• Published 28th May 2015
  • 1,169 Views, 272 Comments

Upon the Sea of Sky - Meep the Changeling

Formor human Stolen Ruby, and her skypirate crew embark on a quest to save Equestria from doomsday at the behest of a mysterious group of ponies.

  • ...

4 - Botch! & Death's Doom

Captain Ruby - 3rd of Snowfall, ‘09 EOH - Morning

You know something weird which you never think of but nonetheless is totally true? Dawn comes sooner the higher you are above sea level. See, the higher you are, the less of an angle the sun has to be for you to see it over the horizon, a neat little science fact.

Another interesting fact is despite the land below us being permanently locked in ice and snow, it was summer here. At more northern latitudes in the summer months, the sun comes up sooner. It’s really weird that it still works like that seeing as how there is a goddess controlling the sun which is in orbit, but I guess it comes down to my lack of knowledge in astrodynamics.

When taken together, these two facts meant that at precisely two in the morning a beam of sunlight lanced through my cabin window directly into my face. Blinking awake I stretched, stopping in confusion as my right hoof hit something warm and kinda squishy.

“Wha?” I yawned sleepily looking over to see a massive scaly flank filling my entire view.

“Ahhh!” I exclaimed in surprise, a split second later remembering Connie.

“Hi!” The massive half dragon announced, giving me a grin before turning back around, horns scratching the ceiling.

“Hey Ruby.” Risky said from somewhere beyond the wall of dragon. A sleepy yawn followed her greeting.

“Morning.” I groaned, popping my neck, heart pounding from the shock of waking to next to a dragon.

Speaking of Connie, even my cabin was too small for her. We had moved furniture just to get her a space to lay down. Which she had to because otherwise her head would hit the ceiling. Fortunately she loved ‘small’ spaces. Unfortunately if I wanted to see how Risky was doing I would need to climb over Connie.

“Hey Connie, I’m going to climb over you. Is that okay?” I asked, not wanting to make her angry.

“Sure! Risky been doing it all night! It’s super fun! You don't even need to ask.” She said way to chipperly for two in the morning.

I nodded and pulled myself up onto and over the flank sliding down the other side to see Risky still hunched over the spellbook she had been working in since noon yesterday. “Did you even sleep?” I asked in concern.

“No. Almost done.” She said slowly.

“‘Kay…” I yawned. “What about you? You seem like you had a good night sleep.”

“Yep! Whole thirty minutes. I’m feeling great! … Well pretty great. I just wish I could help with the spell more.” Connie said, swishing her tail and pushing a chair over. “Oops… Sorry!”

I shook my head, “We need to cast Create Demiplane or something. This room is too small for you.”

“I could hang out on the deck if I’m a problem.” she offered in a still happy tone.

I shook my head again. “No, the deck needs to be free of hazards. So ponies can get where they are going.”

“Done!” Risky announced loudly in the tone of a person who needed a pot of coffee administered via IV.

To my horror, she began to immediately start muttering a quick chant. “Whoa! Risky, you're tired! You shouldn’t be casting spells-”

“It’s a minus five to my roll. Bit whoop. I’ve got a plus twenty seven. Can't actually fail concentration check.” Risky said interrupting her own casting.

“You said ‘Bit whoop’ just now.” I pointed out.

“I did?” Risky asked staring at me for a few seconds before she turned back to her book. “Oh well. Gotta make sure this thing works. Then I’ll bed, okay?”

I suppose if she just made sure the spell worked that would be okay. I gave her a slow nod. “Alright. Go ahead. But if you think it’s going to flop stop okay?”

“Yeah sure, we should totally stop for that later.” Risky yawned.

She picked up the book, mumbled a few short phrases to herself then held one hoof up to the sky and blinked in confusion. “Oh! Right. The words. Say the words. Klaatu, barada, ni- um…”

Oh good! She stopped when she realized-

“Necktie?” She asked herself with a confused look.

