• Published 18th Apr 2016
  • 915 Views, 20 Comments

Voodoo That Zebras Do - Stratocaster

Dark magic and high-stakes bayou adventure await Zecora and her friends.

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Master and Apprentice

Chapter 5: Master and Apprentice

"What an extraordinary find," said Zecora, huddled with the others in Zaria's cottage. "It is almost too much for the mind."

"You're telling me!" blurted Rainbow as she held up the burlap doll that eerily resembled herself. "Zecora, you're saying you've never seen anything like this?"

"I had only heard stories when I was small," replied Zecora. "But I have never encountered a real voodoo doll."

"Voodoo dolls?" Spike quivered as he inspected one of the expressionless figures, holding it in his claw like he would an action figure. It was one of a zebra but not one that he recognized. "You mean these are the things used to make ponies float in the air and stuff?"

"They are far more powerful than that, reptile." Madame Zaria said sullenly. She took the doll away from Spike and gently placed it back on the lounge table. "Dark shamans and sorcerers have used them to invoke curses and pestilence on others who they felt deserved so. But this is a practice that has not been seen for centuries."

"If nopony's used these things for that long then why did I come across a buttload of them in the cemetery?" discerned Rainbow.

"What exactly were you doing in the cemetery, Miss Dash?" asked Zaria.

"I came across this filly who said there a bunch of dolls in there." Rainbow answered. "Call me crazy but...I think she was holding one that looked like Twilight."

"Come on, Rainbow," scoffed Spike. "You don't really think somepony here has a Twilight doll, do you?"

"If somepony can make a doll of me in a place half the world away then it's possible, Spike!" glowered Rainbow.

"Well who's to say this is even you? Besides, we don't know if these are real voodoo dolls or not, do we?" Spike recklessly grabbed the light blue, multicolored maned doll and began whirling it around. "Look at this! I'm making you fly against your will, Rainbow! Is it working? I don't think so! And look, now I'm making you dance!"

"Stop it, Spike!" huffed Rainbow.

"And now I'm making you kiss a guy!" Spike then swiped a zebra stallion doll and began mashing it against Rainbow's. "Whoa get a room, Rainbow, you're in public!"

Rainbow immediately smacked the blue doll out of his claw. "Do that again and I'll feed you to your cousins in the river!"

"Aha!" Spike jabbed a finger. "If you really believed that's a voodoo doll of you, you wouldn't have smacked it out of my hand! What do you think of that?!" he boasted before being smacked in the cheek in similar fashion by Rainbow.

"Voodoo dolls do not work like that; for now they just sit still." Zecora explained while inspecting some of the dolls to see if she could recognize a familiar face. "Only the one who enchanted them can control their victims' will."

Zaria gazed down at the pile of dolls strewn about on her table, pondering aloud. "Perhaps we are too quick to make conclusions." She said. "These toys may not be infused with voodoo after all."

"What?!" Rainbow interrupted. "Now you're downplaying this, Madame Zaria?"

"Miss Dash, the filly you met must have been Zenzi." Zaria said calmly. "She is a sweet child, but most of the time is a troublemaker. Not only does she scavenge the village looking for new toys and dolls to collect, but she also frequently wanders into the graveyard, I assume because her mother and father tell her not to."

"So this filly just found all of these dolls and gathered them up in the graveyard?" queried Spike.

"It is a common tradition for zebras to bury their dead with dolls and idols to watch over them as their spirits pass on." Zaria said. "Zenzi must be playing with burial dolls. Sometimes children seem to forget their sense of spirituality."

"But that doesn't explain the one that looks like me," rebutted Rainbow. "Or the purple one that looked like Twilight."

"Zenzi's mother is a well-known seamstress." Zaria told her. "As well, almost the entire village came out to see you two ponies arrive yesterday. It is possible that Zenzi was delighted by your appearance and asked her mother to sew her dolls of you and Princess Twilight. She is quite a demanding child."

"Mother, I am surprised by your accusation." Zecora chimed in. "You are saying Zenzi did this out of admiration?"

"I doubt the filly has any connections with voodoo, my dear." Zaria replied with a smirk. "This occurrence with the dolls seems to be a misunderstanding. Of course I will have a word with Zenzi's mother once I have finished my work today."

"Madame Zaria," spoke Rainbow. "You're really not worried about this?"

"I do not doubt that there is still a dark magic presence among us," replied Zaria, turning toward her back room. "But we must not let innocent lives become entangle in our search."

As the elder zebra mare exited, Rainbow continued to stare down at the pile of lifeless dolls, looking with disdain especially at the one that seemed to resemble her.

"You know, maybe there isn't really a voodoo curse here at all." Spike shrugged. "This could all just be a hoax or something."

"Oh please, Spike, I don't believe that for a second." Rainbow sneered. "These dolls have got creepiness written all over them and it's gotta be voodoo related. And I think we'll get some answers if we talk to Zenzi's mom first."

"I agree that the truth is still alluding." Zecora said. "But are you sure we will not be intruding?"

