• Published 12th Oct 2015
  • 627 Views, 24 Comments

Flash Sentry and the Secret of the Bloodmage - AdrianVesper

Flash Sentry, a newly minted Royal Inquisitor, investigates a series of strange murders in Ponyville

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Chapter III

Flash Sentry scanned the alley. He could see disruptions in the dirt where he’d dragged Junebug’s body. Diffuse, white light filtered from the cloud cover overhead. A chill breeze rushed between the buildings, stirring his mane, and blowing a few specs of dirt onto the pristine square where the nail crate had sat.

There’s nothing here, Flash Sentry thought. He stamped the dirt with a hoof. How did this happen? How could something leave a bloodless corpse in broad daylight? He looked both ways to the ends of the alley. Somepony must have seen something.

Fuller rounded the corner. Panting, he leaned against a thick wooden post. He clutched his side with a forehoof. “Jeeze,” he said between breaths. “You fly fast.” He sucked air. “How did you get to the hospital and back so quick?”

“What do you mean?” Flash Sentry said.

“Well, uh,” Fuller said. “I came back to the alley with a couple pegasi, and you were gone.” He pushed himself off the post and took a step forward. “I figured you’d gone to the hospital and they flew off to help, so I started walking. Then, on the way there I see you blaze past overhead. Ran to catch you.”

“Princess Twilight teleported us... me and the body, to the hospital and I flew back to see if I could figure out what happened,” Flash Sentry said.

“What? The body?” Fuller gasped. “She didn’t make it?”

Flash Sentry shook his head. “Dead before I got here.” He grit his teeth.

“Oh,” Fuller said. He rubbed one foreleg with the opposite hoof. “I uh... that sucks. What killed her?”

“Blood loss,” Flash Sentry said.

Fuller blinked, looking around the alley. “But where’s the blood, where’d it go?”

“Exactly,” Flash Sentry said.

With a hoof, Fuller pointed at the empty spot where the nail crate had been. “What’s that?”

Flash Sentry focused on the spot. Wedged into a crag where the wood of the building met the stone, a wisp of purple fluttered in the breeze. He took a couple steps closer. The tip of a feather stuck out of the crack. With a hoof, he gently pulled it free. Lavender, he thought. He’d never forget the shade. She was all the way across the alley when she teleported. In order for that feather to get behind the crate...

Fuller leaned in over Flash Sentry’s shoulder. “Who do you think that feather belongs to?”

“Twilight Sparkle,” Flash Sentry said.

“What?” Fuller said. “So, she left it here when she teleported you?”

Flash Sentry shook his head. “No. Not where it landed. For a gust to blow it over here, and it to get stuck... it’s too unlikely. She had to have been here before I got here.”

“But it must have blown there, right?” Fuller said. “Princess Twilight Sparkle couldn’t have had anything to do with this could she?”

Question everything, Flash Sentry thought. “You’re right, but there has to be an explanation.”

“Look, Flash, you’re getting pretty intense. Don’t you think you should have left that where you found it? I mean, I don’t think the proper authorities are going to want you messing around here before they get here,” Fuller said. “They’re probably going to want statements from us.”

You’re not Royal Guard anymore, Flash Sentry thought. “You’re right,” he said. “Look, if they show up, let them know I’ll be right back. I’ve got to check on something,” With that, he launched himself into the air, feather still in his hoof.

Four-Twenty-Five Sunset Lane was an old-style earth-pony house. Thatch eves hung out over solid wooden walls painted a tan-white. As long as the roof had been maintained, the house could have been here for a century. Flash Sentry raised a hoof and tested the oaken door. His hidden medallion thrummed against his chest as the latch yielded.

He stepped inside. The door swung shut behind him. An arcane tinkle accompanied the click of the latch. Magically secured, he thought. The furniture inside was both sparse and understated. The chairs in the joint kitchen were solid wood and lacked cushions, though beneath one of the dark-curtained windows was a padded seat.

Flash Sentry’s hooves clicked on the floorboards as he walked to a woven rug in front of the room’s brick fireplace. He pushed it aside. Sure enough, a trap door lay beneath it. A small metal handle folded flush into a slot in the wood. He lifted it out, gripped it in his teeth, and hauled the door open. A steep staircase descended.

Shrugging, Flash Sentry made his way down the steps. Each creaked beneath his hooves. At the edge of the light streaming down from above, a pull-cord dangled. He gave it a yank. Above him, a bulb sprang to life.

A full set of Royal Guard armor adorning a ponynequin gleamed in the light. Beside it, a red folder rested on a table, next to a sack. Flash Sentry approached the folder. With a hoof, he flipped it open, revealing a photo and a sheet of white paper. He quickly scanned the machine-typed letters.

