• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,645 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

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In a dimension unlike our own filled with dark blue/purplish swirling clouds, where time has no meaning and space is distorted, several explosions echoed throughout the area as two powerful fighters clashed against one another, each one trying to gain the upper-hand over the other.

One of the fighters stopped and drew his sword, he had blue eyes and straight, light purple hair. He wore a trench coat with a green torso beneath and a sword strapped to his back. This was Trunks, son of Vegeta and Bulma and member of the Time Patrol.

The Saiyan warrior glared up to get a good look at his opponent, the tail wrapped around his waist identifying him as a Saiyan. He wore black armor very similar to the standard Saiyan battle armor, only instead of shoulder guards there was a with shoulder strap in the form of a long tube going around the back of his neck, thigh guards on each side, and an odd mask with glowing red eyes and a symbol on the forehead area resembling an "X".

"Just what are you?" Trunks thought out loud. He watched his opponent with suspicion in his eyes.

The Masked Saiyan eyes glowed ominously as he charged forth, dark energy swirling around his body as he drew his fist back, charging a purple, red and black energy sphere. "Dark Rebellion Trigger!!" The masked man called out before thrusting his hand forward, firing the dark sphere of energy at his opponent.

Trunks' eyes widened as he quickly sheathed his sword and swiftly performed a series of rapid arm movements before placing his palms forward, his thumbs and index fingers touching each other to form a diamond. "Burning Attack!!" Trunks cried out before firing his own blast of energy.

Both attacks collided, causing a massive explosion of energy and forcing the Time Patroler to shield his eyes. Sadly, this proved to be a mistake on his part, before he could react he he felt the masked warrior's fist colliding with his gut, knocking the air out of him and sending him flying.

Regaining his bearings and stopping himself in midair, the half-Saiyan groaned in irritation. "OK, looks like I'm gonna have to get serious!" He mumbled to himself before turning around just in time to block a sneak attack from his masked enemy. Before the masked Saiyan knew what was happening, Trunks let out a burst of energy as his hair turned golden and stood on end, signifying his transformation into a Super Saiyan.

The Masked Saiyan looked on as the shock wave from the transformation hit him. His eyes glowed menacingly as he studied his opponent again, noting a change in demeanor.

"So you can transform as well?" The Masked Saiyan observed with an ominous distorted voice, he chuckled sinisterly as he cracked his knuckles. “This is going to be good. Are you ready?”

Trunks gritted his teeth. Had this Saiyan achieved the same power? "I think I should be asking you that!" He proclaimed, drawing his sword once more. "Frieza and his father couldn't stand up to my power, and I used only half of my energy against them!" He boasted before charging fourth, charging two energy spheres in the palms of his hands. "Buster Cannon!" He shouted as he launched both spheres forward.

The Masked Saiyan easily deflected the blasts and fired a few ki blasts towards Trunks, catching him off guard, before rushing forward and delivering several blows. He charged a powerful energy ball in his hand and thrust it into Trunks, sending him spiraling away.

'What in the multiverse is this guy?!' Trunks thought as he quickly swallowed a senzu bean, healing him almost instantly. 'Nothing I hit him with seems to phase him, it's like he was built for combat but nothing more...' He was quickly brought out of his thoughts when his masked opponent appeared behind him, attempting to nail him in the back with another energy blast. The beam of energy shot right through Trunks back and through his torso...

...only for the Saiyan in question to vanish into thin air.

"What the-?!"

"After-images," Trunks said has he reappeared behind his opponent and slashed him across the back with his sword. "Ya gotta love the classics."

The Masked Saiyan quickly turned and attempted to slug Trunks across the face. Trunks brought both arms up to block and threw a kick that connected with the Masked Saiyan’s side, sending him a few feet back. The Masked Saiyan and Trunks stared each other down waiting for the other to make a move.