"All we have to do is ask her questions." Rainbow replied. "It'll be more of a relief if she and Zenzi are not tied to this curse. If it's not them, then somepony in this village is up to no good. And we'll be sure to find them!...I hope. Boy I really wish Twilight was here right now."


"Thank Celestia you found me!" panted the pony known as Daring Do. Twilight and Zeru had been spending the past few minutes tending to the novel-savvy archaeologist after finding her bound in one of the abandoned fishing vessels on the eastern Port-au-Prance shore. By the look of her matted mane and exhausted expression, Daring Do seemed to had been tied and gagged some time ago. After releasing her from the cell in the boat, Zeru offered her his canteen which she nearly guzzled down half of. He and Twilight then led Daring Do up out of the ship and onto the dock, the bright sunlight stinging her purple eyes.

"Miss Yearling," said Twilight, anxiously. "Are you hurt anywhere? Do you need any medicine at all?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." The treasure seeker replied as she rubbed her eyes. "Just give me a minute to explain."

"Princess Twilight, who is this woman?" asked Zeru.

"This is A.K. Yearling." Twilight said. "She's a famous writer from Equestria who write about her own exploits looking for treasure including ancient artifacts."

"Twilight, please," interrupted Daring Do, sticking her head up defiantly. "I'm only A.K. Yearling when I'm writing. Does it look like I'm writing right now?"

"...Okay. She's better known as Daring Do." Twilight shrugged. "But how did you end up in Port-au-Prance?"

"Now that I think about it, I should ask you that first, Princess." Daring Do said. "It's no surprise that I'm in a place like this, but seeing you here is certainly questionable." She turned to Zeru. "And with a handsome stud like this as well."

"I beg your pardon?" blinked Zeru.

"Zeru here is our local guide." Twilight explained. "I came here with Rainbow Dash and Spike to help our friend Zecora. Her mother says that there is a dark voodoo curse from a hidden source in her village. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

"Voodoo?" said Daring Do skeptically as she tried to unwrinkle her vest. "All I know is that it was an ancient form of necromancy practiced by zebra shamans. But to me that stuff is just hokey superstition."

"That is not what Madame Zaria believes." Zeru said sullenly.

"Plus we have a hunch that this curse has some outside influence." Twilight continued. "On our flight here we were attacked by a pegasus stallion with a big scar over his eye. He disappeared before the place could crash and-"

"Did he wear a white suit and fedora?" asked Daring Do suddenly alert.

Twilight thought back for a moment. "Yes, he did! Do you know who he is?"

"Columbus." Daring Do said with venom. "He's the one behind this voodoo case of yours. And the guy who tied me up and kept me imprisoned here for three days!"

"My gosh!" gasped Twilight. "Who is this Columbus?"

"He was an old professor of mine from the University of Fillydelphia." Daring Do explained. "I studied in his archaeology class and even assisted him in retrieving artifacts on expeditions. He was a great mentor, but he was also...obsessed. Columbus kept going on about finding the Fountain of Youth whenever I'd work with him. I always thought he was just rambling, until he disappeared just before I graduated. It was then that I found out he had been charged with smuggling preserved artifacts out of underdeveloped countries, and so he evaded arrest. I spent part of my career tracking him down all over the world and I've been getting ever closer."

"And that's what led you to Port-au-Prance?" asked Twilight.

"Apparently." She shrugged. "I was actually following him on a flight over here three days ago. But he caught and incapacitated me, and next thing I know I wake up bound and gagged in this rickety boat. Columbus told me that he was so close to uncovering his fountain of youth and that he didn't want me interfering. But he also said he plans on keeping me around to witness when he does find whatever it is he's really looking for."

"I take it it's not a literal fountain." Twilight remarked.

"Nothing's ever literal in archaeology." Daring Do sighed. "But I'm positive Columbus's prize is buried somewhere in this voodoo mystery of yours. It sure is lucky you and I would find each other here."

"I'll say." Twilight smiled. "You can help us find the source of this curse and we can help you defeat Columbus! Plus Rainbow Dash will be dying to see you again!"

"Oh boy, working with her again. Lovely." Daring Do stifled a groan.

"We'll take you to the village we're staying in," said Twilight. "If you're well enough to travel that is."

"I always am, Princess Sparkle." Daring Do grinned smugly.

"Great. Lead the way, Zeru."

The male zebra paid no reply. For a silent moment he stared off up the side of the beach where the other docks stretched out. A quiver of worry appeared in his face. "Princess...do you remember how many ships were here when we arrived?" he asked.

"Um, five, I think?" shrugged Twilight.

"That is what I counted too." Zeru said as he stared out at the rest of the six ships bobbing in the shallow water.

"I must say you get around quick, Princess Sparkle." A voice came from the sand end of the dock. "You should have been an apprentice of mine."

"Columbus!" exclaimed Daring Do as the three turned around to see the enigmatic scar-faced stallion standing patiently on the dock, staring them down with a half smile and calm eyes.

