• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,645 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

  • ...

Chapter 8: The Beast Within! Master The Ozaru Form!

Last time on My Little Pony: Xenoverse, part of the Elements of Harmony and the Z-Warriors flew over to Kami’s Lookout to get some training from Kami. It was around this time that Launch launch announced decided that she had enough of being on the sidelines and decided to train with the Z-Warriors and The Elements of Harmony. Not long afterwards that the assembled group got a great shock…


“...taught Goku…”


What’s this!? It wasn’t Kami that trained Goku, but Mister Popo!? While some of us from beyond the Fourth Wall knew this, it was a great shock for our cast! It was then that Mr. Popo showed a side of himself that went beyond his typical demeanour of a sarcastic smart-ass with a heart of gold. He wasn’t going to be pulling any punches during his time as trainer! For, he knows he will have to show and prepare his trainees for how merciless and powerful their upcoming opponents will truly be! Will our brave heroes be able to handle this; let alone survive!? And what of the people training under Raditz and Piccolo? Will they be able to control the Oozaru form or go completely bananas!? Find out NOW on My Little Pony: Xenoverse!

NO! Absolutely NOT Gohan!” ChiChi fumed at her son upon seeing him and Spike return with a wild animal. “You are NOT keeping that dragon!”

“But mom-” Gohan began.

“But nothing!" ChiChi interrupted. "That creature is a wild animal and is NOT a pet!”

“But it's very tame and smart. And as strong as it is, we could probably use it to do work at the farm!” Gohan countered.

“And who’s going to take CARE of it Gohan!?” ChiChi shot back, “Who’s going to bathe it, feed it, take it to the vet for shots, and give it medicine to keep it from getting sick!?”

Gohan looked back at her with sad and slightly misty eyes. “Mom, I know I’m young, but do you think so little of me? Have not you and grandpa told me that part of growing up is taking responsibility for yourself and others? And that you wanted me to act more mature and responsible than daddy?”

“No... it’s not that dear. It’s just you’re only five... and you’re having to face so much so early in your life! Things no five year old should face.” ChiChi started before she took a deep breath and let out a slight sigh. “Yes, it is true...your dad, he had his moments.” ChiChi admitted as she looked away sadly for a bit and dabbed her eyes with a kerchief and sniffled a tad. “And, as much as I do love him I don’t want you picking up his bad habits. It’s not bad enough that we’ve been forced into giving you martial arts training just to ensure you survive what’s coming. I’ll need time to think this over.”

Gohan started to smile only for ChiChi to speak up again. “I said I’ll THINK about it! I haven’t made up my mind yet, okay?”

“Erm...okay mom.” Gohan said with a nod as his smile shrunk again.

“I hate to interrupt your lovely little chat with my nephew...” Raditz said as he walked into the room. “But the sun is starting to set and the trial will be soon upon us. I will need the rest of you to keep a more than fair distance while Piccolo, myself, Spike, and Fluttershy will try to restrain Rainbow Dash, Gohan, and Twilight Sparkle. Remember, I also want the rest of you to try to yell encouragement for them and to try to remind them of who they really are while in a feral state.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll go move our new friend to a safe distance.” Spike replied as he grabbed the dragon by the claw and flew him off to a plateau in the distance. “And, good luck Twi, I know you can handle this.”

“I’ll be honest, this will be possibly the biggest challenge I’ve faced since facing off against Tirek or turning into an Alicorn.” Twilight admitted nervously. “But thank you for being there for me.”

“Hey, what are friends for?” Spike said as he turned around and waved before continuing to fly off with his new Dragon Friend. “I’ll be back to pick up ChiChi and the Ox King in a bit, okay?”

“Very well, but hurry!” Raditz growled, the Full Moon will be up any minute and I want them out of the way when we start to turn!”

Raditz need not have worried though as Spike was back in a matter of minutes after he and Fluttershy helped carry the non-combatants up to a nearby Plateau about a few hundred yards away.

“I would’ve felt better if they had been several kilometers away.” Raditz grumbled as he watched the sun set. “But as they are familiar to Gohan I will need them to try to talk sense to him. We need to make sure to protect them during this mess. I don’t want my baby brother bellyaching at me when he gets back! Got it!?”

Fluttershy, Spike, and Piccolo nodded in agreement.

“Remember the plan we agreed upon.” Raditz continued. “I will use the Oozaru and Piccolo will use his giant form to play meat shield during Dash’s, Gohan’s, and Twilight’s transformation, while I will depend on the words of my In-Laws and Spike and Fluttershy’s ‘Stare’ to attempt to get them out of their feral state. Now, everyone to their places! The Moon will be up shortly!”

“Spike.” Twilight started. “I hope I don’t…”

“I know.” Spike replied. “Look, I know you and Dash can do this, okay? Just focus on reminding yourself who you are. Okay?”

Twilight solemnly nodded in agreement.

“I hope I don’t end up harming you either.” Rainbow Dash nervously and hesitantly admitted to Fluttershy, “You’re one of my oldest friends. Ever since Flight Camp.”

“You were there when you needed me back then.” Fluttershy said, “Let me be here for you now in your time of need. Remember, you can do this Dash. Yay!” She quietly squeaked.

“Your cheering still needs a bit of work though.” Dash chuckled in an attempt to break the tension.

Raditz, Piccolo, Spike, and Fluttershy surrounded Twilight, Gohan, and Rainbow Dash from a safe distance as the sun gave off it’s last rays of light and the Moon slowly and silently rose into view.

“Wait for it…” Raditz nervously rumbled as he and the other Saiyans started to look upon the rising moon.

“The moon sure looks nice.” Twilight began. “But I don’t feel anythi-” She stopped in mid-sentence as her eyes started to dilate, she started to grow additional hair, fur, and she started to grow in size.

“Yeah, is this a bust-?” Rainbow Dash in turn started to ask until the Ozaru form started to come upon her as well.

“We’re...starting to change…” Raditz growled as he lurched over and his voice started to warp. “Piccolo, Flutters, get...ready! ARRGGGHHHH!!!” he barely shouted out as he doubled over in pain. As they started to grow, Raditz’s Saiyan clothing and Gohan’s mixture of Demon Clan and Saiyan Clothing held together, but Twi and Rainbow Dash’s clothes started to fray.

“Hold on! This show is ‘TV-14!’ Pinkie exclaimed as she appeared from nowhere and set up black censor bars to cover up certain parts of the anatomies of the transforming female Saiyans. “That’s better!” she continued with a bit of relief and a smile.

“Pinkie, what are you doing here!?” Spike exclaimed.

“The rest of the Z-Fighters and Elements are still recovering from Popo’s Training for the day and Popo told me to come back here and train with you guys! Don’t worry, I overheard your plan earlier when I was hiding and waiting!”

“Why were you hiding and waiting!?” Piccolo fumed as he started to expand and grow in size.

“Because I wanted to surprise you, you silly, jolly green giant!”

“Ho ho ho...your response is priceless.” Piccolo replied with his usual sarcasm as he continued to grow, “Look, just help us restrain your friends and try to talk them down, ok!?”

“Okie-Dokie-Loki!” Pinkie continued with her usual humongous grin as she jumped off to the side and joined the perimeter.

By this point the transformation was nearly complete as a giant Piccolo, Ozaru Raditz, Pinkie and Fluttershy Buu, and Spike surrounded a enraged and feral Twilight Sparkle, Gohan, and Rainbow Dash.

“Uh...Twi...you there?” Spike nervously asked as he flew towards the now-transformed Twilight Sparkle. She only roared at him in anger and fired off a monstrous ki blast from her mouth. “AHHHH!!” Spike yelled in horror as he bolted out of the way.

Fluttershy nervously whimpered as Rainbow Dash started to lumber towards her. “D-dash! I-it’s me! Remember?” Fluttershy stammered.. Rainbow Dash responded in turn by bringing a gigantic fist down towards her.

Piccolo intervened by putting up a massive hand of his own and starting to grapple with Rainbow Dash. “DODGE!!” He yelled at Fluttershy.

“Well, their fur is covering stuff up, so we don’t need these for the time being!” Pinkie replied as she removed the censor bars for later use.

“Hurry up...Pinkie! We don’t have time for your...games...right now!” Raditz grunted as he wrestled with Gohan.

“Aw, but I wanted to play sword-stabby tag!” Pinkie pouted.

“PINKIE!!” Spike fumed as he was still dodging blows from Twilight Sparkle.

“Oh fine! Let me see if I can help you out, Spikey-wikey!” Pinkie exclaimed as she flew up to Twilight and booped her on her gargantuan muzzle. “Tag, you’re it!” Pinkie teased with a raspberry as she flew off.

Twilight bellowed in frustration as she started to lumber off after her smaller and faster opponent.

“M-my b-b-baby! W-what-!?” ChiChi barely stammered out as she fainted in shock and was gently held in the arms of her father, the Ox King.

“Oh no! ChiChi wake up! We need you to help calm Gohan down!” the Ox King yelled as he gently nudged her. The baby dragon made a concerned “raaaoooww” noise as he nudged the unconscious ChiChi.

'Oh great! Just what we need! Gohan’s mother has fainted from stress! I needed her to try to talk some sense into him!' Raditz thought as he started to grapple with his nephew after he attempted to charge his uncle.

“C’mon ChiChi, wake up! Your son needs you!” the Ox King continued to plead with the conked-out ChiChi. It was then that the dragon looked over at the fight ahead of him and he started to fly off.

He knew what he needed to do.

“Hey! Come back here! You’ll get hurt!” The Ox King yelled as it flew off.

Somehow during the violent fight that was causing giant craters and debris all across the valley, Piccolo was able to out-maneuver Rainbow Dash and get her into a Full Nelson.

'Eat your heart out Goku!' Piccolo thought to himself before yelling out. “Fluttershy, use the Stare! NOW!!”

