find yours too someday."

"You really think so?" asked Twilight.

"Crazier things have happened." Rainbow added with a wink. "And if he's a brother of yours, I'm sure he's just as awesome."

"Thanks, guys. That means a lot." Twilight smiled again.

"Excuse me, is there a bathroom around here?" asked White Nebula.

"Oh yes, right next to the game booths." Twilight answered.

"Thanks." He walked away.

"So, Big Macintosh, is it?" resumed Twilight.

"Eeyup." Nova nodded.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" she shook his hoof. "And welcome back. I'm Twilight Sparkle, from Canterlot."

"Canterlot?" Dark Star cocked his head.

"It's the capitol of Equestria." Fluttershy helped him. "My, your memory must be really shot."

"Don't worry," said Twilight. "Memory can be a tricky thing. Sometimes you can lose it over time. But other times it can come back to you in one quick moment of......" Twilight sprinted off. "SHINING ARMOR!!!" She ran into the white unicorn who passed her and wrapped her hooves around his shoulders. "Oh my gosh I can't believe it's you, big brother!"

"Little sis?" Nebula feigned surprise. "I knew I'd find you!" He returned the hug. As the more intelligent of the three brothers, Nebula had come more prepared to assume an identity. He played along with whatever the purple mare told him.

"Twilight, who is this?" asked Applejack.

"My brother, Shining Armor!" she said excitedly and squeezed Nebula again. "Oh I'm so happy, I...I don't know what to say!"

"So am I, Twilight." Nebula smiled, keeping track of names. "I missed you so much. I can't even remember the last time I saw you."

"Oh it was horrible when you left." She told him. "Remember? The day before, you had that awful argument with Dad about joining the Royal Guard. What happened to you then?"

"Yes that's right." Nebula improvised a story in his head. "The Royal Guard was my dream. I was so angry at Dad because he couldn't understand. So I ran away to enlist...but that was the biggest mistake of my life. I signed up in a recruitment office saying I had nowhere else to go, and soon found myself in a squadron of grunts. We were being sent out to stop a gang of bandits out in the Badlands. But it was more of an ordeal than we expected. A huge battle erupted and many of my squad mates got seriously hurt. I was captured by the bandits and forced to worked with them for the next few years. Eventually I escaped and tried to make my way back home. But the bandits caught up with me and beat me into a coma. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a hospital years later, and I just had to get back home. And that's what brought me here."

"Oh Shining, that's terrible." Twilight wiped a tear away.

"Twilight I'm so sorry for leaving you." Nebula touched her face, keeping the emotion looking real. "I shouldn't have run away for so long. I don't think Mom or Dad will ever forgive me."

"It's okay, big brother." Twilight held him close. "All that matters is that you're safe. After all, you're my BBBFF."

"Big Brother Best Friend Forever!" Nebula grinned, taking a lucky guess.

Rarity's face was now streaming with tears. "Oh it's so beautiful!" she squeaked. "All this reunion is making me into a wreck! We simply must celebrate this!"

"Heck yeah!" shouted Pinkie, jumping with joy. "And what better day than on the Summer Sun Celebration! Let's make these boys the stars of the party!"

"Yeehaw!" cheered Applejack. "C'mon, Big Mac! Hope ya still know how to square dance!"

Rainbow joined next to Twilight as they all walked off to celebrate even more. "You must be stoked, Twilight!" she smiled. "What are the chances of three sibling reunions happening here on the same day? And during the solstice of all days!"

"Yeah..." Twilight's smile then turned into an expression of confusion. Despite the miracle of seeing her brother again, her mind still became awash with thoughts. "...It is pretty strange."


As the festivities continued in Ponyville, the six mares reveled in the return of the three lost brothers. In their mission to blend into their society, Nebula, Nova and Dark Star had actually become the centers of attention at the party. Ponies all around gave them warm greetings and even offered them food and cider. It felt odd to the brothers to be welcomed in a place they were sent to take over, like foreign conquerors setting hoof in a primitive native land. Eventually, they finally found some time to recuperate alone by a snack table.

"Man, these ponies are mighty weird." Red Nova said, looking around at the jubilant partygoers. "We show up out o' the blue and they give us the welcome wagon? I thought this would be more of a challenge."

"Hey, I ain't complaining!" Dark Star said with a mouthful of oat chips. "We're actually being treated like kings! It's intoxicating!"

