• Published 3rd Jun 2015
  • 11,077 Views, 591 Comments

Angel of Gold - Magna85

Nice guy gets turned into a Celedon and has probably the most powerful vocals in the world. What will he do upon reaching Equestria? (Displaced)

  • ...

Chapter 29

The general look of C Squad as I asked my question ranged from disbelief to astonishment.

"Wow, mood whiplash, much?" Jade said, brushing a lock of hair out of her face.

"What could you ever mean?" I forced a subtle bit of sarcasm into my words.

Jade gave me a flat look while the rest of C Squad sighed and went about trying to loot whatever they could from the camp. A bunch of treasures and other valuables, along with the leader. Who was still asleep for some reason.

Dang, must have been a potent tranquilizer.

"What did you do to him? Scare him to death?" Star asked once I had met up with her at her behest.

"No, actually. I was doing this whole living statue act from my home, but when I got up in his face and whispered 'boo,' I saw some type of green gas come from my mouth. He almost screamed, but inhaled the gas first, knocking him out cold. There was a random empty chamber that was connected to my throat that had several pumps connected to it. I'm assuming that's where the gas came from."

"Well, that means we can actually arrest him. Rock?!" she yelled over to the big guy.

A few seconds later he had trundled his way over to us. "What do you need, Star?"

"You got any magi-cuffs? We need to get this guy carted up for transportation to Canterlot."

The man nodded and pulled out a pair of golden cuffs, covered in multi-colored runes. Before he put them on, Snow landed next to me and said, "Celedon, it would be appreciated if you could get back to the camp. We're all a little on edge after that...display, of yours. Jade is the only one who seems less affected by it, so she'll be going back to guard the camp and lead you there while the rest of us pick this place clean. We'll be back before morning and ready to go by first light, so try and get some sleep."

I nodded and jogged away from the camp for a little bit, Jade joining up with me. Then, with a nod, she took off into the air. I did the same, with a much more dramatic effect of course. I also tried to stay behind Jade, since I intrinsically knew that the wake behind my wings could easily take over even a master flyer's skills.

"So, Celedon, about what just happened a few minutes ago?" I heard Jade yell over the wind.

"Well, I was just having a little bit of fun with those idiots."

"And what about them being, quote, 'pathetic pieces of meat?'" she continued. I stayed silent at that. A look of intense concentration came over my brow. I'm sure that she could see it from her place in front of me. I saw her look back and her face told me that the discussion was not over. Eventually, I saw the camp coming up under us on the grassland.

"Wow, they really carried me far, didn't they?" I shouted over the wind as I looked back to the forest far behind us. Jade nodded before she dove into a graceful landing. I wasn't about to try the same maneuver, but I did just drop out of the sky.

Now, I had again underestimated how much force I could exert on the ground. As I landed, from about forty feet up, a split second observer would see two ripples expanding from my feet on the earth. Then the earth cracked, shattered, and exploded from the extreme kinetic force that I exerted on it, in that order.

Jade was coughing about ten feet away from me. "Geez, *cough* do you *cough* always have to do *cough* that when you land?" she called through the dust cloud.

"Not intentionally!" I yelled back. Turning where I hoped I wasn't facing the camp, I beat my wings twice. The dust was immediately swept away.

Jade coughed a little bit more before she started walking over to the camp.

Wait, didn't Snow say something about guard duty? I thought. Only then did I notice the complicated looking compound bow strapped to her back, along with the black quiver full of arrows. And I learned why she had 'Hunter' in her name.

She removed the bow with practiced ease and shot an arrow into the night, barely even turning her head to her supposed target. I heard a squawk and something hitting the ground.

"You go on ahead, I'm just going to get us some extra food." Jade then sprinted off into the darkness. Shrugging, I jogged towards the camp. After I made sure my entrance hadn't woken anyone, Geez, Tim's still asleep, I laid myself back down in my rather more comfortable cot.

No! _____! Get off her! I heard shouting in my dreams this time. I was surrounded by fire, explosions were going off, and vaguely human shaped blobs of static were clashing against static shapes that thoroughly terrified me. Some were tiny, while others were massive beasts greater than fifty feet in height.

________! Charge! Several of the humanoids jumped into the air and brought down what I hoped were swords.

Then I was spun on my feet by a hand on my shoulder. One of the larger beings then jammed a blade through my torso, cackling.

I woke with a jerk, thankfully not screaming this time.

I had woken up just before sunrise, if the light across the eastern horizon was any indication. "Rise and shine! Celedon, we've got to get a move on!" Jade stuck her head in the tent to deliver the message before going back to whatever she was doing.

"Alright everyone!! It's time for a 'First-Breakfast-on-the-Road-to-the-Mer-kingdom-adventure' party! You can even eat them as you walk!"

Oh right, there were other people. I was in the process of getting up and packing down the tent when Pinkie Pie appeared just out of my peripheral vision and held out a golden looking muffin.

"I even baked you one, especially for you! See, it even says, 'For Celedon' on the top!" Sure enough, the message was etched on the delicious looking treat. I looked over to the rest of the group, and saw they all had their own baskets of different flavors of muffins.

I smiled at Pinkie and thanked her before gently grabbing the muffin. She zoomed off to help Rainbow Dash. Poor girl looked like she hadn't slept in a week with the way she was lazing about. Must not be a morning person.

Once again, Pinkie Pie astounded me. The muffin was everything that I had hoped, pure gold. Somehow, she had made it taste even better! I almost collapsed on the spot from the ecstasy. After I recovered, I looked around.

Thankfully, no one had noticed me being overwhelmed with pleasure. I started back up with my task in disassembling my tent. A few minutes later we were back on the road. Discord was being annoying by turning me into a bird for a few seconds.

Let me tell you, being a bird and hopping all over the place instead of walking is ridiculously hard.

Author's Note:

Would it be interesting to know that while I was writing this chapter I was listening to some really good metal? It was an interesting experience to say the least.

Edited by neon scar