“Uh..oh-oh-okay.” She said in a near whisper as she quickly recomposed herself and flew up to Rainbow Dash’s Face, she then started to use her staring technique to force Rainbow Dash to calm down, and for extra effect she then started shouting at the rampaging Ozaru. “Rainbow Dash! What would the Wonderbolts say right now if they saw you acting like this!? Or if Trunks or the Supreme Kai of Time were here right now!? You are acting in a manner unbecoming of a military officer! You need to calm down RIGHT….NOW... young lady!

“F-Fluttershy?” The Ozaru stammered.

“Yes! She’s starting to remember! Keep at it, and hurry! I don’t know how much longer I can hold this or if the other two are going to interfere!” Piccolo yelled out as he rested for a brief second as Dash stood there in confusion.

“Yes, Dash it’s me! Try to remember!” Fluttershy continued. “I know you’re angry, and kind of scared right now, but try to remember! Your Sonic Rainboom helped us get our Cutie Marks! You’re The Element of Loyalty! You’re a Wonderbolt! And you helped us fight Nightmare Moon, Discord, the Changelings, Tirek, and many others! Remember!?”

“Yes...yes. I am...Rainbow...Dash!” Rainbow continued as Piccolo cautiously backed off and gasped heavily from fatigue. “And I am by a 120% margin the coolest Saiyan ever!” She roared as she stood with her hands on her hips. She then looked at her hands and at the other beings around her. “This is the Ozaru form!? I may not be as frou-frou as Rarity, but even I think this form is gross! Ugh!”

“Not now Dash!” Piccolo yelled as he turned towards Gohan and Twi, who were till rampaging. “We need your help in getting the other two to remember who they are!”

“I think I got a plan!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “You and Fluttershy help Raditz with Gohan while I go help Pinkie and Spike with Twilight!”

“Are-are you sure!?” Fluttershy stammered.

“Absolutely.” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk on her cyclopean muzzle as she cracked her titanic fists. “It’s time for me to give this new form a test run!”

Unfortunately, despite her somewhat slow speed, Twilight was able to grab onto both Spike and Pinkie Pie and was starting to squeeze them, one in each gargantuan hand! the two started screaming in pain as they tried to escape.

...and suddenly Pinkie made a strange squeaking noise.

“Ruuuhhh?” The feral Ozaru inquired, she then squeezed Pinkie and she squeaked again. Twilight then squeezed Pinkie several times and she squeaked in quick succession, chuckling at the hilarity of the situation!

“THAT'S! NOT! FUNNY!” Pinkie yelled in pain between squeaks.

“TWILIGHT STOP!!” Spike yelled in near panic, the two of them slowly loosing consciousness from the pain.

“HEY TWILIGHT!!” Yelled a familiar, yet much more bass and booming voice from behind.

“Ruhh?” Twi growled in questioning and anger as she turned her face around.

“KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BIRDIE!!!” Rainbow Dash yelled out as she performed Raditz’s trademark attack upon her back. Twilight howled in pain as she dropped the unconscious Spike and Pinkie and turned around to face her new foe.

It was then that help came from the most unlikely of places, the dragon swooped down from the sky and grabbed Spike by the tail and pulled up mere meters from crashing into the ground. “Thanks little guy!” Spike smiled as he regained conciseness.

“Raaa-raaa!” The creature chirped back as he looked back upon Spike.

Pinkie in turn was caught by Master Roshi who'd ran out from a nearby boulder. “Hang on! I gotcha!” Roshi yelled as he took a deep breath and then bulked up into his muscular form in a matter of seconds He then braced himself and put his arms to catch the falling Pinkie and was able to successfully grab onto her, the impact making a small crater under his feet due to the force he had to absorb from the quickly falling Pinkie Buu.

“M-Master Roshi?” A recovering Pinkie slowly asked.

“Yup. It’s me.” Roshi replied. “You know I can’t stop myself from helping a lady in distress! Heh he he heh…!”

It was then that the awakening Pinkie noticed that one of Roshi’s hands was grabbing onto her butt and the other was grabbing her chest. “YOU PERVERT!! I’M NOT EVEN HUMANOID IN MY ORIGINAL FORM YOU FREAK!!!” Pinkie yelled at him as she knocked him back with a large cartoon hammer she'd pulled out of nowhere, sending Roshi flying into the side of a nearby plateau. Pinkie “hmmphed” in annoyance at his disgusting behavior and turned to her attention to the fight going on in front of her.

“Y-y-you’re Welcomeee…” Roshi, now back to his normal size, stammered out from behind a ruined pair of broken sunglasses and a weak smile that showed up behind some busted up and missing teeth.

“Now that I’ve got your attention...” The now gigantic Dash growled. “Let’s see how good of a brawler you really are when you’ve lost the ability to think!” The feral Twilight Sparkle only roared back a challenge in anger as she charged forward. Rainbow Dash matched it up with a charge of her own.

“Remember! We’re trying to make Twi REMEMBER who her are, not pummel her senseless!” Spike yelled out as the two Ozaru crashed into each other, both were knocked back from the force they inflicted on each other and then slowly started to circle each other.

“Hmmm... maybe anger might even be the key to making her remember, Spike. As odd as that might seem.” Dash replied as she continued to size up her opponent.

“Hey! Egghead!” Rainbow Dash yelled at the feral Twilight Sparkle. “I thought you were some sort of a genius! I bet you can’t even add two and two together right now!”

“Egg... head?” Twilight replied in slight confusion as if she may have been starting to remember... alas, her anger then overwhelmed what little progress she was making, as she only remembered enough to know that it was something that caused her mental pain, as ever so slight as it may be.

“EGGHEAD!!!!” Twilight roared in anger as she threw a punch at Rainbow Dash.

“Eep!” Fluttershy yelped.

“Nice going Dash, all you did was piss her off!” Spike yelled as he fired off a few ki blasts at Twi’s back.

“Hang on...I’m...working on...it!” Rainbow Dash growled as she was now engaged in a test of strength against Twilight Sparkle, their hands interlocked together. “Twi...if you...don’t...snap out of it…” Rainbow Dash growled. “I will do a Sonic Rainboom in your Library...at your Palace...when we get back!”

“My...Library? HOW DARE YOU THREATEN MY NEW LIBRARY!” Twilight roared, firing a ki blast from her mouth into Rainbow Dash’s face. “I still haven’t recovered from Tirek destroying my old one!!”

Spike then flew to Twilight’s eye level as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were both trying to grapple with one of her arms. “Twi! Stop! Dash just said that to make you remember who you are! Please stop! PLEASE!!! You’re just going through what I went through when I was overcome by draconic greed! Try to remember!” Spike pleaded to the Princess.

“Bucking Tartarus, Dash! How dare you threaten my Library! Why I ought to-!” Twilight started to say before she stopped. “Wait... what am I doing!? Is this the Oozaru form!?” She exclaimed shaking her head as as she went down to one knee, carefully looking at her hands and then at her fateful assistant. “Spike... Spike... is that you?”

“No... it’s the grouchy mare from that Hearthswarming Eve book you love so much-of course it’s Spike!” Dash snapped back with her usual snarkiness as she backed off and tried to regain her breath.

Spike temporarily shot a glare at Dash and growled before he continued. “Yes Twi! It’s me Spike! Remember? You tried to help me through every rough time I've gone through and I’m here to help you through this period of great struggle you’re having right now! As I have done for you various times before! We’re family Twi. That’s what families do!”

Twilight, still on one knee then took a good look at Spike, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy; her memories were slowly returning to her.“Thank...thank you Spike." She said in gratitude. "And you too Dash and Fluttershy. I’m afraid to think about what I would’ve done if I hadn’t-"

It was then that they heard the roars and explosions from the battle going on behind them, apparently Gohan was still unable to control himself... or remember who he was.

“Guys, I’d love to stop and chat, but I’m afraid we still have one rampaging Ozaru to deal with!" Rainbow Dash said. "I think it’s safe to say the union break is over!”

“We have union breaks!? Why was I not told this!?” Pinkie yelled out in the distance as she was trying to pick up Gohan by his tail while Oozaru Raditz, Giant Piccolo, and the now buffed-up Roshi (who was standing on top of a nearby plateau) were taking advantage of what few seconds they had to try to regain their breath. Twilight merely looked over her shoulder, nodded in agreement and motioned for the others to follow her as she stomped towards the nearby brawl between Gohan and the other remaining combatants.

After dropping him back on the ground with a thunderous crash, Pinkie and the others started to circle Gohan as he started to stand back up.

'Oh no...this is not good.' The Ox King thought to himself as he held his still-unconscious daughter in his arms. 'While we could still use her help, part of me is still glad she’s not awake to see her son in this form... or so badly roughed up.'

“SNAP OUT OF IT GOHAN!!” the Ox King yelled at his grandson. “WE DON’T WANT TO HURT YOU!!!!”

After getting back up, Gohan then yelled out another roar in defiance, the roar was so great that the combatants had to brace themselves from the resulting shockwave.

“I think it’s safe to say Gohan’s still pretty mad at us!” Pinkie grimaced in pain from flying debris.

“What... gave that away!?” Rainbow Dash replied with her typical sarcasm.

Gohan started to lumber towards his uncle with malice and hatred in his eyes... only for a certain purple dragon to fly in front of him, screeching it’s concern and sadness at the behavior of his new friend. “Raaa-raaaa-raaa~!!!” The creature chirped at Gohan.

Gohan then roared at the infantile dragon, which had to brace itself at wind produced by the roaring.

“Graaa-graaa-graaaooowwww~!!!” The creature mewed back at Gohan, with no small amount of sadness, love, and confusion in its calls.
Gohan then just grumbled a bit as he brought out one of his palms for the creature to land on. Icarus landed on top of it and continued to “speak” to Gohan in its “language”, The young Ozaru then chuckled for a bit and gently patted the dragon with its index finger on his free hand.