Zeru instinctively drew his staff and readied himself in a battle stance, while Twilight charged magic into her horn. "I already have a teacher, thank you very much." Twilight said determinedly.

"You are an invader of a sacred land!" growled Zeru. "My people will see to your punishment!"

The pegasus named Columbus remained stoic as he brushed sand off of his white suit and spoke in a soothing yet icy tone. "I doubt that will be much of an issue for me."

Zeru could barely budge into an attack before the trap flew out from beside the dock and over him. A net weaved from vines was pulled him down, smacking his head onto the wood and causing him to drop his weapon. Now immobilized, Zeru peered his eyes up to see who had thrown the net, and horror struck over his face. Four zebra stallions stood over Zeru as they restrained him with the vine net. They wore the same light black armor and rattail manes as his, giving them away as village guardians.

"Brothers, what are you doing?!" grunted Zeru as he tried to break loose. He immediately recognized the zebras as his own comrades from his village, the same ones he had trained with since adolescence. But something in their shared expression he didn't recognize. Their eyes were listless and unresponsive, reacting only with strain from keeping their muscular fellow guardian under control. To Zeru, they were empty looks of betrayal.

"Stay away from him!" shouted Twilight as she prepared a repelling spell aimed at the zebra captors.

"My dear," said Columbus. "We can't have you wasting that precious alicorn magic of yours." Without a trace of worry in his face, the ex-archaeology professor reached his hoof inside the satchel strapped to his side. Without taking whatever he was holding out of the satchel, Columbus fidgeted his hoof around as if controlling some small device.

Before Twilight could cast her spell, her magic was suddenly interrupted. She gawked and felt as if all the energy in her body, physical and magical, suddenly came to a halt. "Wha...What's happening to me?!" she trembled. "I can't move at all!"

"It must be voodoo!" Zeru shouted as he struggled more. "This man truly is the one who brought the curse!"

"You're more perceptive than you look, warrior." Columbus mocked.

"Enough of this!" Daring Do glared as she charged after her former mentor. "You're gonna pay, Columbus!"

But all the middle-aged stallion had to do was step a few feet to the side to make her fall to the dock's surface as she lunged. Columbus pressed his other front hoof on her back. "I suppose I should have fed you something, my dear student. Then you would have stood a fighting chance."

Daring Do struggled in her weakened state after being imprisoned for three days. "Why are you here, Columbus?! At least have the dignity to tell me!"

"I've told you many times before, Miss Yearling," Columbus came face to face with her. "My ultimate quest is for the Fountain of Youth. And it's been waiting for me right here in Port-au-Prance. These naive zebras just have no idea."

"I am going to knock all the hot air out of your head!" seethed Daring Do.

"At least your grades were slightly better than your threats." Columbus scoffed. "I know you wish you could help me out on one more adventure, my lovely apprentice. But I'm afraid you are only an unnecessary distraction, or rather until I decide to conduct more experiments."

"What experiments?!" asked Twilight, still inanimate.

"That leads me to you, Princess Sparkle." Columbus approached her. "You'll find out soon enough." He then gave a sharp whistle and gestured one of the blank-faced zebra guards to apprehend the immobile alicorn and carry her away.

"Get off of me! Help!" shrieked Twilight.

"Princess Twilight!" yelled Zeru. He thrashed his body to and fro as the other three guards continued to tame him. One of them was then commanded by Columbus to knock him out, giving him a harsh wack on the head with his own staff. Zeru crumpled on the dock.

Daring Do gasped and stood up with a wobble. "You bastard!" she barked as she tried desperately to lunge at Columbus again. But she was easily tripped by the same zebra holding Zeru's staff.

"Fret not, Miss Yearling," said Columbus as he and his zebra lackeys prepared to depart. "My intention is not to kill you or the princess. Quite the opposite actually! Just be happy that I left you with a friend this time. When he wakes up, see if he'll help you off this primitive island and out of my mane. So nice to catch up with a former student. You were always my favorite, Miss Yearling. So much room for improvement." With that, Columbus exited the dock and joined his men aboard the sailing vessel that had just arrived.

Daring Do forced every fiber in her being to chase after her ex-professor. But she knew that the unconscious Zeru would be in danger if left alone. Plus the exhaustion from three days of starvation and confinement replaced all the energy she would need to even walk. Daring Do became delirious, her vision blurring and her legs stumbling. She quickly fell to the dock beside where Zeru lay, her last vision before loosing consciousness being Twilight screaming as she was taken captive by an educator turned criminal.

Author's Note:

You thought I wouldn't be back, but guess what?!...Okay I'm really really really sorry for being four months late with this chapter. :fluttershyouch: Please forward your hate mail in 140 characters or less. I will try to be more active on fimfiction, and get around to releasing that Narrator threequel. And if I don't, feel free to pester me with reminders. Boy do I need a secretary. A robot secretary! A sexy robot secretary! A sexy robot secretary who can make sushi! Anyway, enjoy some more voodoo! :twilightsheepish: