• Published 28th May 2015
  • 1,169 Views, 272 Comments

Upon the Sea of Sky - Meep the Changeling

Formor human Stolen Ruby, and her skypirate crew embark on a quest to save Equestria from doomsday at the behest of a mysterious group of ponies.

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5 - Changes and Challenges

Captain Ruby - 3rd of Snowfall, ‘09 EOH - Evening

Fourteen hours of trying to start a god damn montage. Fourteen hours right down the drain. What? I’d done it once before! It made sense to try to go all ‘forward the plot device!’ and cheat our way to the top. Especially because the local god of chaos asked me to try doing things the human way.

What? We cheat our way through everything. It’s the human way. When nature impedes us, we find any way around it. Hell, a town in Norway wanted a port but couldn’t have one because the wind was too strong. So they stopped the wind using giant concrete pillars.

Besides, Death her freaking self just said ‘by the way Cthulhu is gonna pop in for tea soon’. Fantasy novels are nice, but this is real fucking life! If someone says anything like that, and they are credible, you jump over the Godzilla Threshold and break out every single weapon you can. So excuse me for hoping I could use that weird musical number spell to crank out a shipload of Gokus.

Unfortunately, I was unable to get anything going. I even tried to use I’ll Make a Man Out of You but there was a pretty major cultural problem I had not expected. Stallions are not the ones expected to go into a dangerous occupation, so I should have gender swapped the song. I wound up having to explain I was from a different place. One where females were considered the valuable ones.

I didn’t tell the entire truth. My new identity was growing on me. I mean, I had power, respect, and affection as this me. Old me had a pretty crap life with one bright spot which I honestly feel was more gray than white. I didn’t want to compromise that.

During training we had realized just how completely terrifying Connie was in a fight. After promising to ‘go at ten percent’ she had immediately broken every single bone in her sparring partner on the first punch. Yes, punch. A punch which had been kinetically amplified via innate magics of dragonkind, and delivered an overpressure wave on impact, along with a wave of heat which scorched fur on everypony within ten feet!

Fortunately, Lapis Vein hadn’t been too upset, at least not after Connie healed her and apologized. However, it was decided then and there that Connie would help verbally, not physically. Lapis was lucky three of her shipmates managed to catch her as she went ballistic. That mare would have Team Rocketed onto a suborbital trajectory!

This naturally led me to a question. “Connie, what the hell is your dad guarding that warrants you being made that powerful to protect it?”

She blushed, something which I expected her scales would have made impossible. Cutely, the blush manifested as a bunch more of the little freckle like marks she had on her nose and cheeks. “Er- well… I actually can’t tell you. I wasn’t told what it is exactly. I do know it’s a shrine to Faust built back in the Paleopony period when she still walked the world.”

“So it’s something the mythical creator god made which is powerful enough to warrant a falcon punch equipped dragon to protect, and not cluing her in on what it is for the sake of safety?” I asked wondering if we could maybe turn around and use that to our advantage.

“She’s not a myth!” one of my crew, a teal maned dark brown super short mare, called from the rigging.

I turned to look at her, giving her a curious look. What was her name? Right, Duskglider. “She isn’t?”

“No. There’s museums and stuff where you can see artifacts she used, tons of books… She lived until sometime in, like, the 1360s CE. There’s plenty of historical evidence. So you know, probably shouldn’t call her mythical in case she really did transcend material existence.” Duskglider warned returning to her work.

Connie nodded, “My dad actually met her. So yeah, she’s real. Or at least, was real. Either way, you shouldn’t try to take advantage of the Shrine. I’m not going back there and you couldn't beat dad if you tried. Besides, I’m pretty sure only mom and I know how to actually kill him. He’s sorta nearly invulnerable.”

“Holy shit, why did you not tell me this sooner? We need to get him to help fight Grogar then!” I demanded giving her an upset glare.

“Because he can't leave the mountain. At all. Ever. That’s why I didn’t finish the stupid ritual.” Connie said with a sigh.

Damn. So much for the Eragon approach. “Ah. Sorry.”

“It’s okay that was a good idea since you didn’t know… We should probably just stick to Death’s plan though.” she mused scratching her chin with a claw.

“Oh hell no!” I objected, stamping my hoof, “We will do the initial approach but when that portal opens we are going to have every single scrap of firepower ready to doom canon the entire place into quark-gluon plasma! We should swing by Pheonix’s and see if she can whip up a batch of zerglings to try a rush with.”

“That is, the worst idea in the history of ideas!” Lyra exclaimed having overheard me from across the deck.

She zipped over and grabbed me by the shoulders eyes wide in a half panic. “No zerglings! Bad Ruby!”

I wiggled free of her grip, “First, how do you know about Starcraft, second… Yeah okay that’s probably a bad idea, but an army in a can would be great right now!”

“Because I didn’t grow up in this world either and I didn’t live under a rock!” Lyra said sounding relieved. “On a related note… could this Phoenix you mentioned actually make zerg?”

I thought about that for a few minutes. “Probably.” I concluded with a small nod.

“Would she? Because that’s almost as bad as some Daedric Princess popping up.” Lyra asked with a frown.

I shrugged my shoulders, rearing up in the process. “You know, I can’t say for sure. She might. I… honestly don’t know her well enough to predict her behavior. I know she likes to troll people though so if she did make a zergling it would probably be a sex pet or some shit like that.”

Then Lyra’s wording hit me, “Don’t you mean Daedric Prince?”

She shook her head and gave me a confused look. “Um, no. The title’s Princess.”

My Elder Scrolls fangirl went critical, but I managed to beat her back down after a few moments of holding in the rant of a thousand angry nerds. “Different universe Ruby, different universe.”

“Ruby’s right though Connie, we definitely need to send everything we can at the daemon when it shows up.” Lyra sighed. “Too bad this isn’t the EDF Argo.”

“What?” I demanded, eyes narrowing. The Elder Scrolls thing I could let go but that…

Lyra smiled transitioning to bubbly fangirl, “It’s a ship from an old anime, an on the water ship is made into a spaceship in a desperate attempt to save the world from alien-”

“That, is the Space Battleship Yamato!” I exclaimed pointing an accusing hoof. “And you will use her proper name!”

Lyra beamed me a grin that should have been impossible. “Ah-ha! I knew you were a nerd under that trumped up captain’s coat!”

“That was an order gunnery chief!” I humphed. Lyra laughed, sitting down on the deck with a grin.

Speaking of my coat, it was pretty sweaty. I’d had it on all day while training and making sure everypony was running drills. It felt a bit damp in places… Ugh, why hadn’t I taken this off sooner?

I unbuttoned the coat and slipped it off, folding it over one arm as I looked around for a sunny spot to hang it to dry.

“Huh, so that’s what your cutiemark is.” Lyra said, in unison with Duskglide and Connie.

“You guys haven't seen it?” I asked curiously. How the heck didn’t they-

“No, you always have that coat on.” Lyra said simply. “I thought it would be an instrument or something bard related.”

What? “It’s a songbook, how is that not bard related?” I asked in confusion.

“How the hay do you see a songbook in that?” Duskglide demanded in confusion, her eyes dilating into confused little pinpricks.

“Maybe it’s a hoof holding a book up sideways in front of the sun?” Connie guessed.

“Seconded.” Lyra said tilting her head. “Because, that’s a circle with a Greek letter.”

“What the fuck are you talking ab-AH!” I yelped as I turned my head and saw the freaking half-life logo stamped on my flank.

“The fuck? This is not what it was!” I exclaimed in a full blown panic.

“That’s impossible, cutiemarks don’t change.” Lyra said firmly. An odd look crossed her face. “Unless… Hold still please!”

Her horn lit up and her golden aura engulfed me. It felt warm, also a bit intrudey. I don't know how to explain it better than that.

“Huh… Well, my scan spell say’s you’re a third pony, a third something else, and one third Dragon. Also the Dragon is very new… Is that… did you… Celestia’s mane! You bound your soul to Connie? How? Why?” Lyra demanded in the tone of an upset medical professional.

Connie giggled like a teenager in an erotic cake store. “Well um there was an accident with a spell Risky tried, and I undid it with a powerful spell, but I had a stray thought and long story short… We’re linked.”

Lyra facehooved. “There are metaphysical consequences for both parties in a soul binding! Connie’s magic is probably strong enough to resist most of the changes but you… Ruby, you just changed on a basic fundamental level! Most unicorns consider soulbinding as killing both parties and forging two new people! I mean, it doesn't really but…

“Well look, your cutiemark changed, your special talent logically changed with it, and you’re probably going to have a few draconic instincts floating around your head now! I… I’m going to have to explain basic magical theory to you!” she finished with an angry hoof thrust in my direction.

My talent changed? My talent changed! “Oh fuck all kinds of duck! Are you serious that my talent changed?”

“Yes! Your cutiemark is a physical manifestation of the talent you received as well as a manifestation of your psyche to a small extent!” She hissed. “I believe you mentioned your powers were your special talent! Do you understand what you just did?”

Fuck! I held out a hoof and focused as hard as I could on summoning an instrument. A moment passed, than a minute. I cubed as hard as I could focus, hoping anything would manifest itself. “Come on magic… I’ll settle for a vuvuzela!”

Another minute. Nothing. Fucking nothing!

“This is bullshit! I cast Dispel Magic minutes after the accident!” I cursed throwing my hooves into the air in exasperation.

I yelped as Connie picked me up by scooping one claw under me, and pulled me into a one armed hug. “Hey, it will be fine… besides I can cast that, so that means you can probably cast spells I know. Try one.” She set me down gently next to the side of the ship.

“Even if I can, we just lost a lot of firepower! And not just for battle, I could have diplomacied our way right into wherever we needed to be!” I lamented angrily.

I paced the deck for a few minutes. Nopony bothered me. I guess I was putting off too much of an angry aura.

“What the hell is my talent now?” I groaned after a while. “Maybe I got a different class!”

Lyra bit her lip thoughtfully for a moment then stood up strait and announced, “Try to calm down and just let your magic flow! You will either float, bend shadows, or do whatever your talent is.”

That seemed like sane advice. “Okay.” I said as I sat down to do my best to clear my head and forget that I probably just fucked the entire planet right into an early grave.

I closed my eyes, focused on my breathing, and listened to my heartbeat. This wasn’t the first time I had tried to calm myself with meditation. It had been a regular occurrence back at the gas station. One, two. In, out. No thoughts, only breathing.

I could feel my magic, it wasn’t the original magic I had. It was different, less diverse, more focused. I supposed to let if flow, you just sort of reach for it. So I did.

Something slammed into the deck in front of me with a sound like an arrow hitting a log! I jumped backwards out of reflex, Connie caught me before I fell over the side. Jammed into the deck a foot from where I had been sitting was a crowbar.

It was a simple red hexical handled crowbar, with silver ends, and a small black painted label with ‘SkyTech Ind.’ written on the flat. Rather than assume I had the magic power to summon crowbars, I looked up. Nothing was floating above us, so nopony could have dropped it.

“Well… It’s not the weirdest talent I’ve seen.” Lyra mused.

Curiously, I held out my hoof and focused again, letting my magic just kinda flow as I had before. Wood creaked, splintered, and cracked as the crowbar ripped free and flew into my hoof’s grip.

No! Fucking! Way!

“Okay then.” I said wiggling out of Connie’s grip and dropping to the deck. “Stand clear while I try something.”

Lyra stepped to the side. I swung the crowbar at a bit of iron railing, it smashed through it with a loud twang of snapping metal. I threw the crowbar at my cabin’s wall. The crowbar flew like a god damn rocket, smashed into and through the wall in one motion, and made a second hole as it came back to my hoof like fucking Mjolnir!

“How the bucking hay did somepony boomerang a crowbar like that?!” Risky’s voice demanded incredulously from within the cabin.

Stunned, I stared at the crowbar and said, “Apparently whosoever holds this crowbar, if she be worthy, shall possess the power of Freeman!”

“What’s that mean?” Lyra and Duskglide asked in confusion.

“It means I am perfectly okay with this!” I laughed.

Maybe what Discord had said wasn't just a ‘plan like a crazy person’ request. Maybe he had sensed my powers had changed. Maybe he knew I would need some of that human thinking to make up for the lack of powers. A lack of powers I had been granted.

This, on the other hoof, was apparently a power of my own. Something I got myself. A something that was apparently summoning a magic crowbar. A fresh start, no hands guiding me anymore, just me, my mind, my crew, and the fuck mothering Mjolbar!

“Right… So… Today has been another one of those ‘my life drastically changes days. I’m going to go into my cabin, get Risky to use Mending on those holes, and try to plan a way to get an audience with and actually convince whoever Princess Luna is of our mission and why she needs to help.” I informed as I tucked Mjolbar under one of my wings for safe keeping.

Yes. That’s what I’m calling it. Shut up! It’s apt as balls.

“Hey! Are you trying to contact Princess Luna?” Pine called from the crowsnest.

Man she has hearing like a hawk! “Yeah! Why?”

“We should have passed over the Equestrian border about an hour ago. It’s said the Princess can visit your dreams if you sleep under the light of the moon. If you fall asleep and focus on trying to talk to her, she might show up. It could save us time and we could meet her in Zebraca.” Pine informed.

Huh. Neat! I nodded. “Alright, that’s worth a shot.”

Luna Solarus - 3rd of Snowfall, ‘09 EOH - Night

“My time as the Nightmare notwithstanding, I have always been the guardian of Equestria’s peace. Even before I was a Princess, my heart, soul, and spear protected these ponies from the monsters that lurk in the darkness. Darkness none with sight know as well as I.

“True fear is knowing nothing about the world which you can no touch, smell, or hear. There are a thousand monsters in the Everfree alone which move silently through the shadows. I was born to a world without light, not knowing what ponies meant by ‘color’ or ‘I see it’.

“Yet even before Clover’s spell gave me my horn and sight for the first time in my life I was a protector. I was a humble guard, not a hero, a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a dark knight.”

I turned my head, fixing my gaze on Bonbon’s eyes, “Which is why I deserve the last slice of pizza.”

“Oh yeah?” The cream mare exclaimed, not breaking our staring contest. “I once had to climb to the top of Mount Spurr, bared hooved, in the snow, vertical ascent, both ways, with a pregnant wife at home! Just to get a Roc feather for Twilight’s spell making. She accidentally lost it, so I had to go get another one, only to come back and find out she made the first one into a quill without realizing it, and I never complained once!”

Curses! I couldn’t top a double mission for twilight while my love carried another couple's surrogate foal. Especially not one involving that particular mountain. Foiled again.

“Very well, you win this boasting match. The pizza is yours.” My ears drooped in disappointment.

“Damn right it is!” Bonbon said pulling the final slice of delicious jalapeno and onion cheesy goodness over to her place at the table.

I’ll get you next time, pizza. Next time!

“Okay,” Vinyl sighed, “now that that’s over, can we get back to the adventure?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure the villagers have an idea about where the Ironclad might be.” Lyra said in a tone indicating she was eager to get on with our game.

“Apologies, there was food to be had, and I am bigger than all of you! I need more.” I said playfully.

Meep raised an eyebrow at me from across the table. “”All of you’? You’re only bigger than me if we count horn height.”

I returned the young changeling Queen’s eyebrow raise. “Or if we go by total volume Skinnybug. Besides, you have plenty to feast upon this evening.”

“Eh, point taken.” She said with a smile.

“Girls… gaming please?” Colegate said, her wheelchair creaking as she moved it closer to the table with her magic.

“Sorry.” I apologized, ears drooping in embarrassment. “Let’s see… I was… Ah yes! I look for the chieftain! Streetwise is a… nineteen.”

One thing few ponies know about me is my great love for strategy games. This Oubliettes and Ogres my friends had introduced to me years ago was most satisfying. The rules felt intuitive to me, it left plenty of room open for thinking on your hooves, and it was best played with friends.

Before I had decided to follow Tia’s example and form a small elite Knight Order for myself, I had no idea her saying ‘Friendship is Magic’ was more than a literal arcane truth. I thought she simply meant the close emotional bonds amplified the magic of everypony involved. Yet, the figurative truth in those words is just as true as the literal interpretation.

Sitting in my study playing games with Lyra, Bonbon, Colegate, Vinyl, Octavia, and Meep was the single best way I could think to spend an evening. I am glad I gave them the chance to become my friends instead of simply keeping them on as an elite unit of guards. Easily the best decision of the last two thousand years. My heart no longer yearned for company.

I had picked them out of all possible ponies simply because our records showed the six of them helped during the Canterlot Invasion, showing diverse skills and great team work. The group had also had a few other adventures over the years, not as many as Twilight and her friends, but still, more than enough to prove competent adventurers.

The fact they were all friends and loved strategy games as much as I had been an unexpected delightful bonus. Even better was after asking them what they meant by a plus five broadsword they had invited me to play. Me. Invited. To do something. As a friend! To my embarrassment, they had a giggle fit at my involuntarily happy dance.

Aside from my love of those sorts of games, and the fact I invite friends over for gaming nights on Fridays, there is one other thing few ponies know about me. It involves my dream walking ability, and is what has permitted me to be such an excellent guardian for all of these years. When the moon is in the sky and bathing the ground in it’s light, I need not close my eyes to see into the dreams of the ponies in Equestria.

I can walk, talk, fight, and everything else I may need to do all the while also existing in the Dreamscape, performing my duties there equally well. Effectively, I am in two places at once. While that sounds like it would be a strain on a pony’s mind, I have gotten most proficient at it over the thousands of years I have had to hone the skill.

Even as I helped my friends negotiate a trade deal with a fictional village, I drove nightmares back from a half dozen foal’s dreams. The night was silent for the most part, nopony was considerably afraid, so I had only to drive away the darkness which crept into my little ponies dreams. As well as listen for those who would plot against others in their sleep, so we could ensure they would not harm others in their waking hours by letting them know they would be watched.

Through the relative quiet, a voice called out to me. “Let’s see… um… Luna, Princess of the Equestrians, your knights shall have a quest to make an example in these dark times… Oh fuck it! She’s not listening, this is stupid!”

Heh! It was always fun when somepony tried to summon me into a dream. I usually didn’t notice for at least a half hour. I also normally did not enter a dream someone wished me to. More often than not they simply wished to meet me and did not need help. They could simply make an appointment to see me, so I let their dreams slip by.

This pony on the other hoof, had a touch of desperation and urgency in her voice. Which warranted at the very least, a quick look. I turned and walked towards the dream, entering it through the curtain of consciousness which separates the dreaming mind from the Dreamscape.

The dream I found myself in was very boring. It was just space, only without the nice artistic illusions I had created in place. What sort of pony dreams of the night sky without my hoof’s touch?

Sitting on an asteroid was a dark purple furred, pink spiky maned batpony, and also a small though fully grown fiery orange dragoness. They occupied the same exact spot, inherently linked together as one in time and space. This mare had somehow soulbound herself to a dragon. Quite the feat for somepony without magic of her own.

“I hear you now my little pony. The night is still, but darkness lurks within dreams even on the most peaceful of nights. What have you called me here?” I asked politely.

“Oooo! You’re an alicorn!” The Dragon cooed excitedly. “Do you know which one of you is in charge of fire?”

At the same exact time the pony exclaimed, “Finally! I have terrible news you absolutely need to hear!”

“There is not yet a Princess of Fire, though with two Alicorns appearing in the last fifteen years, it is likely we shall have more soon.” I said to the dragon, who clearly was not the one trying to contact me.

Her ears drooped sadly. “Awww… why does nopony know? I know she’s real.”

Filing that bit of information away to check on later, I turned my attention to the pony. I did not have time to mess around tonight. With Sombra loose I might need to defend the Dreamscape at any moment from a rush of evil like we had back in the old days.

My horn’s glow lit up the pony and dragon as I cast a truth spell upon them both. “Nether of you can lie, tell me what you wish me to know and I shall listen.”

“Oh thank god!” The pony exclaimed, “I was wondering how I would get you to believe me! Grogar is going to break free from Tartarus soon and-”

“WHAT!?” I exclaimed both in the dream and in reality. My face growing pale with terror.

My friends gave me a concerned look.

Vinyl cleared her throat, “He only short changed you three copper Luna.”

“No not that! Quiet!” I hissed turning my full attention to the dreamscape.

“Yeah, I know.” The pony said. “Ancient eldritch evil. He’s going to break loose soon-”

“What is your source on this? Did you see first hoof signs of his return?” I demanded.

“Death told us.” she said matter of factly.

Ponyfeathers. “Truly?” I pleaded, hoping she was jesting.

“You just cast a truth spell on us.” The dragon said sounding quite confused.