"Well don't think it'll last long." Nebula advised them. "We still have to get ready to open the seal to let Mother through. We're lucky we managed to pass off regulars here. You two almost blew it."

"What makes you such a master of disguise anyhow?" sneered Dark.

"I actually took the time to get my story straight." Nebula boasted. "I just had to look for clues in the first pony to address me, and just work off of that."

"Pfff, I just played amnesia." Dark grinned. "These Equestrians are freaking gullible."

"Oh where's the creativity in that?" Nebula rolled his eyes.

"At least I wasn't like dunderhead over here!" Dark insulted his larger brother. "He didn't even think of an excuse!"

"Ya want me to give ya some real amnesia, boy?!" threatened Nova.

"Knock it off!" scorned Nebula. "In case you both have forgotten, we still need to perform the summoning."

"Well that would be nice, if the stupid sun would just go down already." Nova grumbled.

"Yeah what's the deal?" Dark looked at the bit of sun still barely hanging over the horizon. "How long is this longest day supposed to be? Doesn't Princess Birdlady know how to run a solstice?"

Suddenly, Nebula's mind clicked and he slapped himself in the face. "Oh crap! How could I have been so careless?!"

"I won't argue with that fact." Dark said. "But what are you talking about?"

"Celestia!" he explained. "She obviously has an automatic magical lock on the movement of the sky!"

"So what's yer point?" asked Nova.

"I put a nullification on her magic when we battled her. Without her aura, the sun can't move!"

Dark stared at his unicorn brother with a flared expression. "...You...stupid...sod!"

Nova thumped Nebula on the back of the head. "Because of you and yer magic, we can't summon Mother back!"

"Lay off me, alright?!" Nebula rubbed his head. "I was just trying to keep her under control!"

"Well what are we supposed to do now?!" complained Dark.

"Relax, hopefully that witch is still trapped where we left her." Nebula said. "I'll just go to her, release my lock on her magic, and try to get her to lower the sun."

"You'd better." Nova seethed. "'Cause if I have to spend one more minute with these yokels, I swear I'll-"

"Big Mac!" called Applejack from afar. "Get over here an' show Twilight how many bales o' hay ya can lift!"

Nova took a long inhale and returned to character. "...Eeyup!"


Nebula slipped his way out of the public eye and hurried along the dirt path out of town. He returned to the clearing where his battle against Celestia occurred. Sure enough, the disgruntled princess was still imprisoned under the giant slabs of stone left by Nova. More angry at himself for causing his blunder, Nebula kept his anger aimed at the sun goddess as he approached her with a scowl.

"So, you finally realized your mistake." Celestia looked at him smugly as she circled her hoof in the dirt. "You should have practiced your cancellation spells more."

"Spare me, traitor." Nebula replied, looking down at her menacingly. "All I need is for that last bit of sun to disappear and our mother will finally put an end to your tyranny."

"Go ahead, Shining Armor, or whatever you call yourself now." Celestia narrowed her eyes. "Even if you release your nullification, I'll still keep the sun visible, and the moon on the horizon. You still won't be able to bring back your so-called mother."

"Is that so?" Nebula kept his scowl. "And just how long do you plan on keeping the sky frozen?"

"How long do you plan on keeping my sister waiting?" she rebutted.

"Your bluff is pathetic." Nebula said. "We both know that you'll have to end the day at some point. What will your precious subjects say about you messing up the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration?"

"It's a sacrifice I'm willing to take." Celestia held firm. "All I need is until tomorrow to keep the sky frozen. After all, my prophecy said that your mother will only be able to return on the solstice. Afterwards, you'll be at a loss. And I'm sure the ponies I love, who you call my 'subjects', will understand my reasons. You, my dear, have already failed."

Nebula growled with rage, as he charged up his magic ready to cause harm. "I could kill you right here and now, you hag!"

"Shining Armor!" Suddenly, Twilight came cantering up the path, having spotted Nebula. "Why did you run off like that?" She then slid to a halt and gasped at the sight of Celestia. "Princess Celestia?! Wh-...what's going on?"

"Twilight!" jumped Nebula. "Uh, er, um, it's...not what you think!"

"Don't listen to him, my little pony! He is a minion of darkness!" Celestia called urgently. She pretended not to know Twilight to keep her safe. But it was already too late for that.

"Wait a minute," said Nebula, looking at the young unicorn with suspicion. "You know the princess?"