“Good, he’s calmed down a bit...here’s our chance.” Raditz huffed as he held onto the side of his gut and winced a bit in pain. “Gohan...try to remember, I know being in this form can be rough at times. I’ve had to deal with it more times than I can count. But it’s me... your Uncle... Raditz.”

“Ruuhhh?” The Ozaru growled questioningly as he looked at the assembled group of warriors who were resting for a moment.

Raditz then continued as he pointed and motioned at the others. “Yes... and off in the distance is your grandfather and mother. She’s had a bit of a shock, but she’s okay. Your grandpa is assuring of that, and here are your other instructors, Piccolo, Roshi, and Pinkie Pie. Ugh... I never thought I’d call that pink blob an instructor, but I guess she is. She does have a tad bit more experience dealing with children than I do, after all.”

Pinkie merely chuckled at the comment and smiled. She knew this was the closest Raditz usually came to a compliment from the time she’s spent with him, it was just too hard for his gruff demeanor to be otherwise.

“And over there are her friends, Spike, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle.” Raditz said as he calmly put a hand on Gohan's right shoulder, he looked his nephew in the eye and pleaded (something which was rare and hard to do for him. After all, the few times he had done so usually involved painful and humiliating experiences involving a certain Arcosian). “We want to train more, but you got to recompose yourself. REMEMBER.”

“Ruuhhhhh...Un-Uncle…” Gohan murmured as the baby dragon flew up to his left shoulder and licked him on the cheek.

“Yes, that’s right nephew, it’s me... Raditz. And you are Gohan. It’s not a proper Saiyan name, but you were born and raised here and named in their native tongue... but beggars can’t be choosers.” Raditz chuckled.

“Raditzzz…” Gohan grumbled as he looked around at the others.

“Incredible...this...this is a side of my Brother-In-Law...I’ve never seen before.” Chi-Chi murmured, recovering from her previous fainting spell. “Help me to my feet father. My previous case of the vapours is unbecoming of a member of our proud Clan of Martial Artists.”

“Of course Chichi.” His father agreed with a nod and a knowing smile as he helped her to her feet.

“C’mon Gohan! You can do it!” Chi-Chi cheered. “I may not always approve of your training, but I didn’t raise a quitter! I taught you better than that! Whether it’s the books or running laps or anything else, you are to go all at it! Your father... he taught you better than that!” After stopping for a moment to sniffle for a second from a certain painful memory, she recomposed herself and continued, “The others here taught you better than that too! Your mommy loves you very much! I know I doesn’t always show it, but I do! Try to remember that! We all love you very much Gohan! Try to remember!”

And it was then all the things he went through in his short life started to come back to him, the various times he would spend around the dinner table laughing and talking with his parents, the fun and peril of being with dad in the woods, his mom looking on with both sternness and also pride as he’d hit the books, the dark times which took his father away from him and his new family and friends who then trained with him. He remembered it all.

“Mom? Grandpa? Uncle Raditz? Mr. Piccolo? Pinkie?” Gohan asked. “Is that really you?”

“Yes, yes it is.” Raditz answered with a knowing and proud smile. “Welcome back nephew, you gave us all a scare, but it’s over now. You and the other two have regained control of yourselves... for now. Now the training can really begin-now you and the others can learn to continue to keep control of yourself in this form.”

“Wow... I must be huge!” Gohan exclaimed with the glee that could only come from a child of his age. “Except for you, Piccolo, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash, everyone else looks like ants from up here!”

“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it after a bit.” Raditz laughed. “Just remember to watch your step though...for obvious reasons! So tell me nephew, are you up for a bit of sparring?”

“Of course Uncle Raditz!” Gohan cheered with a smile as he picked up the dragon and gently put him down next to Chi-Chi and the Ox King, “You stay here for a bit little guy. I don’t want you getting hurt!”

“Hrraaa-hraaa~!” The purple reptile cheered at his new friend.

“Oh good! Sparring! I want in on it too!” The Ox King exclaimed as he dug around in a large backpack he brought with him. “I’d love to have an opportunity to train a bit with my grandson! I even brought my axe this time!”

“DAD! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!? YOU WANT TO USE AN AXE ON MY SON AND YOUR GRANDSON!?” ChiChi yelled at him in shock, horror, and most of all...anger and sheer unbridled rage.

“Eep! ChiChi!” the Ox King yelled as he recoiled in fear. “Have you seen how thick Gohan’s hide and fur is now, even without the armor? I’m going to hardly put a dent in him! It’s not like he’s tiny or thin-skinned now in this form you know!”


“Erm...that would include you too ChiChi--as you’re part of ‘everyone.’” A knowing Princess Sparkle replied.

“Wow...that was a sick burn...even for me.” Rainbow Dash replied with a bit of shock at this unusually bit of snark from the Princess of Friendship.

ChiChi then just stamped her foot on the ground several more times and screamed in anger. “Just watch what you are doing with that thing around your grandson, all right!? I don’t care if you are my dad, I will skin your hide with it if you permanently injure him with that infernal axe of yours!”

After a brief moment of tense silence, she then continued. “On second thought, get my helmet, I’m not going to let you or the others have free reign in his training without letting me have a say in it.”

“A-are you sure ChiChi?” The Ox King nervously asked.

“No, but do it now before I change my mind!” ChiChi relented with great hesitancy and anger.

“Of course ChiChi!” The Ox King hesitantly said he he started to rummage through his rucksack again.

And so Gohan and the Saiyan Equestrians learned from Raditz how to maintain a measure of control over themselves and how to fight into that form until the moon finally went down and the sun started to rise. At the end of the training session, Pinkie and ChiChi were kind enough to set up a campfire and to start cooking breakfast for our band of heroes....

“I really wish we did have more Saiyan Armor.” Twilight sighed as she adjusted the belt on her spare gi. “I really don’t like the idea of having to constantly run around with a extra pair of clothes whenever I transform.”

“Try flying around with a battle suit that weighs about as much as a chariot for several klicks and then get back to me.” Rainbow Dash grumbled as she in turn adjusted her own gi. “I’ll make sure to ask HQ when we get back about seeing if they can get us some Saiyan Armor later. Besides, we only need it when the Moon is full or if that Vegetable guy uses his special technique, remember?”

“Oh, I’m not complaining too much! Heh heh heh…” chuckled a typically lecherous Master Roshi.

“Roshi! Show some manners you perv!” Fumed ChiChi as she walloped him in the back of the head with a rolling pin.

“What!? It was a compliment! Jeez!” Groaned a slightly panicked Roshi as he rubbed that giant red bruise that was starting to swell on the top of his head.

“His name is Vegeta, by the way.” Grumbled Raditz as he walked up to them. “And you better not underestimate him, he's the Prince of our race and a super elite from the top class of our warrior race.”

“Is he really that bad?” Twilight asked as Dash merely rolled her eyes in annoyance in the background.

“Yes, he really is, he’s more powerful than I am. That’s why I’ve been pushing us so far ever since I joined your little team of ‘Z Warriors’ or whatever it is you’re calling yourselves nowadays,” Raditz answered. “Just be grateful we’re only facing him and not….” Raditz then stopped himself and looked down at the ground for a bit and shook his head. “You know what, let’s not worry about that for the moment. Let’s just go see how my Sister-In-Law and Pinkie are doing.”

“All right. If you say so...” Twilight replied as she and Dash shared a look as they followed Raditz and the others to the cooking fire that Pinkie and ChiChi set up.

ChiChi, now certain that Roshi would (kinda) behave himself, walked back up to help Pinkie as she was cooking breakfast. “I got to say, this is new for me ChiChi!” Pinkie said with glee as she was scrambling some eggs in a frying pan wearing a chefs hat. “I never cooked scrambled eggs with rice in it before!”

“You’re doing fine Pinkie!” ChiChi replied with closed eyes and a slight smile. “Just make sure to flip it over when it’s ready to avoid burning it.”

“Yup-indeedy! Can do!” Pinkie exclaimed with a big grin.

“Raaa-raaa!” Chirped the purple dragon as he licked a bandaged Gohan.

“Ha ha ha ha-Ow!” Gohan said in a combination of chuckling and wincing. “That-ow... tickles-ow!”

“Gohan-hun! What are you going to name it?” ChiChi asked as she went back to working on the fresh batch of pancake batter she was cooking for the vegetarian Equestrians.

“Wait, name it!?” Gohan asked as he patted the creature. “Does that mean-?”

ChiChi then sighed and relented. “Yes hun...you can keep it!”

Gohan smiled and ran up to hug his mom. “Thanks mom! You’re the best!”

“Yes, I am, and don’t you forget it!” ChiChi replied as she looked down from her cooking ever so briefly to her son. “So, what are you going to name him?”

Gohan sat down on one of the nearby rocks and put a fist under his chin as he thought. “Well, he does seem to be a bit too brave for his own good at times.” Gohan said to as he watched Spike and the dragon were flying through the sky doing loop-de-loops. “And he’s rather fond of flying,” Gohan added. “I know! I’ll name him Icarus! After that guy from that book of Greek Myths you had me read!”

“Sounds like a very appropriate name!” ChiChi exclaimed, she then took a deep breath and shouted out. “BREAKFAST IS READY!! Get over here before it gets cold!”

“Last one here is a rotten egg!” Teased Pinkie as the various martial artists (except for a certain Namekian) lined up to get a plate and some much needed food after a long night of training.

“This is really good Pinkie, ChiChi, thanks!” Replied Rainbow Dash between bites of pancake from a dish she was holding. “You should make more of this when we get back, Pinkie!”

“Okie Dokie Lokie! Can do Dashie!” Pinkie replied with her usual smile as she floated down onto a nearby rock with a large stack of flapjacks of her own.

