• Published 23rd May 2015
  • 2,451 Views, 62 Comments

Starchildren - Stratocaster

An alternate plot of the rise of Nightmare Moon, with a shocking twist.

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Fall of the Starchildren

Chapter 7: Fall of the Starchildren

And there she stood. In just a few short hours, the corrupted goddess Nightmare Moon had spread her dark magic across Equestria, plunging the land into eternal night. Amidst the darkness, the six mares who represented the Elements of Harmony set out in search of the Castle of the Two Sisters to find the only source of power able to defeat Nightmare Moon, with nothing more than faith in Princess Celestia's prophecy. Now the elemental gems were just a within the grasp of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Their efforts were nearly wasted by the three guardians of the dark goddess, who were now lifted of their false mother's curse and redeemed their true identities. But the salvation of Shining Armor, Thunderlane and Big Macintosh only infuriated Nightmare Moon, and now she prepared to unleash her full power. It fascinated Twilight how much could transpire in just one night.

"My sons," Nightmare Moon's voice resonated sinisterly. "You have allowed yourselves to succumb to the lies of these false heroes. I have trained you for years and yet your are still not strong enough to carry out the beauty of the night. You will be punished for your failure."

"Nightmare Moon?!" gawked Shining Armor. "I thought she was just a myth!"

"What the heck is going on here?!" Thunderlane looked around frantically. "Where are we?!"

Big Macintosh caught a glimpse of himself in a reflective glass pane and simply stared with wide eyes. He was shocked and confused as to how much bigger and older he looked.

Shining Armor broke his attention away from Nightmare Moon and to his sister. "Twily, what's happened to us?"

"You've been brainwashed, Shining, all three of you." Twilight laid a calming hoof on his shoulder. "Nightmare Moon abducted you years ago and raised you to help her return and bring eternal night. Princess Celestia told me everything. The prophecy of Nightmare Moon's revival was true."

"But what are we doing in a place like this?"

"This is the Castle of the Two Sisters." Rainbow said. "We came here with Twilight to get the Elements of Harmony. It sounded crazy to me at first but it's all real."

"Those gems have the only power to banish the eternal night from Equestria." Rarity added.

"This is insane!" Thunderlane held his head in bafflement. "I feel like I'm still trapped in some bad dream! This is just a dream, right? Tell me this is just a dream!"

Big Mac reached back and yanked a hair from his tail then winced in pain. "Nope."

Shining Armor thought for a moment. "No...no they're right." He stared in realization as memories flooded back rapidly. "I remember everything now. The argument I had with Dad about joining the Royal Guard. I stayed awake in my room all night. There was...there was a thunderstorm outside and a bolt of lightning flashed and...I was...on the moon?"

"What are you talking about?" Thunderlane looked at him skeptically. "How could anypony appear on the...the moon...Wait...it's coming back to me! You were there with me! On the moon! I was so cold and scared I...I don't know what happened to me before then."

"You disappeared at the Flight Academy." Fluttershy said solemnly. "Your bed was empty and you were nowhere to be found."

"And you didn't come home either." Rumble added. "Mom and Dad were devastated."

"And you vanished on that same night, Big Mac." Applejack told him. "Granny Smith and Apple Bloom and I still hoped you would come back someday."

Big Mac frowned in disbelief, looking again at his reflection.

"Were we really gone for that long?" asked Shining.

"It was the most painful memory we had," said Twilight. "Just not knowing where you all went tore us apart. But now you're safe," she smiled. "And you can finally return to your old lives."

The three stallions look amongst each other, without a clue of how to react to the situation.

"None of you shall have lives to return to!" Nightmare Moon boomed as she charged the malevolent magic within her horn. Her dark aura encased the Elements of Harmony preventing anypony from retrieving the magic gems. "If you boys will not help me destroy the Elements of Harmony and conquer Equestria, then I shall do it myself!"

Shining Armor looked back at the wicked alicorn. More memories came rushing back to his mind, but now these were regretful memories. The years spent on the desolate lunar surface. The intensive training and discipline in dark magic. The devotion he paid to Nightmare Moon, looking upon her as his one and true mother. The name White Nebula rang in his head like a haunting death knell. It reminded him of a life based on nothing but lies. And the cause of all of it was standing in front of him ready to do harm to his little sister. Shining Armor became filled with rage.

