• Published 12th Oct 2015
  • 627 Views, 24 Comments

Flash Sentry and the Secret of the Bloodmage - AdrianVesper

Flash Sentry, a newly minted Royal Inquisitor, investigates a series of strange murders in Ponyville

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Chapter II

When Flash Sentry arrived in the skies over Ponyville, his wings ached from the base to the tip. The town beneath him clustered along the banks of a small river. Spanning out from it, dirt trails led to vast fields dotted with farmhouses. To the south, the deep green of the everfree forest hugged the contours of the land. Near the edge of town, Princess Twilight’s castle looked out of place against the quaint houses and shops.

Four-Twenty-Five Sunset Lane, he thought. He angled his wings, turning into a slow, spiraling descent. He made for the circular plaza at the center of town. If he was going to get an idea of the streets, it was the best place to start. As he shed altitude and energy, he passed a small weather-team pushing a cloud. So far, they’d corralled a dense patch on the edge of town. A thick blanket of cloud cover spread outward.

The rooftops closed in, and he flared his wings, braking gently to control his speed. Even that small strain made his shoulders ache after hours of flying. I got too used to the Royal Guard armor, he thought. The Inquisitor's Mark would take at least a day to affect his body. Eventually, he made a running touchdown in the plaza. When he came to a stop, he stretched his wings with a satisfied groan before folding them.

All around the plaza, vendors in stalls hawked wares, such as tools, trinkets, and baked goods. Ponies moved to and fro at a relaxed pace, many with stuffed saddlebags from a morning of shopping. He turned, trying to find his bearings. Face it, he thought, you’re going to have to ask for directions.

He settled on a grey unicorn stallion with a light-blue mane chewing on a carrot near the edge of the plaza, leaning comfortably against a signpost. Dodging past other ponies, he approached the unicorn. As he neared, Flash Sentry realized how slight the stallion’s build was. The unicorn was thin as a rail, and Flash Sentry stood nearly a head taller.

“Excuse me,” Flash Sentry said. “Would you happen to know where Sunset Lane is?”

The unicorn shrugged and retrieved a pair of glasses from his saddlebag, placing them on his nose with his magic. He popped the head of his finished carrot into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. “Well, there’s Hay Street,” he said, pointing and swallowing. “And there’s the town hall.”

Flash Sentry nodded.

“And um...” the unicorn frowned. “I haven’t the foggiest idea.” He grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, I’ve only been living here for a week,” he said. He raised a hoof. “I’m Fuller. Us new folks have to stick together.”

Flash Sentry smiled and shook the offered hoof. “Of course.” He dipped his head. “Flash Sentry.”

“Now, let’s see,” Fuller said. He pointed at an orange mare operating an apple fritter stall. “She seems like she’d know her way around.” He made for the stall, glancing sidelong at Flash Sentry. “Come on, let’s find Sunrise Lane.”

“Sunset,” Flash Sentry said, following.

“Humm?” Fuller said.

“It’s Sunset Lane.”

“Oh, right,” Fuller said. “Sunset street.”

Flash Sentry chuckled. “Now you’re just messing with me.”

Fuller grinned. “Yep.” Arriving at the stall, he leaned on the counter amicably. “Miss, could you tell us where Sunset Lane is?”

“Sure thing, sugarcube,” the mare said. She pointed to a street. “You see Sugar Street right over there?”

Flash Sentry nodded.

“Well, it’s real easy. Head that way, and when you get to the building that looks like a gingerbread house, you hang a left. After that, first right, then if you want to take a shortcut you hook through the alley with the family o’ rats that’ll come out looking for handouts. If you don’t want to take a shortcut you take the left fork onto Sunbeam Avenue, then you’ll come on Sunset Lane at the intersection after the Flower Shop.” She smiled. “Ya got it?”

“Um,” Fuller said. “I think so?”

“I got it,” Flash Sentry said. “Thank you, ma’am.”

“Ma’am?” the mare said. “You’ll make a girl blush with those manners.” She tilted her head. “Are you two new here?”

Flash Sentry nodded. “Some newer than others.”