“Dash! Did they teach you no manners at the Academy!? Swallow your food before talking!” Twilight Sparkle snapped at her.

“Jeez Twi! When did you turn into Rarity?” Rainbow Dash snapped back in slight annoyance.

Raditz walked up to the assembled group with a tin canteen cup filled with java and sat down on a nearby rock. After taking a sip, he started to speak to the group, “Congratulations. Gohan, you and the other Saiyan trainees here have started to learn how to control your Oozaru form. Hopefully you will only get better in time. I have a hard time saying this...but...I’m very...proud...of you nephew.”

“Gee! Thanks Uncle Raditz!” Gohan beamed at his uncle as he put his fork down for a bit.

“Now...I know my Sister-In-Law has...reservations, about the training styles of myself and Piccolo over here.” Raditz continued as he pointed to the Meditating Namekian nearby. “But rest assured it’s for good reason, while I could go on about the foes we will be facing, I will instead do something else. As a sign of good faith to my newfound kin and the warriors that will be aiding me in defense of this backwoods planet, I will speak to you a bit of my past….”

“Oh boy! Story time! Too bad we’re having breakfast or I would’ve fixed s’mores! Still, I wonder if you could make s’more pancakes or…!” Pinkie said as she started one of her usual tirades.

Raditz cleared his throat to get her attention . “It’s not that type of story Pinkie. It’s a bit on the rough side to be honest. Even after all these years.”

“Ohhhh...okay.” Pinkie acquiesced in her unusually nonchalant and bubbly manner, seeming a bit unaware of the sudden shift of tone within the tale (despite supposedly reading the script earlier).

“Uncle Raditz...you don’t have to-” Gohan started.

Raditz simply hand waived him and continued. “No, nephew. I do owe you and your mom an explanation of why I’m doing these things. I have hinted at the foes that are coming for us, but not of my own past. You are well overdue for an explanation, Gohan.”

Gohan, ChiChi, the Saiyan Equestrians, Spike The Arcosian, and the others looked on in rapt attention as Raditz got up, took another sip of coffee, put the cup down and started his tale. Even Piccolo and Roshi opened their eyes and looked on, their meditation now broken, to see what Raditz would reveal this day.

“You see, when I was younger, around your present age, Gohan,” Raditz said to the assembled group as he started to pace back and forth. “I had to join a training program to become a soldier for the Saiyan and Arcosian Royal Families. My parents, your grandparents Gohan, Gine and Bardock, were unusually attentive as parents for Saiyan standards. I think it was partially due to my dad getting a stern talking to from one of the non-Saiyan doctors that patched him up one time. Even then, I had to learn a lot of things on my own growing up in the communal training camps that young Saiyans had to go to train to serve the Arcosian Emperor, Freiza. I was allowed to go home to my parents at nights, a rare luxury most other Saiyans didn’t get as their parents just dropped them off as soon as they could walk and talk and they were left to fend for themselves. The other children and instructors they trained with became their new family. Their bunk at the barracks became their new bed and the chow hall the new source of food and drink. Even then, I didn’t get to see my father as much as I would’ve liked as he was constantly on military deployment. He would even joke that he didn’t pay much attention to either me or Kakorrot during the few times he was home in an attempt to not seem too soft around the other Saiyans. Gine, on the other hand, was unusual in the sense that she preferred to stay home. She helped to give me the stability at home that many of my other Saiyans lacked. But then again, we were a bit unusual for Saiyans. Most Saiyans could care less for the sort of home life so many of the humans on this world take for granted. I think it was that that helped me to adjust to your culture a bit faster than most other Saiyans would. It wasn’t even a concept most of my kind would think of. It just was the way things were. In fact the only people I could think of off the top of my head that had an actual family as we did would be Prince Vegeta. But that makes sense when you think about it. Maintaining the Royal Line and such.”

“Oh, you poor thing.” Fluttershy replied with a sorrowful frown.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I wish families were more stable and commonplace in your culture.” Twilight added as Raditz went to pick up his cup and pour a fresh serving of joe from a blue steel coffee pot on the campfire.

“Don’t be.” Raditz replied, “I wasn’t. Like I said, it just was the way things were. But that’s neither here nor there. But, as I was saying. Years later, a very important day arrived that was integral for all young Saiyans. A day during which a major martial arts tournament was held. Very similar to this world’s Tenkaichi Budokai. This tournament would determine who would be finally be allowed to join the Frieza Force and who would be left behind to train some more. My father had landed from a recent return from a deployment that day and was watching on. He said something about our world being in danger to the higher-ups around this time. I never did find out how the talk went., I didn’t get all the details at the time either, as my father and mother would only speak of it in hushed tones in secret. I was only able to get snippets, at best. Alas, he would turn out to be right. Later on that night, my brother would be put in a pod to be sent to your world as part of Frieza's plans of Galactic conquest. Truth be told, I think father pulled a few strings to get Kakarot this deployment, untrained and at such a young age. I think the “official” reason used was because this planet was considered a very minor threat and the government felt that Kakarot in his infant form could handle the native lifeforms of this world, once the Oozaru Form kicked in via this planet’s moon. Even now, I still don’t know why Kakarot... Goku.... got a deployment at such a young age while I had to wait until I was much older to even make the tryouts to join a Front Line Unit. Why father was so eager to preserve his life, even though he had such a low power level, while I still had to go through legal channels to even get a chance to deploy, let alone succeed at earning such a spot.” Raditz seemed a bit lost in thought for a moment as he took a look in the campfire, his face a mixture of both regret and anger. Realizing that the others were staring him and he had lost his train of thought, he snapped out of it and continued his story. “But, I’m getting off of subject. Let’s just say a lot of things happened that day and leave it that, shall we?”

The others just continued to look on in silence as he took another sip of coffee and went to look into the fire for another moment. He briefly stroked his free hand through his spiky and long hair, as if lost in thought and struggling with the words he would say next. Then again, some old ghosts never went away, and they always complicated matters even further.

Raditz took a deep breath and continued. “As I was saying, I had joined a tournament to get a slot in the Freiza Force. My tag partner for it was none other than Turles, who is now working with Prince Vegeta and has his own squad of soldiers under his command. We had bonded during our time together training at the facility and it was fortuitous that we were put together. We knew the deck was potentially stacked against us during the fight, but Turles had a plan. Long story short, we cheated. We fought dirty. To my great shame, we secretly broke the rules of the tournament in order to ensure our victory and our deployment.”

Some gasped in shock, some murmured and growled and others just looked on at the revealing of this new bit of information. Rainbow Dash merely looked away in shame and Piccolo and Roshi just looked on with a neutral face that showed neither condemnation nor approval. Only in deep contemplation. It would be the sort of face you’d expect from a stone cold killer or a professional International champion at poker.

After the commotion had died down Raditz replied. “While it can be argued there are no rules in a street brawl or total war, which is true, this would come back to haunt us. After we had ‘won’ the tournament, and prior to our first deployment, my father came to see me. He gave me the armband I wear now.” Raditz then pointed to it and looked down upon the ground in shame. He then said. “It was his begrudging way of him showing that he was proud of me Nonetheless, I knew the truth. That it was all built on a lie. Even as unfair as it was that the infant Kakarot was able to get an assignment while still in the cradle it still didn’t change the fact that my deployment was built upon a lie. Soon afterwards, Turles and I got our first assignment. It went well at first. We were doing a good job erm…’liquidizing’ the population.”

The assembled group (sans Piccolo) looked on upon Raditz with anger upon his commenting on his role in the mass extermination of sentient life on a planet. Raditz merely ignored the looks and continued. “I’m not going to ‘honey-coat’ what I was. As I think the saying amongst you Earthlings go. We were warriors and we followed the orders of King Vegeta and Emperor Frieza, you don't need to figure out what the consequence of disobedience would be within our regime. But, as I was saying, things were going well for us, but then we ran into an elite band of warriors amongst their survivors. They curb-stomped us. Hard. Both Turles and I were on the verge of death, it was only the timely arrival of Prince Vegeta and his Royal Bodyguard Nappa that saved me from being killed right then and there. After Vegeta and Nappa mopped up the survivors, I was assigned to them and Turles was left for dead under some rubble. He somehow survived his wounds and would later go on to form his own group of men, and reunited with Prince Vegeta while I was off on other deployments. Ever since that close call, he’s been searching for a new source of power, just so he would never have to suffer that pain and humiliation ever again. I think this may be related to this ‘tree’ Vegeta spoke of upon my Scouter all those months ago. I know I push you hard, Gohan. That I’ve been pushing all of you hard. Often to the brink of King Yemma’s Doorstep, but it’s for a good reason. I know what Vegeta and his troops are capable of. As strong as they are, they will make me look like a walk in the park. And...I know the consequences of cutting corners. Of charging into battle and not being ready physically or mentally for it. Of bypassing steps like the tournament was meant to be. A means of making sure we were physically and mentally capable of handling the harsh realities of combat on the front line. I want to make sure the rest of you don’t make that mistake. All of our lives depend upon it.”

Raditz stood up and poured the rest of his coffee into the fire which caused to to flare up briefly. “Thanks for the coffee Chi-Chi; it was very good.” Raditz said with a deadpan and tired voice as he put the cup down next to the rock he sat upon earlier and went to walk off into the nearby valley.

“Raditz...I...I...didn’t know…” ChiChi started only to be stopped by a comforting hand upon her shoulder, it was her father, the Ox King.

“Let him go ChiChi. Let him go. He needs some time alone. What he told us obviously took a bit out of him. Even the hardest of warriors can break sometimes as you well know. Let him have his privacy for a while.”

ChiChi looked up to his gargantuan dad and sniffed a bit. Okay...dad.”

Master Roshi and Piccolo merely stood by not too far off, deep in contemplation over the recent information revealed to them by Raditz.