“Um… maybe you should lay down.” Connie suggested moving her head down to look Risky in the eyes.

“Nectar? Nickle? It’s an n word. Definitely an n word.” Risky mumbled to herself, biting her lip to try and concentrate.

Oh dear sweet god! “Risky… stop…” I said slowly.

She rubbed a hoof to her chin in thought and muttered, “It was definitely an n word.”

“Risky…” Connie and I said together in one last attempt to get her attention.

Nothing. She kept staring at the page. We would have to put her into bed ourselves before she-

Risky shrugged, and intoned “Klaatu, barada,” and then coughed something into her hoof.

There was a distinct popping sound like someone stuck a pin in a tiny balloon. “God dammit Risky! I told you to go to bed but noooo!” Lucky’s voice-

“Wait, how am I hearing y-” I stopped mid sentence as I realized I was standing inside a tiny modern studio apartment.

With white walls, pine floor boards, a few nice carpets, paintings, furniture. This was someone's freaking house. “The fuck?”

“Ah shit… You idiot! You’ve stuffed her in here with me!” Lucky exclaimed shaking a hand at the ceiling.

She was just standing there. On two legs. As an anthro version of herself. “Why are you… Where… What?” I asked incoherently.

Lucky shook her head and flopped down onto a black leather couch. “This is what sis and I looked like before we came here. Seeing as how you’re sporting hands right now I guess you came from our world originally too.”

I looked down. Yep, hands. “You know, I never thought I would miss being a pony but now that I’m back in a body like this…” I shook my head slowly. “Okay. So. Looks like you don't take bodies with you- Oh son of a bitch she merged me with you guys!”

I sat down and groaned into my hands. That felt weird, leaning into my hands I mean. I guess I just had gotten way to used to being a pony. “Why is this an apartment?”

“I willed it to be one. The black nothing was depressing.” Lucky commented. I heard her move a few things then a click and a buzz. “Plus the TV I imagined up is an easy way to understand Risky’s senses. Looks like Connie’s scolding her pritty hard core…”

“Well, it’s good to know you are alive.” I said looking up and noticing the large TV screen on the far wall.

It had been forever since I just sat and watched something. Man it would be pretty awesome to sit and watch Star Wars or something. I wonder how many new movies they made?

Unfortunately it looked like this screen only showed what Risky was seeing. Which right now was Connie’s dragonish muzzle and pointy teeth. Which was honestly pretty damn terrifying.

“Hold on I’ll unmute it.” Lucky mentioned.

“I thought you were a skilled mage!” Connie shouted, “That was the single most irresponsible thing I have ever seen anypony do! … I mean I haven't seen many ponies do many things, but that is going to stay near the top of the list! You don’t cast a new spell to test it out on a person! You don't even cast it at all! You just let the energy collect and disburse and make sure it disburses-”

“It shouldn’t have done that! Being tired is a minus five! It should have been completely safe!” Risky protested.

Connie took a deep breath and asked, “You said your powers work like a game’s right?”

“Yeah.” Risky said angrily. “One I’m really good at!”

“It’s a roleplaying game right?” Connie asked in a strained tone.

“Yeah.” Risky said sounding confused, “What’s you poi-”

“Well than maybe you should try role playing and not just assume the game’s rules will guide you along as sure as things fall!” Connie exclaimed.

“Oh…” Risky said in a defeated tone. “Shit… right… It’s also reality…”

“Now, let’s get Ruby separated from you.” Connie said back in her normal fun loving tone.

Adorably, I could tell by her expression that her anger was completely gone. It was like someone flipped her angry switch.

“Heh… It’s like someone turned off her angry.” Lucky giggled. “I totally get why you like her sis.”

<Fuck off! I almost crapped myself! I thought she was going to eat me!> Risky’s voice filled my head.

“Yeah but you still like her. I can feel it.” Lucky teased, sticking her tongue out.

