• Published 3rd Jun 2015
  • 11,077 Views, 591 Comments

Angel of Gold - Magna85

Nice guy gets turned into a Celedon and has probably the most powerful vocals in the world. What will he do upon reaching Equestria? (Displaced)

  • ...

Chapter 35

"Good-bye! Come back soon!" I sighed as I heard Equal Trust behind us.

"Riiiight. Good-bye!" Twilight said as she waved.

"Bye! Bye-bye! See you guys later! I'll make some more wither-cake!" Pinkie shouted. A quick glance backwards revealed that, whatever the wither-cake was, it seemingly caused conflicting emotions. Then again, I never understood what Pinkie does with her cooking. Especially those delicious golden cupcakes.

"Come, come, my dears, we must not delay!" Discord said in a posh British accent. He apparently had found a monocle and a top-hat as well.

"So, what was it like in the town?" Tim asked.

"It was nice. A little overbearing, but it was a comfortable stay either way," Twilight answered.

"Quite. Several of the members of the town offered to buy some of my outfits the second they got a chance to go to Ponyville, but you are right Twilight, they did seem a little bit too interested in us." Rarity and Twilight were smart in their reasoning. But then again, what to do? They were national heroes, so best make a good first impression.

General small talk commenced, and the terrain transitioned into a lush forest. The bright green trees stood tall and proud, rising into the sky.

"Excuse me, Celedon?" Star's voice came from my left. We had been walking for a while and the less disciplined party members were greatly thankful for the shade that the trees provided. I hadn't even noticed that she had sidled up next to me.

"Yeah? What do you need, Star?" I asked curiously.

"I heard that you were...married. And, I, um...I would like your advice on something." She was much more nervous than when I had previously seen her. Apparently matters of the heart did not come without trouble to the stoic swordswoman.

"Alright. Lay it on me."

"I am...engaged. I joined the military in order to stall it, but his family is getting impatient. I mean, he's nice and all, but I, um, don't want to get married yet." And yet her traditional bluntness comes through, for the good of my male programmed mind.

"Huh. Is there a specific reason besides that? Like, you want him to do something first, or...what?" I hoped she would reveal how this came to be, and she did not disappoint.

"I, well, my family, we never had much money. We lived comfortably, but big expenses were out of the question. So, when my mother got sick with a very bad disease, measures had to be taken. Unfortunately, everyone but myself was a boy, and they all were off doing something else. Only my twin brother was at home during this. I mean, my brothers would send money, but the bills were just too much for us. They had their own families to look after as well. We did what we could but my father and I had a long talk one night." I could see her eyes glaze over slightly from the memory.

Then she shook her head and returned to the present. "I agreed to the proposal, where I would marry into a noble family through an arranged marriage. My father set it all up, meeting and stuff. I thought I was ready. We, I, he...He really is nice. His family is also not too bad compared to most other nobles, but they do have their own patience. We were at a restaurant, my fiance and I, and he actually did the right thing and proposed to me...but I ran. I ran away. I, I wasn't ready for it. I thought I was, but I wasn't. I ran to the military, who didn't care who I was or who I was engaged with. I spent two years in the forces, applied for C Squad, and stayed there for a long time. Still not as long as Snow, but...um, nevermind. How do I get out of the engagement? I just, don't...feel ready for it." Her words turned into whispers by the time she had finished, and she looked scared, tired, and anxious. Time to tell her something that might shock her, but would benefit both him and Star.

"Just tell him how you feel. Straight up. Tell him that he's a nice guy, but you aren't sure that marriage is where you want to go right now. If he's as nice as you say, then don't be afraid of him. You won't scare him away, either. Sure, he will feel a little bad due to your rejection, but by saying that marriage is not on the table and you still like him, it leaves the option open to him. He will become even more invested than he already is." She seemed as surprised as I had expected, but then I had a thought about her mother's medical bills.

"As for the bills....Once we get back to Canterlot, I'll get Twilight to extract some of the gold from my body. Enough to cover the costs. I will make sure your family will be fine. I promise." Star's eyes widened and I could almost see some tears coming to her eyes. But, her face flattened into her normal expression, even though a single tear did run down her face in joy.

"Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me," she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I leaned down to accept the embrace. Then I walked into a tree.

Thankfully, Star was not injured, though I did make a slight crater when I fell onto the ground. Star stared at me in surprise, before laughing lightly. She tried to help me up, as well as Tim who had come over on seeing my butt hitting the ground.

Suffice to say, I didn't budge.


"Gold Tongue! Heard you got nabbed by the Royal Guard! How'd you get out?" the bartender asked a man with red and blue hair. He looked a little haggard as he walked into the seedy den of thieves.

"A little bit of persuasion, some smoke, the tail of a timber wolf, and a scrying orb. Other than that, you don't want to know."

The bartender laughed heartily. "That's the spirit! For your daring escape, why not have a drink? It's on the house. You look like you need it!" A few seconds later, Gold Tongue saw a tankard sliding down his way. After stopping it and taking a gulp, he sat up straighter and regained his natural charisma.

"Now, why don't you regale the fine patrons of this establishment with your exploits? I'm sure you might be looking for some...new members," the bartender subtly stated.

After narrowing his eyes at the man, Gold Tongue turned around and stood up. Whispers abounded in the tavern as the tall man began speaking.

"Who of you lot is looking for a payout that will break every single heist ever performed?"

The inhabitants quieted down and just stared, then a big man off to Gold Tongue's right rumbled out, "How much we talking about?"

Gold Tongue's disarming smile sliced a line onto his face.

"More than five million."

Outside, several upstanding citizens jumped as a great commotion could be heard inside the tavern.

