• Published 18th Apr 2016
  • 915 Views, 20 Comments

Voodoo That Zebras Do - Stratocaster

Dark magic and high-stakes bayou adventure await Zecora and her friends.

  • ...

A Letter From Home

Voodoo That Zebras Do

by Stratocaster

Chapter 1: A Letter From Home

"Rrrrrrrrrgh!...Come ooooooooon!"

Rainbow Dash sat with her forehead pressed against her mailbox in desperation. She hoped deep down that somehow her subscription would arrive if she wished hard enough. But sadly, the newest issue was nowhere in sight, and she began to lose hope. Rainbow lied down in a slump on her yard made of cloud and gave a loud groan of disdain.

"Rainbow, stop torturing yourself." Twilight Sparkle flew up next to her. "The next Daring Do novel isn't going to come any faster just by moping around."

"But Twilight, it's been three months since the last issue!" griped Rainbow. "Daring's always been able to crank out those books like hotcakes, and she's never had a hiatus this long. If she doesn't release anything new, I'll fly myself into a fan!"

"Quit overreacting." Twilight roller her eyes. "You know how busy Daring is. If you're so anxious to get the next book, why don't you just write a letter to Daring herself and ask what's going on?"

"Me? Write something?" scoffed Rainbow. "Am I not already enough of an egghead by reading?"

"Then just dictate a letter to Spike, like you did with all your journals to Princess Celestia."

"Well alright." Rainbow sulked as she stood and flapped her wings. "But that just means I'll have more to wait from her. I don't know what I'll do if I hear that Daring Do won't be able to publish a new book."

"You should just do what I do when waiting for a new edition of a series," said Twilight. "Write a fan fiction!"

"Fan fiction?" sneered Rainbow as she began to leave. "What kind of loser do you take me for, Twilight?"


Rainbow flew over to Friendship Castle trying to think of the right words for Daring Do, trying hard not to sound insulting despite her enraged impatience. Before she could open the door as she landed, a frisbee flew out of the open window next to the entrance. Hesitant, Rainbow opened the door to see Spike ordering Twilight's pet owl.

"Fetch!" said Spike as he pointed out the window.

"Hoot?" Owlowiscious cocked his head.

"Come on, we've been doing this for hours!" urged Spike. "Every self-respecting pet should be able to fetch! Now fetch!"

"Hoot hoot!" the owl replied, still with a vacant look in is eyes.

"Oh you stupid bird!" grumbled Spike. "I thought you were supposed to be wise!"

"Ha! Are you seriously trying to teach Owlowiscious dog tricks?" chuckled Rainbow.

"Don't mock me, Rainbow!" the dragon crossed his arms. "I've been so bored lately! Twilight has been trying to find books that-"

"Stop, already bored." Rainbow interrupted rudely. "I need you to take a letter to Daring Do for me."

Spike glowered. "Oh joy! Taking ponies' letters! Like I never get enough of that in a day! You have a pair of perfectly working wings, why don't you just go talk to A.K. Yearling yourself?"

"First off, you are not worthy to call my hero by her real name; if you do again, I will throttle you." Rainbow replied. "Second, I'm not flying all the way out to that forest outside of Vanhouver. And third, there's no telling if she'll actually be home because she's always on the move. So will you just do this for me?"

Stubbornly, Spike turned away and extended his claw to her. "Pay up."

"What?!" she scoffed.

"You heard me, I'm charging for letters from now on!" he said. "I'm not your personal secretary."

"You have got to be joking."

"Five bits please, or no Daring Do for you."

Rainbow finally sighed. "Fine!" She placed five coins in the purple claw.

Spike nibbled on one of the bits to see that it was not fake, then procured a parchment and quill. "Alright, fire away."

"Ahem, 'Hiya Daring Do!'" she began. "No wait, um, 'What's up, Double D?' No not that. How about 'Hey Big Sis!' No wait, that sounds a little too desperate."

"Get on with it!"

"Okay okay! 'Dear Daring Do, it's me again, Rainbow Dash! I know you're a busy gal, but I haven't seen any new books from you yet. Or any news from you at all come to think of it. I was just wondering if you've still got a new story coming out soon, you know, not to sound too desperate. If you could let me know what you're up to and all, I would really appreciate that. And remember, you're still the most awesome writer ever! Your biggest fan, R.D. Dictated but not read.'"

With a flick of his quill, Spike finished the letter and rolled up the parchment. He took in a big inhale and let loose a breath of green fire across it, casting the spell to send the letter to the addressed recipient. "Well, that's my fun for today." He shrugged. "I guess I'll go get my frisbee back." Suddenly, Spike halted as he felt a rumble in his gut. Just as soon as he sent the letter to Daring Do, he belched a waft of green flame which spat out another rolled up letter into his hand.

Rainbow lit up with excitement. "Oh my gosh! She replied immediately!"

"I'll never know how ponies do that." Spike said as he recoiled from the indigestion. He then took a closer look at the scroll he had received. "Uh, Rainbow, I don't think this letter is from Daring Do." He held up the scroll which, instead of yellowish parchment, was a brown and coarse material of paper.

Rainbow took the message and read the address attached to the string. "This letter is only meant for the eyes of...Zecora?" she looked in surprise. "Since when do you get letters for Zecora?"

"I don't know!" shrugged Spike. "I've never even sent any letters for her."

"Well that was a tease." Rainbow's ears deflated.

As the two looked at the mysterious letter to Zecora together, Twilight entered the castle. "Hi Rainbow, did you send your letter off to Daring Do yet?"

"Yes, but I don't know how long until she replies." Rainbow said. "But Spike did get a letter for Zecora."

"Zecora?" Twilight looked curiously. "That's odd. Spike, do you know who could have sent that?"