“Welp...that was a big drama bomb.” Rainbow Dash replied with her trademark “bite” in her voice.

“EXPOSITION!” Exclaimed Pinkie.

“Girls!” Twilight shot back at the two Equestrians.

“What?” Pinkie asked as she shrugged while Dash took a step back, a rare sight for the Pegasus-turned-Saiyan that rarely backed down from anything.

“Ugh! Nevermind!” Twilight growled at her sometimes dense friends. “Still. I never got to ask you Pinkie, how did you get here? I thought you were training with Kami.”

“Oh, well, I was, but Mr. Popo told me to go train with you guys and gals for a month and come back after that, for the others training at the Lookout training were using me as a crutch! He said the ‘maggots’ should be tougher in about a month. Plus, I got a nasty twitchy-twitch combo on the way over and had to land for a bit. After it wore off, I double-timed it over here even faster after the warning it gave me!”

“Wow, he sounds like my Drill Instructors from Wonderbolts Academy.” Dash added into the conversation.

“Oh. He does put us through the ringer. But he means well...I think,” Pinkie replied back as she put her hand under her chin and pondered her words, and whether she actually meant them or not.

Sometime Yesterday at Kami’s Lookout…

“Wowww…” Krillin said in amazement as he, the other assembled remaining Z-Fighters and the other remaining Elements followed Mr. Popo down a long and dark Hallway that had a large metronome swing back and forth in the distance. All of them except Launch. Who was engaged in other training outside.

“Check it out!” Yamcha exclaimed in turn.

“This place sure looks...fancy.” Applejack replied in turn.

“It could use a good dusting though. It’s absolutely filthy in here!” Rarity commented in turn.

Ignoring the banter and deep in contemplation, Tien asked the one question that was on everyone’s mind. “What is this place?”

Mr. Popo continued to lead them down the dark black and red hallway and closer to the giant metronome, which was near a strange ceremonial circle of some sort. “Here, past, present, and future are mixed. Something you new fighters should have a passing familiarity with.”

“Amazing!” Chiaotzu smiled.

“This is where you will start your time trip.” Mr. Popo continued. “While Goku was here, he did most of his training in this room.”

“Uhm, Mr. Popo? Are you sure this will make us stronger?” Krillin nervously asked.

“Pecking order~!!” Mr. Popo chimed.

“Sorry!” Krillin quickly blurted out.

“Damn right you are!” Mr. Popo continued as everyone shivered at his tone. “Now, stand in this circle, I hope you are all ready.”

“I think we are!” Tien said optimistically as he walked towards the circle while carrying Chiaotzu.

“Yeah!” Exclaimed Yamcha in an attempt to pump himself up and the others.

“Whoo-whee! Let’s do this!” AJ in turn cheered on.

Krillin merely grunted slightly and nodded in grim determination.

“Well...no time like the present…” Rarity nervously replied in turn as she walked into the circle that was made up of strange esoteric symbols.

“Hey guys! Have fun! I’m alotta things but, I’m not a guinea pig-!” Yajirobe started to say until Pinkie picked him up and rushed with him into the circle.

“Oh, don’t be a silly-billy! Time travel is fun!” Pinkie exclaimed as she carried the swordsman over her head and into the circle.

“HEY! STOP THAT! PUT ME DOWN!” Yajirobe exclaimed.

“This circle is set to take you to a planet the Saiyans fought on a century ago. This should help toughen up you maggots for the fight ahead.” Mr. Popo informed the trainees. “I wish you luck in the upcoming battle...you’re going to need it.”

Yajirobe and Krillin both simultaneously gulped nervously at this comment.

“So, we just stand in the circle...like this?” Tien asked. “And the circle will do the rest?”
disturbing amount of glee.

“Wait...wha-?” Aas all Krillin could say as the group was enveloped in a great mass of emerald lightning and disappeared. Mr. Popo merely looked upon the now empty ritual circle and smiled errely in the silence.

Launch huffed heavily under her set of weighted clothes. While they looked the same as the tank-top and daisy dukes she usually wore, they felt much heavier. And yet, Mr. Popo assured here they weren’t as heavy as those wore by the much more experienced Z-Fighters and the “Time Patrollers.” Still, it made things much more...difficult (which was the point).

Still, she was running for her life, for she was fighting a life-size mannequin that looked just like her and was armed with a pair of sub-machine guns. While she wanted to fire back, Mr. Popo insisted that she only engage in fisticuffs in this training exercise. She could hear the bullets “ping” and “ding” as she dove behind one of the Pillars that made up the entrance of Kami’s Lookout. The pillar bought her a brief second to regain her breath, but she knew it wouldn’t hold forever. And nothing stopped the mannequin from changing its position.

It was then that disaster struck...her nose started to itch…

Rarity was terrified. She knew not if she was dead, alive, in Tartarus, or some sort of accursed purgatory or limbo. How she wished she had her beloved couch to faint on! Nearly everyone else seemed to be feeling what she felt to a varying extent (even Applejack seemed to be terrified at what was going on), but Krillin was the closest. As he was the second loudest screamer next to her. But were they screaming? Or was it all in her head? She didn’t know. As terrified as she was, she was grateful Fluttershy wasn’t here. She didn’t know how the timid Majin would handle this Hellish trip.

As usual, the only one that was enjoying this was Pinkie. But, her ability to survive the worst Equestria could throw at her allowed her to be more blase about certain dangers that would rip a normal Equestrian to shreds. Her transformation into a Majin and her recent “absorption” only seemed to exacerbate this even further Still, she wished Pinkie wasn’t so oblivious to how the others were feeling and reacting at the moment. They could use her help about now. But, she didn’t have much time to ponder these things as she soon blacked out and was given a sweet release from the Hellscape of space-time around her.

After who knows how long a period of being in that nightmare realm and blacking out, she awoken to a new place. When she opened her eyes, she was upon the remains of a destroyed world. Devastated ruins of various cylindrical and spherical buildings and cloudy red sky as far as the eye could see.

“Darlings? Did we land or are we still stuck in that accursed Hellscape Popo used to transport us?” Rarity asked as she looked around.

“Awww...it wasn’t that bad.” Pinkie replied.

“Shug, not all of us can take th’ wallopin’ you can.” Applejack half-scolded her.

“Where are we?” Chiaotzu in turn asked.

“I don’t know, but there’s been some serious action around here.” Yamcha added.

“This place has been demolished!” Krillin in turn said.

“Yeah, but it sounds like all the fun is over though.” Tien replied.

“Fun or not shug, somethin’ don’t feel right…” Applejack added.

“Yeah, I’m not getting a doozy, but one of my head tentacles is a bit...itchy.” Pinkie agreed as she scratched the top of her head.

“Shh! Listen!” Tien shushed her as he heard some rustling. It was then that a skeleton clad in body armor stumbled down towards them. The gathered group gasped and eeped in horror. The strobing of a nearby “lighthouse” occasionally broke darkness the dark red sky, adding to the tension.

“Is that a...Saiyan?” Yamcha asked.

“If he was one shug, he ain’t anymore.” Applejack replied.

“Not to mention he doesn’t seem to have the tail either.” Rarity added. “Although I’m not some medical expert like Fluttershy nor a genius like Bluma or Twilight. It could’ve...came off.”

“That is still one spoopy, scary, skellington though!” Pinkie in turn added, nervously chewing on her fingernails as shivers went down her spine. Unfortunately, she got so nervous she ended up chewing off her hands and arms, only for them to grow back and for her to repeat the scene over again. Yajirobe nervously shuddered and in turn and held onto her waist It was around this time that Pinkie started to whistle “Giggle At The Ghosties.”

Applejack smiled a bit remembering how Pinkie used that song to help keep up the spirits of the newly-formed Mane Seven when they went into the Everfree Forest to fight Nightmare Moon. Still, she couldn’t blame Pinkie for being a bit spooked out here. This place seemed much, much worse.

“Listen, I think I hear something!” Tien exclaimed as more sounds of falling debris can be heard in various areas. Breaking the otherwise still silence.

“Hold yer horses shug, that could be anythin’!” Applejack replied. “Pinkie, yer ‘twitchies’ gettin’ worse?”

Pinkie nodded. “My scalp is a bit more itchy, but not by much.”

“Alright, I think someone’s toyin’ with us...but they’re not gonna attack...yet. Everyone get ready-!” Applejack ordered.

“Hey! Who put you in charge!?” Yamacha started to fume at her.

Applejack merely looked at him with one eye open and one half closed and a slight frown that shouted. “You’re kidding me, right?”And then continued with a slightly deadpan voice. “Ya got a better idea? Them Saiyan fellers could pop up from anywhere and we need to be ready fer that.”

“Well no, but-!”

“Then don’t be arguin’ with me none until ya got a better idea!” Applejack shot back, shutting him down. “Pinkie, ah want you and Tien and Yajirobe to take th’ rear! Make sure to constantly look back and check our six at constant, but random intervals! Chaotzu and Krillin, take the middle, one on the left, one on the right! I don’t care who takes what, as long as you’re constantly covering yer respective side! Rarity, you, Yamcha and I are takin’ th’ front! C’mon, let’s go check this place out! Let’s see if yer skill can match yer bravado Yamcha!”

The others fell in line at the positions Applejack asked and followed her. All had varying degrees of concern on their face. Except Yamcha. He now had the face of a man that was more than slightly discontent. He merely grumbled something about “Applesnacks thinks she’s soooo smart…” as they walked off.

“AAH-AAHH-AAAAHHHHH-CHOOO!!!” Launch sneezed as she changed from her blonde to her Raven-haired personality. “Where...where am I?” The ditzy blue-haired beauty asked, her question was answered when a series of bullets came flying to the pillar she was hiding behind. “AHHHH!! Someone help me!” She screeched in terror.