"Well yeah," shrugged Twilight with confusion. "I'm a student of hers."

"Twilight, no." Celestia said under her breath.

"Princess, what happened to you?" Twilight hurried to the trapped alicorn's side. "Is this why the sun isn't moving?"

"Student?" The gears in Nebula's mind began turning again. Suddenly, the little mare who mistook him as her brother had some value to her. He now had leverage against the stubborn princess.

"Twilight, please listen to me," said Celestia. "You're in serious danger. He isn't the brother you remember anymore. He's the one who did this to me."

"What are you talking about?" frowned Twilight. The situation was starting to become scary to her. "Why would my brother- AAAGH!" Just then, she was swiftly lifted up by a magic aura.

"Twilight!" shouted Celestia.

Nebula levitated Twilight and violently cast her aside, making her skid across the dirt. "Look like I have the advantage again."

Twilight sat up, her face smeared with dirt. "Shining Armor! What are you doing?!" she panicked.

"Run, Twilight!" pleaded Celestia. "His memory has been altered! He's become a minion for Nightmare Moon!"

"Nightmare Moon?!" gawked Twilight. "You mean the prophecy is true?!" Her body seized up as the magic aura held her frozen again. She looked at her brother, unable to accept what was happening.

"I'm afraid your student has unknowingly betrayed you, Princess." Nebula stared at Twilight with a sinister grin. He then conjured his magic steel, forming it into a sharp knife. He held it to Twilight's neck as he spoke. "Time's running out, Celestia." He threatened. "Our mother will be summoned before the end of the night. Or else your beloved apprentice here will pay for your selfishness."

"Big brother, please stop!" cried Twilight. "What's happened to you?!"

"You monster!" shouted Celestia. "You have no right! She's innocent!"

"You can still save her." Nebula persisted, holding his knife close enough to shave the unicorn's fur. "Either you get rid of the sun and bring out the moon, or Twilight dies."

Twilight's heart shattered at the sound of her brother's voice saying those words. She was too horrified to speak.

Celestia stared at her dear apprentice in fear for her life. In that moment, she had the fate of Equestria just one word away, and knew that her efforts would have been all for naught if she let Nightmare Moon reenter her world. But she couldn't bare to lose her most trusted student and leader of the Elements of Harmony, especially not to the stallion who used to be her brother. Ultimately, Celestia knew in her heart that she valued Twilight's life more than keeping Nightmare Moon imprisoned. She found herself with no other choice.

"Alright, alright!" she pleaded. "I'll do what you want! Just please don't hurt her, I beg of you!"

Nebula grinned. "Wise choice."

He put away his weapon and released Twilight from his binding spell. He also released the nullification from Celestia's horn, and sure enough, the automatic spell was back in motion. The last light of the sun finally vanished out of sight, and the pinkish orange sky dissolved into a gloomy dark blue. The full moon drifted slowly towards the center of the sky, like a looming ship from an alien world. The solstice was over, and the night had arrived at last.

Twilight trembled in fear as Nebula started on his way. But he stopped. Something occurred to him. It seemed that Celestia was quickly eager to risk the safety of Equestria to spare the life of one student. That's when he thought that perhaps the young mare was more than just a student. Nebula looked at her inquisitively and stalked back towards her.

"You're one of the Elements of Harmony, aren't you?" he spoke.

"Elements of Harmony?" repeated Twilight, remembering reading about the legend.

"Oh dear no!" gasped Celestia.

With his magic charged up again, Nebula aimed his horn at his captive. A deadly spell was cast, releasing a green beam of destructive magic energy. Twilight screamed in pain as the spell coursed through her entire body like an electric current. The princess watched in terror as her apprentice toppled to her side, and quickly began to slip from consciousness. With a stoic expression, Nebula turned away and headed back towards Ponyville.

"You're the one who's already failed, Princess." He said as he passed her. "This is just a taste of what's to come."

Once again alone, Celestia stared with tears pouring from her eyes at the stricken body of her beloved student. She was suddenly overcome with guilt. She realized that her quarrel with the sons of Nightmare Moon had gotten Twilight caught in the crossfire. Instead of preserving the fate of Equestria, she had somehow only put it in more jeopardy. She wanted to make it right again.

"Twilight, please forgive me." Celestia sobbed, as she charged up every ounce of magic within her.