"No idea, Twi," said Spike. "There's no return address."

"Well we can't just hold onto somepony else's mail," said Twilight as she turned back to the door. "Let's go deliver it to her."

"I'll come too," said Rainbow. "It'll probably beat waiting by the mailbox again." She paused for a moment to think. "Hang on. Spike, have you received anything from Daring Do from your fire breath?"

"Do you want my stomach to explode?" glowered Spike as he took an antacid.


Zecora sat in complete silence in the grass outside her hut as she relaxed her body and kept her eyes shut. An unseen energy seemed to stir in the Everfree Forest as she channeled her zebra magic in a meditative state. In front of her, a group of smoothed round stones slowly levitated and landed on top of each other in perfectly balanced stacks. Twilight, Rainbow and Spike watched the wise zebra in awe as they entered her property.

"Uh, what's going on?" asked Rainbow.

"Shhh," Twilight replied. "She's in zen mode."

"Zen mode?" Rainbow looked at Twilight. "What are you talking about? Let's just wake her and-"

"Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike my friends," spoke Zecora, appearing behind them. "Is there a reason for disturbing my zen?"

"Oh jeez! How'd she do that?!" startled Rainbow.

"Sorry about that, Zecora." Twilight showed her the crunchy brown scroll. "But Spike received a letter for you."

Zecora took the scroll and examined the rough material. "This brown paper is for me? From my foalhood home this could only be." She carefully unraveled the paper and only read a bit of the letter before gasping. "I recognize this hoofwriting right away. This letter is from my mother, it is clear as day!"

"Your mother? That's really sweet, Zecora!" smiled Twilight. "I didn't know you were still in touch with-"

Zecora quickly crumpled up the already wrinkled paper and tossed into the brush with an irritated look.

Twilight's mouth hung agape. "Zecora, what are you doing?!"

"I am sorry for all the confusion, my dear," said Zecora looking away. "But from my mother I never want to hear."

"I smell origins!" Rainbow said with intrigue.

"Really? I don't see any growing." Spike looked around.

"What could you possibly have against your mother, Zecora?" asked Twilight.

Zecora only wanted to retreat back into her hut and ignore the issue. But still she knew that confiding in her friends was the better option. She gave a low sigh and explained to them. "Zaria and I were very close long ago. It was her who taught me everything I know. She raised me near Port-au-Prance in a swampy town, and to me the ways of zebra magic she passed down. But things started to change when I became a young mare, and my mother's teachings became too much to bear. She taught me about voodoo and the sinister way of bringing the dead back to the light of day. She said she wished to protect me from the dark side of spells, but it was all just too frightening, and my trust in her fell. Ever since, I left my home to help the pony kind. But I still think about the life I left behind. My mother wishes me to return and I would gladly go. I always loved her very much but...now I just do not know."

Spike sniffed as he wiped a tear. "That was beautiful!"

"So you won't make peace with your mother because she wanted to teach you dark magic?" spoke Twilight. "Zecora that's just absurd! I would never have thought you would hold such a grudge."

"Young princess, you do not understand the dark zebra magic." Zecora replied. "Voodoo is a powerful curse, and its results are quite tragic. It involves manipulation and raising the dead. I refuse to go into detail, enough said."

"Won't you at least read what she wrote you?" asked Twilight.

Zecora sulked then turned away stubbornly. "If you wish to know, then read aloud. I'm afraid I am too proud."

Twilight retrieved the discarded letter and unfurled the old paper. "'My dearest daughter Zecora, I understand if you are still upset with me. It has been many years and I have not heard from you. But I can still sense your aura and I am happy to know that you are fine. But I am afraid that life back home has taken a dark turn. I sense that there is a zebra among our village who is practicing voodoo. Their aura is filled with malcontent. I must investigate before this cursed magic plunges our home into chaos. But I cannot fight this evil alone. My child, I am deeply sorry for losing your trust in me. But you must know that all I want is to give you the knowledge to survive and protect yourself when I no longer can. So please, if you can find it in your heart to forgive me and come home, we can protect many from harm. But if you still do not wish to hear from me, I still understand. I will love you always. Mother.'"

"Zecora's mom doesn't rhyme?" wondered Rainbow.

"What a rip-off!" pouted Spike.

Twilight approached her zebra friend who was still looking away in solemn defiance. "It sounds to me like your mother is still looking out for you." She said. "And she still feels bad about driving you out. Zecora, if you don't go to Port-au-Prance to help your mother, you might never get a chance to reconcile with her. Don't you get it? She needs you. And you need her."

Zecora stared at the ground a moment, reflecting back on the heartbreaking words of her mother. Inside she could still feel longing to see her face again, and to embrace the warmth of home. After another second of consideration, she turned. "Very well, Twilight Sparkle, I will got to Port-au-Prance." She said. "I suppose my mother deserves a second chance."

"Trust me, you'll feel much better." Twilight smiled.

Zecora grinned softly as well. "Even I have much to learn from you, when seeing matters of emotion through."

"It's what I do best, I guess." Twilight shrugged. "And don't worry, we'll come along to help!"

"We?!" Rainbow and Spike blurted.

Twilight gave them both a scolding glance.

"Uh, of course we will!" said Rainbow sheepishly.

"What are friends for?" Spike feigned a smile.

"I am thankful to have you all with me," said Zecora as she walked back to her hut. "Now why don't I boil up some tea?"

Twilight followed but Rainbow and Spike remained outside, comprehending the fact that they were about to embark on a dangerous quest involving dark lands and even darker magic. After a moment, Rainbow thumped Spike with her hoof.

"This is all your fault!" she sneered.

"I know it is." Spike sighed with disdain.