"I must admit, as amusing as this is, I believe it's time to put an end to this," The Masked Saiyan stated. While Trunks couldn't really tell, it felt as though his enemy was smiling behind his mask…

Winds started swirling around the Masked Saiyan as a soft glowing aura surrounded him. As the power continued to rise, the aura started to turn a pale yellow. Trunks was stunned by the amount of force his opponent was giving off, almost similar to a Super Saiyan. The Masked Saiyan was reaching his limit and, with an explosive blast of wind, his aura was a pure golden yellow. Even his tail had taken on a yellowish hue as Trunks was taken aback by the sudden transformation.

As energy continued to swirl around the two Saiyans, the masked one held out one had and started charging an energy ball. But, as he was about to shoot it at Trunks, he heard a voice.

“That’s enough. There will be plenty of time later for that.”

The Masked Saiyan lowered his hand, letting the energy ball fade away. He looked at Trunks, saying, “I guess play time’s over. I’ll be seeing you around.” And with that, the Saiyan vanished without a trace.

When he was sure the Masked Saiyan was gone Trunks powered down, his hair returning to its natural state and color. Trunks sheathed his sword and with a single thought, teleported away...

In mere seconds, Trunks found himself back in Toki Toki City, the base of operations built for the Time Patrollers; a group of warriors chosen to help fix time distortions throughout different moments in history.

Upon arriving in the city, Trunks immediately strode towards the Time Nest, passing several other fellow Patrollers; Humans, Saiyans, Majins, Namekians, even members of Frieza's Race. 'Just who was that Saiyan, and how could he transform like that?' He pondered to himself as he took to the air, flying over various buildings that made up the city.

He eventually reached his destination and entered the portal leading to the Time Nest. As he exited the portal archway he found himself in a large spherical room resembling a giant birdcage, there was a lake, pure green grass, and in the center a large white temple known as the Time Vault.

“Hey! Supreme Kai of Time?” He called out as he approached the dome-shaped house not too far from the Time Vault, the exterior cluttered with various pieces of technology, most of which bearing the Capsule Corp logo.

A young girl with pinkish-red hair and pinkish-purple skin strode out of the house, she wore a pair of yellow orb-shaped earrings, a pink robe with yellow highlights, and a pair of high heeled boots.

The Kai of Time smiled upon seeing the half-Saiyan warrior. "Oh good, you made it back!" She greeted with a smile. “I assume that anomaly I sensed is no more?”

Trunks shook his head. “I’m sorry but… he escaped.”

The Kai placed a hand to her chin with a concerned look in her eyes. “Hmm. That is indeed troubling.” She mused to herself as she made her way past Trunks. “Those distortions in time are turning out to be quite a problem, I can sense each one becoming stronger and stronger.”

“Are any of our elite Patroller’s available?” Trunks asked as she followed the Time Kai.

“Sadly no, most of our Time Patrollers are dealing with their own missions in other timelines, Beat and his team are dealing with the rampaging Shadow Dragon’s in Timeline GT...” The Time Kai explained.

“What about Dumplin?” Trunks suggested as they approached the portal archway.

“He’s busy with Timeline EVO. And you know how much of a chore THAT Timeline can be...” She stated with an almost nauseated look. “It’s barely recognizable as a splinter timeline...” She shook her head and continued on. “We need to find a warrior to assist us, and I know just how to find one...”

The two soon arrived at a pedestal backed by gold pillars holding the statue of a golden dragon. The Time Kai clasped her hands together as if saying a prayer as a light green glow surrounded her body. Soon the same glow emitted from in front of the these pillars as an altar rose from a hidden section in the floor, the altar itself held seven mystical orange-hued spheres with red stars, each ranging in number, from one star to seven stars.

“The Dragon balls?” Trunks exclaimed in shock. “Are… are you sure we-”

“Believe me, I’m not one for using these so sparingly.” The Time Kai interrupted. “Especially considering the results of doing so in Timeline GT brought forth… but right now we’re running out of options” She stated before turning her attention to the balls before her and raising her arms. “Eternal Shenron, by these words we summon you!” The Time Kai called out. “Come forth, and grant our wish!”

Almost immediately the the clear blue sky became dark as the seven balls emitted a bright flash of light. Suddenly a beam shoot up into the sky, twisting and looping around until it took the form of giant dragon that towered over most of Toki Toki City. He had the brown horns of a stag, sharp teeth, long flowing whiskers, green scaly skin, and a long serpentine body.