The ponies of Ponyville cheered with relief as the sky finally plunged into darkness. Now that longest day was over, the nighttime activities could begin. A crowd gathered on a hillside waiting to see the delayed fireworks show. Families sat on picnic blankets or danced to live music, couples cuddled together under the romantic starlight, and foals played with flashlights and sparklers. It was a packed event, but a few ponies were not yet ready to start the show.

"Where did Thunderlane go?" asked Rumble, glancing around the hillside. "He's gonna miss the fireworks."

"Beats me, little tyke," shrugged Applejack. "He musta gone off with Big Mac too. I don't what could keep 'em from watchin' this."

"And on top of that," said Rarity. "Twilight still hasn't returned with her brother either."

"We didn't just hallucinate those boys showing up, did we?" Pinkie scratched her head.

"Pinkie, don't be stupid." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure they're still socializing with other ponies." Fluttershy said optimistically while spreading out a picnic blanket. "After all it was quite a shock how they showed up out of the blue. And besides, at least the sun finally went down. Now we can enjoy the fireworks."


"EEEP!" Fluttershy dove beneath the blanket with her tail sticking out, cowering at the sound of a firecracker.

"Why did I see that comin'?" Applejack said, hiding a chuckle.

"Welcome mares and gentlecolts!" announced Mayor Mare through a microphone, as she stood in front of the launching zone. "The longest day may be over, but the celebration is far from it! Tonight, we praise our beloved Princess Celestia, who gives us night and day, and preserves peace and order for us all. It is said that exactly a thousand years ago, as the old legend goes, that the Princess vanquished the vile Nightmare Moon, and banished the dark sorceress to the surface of the moon. It may be dark now, but we honor Princess Celestia for restoring the light, with some lights of our own! And so, let us start the countdown to our magnificent fireworks display!"

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!"


The pyrotechnics would not be seen. A loud crack of highly charged energy split the air. A bright flash of light erupted from the ground in front of the launch zone. Everypony gasped in awe as White Nebula stood behind a large arcane circle in the ground, depicting a cryptic symbol of the moon in vibrant purple light. Dark Star and Red Nova stood at his sides, as magic light glowed from their eyes, inhibiting the powerful circle. As the light crackled, it then surged upward in a thick beam from the circle. The beam hit the face of the moon, which had now reached the peak of the sky, and caused its already luminous surface to glow even brighter. The observing ponies were dumbfounded, not just by the spell, but by who was casting it.

"What the?!" gawked Rainbow. "Hey isn't that Twilight's brother?!"

Applejack gasped. "And Big Mac! What the heck is he doin' up there?!"

"Thunderlane is there too!" Fluttershy pointed.

"Fluttershy?" Rumble looked up at her anxiously. "What's going on?"

"Citizens of Equestria!" Nebula's voice boomed throughout the hill. "The reign of the sun is over!"

"Reign of the sun?" repeated Rarity with shock. "What does he mean?"

"We are the noble sons and protectors of the rightful ruler of Equestria, Nightmare Moon!" Dark took over. "We have been charged with the task of guaranteeing her return to your world."

"You have all been living under the blissful lies of the usurper Celestia." Nova bellowed. "For a thousand years, she has blinded you all with the harmful fire of the sun."

"Now she will pay for imposing her rule on you." Nebula concluded. "Our mother will soon bring forth a new era of peace and order, under the tranquil beauty of the moon! She will return, and the night will last forever! Bow before your goddess!"

Rumble looked at the trio of stallions with disbelief. "Big bro?" he quipped.

"I don't like this one bit." Applejack said somberly.

Suddenly, a dark silhouette descended from the moon and down through the beam of light, like a falling meteor. When the shadow hit the circle on the ground, the light exploded, blinding the onlookers, and soon dissipated. A dark swarm of black clouds swirled around the area, obscuring the circle and the three stallions at first. To add even more shock, every house, every street lamp, even all the flashlights flickered in distress before simultaneously losing power; even candles and sparklers were snuffed out.

Then, a pair of eyes pierced out of the darkness. They glowed with an icy blue, that sent chills down the spines of every stallion, mare, and foal. A looming figure arose, standing in the magic circle like a statue coming to life. Two enormous black wings unfurled, sending out a gust that cleared away the dark clouds. The innocent ponyfolk watched in fear, as a cackle was heard from the haunting figure.

"Surprise!" The Goddess of Darkness had returned.

Author's Note:

Thank you again to Mix-up for the amazing cover art! Check out more of his masterpieces here and on his Deviantart page.