<... Yeah I do… Um if you can hear me Ruby I still like you.> Risky commented.

“It’s cool. Polyamory is fine with me.” I replied honestly, wondering if she could hear me. “Besides, she is pretty cute in behavior if intimidating in appearance.”

<Oh good you are in there!> Risky exclaimed with relief. “Okay I can hear her. I’m going to try and reverse the spell.”

“No you’re not!” Connie said shaking her head firmly. “You’re sleepy. I’ll do it.”

“Okay.” Risky said with a yawn.

Suddenly Risky’s view changed, she was moving very quickly up and back! What-

“Put me down!” Risky protested wriggling and hitting the floor with a soft thump.

“I’m sorry! I just needed claw space. I didn't mean to upset you.” Connie apologized, ears drooping.

“You can't just pick someone up like that!” Risky protested.

“Yes I can. I just did.” the dragoness said giving her a confused look. “How tired are you?”

Huh… Once I was out of here I would have to ask her to pick me up. That honestly seemed kinda fun! I wonder if she could carry someone while flying. Sure I could fly but who doesn't want to ride a dragon? Maybe she could carry people up to the ship from the ground or drop crew off like paratroopers!

“Just get Ruby out…” Risky groaned.

Connie nodded and gently clasped her claws together in front of her and started to whisper a short prayer. “By the light of your mane, I ask you to aid me, and in so doing, remove this curse from my friend, and my cuter friend. Glory to your burnyness, amane.”

Then she giggled, “Hehe! That would be fun too!”

“I’m so sorry!” Lucky exclaimed with a sorrowful, but oddly amused expression.

“Why?” I begged as the apartment starting to fade away.

“I keep Detect Thoughts going just in case.” She admitted before bursting out laughing and falling off the couch.

“Crap…” I groaned as the apartment faded away to nothingness.

I blinked, and jumped as I was suddenly looking down at Ruby. Well I didn't jump exactly. I felt myself twitch in a weird way.

“Oops…” Connie said slowly. <Stupid stray fun thought…> she thought.

Great! Now I was in the dragon mare… although, on the other hoof...

<Ha! You scolded Risky for the same thing you just did!> I shouted hoping she could hear my teasing tone.

“Oh no, I did something um… different.” Connie admitted with a giggle. “You should totally be able to hop off! I think. I should be more careful with that one…”

I wished I had a hoof to rest my face on. <What did you do?>

“Nothing too bad… I just thought it would be cool to have someone else be a part of me while asking for that Miracle. Then I thought it would be neet to feel what being your gender would be like.” Connie said to me apologetically.

“Oh… my… god!” Risky exclaimed, jaw dropping as she looked towards Connie and I. An instant later she fell to the floor in a giggle fit.

<What did you do!> I demanded half upset half afraid.

I felt Connie move a hind claw to scratch at- me? “Can you feel this?” She asked curiously.

Oh… Oh no… <Yes. Yes I can.> I groaned.

I really needed a hoof to smack into my forehead right now.

“Try getting off. You should turn back into you. I mean, that was part of the random fantasy… Sorry.” She said apologizing. <I’m totally not sorry this is awesome! She’s right there, I can feel her, and it’s like cuddling! Only more interesting and nice feeling!> she thought.

<I can hear your thoughts.> I pointed out. She was right though. It did feel nice, I was feeling, hearing, smelling, and seeing everything she was.

“Oh… Then um, not sorry, kinda aroused but wanted to spare your feelings.” She said honestly.

<Yeah I kinda know…> Admittedly, it was kinda fun riding along with someone, but-

“Ah ha! I can hear you too! You like it!” Connie accused playfully wiggling her hips.

<Not so much like, more like find it interesting.> I clarified. <Sure, it might get fun after a while, but right now I just want to have a bod->

“-y.” Suddenly I fell to the floor beneath Connie like a sack of potatoes.

“Ow!” I groaned as my muzzle banged into the floor.