I am the Eternal Dragon.” Shenron announced with a deep voice as he stared down at his summoners with his piercing red eyes. “Speak your wish and I shall grant it.”

“Great Shenron,” She began. “A great evil is currently wreaking havoc across the timelines, with our forces spread thin and the distortions growing stronger, we have been forced to seek your aid.” She explained. “Please, give us a strong ally. Someone with the kind of power to help us defend time itself! This wish we ask of you Shenron!”

“Very well...” Shenron announced as his eyes began to glow. “I shall search the cosmos for this power and summon it...”

With speed no mortal could match, Shenron searched through the cosmos, going through galaxy after galaxy in hopes of finding one with the power to meet the task at hand. He soon extended his search to other dimensions…

...soon, he found the power he was searching for. However this power... was shared by six…

In the magical land of Equestria, there was a small town known as Ponyville. Most of it’s inhabitants were going about their daily business, but some would stop to marvel at the town’s most recent and beautiful attraction: The Rainbow Kingdom. A castle that had been created from the mysterious chest that sprouted from the Tree of Harmony after an intense battle with the demonic centaur known as Tirek.

Inside, a small group of mares were waiting in front of a large mirror mounted on a small round platform. They were the former Element’s of Harmony: Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash. All of them were waiting for their friend: Princess Twilight Sparkle and her faithful assistant; Spike the Dragon.

“Ugh, I still don’t get why we couldn't go with her!” Rainbow Dash groaned as she flew in circles above her friends. “Sitting around waiting is just so boring!”

“Now, now, RD.” Applejack chided. “She needed to do this on her own. And besides, it’d be pretty confusin’ if there were two of us….”

“More like pretty awesome!” Pinkie Pie interrupted as she bounced around the farmpony. “Can you imagine how great it would be if there were two of me?!”

“We don’t have to imagine having two of you, darling.” Rarity stated. “We lived through two-thousand of you! Remember?” She added, her eye twitching at the memory of Pinkie’s little “experiment” with the mirror pool.

Suddenly there was a flash of light, and the lavender Alicorn slowly walked out of the mirror on her two hooves, she strained to keep her balance only realise she was back to normal and dropped down on all fours. Right after her came Spike came flying out as if shot from a cannon, restored to his original dragon form.

“Whew! Finally! I was tired of scratching those fleas!” He exclaimed as stood on both legs.

“Twilight, Spike, you’re back!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she flew over to her, her friends. “Oh, we were so worried!”

“You simply must tell us what happened in that world!” Rarity said as brushed some dirt out of Spike’s scales. “How was Sunset Shimmer?”

“Didja beat those nasty Sirens?!” Rainbow Dash asked as Pinkie Pie gave her a bone-crushing hug.

Twilight simply smiled as her friends crowded around her. “Look girls, I know you all have a lot of questions about the human world, but...”

“Someone has summoned you from a land far away...” A deep, booming voice echoed throughout the room, startling the entire group.

“What in the hay was that?!” Applejack shouted as she looked around, searching for the source of the voice. Twilight’s horn immediately started to glow as Spike got in front of Rarity protectively.

“Whoever you are, show yourself!!” Rainbow Dash called out angrily, jabbing the air with her hooves as Pinkie Pie pulled her party cannon from...somewhere…

Suddenly, all six ponies started to float upwards. Spike quickly grabbed onto Rarity’s tail just before she floated off the ground. “I’ve got ya, Rarity!”

“Wah-ha-haa-ha!!” Rarity yelped.

“Eeeep!” Fluttershy squealed in fear.

“What in the hay?!” Applejack screamed.

“What’s happening?!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she struggled to flap her wings.

“I don’t know!” Twilight answered as she tried to use her magic to push negate whatever was pulling them up, but to no avail. “Whatever taken hold of us, I can’t stop it!”

“Wheeee!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “I’m flying!”

Then almost immediately, the entire group of mares (plus one dragon) vanished in a bright blue flash of light...