Classified: Royal Intelligence-Eyes Only

0917-1004 #493
Notice From: Canterlot Intelligence Group
Notice For: Inquisitor Assigned to Ponyville



At 0334C on 23 Fading 1004, Lord Sanguine arrived in Ponyville under the guise of exploring the growing township for investment opportunities. Probable Address: 454 Horseshoe Boulevard.

Lord Sanguine’s Known Associations include: Free Dawn (separatist faction seeking to curb the power of Celestia), The Circle of the Great (Canterlot Noble’s group exclusively for old bloodlines. Publicly demands Princess Celestia and Princess Luna step down from power and restore it to “the true rulers”).

Princess Twilight Sparkle is the heir apparent. Targeting her may be a way to undermine the Princess’s government. It is unknown what Lord Sanguine is planning.

Suggested Course of Action: Use identity/cover to infiltrate Lord Sanguine’s local operation, determine adversary courses of action, develop response plan, and act. If possible, find evidence of treason that can be used in public trial.

P.S. Be careful. I highly doubt there is any threat of harm physical harm to Twilight. You, on the other hoof, well, let’s just say not everypony has stopped the apocalypse. -C

Classified: Royal Intelligence-Eyes Only

Flash Sentry narrowed his eyes, focusing the note at the bottom penned in flowing ink, signed “-C”. Pretty sure that isn’t procedure, he thought. He tucked the paper back into the folder and looked at the photo. It was a portrait of Lord Sanguine, taken with a bright flash as he walked down a purple carpet inside of Canterlot Castle. His blood-red mane fell about his shoulders, and the flash highlighted his blond coat.

Nothing about anything that could suck the blood out of a pony, Flash Sentry thought. At least I know what I’m supposed to be doing. He rubbed his temple with a hoof. Better go give the locals a report. Before he left the basement, he checked the sack. Bits filled it to the brim. He grinned, at least I’m well funded.

Almost as soon as Flash Sentry covered the trapdoor in front of the fireplace with the rug, a knock sounded at the front door. He furrowed his brows and went to the door. Squinting, he peered through an eye-level lensed peephole. On the far side, Princess Twilight waited expectantly. He caught a glimpse of cyan feathers and a pink coat on each side of her.

Flash Sentry pulled away from the peephole. Crap. He touched a hoof to his chest. Of course she’d get involved. His heart beat like he’d just finished an airborne sprint. Taking a deep breath, he ran his hoof through his mane then reached for the latch.

As soon as he had the door open, Flash Sentry slipped out and let it swing shut behind him. A soft chime accompanied the click of the latch falling into place. Twilight Sparkle smiled. Flash Sentry recognized Rainbow Dash to her right, and Pinkie Pie on her left. “Princess,” Flash Sentry said, dipping his head. “What can I do for you?”

“You left in a hurry,” Twilight said. “I was hoping you could tell me more about what happened to Junebug.”

Flash Sentry shook his head. Sighing, he leaned back against the door. “You know as much as I do, Princess. She was like that when I got there.”

Rainbow Dash shot forward in an eyeblink and prodded him in the chest with the sharp edge of her forehoof. “Really now?! You were the only one anywhere near her!”

“Rainbow!” Twilight shouted. “He tried to save her!”

“Well, I was there,” Pinkie said. She gasped. “Did I do it Dashy?”

Rainbow Dash took a step back. “Pinkie, just stop.”

Pinkie tilted her head. “Stop what?”

Rainbow whirled on Pinkie. “That! This isn’t funny!” she shouted. “I don’t know if you heard, but newsflash, Junebug is dead!”

Pinkie Pie fixed Rainbow with a flat stare. “I know, Rainbow. I saw the body.”

“Look,” Twilight said. “We don’t know what happened.” She sniffed. “We’re going to figure it out. There has to be a reason this happened.” She looked at Flash Sentry. “Can you help us?”

Flash Sentry ran a hoof through his mane. He left it hooked around the back of his neck. “Um,” he said. “I don’t know what I could do.”

“You’re a Royal Guard, right?” Twilight said.

“Uh.” Flash Sentry rubbed the back of his neck. Maintain your cover. He swallowed. “Former.”

Twilight raised her brows. “Former? Why?”

“Insubordination,” Flash Sentry said. He met Twilight's eyes. “Look, I wish I could help you, Princess, but I’m just another pony. Nothing more.”

Twilight’s expression fell. She glanced at the ground. “I see.” She turned away. “Thank you for your time, and thank you for trying to help Junebug.”

Rainbow Dash glared at Flash Sentry. “I’m watching you,” she said, before following after Twilight.

Pinkie Pie glanced at Twilight Sparkle, then at him. She raised a brow, shrugged, then trotted off after Twilight.

Flash Sentry clenched his jaw as they walked away. When they rounded the street corner, he turned and slammed his hoof into the doorframe. I could have told her! She’s a Princess! They’d keep it secret! He shook his head. Celestia told me to keep my cover. He took a deep breath. Would she be impressed? He reached for the lavender feather he’d tucked into a saddlebag he’d found in the house.

For a moment, he stared at it. How did you get where I found you? He watched it flex in the breeze. What were you doing in that alley before I got there, Twilight Sparkle?

Warm firelight streamed out of the windows of Four-Fifty-Four Horseshoe Boulevard. Flash Sentry touched down in the street outside the property’s open gate. A low brick wall backed by a high hedge encircled the structure. He folded his wings, settling them on his back. A sign by the gate marked the place as The Very Berry Inn.

Eyes on the windows, he trotted up a path of rounded stones that lead to the front door. As he neared, his ears caught voices and raucous laughter filtering out into the night air. He reached the door, and pushed it open. Inside, ponies lounged on couches before a raging fire and on stools at a bar. Eyes turned on him as he stepped forward. Almost as soon as he was inside, he spotted Lord Sanguine sitting at the bar. His rich red mane spilled down around his shoulders.

Lord Sanguine turned to glance at Flash Sentry. He grinned, showing white teeth. “Ah, you must be the former Royal Guard Crimson Fold recruited. Flash Sentry, right?”

Flash Sentry blinked, but quickly regained his composure. Of course they gave me a way in, he thought. “Right,” Flash Sentry said.

“Come here,” Lord Sanguine said, beckoning him with a hoof. “Let’s talk.”

Glancing warily at the ponies around him, Flash Sentry walked over to the bar. Is this entire inn in his pocket? he wondered. He took a seat on a stool next to Lord Sanguine. “About?” Flash Sentry said.

From a crystal glass, Lord Sanguine took a sip of wine. “First, when speaking to me, you will use a title appropriate to my heritage.”

“Of course, my Lord,” Flash Sentry said, doing his best to not spit the words through gritted teeth.

“So, tell me why an Officer in the Royal Guard would turn against the Tyrant?”

Flash Sentry frowned. “I didn’t turn on them, they turned on me, my Lord.” He tapped a hoof on the bar. “All that matters is a few ponies, and whether you’ve caught their eye or not. Just look at the current Captain of the Royal Guard.” He shook his head. “Nopony was meant to have as much power as they do.”

“And you’re willing to do what is necessary to save Equestria?” Lord Sanguine asked.

“Of course, my Lord,” Flash Sentry said. “We need to make the change we seek.”

Lord Sanguine grinned, then lifted a hoof to clap him on the shoulder. Flash Sentry let out a breath he hadn’t realize he’d been holding. “Tartarus, Crimson Fold knows how to pick ‘em!” Lord Sanguine chuckled and took a swig from his glass. “And, according to my sources, your previous occupation has the Princess already trusting you.”

Flash Sentry shrugged. “I do what I can, my Lord.”

Lord Sanguine swiveled on his stool. “Hey, Quill... Quill Scrape...” He rapped his hoof on the bar in frustration.

“Scratching Quill, my Lord,” an earth pony said from a chair beside the fireplace as she rose to her feet. “What can I do for you?”

“Right, Scratching Quill,” Lord Sanguine said. “Do you have the book, and that camera-thing?”

Scratching Quill nodded. She leaned over to an end-table beside her chair, nosed into a strap, then picked up a book bound in black fabric in her mouth. With the items, she trotted over to the bar. Lord Sanguine took the book in his levitation and held it out to Flash Sentry. “Get this into Princess Twilight’s palace, then use the, erm, thing, to capture the image. Open the book to the sixty-third page.”

“I’ll get it done,” Flash Sentry said. He dipped his head as Lord Sanguine floated the camera’s strap around his neck. When Lord Sanguine released it, it pressed the invisible amulet uncomfortably against Flash Sentry’s chest. “Might I ask why?”

“There’s only one pony in this world scarier than Celestia,” Lord Sanguine said. He paused, as if waiting for an answer, but before Flash Sentry could say a word, he said, “Twilight Sparkle. You’re going to help Equestria see that.” He patted Flash Sentry on the shoulder. “I expect great things from you.”

Flash Sentry touched down in an open field, breathing heavily. He could feel Celestia’s enchantment taking hold, and it worked to free his muscles from fatigue, but the marathon from Canterlot and a day sprinting around Ponyville was taking its toll. As he caught his breath, he sat down on the soft grass. Ahead, moonlight glinted off the spires of Twilight Sparkle’s crystal palace.

Flash Sentry eyed the windows. She probably doesn’t bother to lock them, he thought. He squinted, trying to tell if the were even shuttered, as he stretched his wings. Getting in will be easy. He folded his wings and reached into a satchel at his side. He’d transferred the book and the camera into it; it was considerably easier than having one in his mouth and the other swinging around his neck.

He set the book in front of him on the grass, then flipped the pages, counting sixty-three. He peered at writing, but he couldn’t make it out in the dark. Sighing, he looked up and scanned his surroundings. Behind him, towards the center of town, there were a few streetlights, but that would mean backtracking.

Oh right, he thought. He looked down and focused on the amulet around his neck. After concentrating for a few seconds, it faded into reality. He touched his hoof to it. A soft white glow emanated from it. With the light, he read the page.


This Compendium discusses few magics more costly than Blood Magic. However, great power only comes with a great price. Blood Magic does not make a great spellweaver, but a great spellweaver wielding its power is a truly spectacular force. Beware, for once you venture down this road, there is no turning back.

He skimmed ahead.

A Blood Mage must drain at least one font every cycle of the moon to maintain themselves. If more fonts are drained, it will result in greater vibrancy for the Blood Mage and a larger pool to draw upon for the performance of Blood Magic.

He read the next couple of paragraphs, and grimaced. Quickly, it devolved into a technical web of magical principles well beyond his understanding. Only one more tidbit of information stood out.

Prolonged use of Blood Magic will cause its caster’s mane and tail to become blood red.

Flash Sentry flicked the book shut and rubbed his temple with a hoof. His amulet went dark as he moved the hoof away, then faded into invisibility. This is bad. He thought. They don’t need to prove Twilight Sparkle has a thing to do with the murder. All they need is to make ponies wonder, and fear will do the rest.

So, what now? he wondered. It was tempting to simply not do what Lord Sanguine asked. He could make an excuse. He could claim the camera wouldn’t work, or that his infiltration of the palace had failed. Lord Sanguine has nothing but red in his mane. I’m probably helping the murder right now. He thought. But do I know that? Sighing, he picked up the book and put it back in the satchel. The only way to know for sure would be to chase the rabbit down its hole.

Like Flash Sentry predicted, getting into the palace was easy. After swooping in through an open window, he stepped softly down an empty corridor. Eerie silence reigned over the entire structure, leaving the clip-clop of his hooves echoing in his ears like thunder. He listened to the rush of his own breath as he made his way forward, looking for a likely spot to find a book of black magic.

A beastial roar ripped down the corridor, and Flash Sentry froze. His ears twitched. The sound came again.

He stifled a chuckle. It was a pony snoring, loudly. He continued forward, stopping in an open doorway. Crystal shelves hewn into the walls of the room beyond held countless books. At a desk in the middle of the space, Twilight Sparkle rested her head on an open book. She inhaled, snoring, then shifted, her next breath a quiet murmur.

Flash Sentry moved forward delicately, careful to keep his hoof falls near silent on the hard floor. He stopped a couple feet from Twilight Sparkle. A stray hair from her mane dangled down in front of her lips and rose and fell with each breath. Drool from the corner of her open mouth dampened the page beneath her cheek. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Damn, she’s cute, he thought.

He shook his head, then reached back and retrieved the book. Spine in his mouth, he looked down at the desk, and froze. His eyes scanned the open page next to the one Twilight Sparkle was using as a pillow. It was the same book as the one in Flash Sentry’s mouth, open to the same page he had read.

Comments ( 7 )


It's hella annoying to see people downvoting based on the characters involved and not on the quality of the story.

She probably suspects blood magic was the cause of Junebug's death and is researching it.

Now if he also noticed her hair turning red at the roots...

That scene between Sanguine and Flash happened way too fast.

Also what the hell is with all these down votes.

Nice twist with Teilight researching the same thing. This is going to be good.

Haha, cheeky twist at the end there. Twi is a quick thinker though and I'm sure she noticed the obvious drain of blood and perhaps has a hunch about sanguine. She could easily get details about every new pony in town from pinky. Looking forward to seeing this continue! Wonder how Flashes thought processes will go here, hopefully Sanguines attempted framing will be noticeable.

*just reads intro* OOOOOOOOO

I'm sorry, I have zero time to read things like this, in fact taking the time to read the intro is probably stretching it, but it sounds AWESOME. Meillure souhaits to it and to you! I hope I get time to read it someday!

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