Thanking the gods that Connie had been standing up as much as the room allowed, I crawled backwards out from under her tail, stood up on my four hooves, then walked over to where my hat lay on the floor next to Risky and put it on.

I was a pony again. Thank whatever gods were listening this extremely weird morning was over!

“So, new rule.” I informed giving both of them a disapproving look. “No one casts an untested spell or uses… Wait a damn moment did you cast Miracle?” I asked incredulously.

Connie nodded. “Yeah. I couldn’t think of anything else that would work.”

Risky snickered, “Polymorph Any Object might have worked… If you added in Bestow Curse!”

“We are not talking about that!” I exclaimed. Well maybe later if I was turned on and feeling really kinky, but otherwise no talking about- actually fuck it, “Except for why the hell you even thought of that! I need to know.”

Connie shrugged. “It seemed interesting, and Risky has someone as a part of her. I wanted to try it out. I didn’t mean to though. I promise I’ll be more careful to keep a clear head in the future.”

“More like weird.” Risky said with a laugh. “Also you totally have no room to reprimand me now.”

Connie nodded. “True. That would be hypocritical… Oh wait, everyone’s hypocritical.” She stuck her tongue out at Risky, it looked long enough to wrap around Risky’s waist. “Also weird is just a word ponies use when they don't have a well developed sense of intrigue and adventure.”

Huh. Now that was an interesting concept. No bad! Get back on your train of thought. “Right so, you… Man I wish we had that book! I could get you to write your level and abilities down for me.”

Risky yawned and took advantage of Connie’s half standing half crouching to trot under her and get into bed. “She’s at least seventeenth if she is throwing Miracle around.” A half second later she burst out laughing again. “Oh my god! Miracle isn't a spell, it’s a prayer! Her god was totally cool with doing that for her! Hahahaha!”

“Right, so, gods, clerics, and talking.” I said trying to get everyone back on track. Again.

“Huh, you’re right! Her burnyness must be pretty fun! I want to meet her even more now!” Connie giggled, swishing her tail happily.

“Son of a- Look it’s over! I thought of something import…” I groaned and began to cast the spell Dispel Magic, “Look! I’m going to be damn sure that every last trace of that spell is gone and then we need to see about talking to someone who knows what going on out there!”

I made a gesture with my hoof, cast the spell, there was a small pop, and I blinked. I found myself looking through Connie’s eyes. <Son of a bitch!>

“Where did she… Pfffff! HA!” Risky snorted, a loud thump and “Ow!” indicating she fell off the bed.

“Okay so, magic lets you be separate from me… That’s good to know.” Connie said slumping shyly down onto the ground. “Okay, so um, now I’m sorry.”

I could feel she meant it. <It’s fine!> I groaned. <We will just have to get used to it. Lift your tail so I don't have to crawl under it please.>

I felt her lift her tail, willed myself to have a body and drooped to the floor, this time landing on my belly instead of my face.

“I swear… this world is conspiring to make my life as weird as it possibly can.” I groaned into the floorboards.

Connie scooted over and laid down next to me. “I’m seriously sorry… But It could be worse. If I had thought of you drifting through the void well… you know.”

That was a good point right there. “Very true.”

I sighed and grabbed my hat with a hoof. Slowly slipping it back on. “Can we please try casting commune to see if we can talk to the DMs now?”

“Oh! Sure!” Connie smiled before turning and giving me a gentle kiss on the top of my head. “Anything for somepony as close to me as you just wound up.”

Risky snickered. “Heh! Good one.”

Connie tilted her head in confusion, “What do you mean?”

“She liked your joke.” I said in a reserved tone, realizing I was going to forever be the butt of all jokes.

“Oh!” she smiled at me as she shook her head. “That wasn’t a joke. You just saw through my eyes, felt though my scales, and heard my innermost thoughts. I mean, I didn’t intend to subject you to that, but you did. Literally and figuratively speaking, two people can't get as close as we just did. That has to entitle you to some favorable treatment from me, right?”