“I know. It’s called vain hope.” I sighed. “Nopony alive knows how to seal him away, nor is there any known method for slaying him. I had hoped whoever sealed him in Tartarus all those years ago would have left instructions on-”

“You totally did.” The mare said quickly. “Death said your old journal in the Library of Zebraca has a memory sealed in it of your half of how you banished him… I um… didn’t think that meant you wouldn’t remember sealing him away at all.”

“I sealed him away?” I asked thinking back through the years searching for anything which might help me remember.

“According to death yeah. You and your sister. We need you to come to the library, get those memories, and then get your half of the key.” she informed.

“Why?” I asked. “If I hid a part of something to release Grogar from Tartarus it would not be something another could ever reach. I could also see myself removing the memory so I myself could not be made to free him by mind control or coercion. As such I believe your claim I sealed him away, but I-”

“Death says during the first fifteen minutes he is on this plane he will be vulnerable to harm.” she informed, making my heart skip a beat in hopes we had a chance. “If we hit him hard and fast we can kill him. She also said that one of my enemies is after your half of they key and is capable of getting it. We need to replace Grogar on our own terms so we can be in position to attack.”

“Are you mad?” I demanded, again both in reality and the dream.

“Oh! She’s talking to somepony in a dream!” Octavia exclaimed.

Everypony around the table made satisfied knowing sounds.

“Um, maybe? I don't know.” the mare answered.

“Yep! I was trapped in a tiny box for millennia. No way I’m totally sane.” the dragon quipped playfully. “At least I’m more fun for it though!”

The pony gave me a serious look as she continued. “Death herself-”

“Death’s a mare? I always thought Death was a stallion.” I mused out loud to myself, trying to calm my fears.

I wondered if she was a normal looking pony, or if she was just a female skeleton in some robes. If so were they sexy robes? How would you know Death was female otherwise? Voice? Did she not have a mystical booming voice? Was it just a random female one? Was she cute? This just led to so many questions!

The pony rolled her eyes. “She’s a she, and also a bit of a dick, but apparently the self sacrificing type. Anyways, she said that we could kill him then, and she’s freaking death. I’m pretty damn sure she knows when and how you kill something.”

I refocused my attention. “So, you need me to retrieve my half of the key, so we can safeguard it, and later replace Grogar ourselves when we have the might readied to slay him.” I repeated to be sure I understood perfectly.

“That’s about it yeah.” the dragon replied.

“You are absolutely certain the key is not safe wherever I have hidden it?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yes. Death said so. I’m pretty sure that’s a perfectly credible source.”

Tar and brimstone! There was only one thing to do. “Then we shall retrieve the key. I assume you are willing to help stop Grogar, a dragon will be of much assistance. What resources have you other than yourselves?”

The mare grinned, “A flying battleship with a full crew of forty mares armed to the teeth.”

“Are you a skypirate?” I asked slightly amused.

“Well, not yet technically. I stole this ship with a friend from some pirates but well, no actual piracy has been committed under my command of her.” She answered with a nervous chuckle.

“A pity.” I bemoaned, “One airship is nice but the entire pirate fleet of the Eastern Sea would be much better. What is your name my little pony?”

“Captain Stolen Ruby of the USS Enterprise.” Ruby informed.

“I’m Connie um- of the… Fiery Bits. Yeah!” Connie giggled.

I couldn’t help but smile. It was so adorable to see a dragon who acted like a young adult pony.

On the other hoof, why the buck is every fifth ship or so named the Enterprise? Oh yes, you’ve called your ship a business, how very clever of you. “Well then Captain, sail your ship to the town of Ponyville. My knights and I shall board your ship there and we will retrieve the key together.”

Ruby nodded, “Alright. I’m sure my navigator knows where that is. Why there? Why not Canterlot?”

“Because it’s probably not a good idea to let the peasants know Grogar is returning shortly after announcing Sombra returned again. I can’t help but believe those groups are linked.” I answered with a heavy sigh. “Also my Knights live in Ponyville, so we can board your vessel discreetly whenever you arrive.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you then… So do I just like hang up, stop talking, or what?” She asked.

I gave her a halfhearted smile. “I go. If you can, enjoy your dream. You will be lucid until you wake.”

I left the Dreamscape, and turned my full attention to reality. I stood up from the table with a long sigh and gave my friends my most serious expression. “Girls, we have a job to do.”