“Have you forgotten so quickly what I taught you?” Mr. Popo replied. “I trained both aspects of your personality the best I could in what little time I’ve had. As did Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha before you came here. I expect you to use it!”

“Tien! TIEN!!!” She screamed out as more bullets pinged off the pillar she was behind.

“Is not helping you.” Popo added. “Everyone is off training and he’s unable to get to you. There is no one to help you.”

“HELP ME POP!!” She screamed.

“No.” He replied back.

“NO!?” She screeched back.

“No. You have become dependant on the others and your other half as a crutch. If things go to worse, they won’t always be around to help you. Nor will I. You must learn to protect yourself, you must defend yourself or die.” He said in a nonchalant fashion.

“So...so this is how it ends.” She sniffed to hersel., “Tien, Chiaotzu, Roshi, Goku, their new friends...is this...goodbye?”

She thought back to all the things she’s been through throughout the past five to ten years (at least what this half of her personality could remember). Her first meeting with Goku, Krillin, and Roshi. The adventures she went on with them, first seeing Tien and Emperor Chiaotzu at the tournament, seeing Tien coming to terms with the “death” of his Sensei’s brother, Mercenary Tao and him turning his back on his assassin roots. Him later on being forced to go toe-to-toe with his former friend, now a Cyborg aligned with the Red Ribbon Army. Finding out what mess his worse half had now gotten her into after helping Goku rescue his son and meeting his new friends from...somewhere else.

All this...gone.

“NO!” Barked out a familiar voice in her head.

“Wait...what?” She asked herself.

“NO!” The voice angrily yelled at her again. “Youze suck this up right now and get out dere! I’m not tha only ‘ere trainin’! Youze been training too! Now suck it up, put your big girl pants on and get out dere! Quit depending on me and Tien as a stinkin’ crutch! Take some damn responsibility for once in your life...as I’ve been forced to do. I mean, dat Fluttershy lady’s been showin’ more spine than you!”

“Okay...I’ll...I’ll try.” She nervously thought to the familiar entity that was speaking to her.

“No...youze gonna do it or youze gonna not. Dere’s no try!” The grouchy and angry voice replied back in its typical bowery drogue.

“Right! I’ll do it!” She said aloud as an unusual degree of determination came through in her voice. Unusual for her, anyway.

'All right, think Launch, think!' She thought to herself as she looked around. It was then that she saw a nearby piece of marble that had broke off of the pillar.

She then finally had a plan.

Gritting her teeth she leaped forward with a high-pitched scream that would even give Fluttershy a run for her money in sheer girlyness. But stuff like that didn’t mattered, only results. As she leapt off to the side, the mannequin continued to fire at her. Somehow, she managed to avoid getting hit. She rolled forward, grabbed the rock and threw it towards the mannequin. The mannequin then took a ding to the side of the head that distracted her long enough to run to a nearby coconut tree in the garden. She ran up the side of it as the carbon copy of her dark half started firing at her yet again. When she finally got to the top, she quickly started to grab and throw some coconuts at the mannequin, hitting it in the hands and knocking the firearms in the hands.

“TIEN!! THIS IS FOR YOU!!” She cried out as she jumped from the top of the tree onto the mannequin. She then started to release a series of chain punches onto the face of the mannequin. The automaton tried the best it could to block the blows, but it couldn’t block them all. It even threw a few punches back, but it was finally starting to show signs of damage, particularly around it’s cracked face.

“THIS IS FOR TIEN!” she shouted as she whaled onto the golem’s face.

“AND THIS IS FOR EMPEROR CHIAOTZU!!” She continued as he landed another punch to it’s face.

“An’ this is for... Goku... and Krillin... and Roshi!” She huffed as she started to pound it’s face and other parts of it’s chest into wood kindling and splinters.

She then grunted as she slowly got up and charged her ki. She huffed and puffed as she picked she dragged it over to the edge of the lookout.

And this…!” She grunted as she heaved it over her head.

“IS...FOR...ME!” She gasped as she threw it off the Lookout with one triumphant heave.

“You know. It is so nice to have you visit.” Korin replied to Puar as they both took a sip of tea, “I mean, as a cat, there are just certain things you can’t talk about to-”

“What was that?” Puar asked as the mannequin flew by Korin’s Tower.

“Looks like one of Popo’s training dummies.” Korin said as he put down a cup from a traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony Kit. He then signed and said resignedly, “We better go down to the village below and make sure that dern thing didn’t hit anyone.”
“Okay.” Puar agreed with a nod as he went to go help put the tea set away.

“I...I can’t believe it! I won! I ACTUALLY...WON! I...I-OW!!!” She winced in pain, reaching down to feel her abdomen, she found her hand covered in blood. It was then that she noticed a few bullet holes in her stomach area.

“Heh...I guess I should’ve practiced Iron Shirt more. Still...Tien...he’d be...he’d be...pr-” Was all she could finish as she fell over.

“I knew you had it in you.” Popo smiled as he flew over and picked her up. “I better get you to Kami before you bleed out. And I better go check on the village below to make sure they didn’t get hurt by my training dummy.” He said as he carried her back inside. “Still, you’re helping me clean up this mess when you get better. I hope I can find some spare Senzu Beans inside or Korin will lend me some, or that my bottle of Dit Da Jao I have inside hadn’t expired yet...or the Neosporin.”

Popo then started to sing, “Neooo~da da da da dunnn!!!! Sporin! Na na na na na naaaa~!!!!!”

“Man! What a battle this must’ve been!” Yamcha replied as he looked around at the proverbial potter’s field that surrounded him. “Look at all these ruins! Too bad we missed all the action!”

“Mr. Popo must be off on his calculations.” Tien pondered aloud.

“Heh! You sound just like Twi! But no...tentacles still itchy! There must be some folks up to no good around here somewhere!” Pinkie corrected.

“You’re lucky Roshi’s not here. He’d probably say something messed up about that.” Yajirobe added as he climbed up on a nearby rock to get a better look around.

“As Applejack said earlier, we better stay sharp.” Tien added, “And we better stay close together too.”

“Don’t worry about me!” Yamcha bragged as he pointed towards himself with his thumb. “I can take a Saiyan on with both of my hands tied behind my back!”

“I’ll make sure to tell Twi an’ Dash that when we git back shug.” Applejack replied with a semi-sardonic and semi-deadpan tone and a downward curved half-frown of annoyance on her face.

Little did they know that there were two such Saiyans spying upon them from the shadows in a nearby crevice. “Their total fighting power is about 3,000.” Said the shorter of the two as he scanned them with his scouter.

“Hmmm...that might be a challenge, but nothing we can’t handle. Should be fun at least.” Replied the taller one. “We’ve already spooked them a bit, so they should be a bit off during the fight.”

“Let’s go have some fun.” Smirked the shorter one as they both teleported away in a brief flash of green ki.

“We might as well go back,” Tien replied as they walked down another city block.

“But how do we get back?” Krillin asked.

“Good point. Mr. Popo didn’t tell us that.”

“Well, we are Time Patrollers.” AJ added, maybe we can find a portal around here somewhere or Pinkie can use her own abilities to make us a-”

While they were discussing this, Chiaotzu came up to a broken display window and looked at a strange visored helmet. Some random symbols showed up on the visor and it made the all too familiar beeping noise that came from a Saiyan Scouter. Chiaotzu eeped in horror and jumped back a bit from the beeping and lit up helm.

“Uhm...guys…” Pinkie replied as her tentacles started to flop back and forth.

“Chiaotzu! Get away from that thing!” Tien fussed at young friend.

“Guys…” Pinkie continued as she started to shake around while floating in mid air.

“Yes, that icky thing looks like it’s covered in pure tetanus!” Rarity added in disgust.

While they were distracted, the helmet melted away to show the face of one of the Saiyans following them. While not an exact copy, he had long and spiky hair similar to Raditz.

“Guys. I’m really starting to get a bad case of the Twitchy-!” Pinkie started to say before Chiaotzu interrupted her.

“You’re not my dad, Tien!” Chiaotzu fussed at him. “You don’t tell me what to-AHHHH!!”

It was then that the Saiyan flew out from the display, crashed through the store’s front wall, and grabbed Chiaotzu by the back of the head. The Saiyan chuckled while the others looked on in horror as he picked up Chiaotzu.

“Tien!!! Help me!!!” Chaiotzu pleaded.

“Chiaotzu!” Tien yelled out as the Saiyan chuckled with malice.

“Let me go!” Chiaotzu fumed as he swung his arms and legs about futilely.

“Let him go...now!” Pinkie growled as she drew two pieces of goop from her body that formed into swords.

“Heh...and why should I?” The Saiyan asked.

“Because, I asked you nice-” It was then Pinkie was blown back by a triangular ki blast similar to the Kikoho.

“Hang on Pinkie!” Applejack yelled as she ran after her, some of the other group turned to look at the source of the blast to find another Saiyan. He was shorter and balding on top, but still had hair on the sides and back of his head. He too chuckled evilly as he looked upon his handiwork as he walked up beside his fellow Saiyan and grinned wickedly at the partial group of Z-Warriors and Elements of Harmony.

The taller one proceeded to chuckle more and started to tighten his grip around Chiaotzu's head. He then used both his natural strength and ki to simultaneously crush his skull and cook the innards of it at the same time as Chiaotzu cried out in pain and terror.

The taller Saiyan simply started to laugh maniacally at the great sport he was having.

“Chiaotzu!” Tien then yelled out in horror as he unceremoniously threw Chiaotzu into a nearby ravine where a part of a bridge used to be. Chiaoztu was plummeting down several stories towards the rocky and debris-covered ground below as the collected band of Z-Fighters and Elements yelled in terror.

All except one.

Pinkie flew into action and leapt into the Ravine below, after a few brief seconds, she had flown back up with Chiaotzu in her arms and handed him over to Tien.