Well, she had me there. I still wasn’t exactly happy about it, but well that was an interesting way of looking at a spell flop that went all Mareth on you. “You know, you’re right. I think I owe you the same. But um, no offense, I would rather not be that particular part of you again any time soon. Well… at least, not again this morning… It was an interesting experience.” I admitted with a nervous chuckle. Oh god it was too early for all this shit.

“None taken.” Connie said with a big grin, curling her tail around me in what I hoped wasn't the draconic gesture for ‘mine’. Then a split second later, I kinda did hope was the draconic gesture of ‘mine’.

“So, talk to them… Let's see, how did I do it last time?” Connie asked herself tapping a claw to her chin in thought.

Connie - 3rd of Snowfall, ‘09 EOH - Morning

So much awesome in one day! This was exactly how life was supposed to go. I could feel it deep in my heart. Things were supposed to happen, events were supposed to advance. Change, development, progress. The unexpected happening. It was beautiful.

There would be time to stop and reflect more later! Right now the adorable mare cuddled next to me wanted to talk to whatever the hay that chaosy guy was called.

I closed my eyes and focused on everything I had the last time I got through to someone. It was a lot easier now that I had an idea of what I was doing. In no time that weird buzzing sound filled the inside of my head.

“Okay! There’s the buzzing… So I should get someone in just a minute!” I announced.

“That’s nice… sleeping now…” Risky muttered as she lay on the floor next to the bed.

Sleep… she mentioned she had to snuggle someone to sleep. I gave Risky a glare out of the corner of my eye and pulled Ruby closer to my with my tail. Mine!

The buzzing continued for a while. Long enough for me to work out a way to get the message to be heard by people other than just me. So when the odd click sound came, it happened in the room not just my head, and a creature which looked like a fusion of a bunch of other creatures someone stitched together appeared as a ghostly image.

“Woah!” Ruby exclaimed, sitting up straight in my coiled tail.

“Um… hello?” he said curiously.

“Hi! I got on the ship like you said!” I informed happily, waving a hoof.

He didn’t react, I guess he couldn’t see us. That sucked. Stupid limited magic…

“Good! Um, why are you calling again?” He asked curiously.

“Because I think it’s time I knew what the hell is going on and what you want us to do.” Ruby said firmly.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” he said shaking his head and sitting down on a wooden stool he seemed to pull from nowhere. “There are rules in play here. Mind you, rules are things I usually ignore, but I can’t this time. A very powerful spell is what we are using to guide you six and it has very precise requirements or it will stop working.”

“That is the single stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life!” Ruby exclaimed, climbing up on my tail to glare at the creature angrily.

“That does seem a little silly. Why would a god of chaos be bound by rules?” I asked.

He paused for a moment, tail lashing angrily for a moment. “I am quite aware of just how degrading it is for what I am to be constrained. But someone modified this spell after I set it up, and there was no time or available power to change it before we had to use it.

Just trust me, I can’t tell you what is going on because someone thought a spell which lets you control small areas of reality was too dangerous to leave without safeguards. Humph, I set it up so anypony can host a real live adventure for their friends and what does Moonbutt do? Throw up all kinds of ridiculous protections around it. Ingrate.”

Ruby groaned and slumped against my tail. She looked distressed. “Can you tell us anything?” She asked.

“No. I can’t. Nopony here can.” the creature insisted firmly.

“That’s- You guys are supposed to be DMing! You need to give a little direction! Since the fate of the world is at stake here how about some railroading? What can you do?” Ruby demanded.

“We can provide energy for your abilities and increased skill in your class’s prowess. Additionally we can try to figure out what is happening, and guide you through subtle hints. A planted though here, making sure you notice a certain thing there… If it were possible I would simply put a floating green arrow over the bow of your ship pointing to where you should go, but I can’t!” He insisted again.