"You'll pay for robbing us of our past!" he bellowed at her while charging up his own magic. "We will no longer be your slaves!"

Thunderlane joined next to him and spread his wing blades. "That's right!" he grinned with determination. "And if you want these mares, you're gonna have to go through us first!"

Big Mac followed suit and brandished his hammer. "Eeyup!"

"Foolish traitors." Nightmare Moon hissed. "You underestimate the severity of my magic! Do you honestly think you can defeat me, when my power is at its zenith?!"

"We learned from you, didn't we?"

Immediately, Shining Armor released a magical blast of energy from his horn aimed at the domineering alicorn. But Nightmare Moon absorbed the projectile with her own horn as she readied to retaliate. As she released a flurry of magic bolts around Shining, Thunderlane circled above her looking for a point of attack. He angled his wings back and dove in toward her back. Quickly, Nightmare Moon sidestepped, avoiding the swoop, and bit down on Thunderlane's tail before he could pull back up. With great strength, she snapped her head and hurled the stallion off to the side and then launched off her hooves to strike him in the air.

But her attack was cut short as a chain wrapped around her rear hoof. She fell to the floor as Big Mac wielded the hammer that came with his armor. He pulled hard on the chain trying to keep the mighty alicorn from escaping. However, Nightmare Moon's strength proved to outmatch his and she shattered the chain with her free rear hoof. Turning around with a sneer, she began to charge toward the disarmed Big Mac preparing to grind him into the stone. But as she sped toward the defenseless stallion, Shining Armor returned leaping through the air, wielding an antique iron staff that was part of the castle's war gallery. Nightmare Moon caught the unicorn in her peripherals as he descended upon her and unleashed a large black aura which froze Shining in midair in a restraining spell.

Suddenly, Thunderlane collided into Nightmare Moon's side, which was only enough to push her a few feet. With an enraged growl, she spread her wings and chased after Thunderlane who had already retreated through the air. Eventually, she released another black aura and entrapped the pegasus the same way as Shining Armor. Still not willing to give in, Big Mac now charged after his foe, quickly dodging her magical blasts. As he approached closer, Nightmare Moon slammed her hoof into the floor and shook the very foundation of the castle, causing Big Mac to trip and fall to his side. She then gave one more blast of the magical restraint to keep him down.

"I grow tired of these petty games." Nightmare Moon seethed. "I shall deal with you failures soon enough."

"Twilight, we have to do somethin'!" gasped Applejack, not wanting to lose her brother again.

But Twilight's attention had turned elsewhere. As she watched her own brother facing imminent peril, she noticed something that restored hope to her mind. While Nightmare Moon had pinned down the three stallions, she had completely lost focus on the restraining spell held over the Elements of Harmony. The jewels sat on the far side of the chamber entirely unguarded. What's more, she was not the only one who had noticed.

With a bold look of determination, Twilight stepped up to the wicked alicorn. "You will not take our brothers away from us again, Nightmare Moon!" she called. "This ends now!"

Nightmare Moon scowled at the young mare. "And what makes you so sure, Twilight Sparkle?"

"Spike! Rumble! Now!" shouted Twilight.

In an instant, Spike grabbed all six of the jewels from their pedestals, after sneaking around unnoticed by Nightmare Moon during her squabble with the stallions. He tossed the Elements up to Rumble hovering in the air who then flew over the mares and dropped the jewels down to them. Twilight's friends caught the gilded necklaces according to the symbols on them that matched their cutie marks. Twilight placed the tiara representing the Element of Magic upon her head, and unleashed a long-awaiting power.

Nightmare Moon stared in shock. "No! This can't be! You will not defeat me!"

Twilight and her friends stood together as they became enveloped in a mystical light. "It is you who has failed, Nightmare Moon. The magic of friendship will prevail."



Pinkie shouted as she cast a load of confetti throughout the Ponyville Library and her friends cheered along with her. Hope for Equestria had been restored. Thanks to the valiant efforts of the six young mares, the Elements of Harmony had been restored and the most powerful force of magic in the land had driven away the dark curse of Nightmare Moon. What's more, the three lost brothers had been freed from their mind-control under the the evil alicorn and aided the Elements in their battle against her. It seemed that when Twilight and her friends unleashed the magnificent light of friendship upon Nightmare Moon, her black aura that had been devouring the land immediately washed away like poison from water. The entire town of Ponyville was cleansed of the surrounding dark mist, and the spirits of the fearing ponies were suddenly lifted. And in that moment, the hopeful light eve reached Celestia, restoring her magical energy as she hurried to the Castle of the Two Sisters. When she arrived, Nightmare Moon was no more.

But instead, lying on the floor, was the little sister she had lost too many years ago. Princess Luna, awakening at last from her hate-filled alter ego, broke down in front of her older sister nearly inconsolable, begging for her forgiveness and mercy. But of course, Celestia simply smiled and let her beloved Luna know that there was nothing to forgive; she was just elated to be reunited with her.

After returning from the Everfree Forest, despite the rising sun, Celestia decreed to the citizens of Ponyville that the Summer Sun Celebration was to be continued for another day, in commemoration of the Elements of Harmony for their heroism. As the festival was revived well on into the night, Twilight decided to hold a party of her own just for her new friends in the library, as well as Celestia, Spike, Rumble and the three redeemed stallions. The mares cheered happily for their victory and the preservation of Equestria, especially for Twilight who they agreed brought them all together. They also celebrated the return of Shining Armor, Thunderlane and Big Macintosh, drinking rounds of cider in their honor.

"Oh man, Thunderlane!" said Rumble, jumping with excitement. "Mom and Dad are gonna flip when they see you!"

"Hey take it easy, little bro," Thunderlane rustled the colt's mane. "I'm still trying to get used to a lot of things already."

"You're still gonna teach me how to race, right?" smiled Rumble.

"You bet, Rumble." Thunderlane was then interrupted by a kiss on the cheek. With blushing cheeks, he turned to see Fluttershy, looking at him from the veil of her pink mane.

"Um, I'm...I'm really glad you're back, Thunderlane." She said sweetly. "You've, uh, really grown."

Thunderlane looked back at her with a grin and a wink. "You haven't changed a bit, Shy. I can't thank you enough for looking after this little punk. That means a lot."

"Oh, it was my pleasure." She smiled, blushing. "He always reminds me a lot of you."

"Oh get a room already!" shouted Spike.

"Yeah don't get all gross in front of us!" gagged Rumble.

"Rumble!" shouted both Thunderlane and Fluttershy, looking at each other coyly.

Over by the snack table, Big Macintosh wasn't doing much socializing. He was busy still staring at his reflection with a staggered look, this time in a wall mirror. Applejack walked over to console him.

"Still not used to havin' changed so much?" she asked him, placing a hoof on his shoulder.

Big Mac only let out a heavy sigh as he nodded.

Applejack smiled warmly. "I know what'll help." She removed the stetson hat from her head and placed it on her brother's. "I've been keepin' it warm for ya this whole time."

Big Mac touched the brown hat, which was now a bit too tight due to his large stature. Nevertheless, it immediately brought him back to his foalhood, and reminded him that he was still the same colt from a lifetime ago. He turned and grappled his little sister in a strong hug, holding back manly tears of joy.

Applejack spoke despite the crushing hold on her. "Granny and Apple Bloom are gonna be so happy!"

"I couldn't be more proud of you, my faithful student," said Celestia, conversing with Twilight nearby. "You've taken your first step in learning the magic of friendship."

"I couldn't have done it without your guidance, Princess." Twilight said. "I don't think I'll mind living in Ponyville after all."

"I suppose I should also congratulate your brother." Celestia looked around. "Where is he anyway?"

Twilight frowned. "Oh, Shining's upstairs. He's still upset about the whole experience. I tried to cheer him up, but he hasn't budged. I'm starting to worry about him."

Celestia pondered for a moment. "I think I know how to help."

The Princess walked upstairs to the room Twilight had moved into. It was on the outdoor deck under the clear night where Shining Armor leaned on a railing looking sullen at the moon, the place where he had unknowingly spent roughly half his life. Celestia spoke as she approached him. "Aren't you going to join your friends?"

Shining sighed as he looked away. "How can I enjoy anything anymore? I missed out on half my life and I can't even remember it."

"That doesn't mean you can't continue living the rest of it." She stood next to him.

"Can I?" he replied remorsefully. "When I was a kid, all I ever wanted to do was become a royal guard. But instead I became an agent of evil and nearly killed the ruler of Equestria. I don't know how you can even look at me, Princess."

"It was not your true self who attacked me, Shining Armor." Celestia lent him a comforting hoof. "Just as it was not my true sister who betrayed me a thousand years ago. I have forgiven you both just the same."

"But I can't forgive myself." Shining looked down in shame. "I turned on you, and my own sister. I don't deserve redemption."

With a nod of understanding, Celestia looked up at the bright full moon alongside him. The night sky was given a new sense of innocence without the scar of Nightmare Moon upon the lunar surface. The moon now looked pure and serene, no longer associated with a looming feeling of doom and misery. It made Celestia's heart sing knowing that it meant her sister had been reborn. If the night itself could be redeemed, then she knew that anything was possible.

"I remember visiting your family from time to time, when you were still with us in Equestria of course." She said, harking back to pleasant memories. "Little Twilight was always so ecstatic to see me. She wanted me to teach her every spell in the book. But you were a bit more indifferent towards me. Every time I came to your house, you were playing outside with a wooden sword. But I realized that you weren't just playing. I saw ambition in you. I saw a strength unlike other colts, both in body and in spirit. Your parents told me that you were unusually interested in magic for a unicorn, and that the Royal Guard was all you could think about sometimes. I knew for sure that you would make it someday. That is why I was saddened to hear of your disappearance."

Shining sat back on his haunches, thinking about the pain his family must have gone through without him.

"I may have taken Twilight as my apprentice." Celestia continued as she touched his cheek. "But you, Shining Armor, I knew without a doubt that you were destined to lead Equestria to a bright future. And I intend to see that happen."

Shining looked up at her in wonderment.

"That is why, by royal decree, I shall have you enlisted for training in the Canterlot Royal Guard!"

With a gawk, Shining stood up. "Are you sure, Princess? Will they even let me in?"

"I don't see why not, even if it wasn't by my order." She winked. "And if you still feel you must redeem yourself, then serving your duty in the Guard is the best way to do it."

Shining exhaled in amazement. After all that he had been through, after all the years he had missed, after all the trouble he had unwillingly caused, he was given a ray of hope. He was given a chance at his foalhood dream by the very princess he had briefly tried to defeat. Overcome with relief, Shining dropped to his knees and bowed. "Thank you, Princess Celestia." He trembled. "Thank you."

"Oh come now." Celestia gestured him to stand back up and wrapped her hooves around him in a hug. "You have no need to bow. Except of course if I knight as captain. Do you think you can achieve that, Shining Armor?"

The elated stallion smiled up at her. "I will not you down, Princess."

After the heartfelt moment, Celestia and Shining returned downstairs where the entire gathering dog-piled the latter in an excited group hug. Having felt the warmth of friends, Shining then turned separately to Twilight and hugged her tightly.

"Promise you won't disappear again?" she said, holding him tight.

"I don't think I'll be going very far." Shining replied, deciding to wait on telling her about his fulfillment in the Royal Guard.

But as the festivities were about to continue, the front door opened. Everypony slowed down and watched as the former Nightmare Moon entered the library. Princess Luna approached them meekly, with an expression of hesitation and embarrassment. After the chaos had ended back at the castle, and she had reverted back to her true identity, Luna had flown off suddenly despite receiving her sister's blessing. Nopony was sure if she would return for the party at Twilight's home. She still seemed filled with regret and sorrow as she entered, but even so, everypony was relieved to see her. It wasn't everyday seeing the revival of a long lost princess.

Celestia approached her sister welcoming. "Luna, I'm glad you made it!" she smiled. "We shall celebrate your return as well."

But Luna gave no reply, and only looked away from her older sibling. In truth, she had accepted Celestia's forgiveness deep down. But there was still one burden she had yet to relieve of herself. A long moment of cold silence passed before Luna faced the three stallions, awaiting her voice in anticipation. They quickly realized the awkward reality of meeting her.

Luna took a deep breath, barely willing to face them. "Nothing I can do or say could repay what I have done to the three of you." She spoke softly. "I have taken years from you, I have fed you lies, and I have risked your lives for my own gain, all because of my hatred and jealousy. All day I had been pouring over my actions and my life for the last thousand years. And I had hoped deep inside that you would look fairly on me. But now I realize I do not deserve it. Thunderlane, Shining Armor, Big Macintosh, while I apologize to you with every meaning in my heart, I do not expect your forgiveness."

As they listened to the saddened words of the new alicorn, the stallions looked amongst each other before agreeing that they all had the same thought in mind. After looking upon Luna soberly, all three of them knelt down on one knee. The action brought back a chilling memory to Luna of White Nebula, Dark Star and Red Nova pledging their allegiance to Nightmare Moon. But this was much different.

"We were not ourselves when we helped to bring about eternal night." Shining spoke. "And you were even further from yourself. In reality, all four of us became subjects of dark magic. And yet we have managed to conquer it. That is why we do not resent you for what you've done. Nor do we forgive you. Because it simply was not you who abducted and controlled us. Instead, we welcome you back, Princess, as an honored ruler of Equestria, and as a friend. We may have served under the evil Nightmare Moon. But we have yet to live under the rightful Princess Luna."

"We forgive you, Princess," added Thunderlane. "And so does all of Equestria."

"Eeyup!" Big Mac grinned.

Luna stood in disbelief. Despite her resent of herself for succumbing to dark magic, and drastically affecting the lives of these young stallions, there was no resentment to be seen from anypony. She had asked not for forgiveness from the brothers, and yet they knew it was right to give it to her regardless. The last burden Luna felt in her spirit had been lifted by their strength. And now she was finally ready to return to her old life as they were to theirs. Weeping tears of rejoice, she grabbed the stallions in a hug as everypony else joined in to welcome the return of their beloved Princess of the Night.

"Now I am honored to know you for the first time." She said to them happily.

And with Luna's revival, in body and soul, even the stars themselves showed their relief. The three stars placed in the sky many years ago, bearing white, red, and dark blue, began to recede in their blinding light. The magical energy connecting them, which had been generated by the dark curse, disintegrated as the stars fell back into the same light as the mosaic of stars that dotted the night. The starchildren had not died, but instead were reborn, just as the moon shined on clear and bright.


Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading and showing your feedback. Once again I apologize for all the agonizing waits for new chapters, and appreciate your support. And of course, a big thank you to SageBrony07 for creating the idea of this story in the first place. It was a real pleasure! And thank you to Mix-up for contributing your amazing artwork.

But this ain't the last you've seen of Unky Strat! I've still got that friggin' narrator story to continue, as well as other ideas! In the meantime, stick around! Remember to be like Luna and stay true to who you are, because Strat loves ya! Seeya! :yay:


Comments ( 8 )

Bravo my good sir, bravo. :pinkiehappy:

This was awesome. Thanks for writing this story. I'm glad you listened and wrote it. Thank you.


Aw. I wanted the Empress Nightmare Moon to win.... I want to see this as an alternate ending!
Hail Nightmare!

Big Macintosh caught a glimpse of himself in a reflective glass pane and simply stared with wide eyes. He was shocked and confused as to how much bigger and older he looked.

Yeah this is going to be very hard to explain to them why are they like young adults instead of children because that was the last memory

"You bet, Rumble." Thunderlane was then interrupted by a kiss on the cheek. With blushing cheeks, he turned to see Fluttershy, looking at him from the veil of her pink mane.

You know somehow I really like the shipping between Fluttershy and thunderlane 😍

Whoa that was a pretty awesome story here so it looks like the three ponies finally being free from Nightmare Moon she has arrived and wanted to destroy everybody inside this Castle of course these three brothers have no idea what is going on and they realize that they are not children anymore but a grown adult basically their childhood was gone knowing the truth that they were kidnapped few years ago but it didn't stop them because they had to stop Nightmare Moon but with all that Twilight and the others finally got the elements of harmony thanks to rumble and Spike they defeated Nightmare Moon and freed Princess Luna from the darkness and with that they all celebrated not just the return of the Three Brothers but also Princess Luna even though she felt like she doesn't deserve it after all she's done but despite that Celestia Twilight and the others and even Shining Armor Big Mac and thunderlane also forgave her it will be a long time for all of them to adjust to the modern year but when the health of Twilight and her friends I'm sure they can get through this well this was a pretty interesting alternate universe story keep up the good work and I kind of want to see how Big Mac Shining Armor and thunderlane adjusted to the years throughout season 1 through 9 but that's basically up to you this was pretty good

"It was the most painful memory we had," said Twilight. "Just not knowing where you all went tore us apart. But now you're safe," she smiled. "And you can finally return to your old lives."

I think it's the worst feeling knowing your family matters or a friend who disappeared Without a Trace knowing if you were alive or dead 😔

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