“Chiaotzu...please be okay.” Tien sniffed as he held him.

Pinkie then growled angrily at the Saiyans, drew back out her swords and slowly walked towards the malicious pair of aliens.

“What? Did I do something to tick you off lady?” The taller Saiyan mocked with a grin.

“Yes, the tourists seems to be less than thrilled with us, Sprout.” The other one mocked in turn.

“Well, if they are tourists...perhaps we should give them the tour.” The lead Saiyan added.

“Yes...a tour straight to Hell!” The shorter one added.

“I was just thinking simply a tour around Planet Vegeta with them constantly kissing the concrete, but that works as well.”Tthe taller one replied.

“No thanks...I met the natives of Hell a while back.” Pinkie growled as her hair started to flop downwards and lose their puffiness, “Their manners and hospitality were about as bad as yours.”

“Heh, the kitten’s got claws.” The taller of the Saiyans added. "Are they actually used for something or are you all talk-”

It was then that Pinkie teleported in front of them and stabbed each of them in the gut.

“If you’re going to fight, fight...don’t talk." She growled whispered as she leaned over to look them in the face. “Oh, and messing with a kid. Congratulations, you found my rage button. Enjoy.” The two saiyans just stared at Pinkie in shock and surprise, as she then performed an extra twist into their guts with both swords, and then threw them off into a nearby pile of rocks, brick, and scrap metal, as if they were mere bits of loose meat being shook off of a butcher’s knife. Or a master swordswoman shaking offal off of her blade before wiping it down and putting it back in her sheathe.

Pinkie angrily and sadly looked over towards Tien and Chiaotzu. “Tien, you mind giving me a hand with the tall one? I’ll let the rest of you take on the short-stack.”

Tien solemnly nodded and walked up next to her, she then quickly whispered into his ear. “Be careful Tien. These guys are fast.”

Tien nodded again in agreement.

“Heh heh heh...so you did come looking for a fight!” The shorter one chuckled as he coughed up a bit of blood, “Good! We were getting pretty bored!”

“C’mon c’mon! Focus!” Yamcha grumbled to himself as he put his hand up to summon a ball of Ki, Applejack in turned copied the same motion and summoned her own ball of Ki, Rarity had done her own hand motions as she summoned a series of smaller balls of ki on the fingertips of one of her hands, and Krillin had put his hands together to charge up the signature attack of the Turtle Hermit School. As they were preparing to attack the shorter one, the taller one faced off against the duo of Pinkie Pie and Tien. Yajirobe drew out his sword to protect Chiaotzu's body as the others prepared to face off against their respective opponents.

“Oh... I knew I should’ve brought some Senzu Beans! I knew it!” Yajirobe said to himself in deep regret.

“That was pretty good. You actually made me bleed a bit.” Sprout replied as he was circled by Tien and Pinkie, “But it still won’t be enough to stop me.” Tien just growled and grunted as he got down into a squatting position, crossed his arms together and made multiple copies of himself. These copies then went a step further and grew an extra pair of arms. Pinkie in turn followed this up by only making two copies of herself. She had learned from her own past fights with Raditz and Piccolo the downsides of making too many copies.

“Be careful...don’t overtax yourself.” Pinkie said to Tien in a low growl.

“I’m not letting him...get away with this…” One of the Tien’s growled back as he panted and sweated under the stress of using two such powerful techniques simultaneously. Sprout merely chuckled at them as he held one hand onto his reddened and bloodied stomach. Applejack and Yamcha both ceased their ki attacks at once and they flew around the shorter Saiyan in various directions at high speed.
The bald and short Saiyan scratched the scar on his face with his free hand and mocked them. “What are you going to do with those, tickle me to death?”

“NOW!” AJ shouted out as she and Yamcha brought both of their ki blasts down towards the trash talking warrior.

“Bullet Ballet!” Rarity yelled out as she threw her own ki blasts into the scrum at a arc.

“KAMEHAMEHAAAA!!” Krillin in turn yelled out as he pressed the collection of ki spheres into their opponent with his own ki blast.

As this was going on, the various copies of Pinkie and Tien in turn let off their own Ki Blasts. Pinkie’s clones merely fired off beams from their mouth while the Tien doubles used both sets of arms to fire off Tri-Beams.

“KIKOOOO-HOOOO!!” Tien and his copies yelled out in unison.

When the debris cleared, there were two massive chasms where the Saiyans had once been. “Chiaotzu...you’ve been avenged, my friend.” Tien said sadly as he doubles started to reform into his original being.

“I dunno. Both of my knees are now pinching me along with my itchy tentacle scalp. We need to make sure the job is finished.” The now recombined Pinkie said through gritted teeth as she went up to one of the holes, her swords drawn.

It was then that they heard the echoes of sadistic laughter from all around them.

“Rrrrrr...these beings are tough. Even after being gutted.” Pinkie murmured as she looked around.

“It’s amazing how much Pinkie has changed.” Applejack thought to herself as she looked around, “I just hope it’s not all for the worst.”
Yajirobe and Krillin nervously shuddered and whimpered as they put themselves back to back of each other in an attempt to protect each other.

The tall one jumped out of one of the holes, flew up in mid-air and suddenly teleported away.

“He disappeared!” Tien exclaimed.

“No he didn’t!” Applejack exclaimed. “Remember your training! Try to sense his Ki!”

It was then the other Saiyan popped his hands out of the ground and dragged Krillin and Yajirobe down below, they both screamed in terror as they sunk into the earth below.

“Krillin! Yajirobe!” the others yelled as they ran up to the newly-formed hole.

The other surrounded it and looked on in shock and terror as they heard Krillin and Yajirobe cry out in pain, misery, and fear as they were beaten senseless by the two Saiyans below.

“Oh God...this can’t possibly get any worse!” Krillin echoed from down below.

"You had to say it, didn't you?" Groaned Yajirobe.

“Hiii~!!!!!” Mr. Popo replied from the same chasm.

“AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Krillin and Yajirobe both screamed out in terror.

“A-are they immortal!?” Yamcha stammered aloud.

“No...if they bleed. We can kill them. They’re not unkillable monsters, but mere men.” Pinkie glowered as she leapt into the chasm below, “No...I’ll show them what a real monster is capable of.”

“Pinkie wait!” Yamcha yelled as he watched her leap below.

“Wow...I haven’t seen Pinkie this serious.” Rarity replied, “At least, not since that fight with Garlic Jr.”

“What can I say shug, she’s developed a real soft spot fer kids since her time raisin’ th’ Cake twins.” Applejack quickly added. “Form up, we’re going in after…!”

It was then that she was interrupted by a series of screams from below, this time by the Saiyans, followed up by a series of Ki blasts and the sounds of sharpened steel hitting armor, bone, and flesh, followed up by yet more yelling from the Saiyans. Then a large, earth-shaking pink explosion came up from the chasm which caused the surrounding martial artists to temporarily take a step back in surprise, shock, and horror. This would be the first (but not the last) time they would see what happens when a Majin is fully enraged.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA~!!!!” Mr. Popo laughed on back in the Pendulum Room as he watched the mayhem going on below.

While he did not expect the drill to turn out this way (in fact, he expected the trainees to be an outright total party wipe), he was still presently surprised at the bloodbath taking place before him.

Then, the battlefield was dead quiet once again.

As it was when they first arrived.

After a few brief and tense moments, two copies of Pinkie Buu floated up. One was carrying the bloodied, burned, and gashed up remains of the two Saiyans (which looked more like the remains of victims from one of those “Jason” films Rainbow Dash sometimes watched in her downtime), and the other was carrying the limp bodies of Krillin and Yajirobe. As she did so, the other Z-Fighters and Elements gathered around her. A grief-stricken Tien carrying the remains of Chiaotzu.

“Stick a fork in ‘em... they’re done.” One of the Pinkie’s growled as she threw their remains onto the ground, she then spat out a bit of purple blood from her mouth and wiped her mouth off with one of her hands. The others just looked on dumbfounded and shocked at how quickly and easily she took out the two Saiyans, as well as the major personality shift within her.

“Enough games Popo... we're going home… NOW!! I know you can hear me you stinkin’ tool!” the other Pinkie yelled out to the heavens above.

“I never expected you to be the sort to tire of games. And, you have a lot of nerve telling me what to do... I like that.” The echoey voice Mr. Popo replied from somewhere up in the sky. “Very well then. Several maggots to beam up!”

And just as they arrived, the trainees disappeared in a flash of Emerald lightning.

When they awoke again, they were back in the Pendulum Room, with Kami and Mr. Popo looking on.

“I’m... alive!?” Krillin replied in shock as he felt along his body.

“T-Tien?” Chiaotzu asked nervously as he looked up to his old friend, legal guardian, advisor, and sparring partner.

“Chiaotzu!” Both Pinkie and Tien exclaimed in joy as they picked him up and hugged them. Pinkie’s old poofiness returned to her collection of head tentacles as tears of joy poured down her eyes. Tien was trying his best to compose himself, but there was a bit of glistening around the edges of his eyes as well.

“Oh yeah... just ignore me." Yajirobe started to sulk as he sat down and crossed his arms. "Forget the fact that I died out there too!”

“Awww now... don’t you be frettin’ none like that now Mr. Yajirobe!” Applejack said as she playfully punched the side of his arm. “We're glad yer okay too!”

“Thanks. Nice to know at least someone here appreciates me.” Yajirobe said back with a degree of gratitude of his voice, even though bitterness still showed upon his face as he turned his face away from the rest of the group and stuck his chin in the air.

“W-what happened? How are we still alive Kami?” Krillin asked.

“Your actual bodies remained here. This summoning circle made ‘dream-bodies’ for you as you travelled into the past.”

“That’d be a nifty ability I wish we had.” Applejack commented in turn.

“I’m afraid that special ability only works in this room and nowhere else in the world.” Kami continued.

“You all did well. You fought valiantly against a powerful enemy.” Kami stated.

“Congratulations. You survived your first test. So, how was it?” Mr. Popo asked.

“It was...horrible.” Tien retorted

“I must warn you the two lead Saiyans that are on their way to Earth are twice as powerful as those two. And that doesn’t include the other two subordinate Saiyans and the other soldiers that are accompanying them.” Kami warned them.

The assembled group went dead silent upon hearing this announcement. Pinkie alone looked upon Popo and Kami with grim determination in her face.

“Those meanie-pants were really tough, even though I didn’t let it show earlier.” Pinkie thought to herself. “I’m going to have to up my A-game if I’m going to keep Gohan and the others safe. This is going to have to call for some extreme measures...‘Pinkie Pie Style!’”

“Tw-twice as strong!?” Yamcha exclaimed, “Are you sure about that!?”

Kami merely nodded as the horrid truth set in. “I can certainly understand if any of you want to back out of continuing this deal. Believe me.” Kami continued, “There would be no dishonor in doing so.”

“Speak for yourself, Kami.” Mr. Popo snarked.

Kami just looked at him for a brief moment with a frown and a sigh and continued. “But, if you must leave, then go now. For there will be no looking back from this point forward.”

“Oooohhh... a time pun! Clever!” Pinkie added as she temporarily broke her serious demeanor to enjoy a bit of humor.

“Um...yes. A time pun. Clever me...I guess.” Kami said as he went on with his speech, “So, what is your decision?”

“Wouldn’t miss it!” Yamcha said after a few brief moments showing off a sense of arrogance and bravado that Rainbow Dash would be proud of.

“Me neither!” Tien added.

“I’m in!” Added Chiaotzu who was now on Pinkie’s shoulder.

“Me too!” Exclaimed Krillin.

“We’ve gone too far to stop now, darling! Even if I do hate getting my fingernails dirty.” Rarity agreed as she gave her fingernails a quick look-over.

“In fer a bit, in fer a bushel.” Applejack agreed as she cracked her knuckles.

“Well...the food is free, so why not?” Yajirobe said with a shrug.

“Yes indeedy! When we’re done training, those Saiyans won’t know what hit them!” Pinkie agreed as she smashed a fist into her other open hand.

“It’s settled then! We’ll stay in here and train 24/7 if we need to to get ready for them!” Yamcha agreed with grim resolution as he cracked his knuckles. “We’ll beat those Saiyans! You’ll see!”

“Yeah!! Ha ha!” Krillin cheered on in agreement.

“Good... because you’re going baaaack!” Mr. Popo said with a smile.

“Thank you Sir, may I have another?” Pinkie Pie growled at Mr. Popo with a mocking smile on her face.

“Wait, what?” Krillin asked Pinkie as they teleported away.

“Where did you send them now, Mr. Popo?” Kami asked as they teleported away.

“I’ll tell you where they’re not...safe.” Mr. Popo answered Mr. Kami in reply.

Mr. Kami merely shrugged and replied. “Keep an eye on the trainees for me, I got to go check on Launch. The sooner we can get her patched up, the sooner we can get her back to training. If she’s still feeling off, I'll go downstairs to Korin’s and see if he’s willing to lend some more Senzu Beans. And do remind me to dig up an old sack of gold coins from storage somewhere to cover the damages for the village below, will you?”

“Yeah... he put us through the ringer quite a bit.” Pinkie told the Ox King, Twilight, Roshi, Spike, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash as they watched Gohan engage in a three on one match against ChiChi, Raditz, and Piccolo. Icarus was resting his head in Spike’s lap as the dragon took a nap.

“Hey mom! Take it easy on me!” Gohan exclaimed as he dodged a flying kick from her.

“Easy nothing! You’re going to train as hard as you study, got that!?” She fumed at him.

“DODGE!!” Piccolo yelled in turn as he brought his hand down in a karate chop. Gohan barely got out of the way in time as Piccolo split a boulder that was right behind him in half.

“Dangit Gohan! Keep your eye...on the birdie!” Raditz yelled at him as he threw a Ki Blast towards Gohan.

“AHHHH!!” Gohan yelled as he was knocked off his feet by the explosion.

Pinkie continued as they watched the par in front of him. “But as I was saying, Mr. Popo thought my presence was making things ‘too easy’ for the others, as I was doing a lot of the heavy lifting for the group. So, he sent me back here to train with you guys for a while.”

“Speaking of recent arrivals,” Twilight added. “Master Roshi, is your sister Baba able to track the Saiyans and the other aliens heading over?”

“Hmmm...I afraid not. Last I spoke to her, she said they still weren't close enough for her to track with her crystal ball.” Roshi said with a slight degree of regret. “I’m afraid we’re just going to have to hope that we’re still on schedule and they will still show up on the estimated date...or better still, they will be delayed.”

“Hmmm... Raditz did say the Crusher Corps ship was a bit of an energy hog due to it’s size.” Twilight pondered out loud. “And that maintenance wasn’t cheap either. Nor was it particularly fast as it was more along the lines of a heavily armed and armored troop transport than a patrol ship. I’m hoping that between them having to refuel, scrambling for bits to keep it operational, and it’s lack of speed that it might buy us a bit more time. It’s not much to go on, but it’s better than nothing. A fool’s hope perhaps, but still one nonetheless.”

“Hmmm...the year will be gone before you know it. We’re going to have to bring Goku back somewhat soon.” Roshi added. “I hope your hypothesis is correct. I know I for one am looking forward to finding out what he learned from King Kai in the other dimension.”

“Don’t candy coat it Roshi!” Pinkie shouted at him, her outburst caught everyone off-guard-even the fighters. It even made them suddenly stop the melee to listen in.

“Raa!?” Icarus meeped out as he snapped out of his slumber.

“Goku died...and I had a hand in it! Sure...Piccolo had a grudge due to the death of his father. A debt that I hope has been repaid now. And one that he won’t pass on to Goku’s son whom he’s now training! But I...I...liked Goku. I really did. I barely got to know him, but I genuinely liked him.” Pinkie sniffled a bit and continued. “He...he reminded me a bit of myself...you know? Loved to have fun...enjoyed life...liked a good meal. But...I ended that. I didn’t mean to, but I did.”

“Pinkie...I’m not mad at you any more….” Gohan told the Majin as he walked up to her. “I know you didn’t mean to do what you did. Not after all we’ve been through together. I’m not even mad at Mr. Piccolo any more, his debt has been paid off, he’s assured me of that. His revenge has been had, and my father will soon return. There’s...there’s no need to be…!”

“Save it!” Pinkie said with tears in her eyes. “I’m going to Capsule Corps to get the radar. As you said, we’re nearly at our time limit. We need to bring him back soon. I don’t care who’s doing the wish, but one of us has to, I’m gathering the Dragonballs and I’m going to make sure that I’m there when Goku gets back, to apologize.”

Twilight nodded and said to Pinkie. “I understand. Go. Be sure to give us a ring on the Scouter if you need us.”

Pinkie just nodded back before she flew off at lightning speed into the distant horizon.

What’s this? Has Pinkie finally grown tired of waiting for Goku’s return!? Has she still not come to terms with her hand in causing Goku’s death? Let us hope the consequences won’t be too dire as the Supreme Kai of Time warned her of the dangers of holding on to guit! Will she be able to find all the Dragonballs in time? Will anyone be attempting to thwart her plans? If so, who? And if they do, will the others be able to arrive in time to help her? Find out all this and more next time on...MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!

Next time on “My Little Pony: Xenoverse” Pinkie begins her search for the Dragonballs! While this takes place, training continues at Kami’s Lookout and elsewhere as the Z-Fighters and Elements of Harmony train to get up to fighting shape! Will they be ready in time or will Vegeta and his Crusher Corps prove to be an unstoppable force!? And what of Goku? Will King Kai’s Training be enough to defeat the invaders? And, will Goku be capable of sharing his knowledge and skills with others? And what of the Time Distortions? Will the Supreme Kai of Time and Trunks be able to contain them long enough, so our heroes can focus on defeating Vegeta and his squad of elite soldiers? Find out all this and more next time on…MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!

Author's Note:

“Hey there it’s Tom!” Announced a certain famous and blue robot mascot. “This story is something else huh?” He exclaimed as he went up to the chair of his spaceship, pressed a few buttons and watched a few scenes from the battle with Garlic Jr. “It’s like a combination of the cuteness of Hamtaro with the action of the Dragonball Franchise.” Tom continued. “And somehow it’s managed to work. But the makers of this story can’t do it alone. So, they told me to thank you, the fans. And, don't worry. Despite the long hiatus, more action is on it’s way!”

[Incoming message!] Replied the ship computer.

“From who?” Tom asked.

[From Pinkie Pie Buu, Sir.] The computer replied back.

Tom planted his helmeted head in his palm, sighed, and ordered resignedly. “Put her on screen.”

“Ooh ooh! Is this on!?” Pinkie Pie buu asked excitedly.

“Yes, yes you’re on.” Tom answered her as a screen came down showing her face.

“Well, I heard you were talking to our fans, so I just had to come on to thank them for following us!” Pinkie exclaimed as she shot confetti all over the place with her party cannon.

“But, I already did that for you…” Tom told her.

“Well then, consider this a super-duper-ooper double thank you from us to you, the fans!” Pinkie exclaimed as she fired off another round of confetti with her party cannon.

“Yes, and stay tuned for more action from this show and others here on-”

“FIMFICTION.NET!!!” Pinkie interrupted.

“It’s rude to interrupt people, Pinkie.” Tom lightly scolded.

“Sorry!” Pinkie quickly apologized with a slight blush and a big sheepish grin.