“You can’t with your spell, but what about mine? I’m talking to you directly. Wouldn’t the spell you are using not allow that?” I asked curiously.

He shook his head and shrugged, revealing an odd device held against his ear with his paw. “No. It should have collapsed simply from me talking to you.”

“Is that… is that an iPhone?” Ruby asked, sounding completely baffled.

“No, it’s an iPink 5-” he stopped mid sentence and stroked his beard looking equally confused, “You can see me?”

“Yes. I’m projecting an image of you and your voice so Ruby can talk to you too.” I informed proudly.

“You shouldn’t be able to see me! Even by the original rules I conceived the DM is supposed to be outside of space and time relative to the players. This shouldn’t be happening!” His eyes widened then narrowed, “The only explanation is we are also players.”

“What?” A voice exclaimed faintly as if from another room.

“The other… We are not only DMs we are players in a larger game. Otherwise there is no way any magic could allow them to see me unless I wanted them to. Hear me, sure, see me no.” he stood up and started to pace around, stroking his beard thoughtfully.

“Since you’re not in the position you thought you were, can you tell me what to do now?” Ruby asked hopefully.

He shook his head. “No. If we are being played with there is only one person who could be doing it. If I simply tell you what to do, he can swoop in and kill us leaving you powerless in the past and unable to stop him. The only reason were alive now is because he likes to play with his victims… and because letting me set up this game has drained my power enough where I am no longer a threat! I hate it when I am out smarted!”

“It’s not hopeless,” a voice which sounded suspiciously like Lyra said faintly. “Phoenix built her city. We can make some changes, we might be able to win this still. If we play our cards under the table.”

The chaos spirit nodded, his eyes burning craftily, “That’s true… Alright Ruby, I can tell you some things, but not everything. I can't risk saying something which will get us killed. Would you like to know ‘Why me?’”

Ruby nodded quickly, eyes widening, “Yes! Please!”

He sat back down and steepled his talons and paw. “I insisted we pick twenty first century humans as our champions because of all the creatures in all the universes yours has a special blend of genius, tenacity, hope, and madness. As for the three of you, of everyone in range for us to take you had nothing to truly live for, and thus nothing to lose on what I knew was a one way trip as long as you had your friends. That special human brand of crazy, put it to use a bit more if you can.

“As for your quest… You are stopping the end of the world. Not too long from now, eight months at most, a very powerful and evil creature will break free from his prison and usher in an age of darkness. It is your job to try and stop it, your friends are currently set up to try and prevent some very important people from dying so there are still heroes to help save others in the future.

“We are guiding your actions from after the fact. So since Phoenix's city exists in your timeline, but not in ours, with every victory our knowledge of what happens and how we can prevent it gets less and less accurate. Our victories make our success less likely. This means a lot of it is up to you, so even if we could tell you that information is… not especially accurate.

“Seek knowledge of ancient evils from around the time I was ruling the world. The name's Discord H. Draconi, there might be a few books lying around still. There was a lot of ancient evils going around at the time. A literal plague of villains. Em, that may have been my fault. Anywho, one of them is responsible. That’s all I can tell you. Now I really need to go please don't call again.”

He took the device from his ear and tapped it. Instantly the ghostly image blinked out of existence in a way to white flash of light. I blinked my eyes a few times to clear them, when I opened them Ruby and I were surrounded by blackness filled with a million pinpricks of white light. It looked like we had teleported into the night sky!

“What!?” Ruby demanded angrily. “What the fuck killed us?”

“Huh?” I asked a hint of fear creeping into my voice.

“This is where I wound up when I died. Death! What the hell killed us?” Ruby called loudly.

“I did.” A pale white mare said as she simply faded into existence in front of us.

“Why?” I asked, confused, frightened, and sad.

“It’s okay, I’ll put you back in a little bit. We need to talk.” the white mare said as she conjured a small white cylinder and a silver thing that made a little flame!