She slid a pair of fritters on wax paper down the counter. “Have a treat, on the house,” she said, winking. “I’m Applejack, of Sweet Apple Acres, and anytime you’re feelin’ hungry, you swing on by.”

Flash Sentry picked his fritter up off the counter. “Flash Sentry,” he said. “Thank you!”

Fuller took a bite out of his Fritter. Eyes watering, he said, “‘m Fuller.” He swallowed. “It’s so good!”

“World famous Apple Family secret recipe!” Applejack said.

Flash Sentry raised a brow. “How can it be both world famous and a secret?”

Applejack narrowed her eyes. “The fritter is famous and the recipe is secret. You’re overthinking it, pretty boy. Shut up and enjoy the fritter.” She paused, eyeing him. “Wait, don’t I know you from somewhere.”

Applejack, Element of Honesty, Flash Sentry realized. “Um, probably not,” he said, turning away from the stall, fritter in hoof. Now he remembered her being with Princess Twilight Sparkle that day.

Quickly, he made his way toward the street Applejack had pointed out. “Hey, wait up,” Fuller said as he reached the street. Flash Sentry eased back on his long strides.

march,” Fuller said as he caught up, panting. He glanced over his shoulder. “She was cute.”

Flash Sentry shrugged. “Sure, she’s nice.”

“I think she liked you,” Fuller said. “Not your type?”

Flash Sentry shook his head. “She was just being a salespony.”

“Counterpoint,” Fuller said, “she winked at you."

Flash Sentry rolled his eyes. “I bet she winks at least half her customers.”

Fuller nodded. “You’re probably right, I’m useless with mares.” He sighed.

“I’m not great either,” Flash Sentry said. Spotting the gingerbread house, he turned left, as instructed. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he caught a flash of pink, but when he looked, it was gone. He blinked, certain it was a trick of the light.

“No way,” Fuller said. “You stand so tall. Heck, it’s like you could be a Royal Guard or something.”

Flash Sentry chuckled nervously. “Maybe, but I always make some awkward flub, or set my sights on something I just can’t reach.”

“Hey, well, I live here, just five houses down that way,” Fuller said, pointing. “if you want to hang out or whatever. But, I should get home.”

Flash Sentry smiled and nodded. “Sure. I’ll see you around, Fuller.”

With a wave, Fuller turned down a side street. Flash Sentry slowed to a stop, and eyed the fritter he held. He was tired of trotting on three hooves, and it smelled delightful. He opened his mouth wide and shoved about half of it into his mouth. Flavor exploded across his tongue, sweet, warm cinnamon filling his mouth. He closed his eyes and breathed slowly outward through his nose. “Mmmmm.” He opened his mouth to take another bite.

“Applejack’s fritters are the best!” a bubbly voice cried directly behind him. Flash Sentry jumped, wings flaring. He scrambled for the fritter, but it spilled from his hooves, landing on the dirty cobblestone. He whirled.

A pink pony grinned at him. “Sorry, I forgot the first part. Suprise!”

Flash Sentry stared at her flatly. “You ruined it.”

She giggled. “I don’t usually mess up surprises, but when I do, it’s bound to be spectacular.” She held out a folded pink paper. “Here ya go!”

Flash Sentry took the paper and opened it. He raised a brow. “New Ponies Meet-And-Greet?”

“In ten days!” she said. She leaned forward until she was nearly eye to eye with him. “Sugarcube Corner. Be there!”

“Uh, Ooo-kay,” Flash Sentry said. Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter.

Pinkie Pie settled back. “I used to do it each time a new pony came to town, but that started happening more and more, so then I held a bi-monthly event, and now it’s just a monthly event because I’ve been getting too busy.” She frowned. “Do you think I’m not being welcoming enough with only one new-pony-party per month, vaguely-familiar-pony-with-the-overdone-manestyle?”

Flash Sentry shook his head. “No, you’re very welcoming.” He glanced upward, catching a glimpse of his blue hair. “Overdone? Do you really think so?” He lifted a hoof and ran it through his mane. It had a lot of volume, and he wore it with a windswept look that was barely within regulations.

Pinkie Pie sat on her haunches and eyed him appraisingly. “How much hair-gel do you use a week?”

Flash Sentry glanced down at his hooves. “A lot.”

“Exactly!” she said.

Suddenly, a shrill, terrified scream rang out. Flash Sentry knew the sound of true fear. Without thought, he was in the air, zipping toward the source of the sound.

Flash Sentry slid to the stop in the dust of an alley. The amber mane of a prone pony peeked over a crate labeled ‘Nails’. “Are you okay?” Flash Sentry said, approaching. He rounded the crate and stopped short.

A mare lay crumpled against the crate. Her skin hung loosely from her bones, giving her a gaunt, emaciated look. “Miss?” Flash Sentry said. Her eyes were closed, and she remained perfectly still. He rushed forward and touched the sensitive pad at the base of his forehoof to her neck.

No pulse.

Fash Sentry hooked his forelimbs under her legs and positioned her on her back in the alley. As he repositioned her, he bellowed, “Help!” He looked over her body. There were no wounds or signs of injury. Standing over her, he centered both of his forehooves on the center of her chest and pushed down.

Hearing a gasp, he glanced over his shoulder, keeping up the rhythm of his compressions. Pinkie Pie stood there, hoof to her mouth, eyes wide and watering. “We need to get her to the hospital!” Flash Sentry shouted. “I need somepony who can help me move her!”

Pinkie Pie stood there, frozen. “Junebug?” she said, barely above a whisper.

“Go!” Flash Sentry roared, turning his focus back to the lifeless mare. Thirty to two, he thought, counting. A little voice in his head told him his efforts were probably wasted, and it was probably too late. You don’t even know if CPR will help in this situation. He squashed the voice and glanced over his shoulder to check on Pinkie Pie.

She was gone.

He repositioned and leaned in, covering her nostrils with a hoof and tilting her head back slightly so that her mouth fell open. Her lips felt cold against his, and strangely deflated. He exhaled into her lungs. A breath for them, a breath for you, he thought. He pulled away for a deep breath, his last one slowly leaking out of her mouth, and after inhaling and exhaling, pressed his mouth to hers again. As he gave her a breath, he heard hooves behind him.

“Flash, are you okay?” Fuller’s voice.

Flash Sentry pushed himself up and resumed compressions. “Woah, is she okay?” Fuller said.

She’ll need life support, Flash Sentry thought. Full respiration apparatus. He needed to move her. Can’t carry her solo, not fast enough.

“Stars above!” Fuller shouted. Flash Sentry glanced over his shoulder. Fuller pranced in a tight circle. “She’s not breathing, is she?! What do we do?!”

“We hope,” Flash Sentry said. Nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two...

“What should I do?!” Fuller cried. “Should I get help?”

It should be on the way, Flash Sentry thought, not wanting to waste his breath speaking. He leaned down to give the mare another two breaths.

“Oh man, oh man, oh man,” Fuller said. “This is bad, isn’t it?! Just stay calm! Don’t panic! Should I go get help?!”

Flash Sentry reposition his hooves over her chest and pumped. “Get help,” Flash Sentry said, mostly to give Fuller a task. Seven, eight, nine... sixty seconds between the scream and the start of CPR... twelve, thirteen, fourteen... why aren’t her lips blue? He stared down at the mare’s face. She was disconcertingly pale. Her skin sagged around her cheekbones. Paralysis? Venom?

“I’ll get help!” Fuller shouted, his hoofsteps receding away from Flash Sentry.

How long from here to the hospital? Flash Sentry thought. Where is the hospital? He remembered spotting a building with a red cross as he descended into Ponyville, but he had no idea what direction it was in from the alley.

If I don’t get an emergency team from the hospital here inside of two minutes, I’m going to have to put her on my back and circle until I spot it, Flash Sentry thought as he leaned in to give breaths again. His pulse thundered in his ears as he exhaled. She’s already dead! You can’t move her fast enough on your own! He shook his head as he took the breath for himself. Does a Guardspony give up? He breathed for her. Does an Inquisitor?

One, two, three, Flash Sentry counted, firmly pumping her chest. He felt something shift beneath his hooves. Rib fracture, he thought. It happens. He remembered his instructor mentioning the possibility. He was pushing her chest hard enough to move blood through her body. Focus on the rhythm, he thought.

After another thirty compressions, he leaned in to give the mare a breath. As he sealed his lips with hers and filled her lungs, he heard a pair of near-simultaneous concussive pops behind him accompanied by a flash of light. He lifted his head, glancing over his shoulder while he took a breath for himself.

Behind him in the alley, Princess Twilight Sparkle stood next to Pinkie Pie, her wings spread. For a moment, Flash Sentry registered shock and surprise at seeing the princess, but his task consumed his attention.

Twilight’s mouth dropped open. “Pinkie! Why?! I didn’t need to—”

“She’s not breathing!” Pinkie cried.

Flash Sentry gave the mare another breath.

“Oh!” Twilight said. “Oh.”

A tingle passed over Flash Sentry as magic built in the air. Ignoring it, he shifted to resume chest compressions. As he pressed down, the mare, and the alley, vanished in a flash of light.

Flash Sentry dropped six inches onto clean white tile. Shock ran up his outstretched forelegs. Head spinning, he toppled sideways into a wooden crate. Disoriented, on his side on a cold floor, he blinked as he took in his surroundings.

Shouts of alarm filled the white hallway he found himself in. The mare lay a few hoofspans away in the middle of the corridor. Within a few seconds, a nurse was at her side. A pony with a red cross on his hat knelt down by Flash Sentry. He waved the nurse off. “I’m fine!” he said. “She’s not breathing!” he pointed at the prone mare. “I did CPR for almost two minutes!”

The nurse nodded. “She needs a respirator! Get a stretcher!”

A few minutes later, Flash Sentry sat in a chair staring at a sign on a door that read ‘Critical Care 4’ in red letters. Movement flitted in a small square window set into the door. He turned his head to look at where Princess Twilight sat a few chairs away. She had one wing around Pinkie Pie, who sniffled quietly with her face buried in Twilight’s shoulder.

Twilight Sparkle met his eyes over Pinkie’s mane. “I...” Flash Sentry said. “I hope she makes it.” He looked away, trying to blink back the tears he could feel building.

“Do you know her?” the Princess said.

Flash Sentry shook his head, not trusting himself to speak.

“Her name is Junebug, and she’s lucky you were there,” Twilight Sparkle said.

Flash Sentry nodded. He took a shuddering breath. “I’ve never had to do that before. Not on a real pony, anyway.” He swallowed, focusing on his forehooves. “I broke her rib. It happens sometimes.”

“I’m sure you did your best,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Thank you for getting her here so fast, Princess,” Flash Sentry said.

Twilight Sparkle glanced down the hallway at the nail crate from the alley. “I probably didn’t need to bring the box of nails though,” she said with a strained laugh.

Flash Sentry laughed, a small portion of the tightness in his chest easing. “Probably not, Princess.” He looked over at her and she smiled softly.

“Call me Twilight.” She looked away. “Please.”

“Sure,” Flash Sentry said. “Twilight.”

The door burst open. A doctor stepped out of the room and shut the door behind him. Flash Sentry sat up straight, his ears perking in anticipation. His heart fell at the look on the doctor’s face.

“I’m sorry,” the Doctor said. “We couldn’t help her.”

“Why not?!” Flash Sentry demanded, standing.

The doctor glanced down at a clipboard she held in one of her hooves. “Well, um...” she flipped a page. “She had a rather, um, odd, case of extreme blood loss.”

Flash Sentry blinked. “What?” He hadn’t seen any wounds, or blood in the alley.

“She didn’t have any blood in her body,” the doctor said. “No wounds, skin a hundred percent in-tact.” She tossed the clipboard over her shoulder, showering papers. “Just poof! No blood!” Shaking her head, she set off down the hallway. “Completely, totally dead before she got here...”

Flash Sentry slumped back onto his haunches. It was useless, he thought. Everything you did was useless. “Something killed her.” He grit his teeth and picked himself back up. With a beat of his wings, he launched himself down the hallway.

“Wait!” Twilight shouted after him. He ignored her as he banked tight around a corridor, rolling to avoid clipping an orderly with an outstretched wing. Spotting an exit sign, he blazed toward it, threw the door open with his forehooves, and shot through into the outside air.