Author's Note:

Oh dear, what's Gold Tongue got planned?

Also, I might not publish a chapter for a few days. I won't spoil the reason, but it's going to be a fun time.

Comments ( 107 )

Multiversal crossover shenanigans are a worthy delay for more good story. Also, the fine print of how the guards caught him is going to bite him in the ass when they find out they are going after a sentient statue that apparently moves when you aren't looking. Plus, cheaper to try and melt her down into bits rather than haul her somewhere. It wouldn't work, but they can try.

6155759 Heh, I can't say much, otherwise I would be spoiling the surprise. I want to, though. But I won't. Here's Gold Tongue's line of thinking and why he is going back to the thing that scared everyone off.

Basically, because he was put asleep instead of scattering, he thought that he went on a rampage due to guilt or something, and he dreamed that his latest acquisition got up off the floor to haunt him. As for arriving in the guards hands, they were messing around with him by telling jokes about how he got captured. Then, the aforementioned escape happened and he needs a new crew to get back his, supposedly, biggest haul yet.

6155772 Ah, so self convinced stupidity? That actually makes sense considering he was half asleep at the time. He could convince himself that it was just a dream, during which he went crazy and destroyed his own camp, then fell back asleep in his bed or what remained, then wake up cuffed by some smarmy guards poking fun at him. Then escape, and hire a new crew, and try and get "his" haul back.

6155818 Greek mythology. Celedon (Keledones). I have no idea what that is.

6155806 Just keep reading, and also, chapter 16 will reveal something very important about Celedon that would make something like that...impossible.

Featured again!


6155883 You've got 24 chapters to go! Keep reading!

MY god. Why did I not find this story sooner. This series is awesome! :rainbowdetermined2:


Ah, well, ignore the Jean thing then, it's nothing important.

Apparently I'm up to chapter 23 though soooooo.... Yea, good story so far though the battle with Gilgamesh seemed to drag on a little.

6271982 Thank you for the compliment! :twilightsmile: And don't worry, I have more works planned out even after this one ends.

6272292 I think it was mostly because both of us started out small and went bigger and bigger (Gilgy did it literally) with our attacks. The outcome had been decided from before we even started the chapter, we just had to write a battle that would be fun to read about. It was also a place for me to explain some of Celedon's skills and powers. Sort of.

6292223 Haha, I hope you didn't wake/disturb your neighbors!


it's more like eating paper.

Except gold is a finite resource, that doesn't grow back. Unlike trees, which we use to make paper and currency. If human are still using gold coins instead of paper money, we wouldn't have enough to share let alone use them for jewelry and stuff.
Unless you are saying Equestria have something like a gold-shitting species, or that they could magic it out of nowhere, an immortal gold eating creature will drain their economics, slowly but steadily.

6326136 Mind screwing of course! It's Discord after all.

6326142 He'd probably be only slightly upset until he figured out a way to keep her out of her robe. Then again, there's a certain defense system that activates whenever someone tries to put their hands on Celedon with malicious intent that I haven't revealed yet.

Comment posted by Magna85 deleted Aug 17th, 2015

6329612 You've doomed us all!

6328271 I see. On a scale of 1 to OH WHY GOD WHY!!!, how painful is it?

6326254 purr-fect. *breaths grey fire in your general direction*

6324029 and Justin Bieber fans...


6333242 Let's just say you would have a half second to begin thinking about your most painful memory before feeling electricity shooting through your entire body. Enough that within five seconds, unless Celedon pulled away (which she most likely would), the assailant would die from their heartbeat being through out of whack by the current running through their body.



*POKE* Is this alive?

Already in my tracking bookshelf. It never updates, though... But I 'preciate it

6334617 Sort of. It's on life support, and I'm running off of fumes trying to readjust to a different time-zone. After chapter 36, this might be put on hiatus so I can focus on my studies.

6335483 no wonder he lost, he wasn't a magus, his prana reserves are practically empty! He's essentially crippled, even with the Mad Enhancement!

6335482 huh. That's... kinda cool. But Exalibur's indestructible too, and again, LASER BEAMS!!! Arondight is only a few levels lower in terms of Holiness. Besides indestructibility and generally sword-iness, it should have some cool powers. Come on! It's even Faerie forged!

6334605 why do you think they're Bieber fans?


6337840 Actually, he is getting supplied with prana, just from a spoiler. And just to compare Celedon to Berserker on terms of combat prowess, Berserker would win. He is far more experienced and agile (at least his body is), and during combat he would be able to severely damage Celedon with Arondight. If I had to give Celedon some Parameters, Fate-style, it would be as follows:

Strength: A+
Endurance: A++
Agility: E-
Magical Power: None
Luck: ?
Noble Phantasm: None

This is not taking into account her other abilities. I only did a quick and dirty exam of what I believed her to be capable of. Of course, Berserker is also an actual Servant, so he gets better stuff.


6337896 so she can lift about... 100000 pounds?! Holy Shit!(assuming parameters are measured in maximum capability rather than actual capability, not including cranial limiters), has 200 times normal human endurance and... yeah, I have no idea about the agility. Less than 10x average human. And I think she still needs a Mana rating. And how much Mana is Beserker getting? On a scale of Masters?




6073813 I am so sorry for that first guy...

6323982 magical pony dimension where there are nigh(if not)-immortal giant creatures that eat gems, and are the size of skyscrapers. And there's a whole species of them. This changes things, no? And LoCM probably still applies, the gold's gotta go somewhere, and I assume it can be re-devoured.

6337850 I noticed! :D I guess complaining about it brought it about!

6338074 Interesting theory... the government is the government! Anything?

6338079 Not that I can tell... Maybe it's story specific

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