“Ohhh! That’s so pretty!” I cooed leaning in to get a closer look as she lit the cylinder on fire and put it in her mouth as if to eat it.

I decided I liked her.

“So,” she said, sucking on the cylinder and making it’s smouldering end glow a very appealing shade of orange for a moment, “I’m probably going to be fired for this… But buck it. It’s my home universe, my home world, and my birth species. You hear me big guy? I know this is the universe in this set where evil is supposed to win! Screw that! I’m tired of watching my home die over and over with each cycle!”

Ruby jumped up onto my tail, “Shit! Do it quick before you get shot full of lightning or whatever!”

“The demon you are battling is named Grogar, a goat who through demonic pacts and dark magic became the source for all evil in this universe. Killing him won't stop evil, it will just disorganize it, which it means it won't win every time. He’s older than the universe, he’s lived for eight full cycles. It will take at least three cycles for another one like him to arise, so if you stop him you save four universes. Technically.” Death informed, exhaling a cloud of white smoke.

“What you need to do right now is go to Canterlot, the capital of Equestria, and get Princess Luna to come with you to the Library of Zebrica. Therein is a book, Luna’s old journal from before she became an alicorn. She embedded her memories of sealing away Grogar in Tartarus inside that book. You get it, she regains those memories, and she can then retrieve her half of the key to unseal the demon.”

“Why don’t we simply destroy the book?” Ruby asked.

“That will free the memory, and it will enter a random person. Since Genesis has been ordered to get the book and retrieve Luna’s key, it will probably go to her. There is a way to find the key without the book, but it’s difficult. So you need to have Luna retrieve her key, it has to be her, because of some enchantments she put up to guard the key. Genesis would likely resummon Nightmare Moon, which would possess Luna and then get the key for the forces of evil, you do not want to have to deal with Moon, Sombra, and Grogar at once.” Death warned.

“Whose Sombraro?” Ruby and I asked together.

“Dark lord type. Kinda funny, but totally evil.” she answered. “Once you have the key, try to get the other half, it’s hidden in the book Discord gave Taylor. If you fail, don't worry simply ensure your key winds up in the hooves of evil.”

“What? Why!” Kaily demanded loudly.

“There will be a brief period when Grogar is released in which he will be vulnerable to harm. It’s because he’s transitioning between layers, he has so much magic that it lags behind him a little bit, when he crosses you will have a quarter of an hour in which you might be able to kill him. Unfortunately, there is no other time in which he would be vulnerable. Trust me, I’d know.” Death sighed.

The space around us rumbled, as if an earthquake somehow was shaking the void.

“Right, he noticed I’m breaking a rule… Well either I’m dead or about to get severely punished.” Death waved a hoof at us, offering a smile as the void started to fade to white. “Don’t worry! He won't harm you two, make that you plurally singular nice soul binding by the way! You didn’t break any rules. Just me.”

A horrible soul stabbing screeching echoed off the nothing.

“Oh go buck yourself! I made a friend down there this cycle! Nothing but kind, friendly, and loving! She deserves a full lifetime.” Death said just before the whiteness vanished.

We were back in Ruby’s funly small cabin. Risky was asleep, kicking one hoof in the air every few seconds, the clouds floated by the big window at the back. “Well… that was… interesting.” I said to myself.

Ruby nodded and stood up, scrabbling over my back to get to the cabin door. She threw the door open and bellowed, “Pine! Canterlot, as quickly as this ship can go!”

“Aye aye captain!” Pine called from the sticky uppy shippy bit.

“Everypony! Combat drills, were going to have a lot of them!” she called a she stomped out onto the deck.

“Aww… but, cuddles!” I wined as I turned to wiggle out onto the deck myself.

“Cuddles later.” Ruby promised, “Get ready to fight god of all evil now.”

“Okay…” I sighed and started to worm my way out the door to help each the little ponies to fight. I did have plenty of experience after all.