• Published 20th May 2012
  • 7,935 Views, 240 Comments

Tamed - PiercingZen

Twilight recieves an unexpected guest one rainy night and discovers something troubling about her.

  • ...

Chapter 11 - Seeing is Believing

Act 2

Chapter 11 – Seeing Is Believing


Going beyond the boundaries, new pains and new paths emerge. It’s a difficult choice to make because…can you ever go back?


It was afternoon. Rainbow made her way home…with Midnight on her back. She was still shaken up and didn’t have the strength to fly.

Ironically, the comfort and safety of her home didn’t seem to accommodate the gut-wrenching fear that Rainbow was feeling. She was fully aware of what just happened and it was taxing her mind to exhaustion. The dark and gloomy atmosphere of her house didn’t help. Just from looking, Dash could tell that no one was home, but she had to make sure.

“Twilight?!” Dash called out as she entered through the front door…no answer. “Scootaloo?” She called…still no answer. She considered investigating the cause right away, but she was worried more for her new friend. “They’re not here, Middy.” The pegasus shivered. “Why are you so cold? Come on.” She set her down.

“T-Thank you, Dash…and I feel fine. What happened back there? Where did those ponies run off to?”

Rainbow stood still for a moment staring at Midnight. It wasn’t a question she wanted to answer at the moment. “I…I don’t know…but it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you’re okay.”

Midnight eyed her suspiciously. Rainbow’s heart jumped a little. That look…why does it look so familiar? Her eyes were piercing…trying to find truth. Those weren’t the only set of violet eyes that have tried to do that.

“If you say so…” She surrendered her petrifying gaze and looked around the house. “Is this where you live?” Midnight began exploring into the kitchen. “Not too shabby.”

Rainbow sighed and halted her little runaround. “Look…Midnight. I think you should stay here for the night. I don’t want you to be alone again.”

How did she get into that situation anyways?

“You don’t mind?” A smile crept over her face.

Dash was beginning to show her exhaustion. “Of course. I’m pretty sure Twi won’t mind either once she learns you have no place to stay.”

“Thank you, Dash. You’re too kind.” Midnight slowly advanced towards the pegasus.

“Now, do you need something to drink? Eat? I’m not much of a cook, but I can make something simple for ya’.”

“I’m fine…Dash, are you okay?” She suspected Dash was masking something with her questions. Their faces were only a few inches from each other.

She turned her head away and sighed. “Yeah! Yeah…I’m fine. I think I just need to lie down. Make yourself at home, Middy. I’ll be upstairs…” She began climbing the stairs without another word. Midnight watched her as she disappeared into the floor above.

Rainbow dropped her bags onto the floor and plopped onto her bed. She let out a moan of relief and snuggled into the covers. Grabbing a pillow and nuzzling into it. Ugh…finally a moment to think…what an afternoon. So…what does this mean? I think I may have just killed somepony…

Her rueful heart cringed…a few tears soaking into the pillow cover. Why did I go so far? I should have just smacked him around a bit…It’s just I felt something…some kind of adrenaline…something that just made me want to tear into the guy. Now what…a life in prison? No way…a pegasus would go mad in there. I’ll just run…run far away. I’ll just take Twilight and just hide away with her. Her heart began to beat rapidly…the thought was appealing. Her interest in her dream began to fade…she just desired to be safe with the one she loved.

Midnight poked her head into the room. She saw Dash pull up from the pillow and sniffle. She ducked around the corner so Dash wouldn’t see her. You’re not okay…something terrible happened in that alleyway…I’m gonna find out one way or another.

Dash sat up and hugged the pillow. She had her back against the doorway and was looking out the bedroom window. The sun was beginning to set. Dash never cared for the interior of the place…but she was desperately looking for something else to think about. Her eyes danced around the room to examine its various artifacts.

In one corner was a small red ball with a yellow stripe next to a bigger, purple, starred ball. Several different memories hit her at once…especially the time she spent in the hospital reading Daring Do…or trying to read rather. What if that guy was in a hospital now? Coming up with a way to seek his revenge against me? She sighed hoping, ironically, that this was the case as opposed to the alternative. The alternative…

In another corner, it looked like Twilight had set up a little area for reading with a lounge pillow and a stack of books…typical. I wonder where Twilight is…she said something about eating…probably went with the kid. How long has it been since then? It had to be a couple hours. What could she be doing? How would she react to what I’ve done?

“Twilight, where are…” Rainbow gasped…she felt something slip around her like icy tongs. She pivoted in place to face whoever was gripping her.

“Hey, Dash…”

“M-Middy? What are you…?”

“Shhh…” The mare put a hoof to her mouth. “I don’t want to be alone again.” She slipped the hoof away and dived for a kiss. Midnight’s eyes shut and she wrapped her forelegs around the mare’s neck. Midnight’s cold lips chilled her own…the cyan pegasus didn’t know how to react…she didn’t kiss back…how could she? What is happening?! What are you doing…?

Midnight opened her eyes and saw tears trickling down Dash’s face. Immediately, she felt horrible. She pulled away from her. “I’m so sorry!” She whispered. “I don’t know what came over me. It just felt right for some reason…I’m such a…” This time is was Dash who silenced her with a hoof. The oxford blue pegasus just stared noiselessly.

Don’t… She leaned in closer to Middy. Don’t do it… She slowly embraced the mare. I’m sorry, Twi! She touched lips with the mare and kissed. A wave of guilt struck the pegasus…but she didn’t care. She just wanted comfort…someone to hold and love. Midnight seemed to share her desire…deepening their kiss and pressing the cyan mare against the bedspread.


A large wooden door creaks open as Twilight and Scootaloo step through it. Sunlight spilled through and illuminated the dimly lit interior of what appears to be library. The two ponies began making their way inside. Spotted throughout the library were various ponies reading books with small candles next to them.

“Strange how every other place we’ve been to has a least some light.” Twilight spoke.

Scootaloo was sticking rather close to the mare…looking around cautiously. “Why are we here again?”

Twilight spotted an unused candle, lit it with her magic, and levitated it close by her. “That pony…Midnight Sun. Doesn’t she seem a little strange to you, Scootaloo?”

“She was a little I guess…I didn’t talk to her much. But what does she have to do with a library?” They turned a corner. The filly spotted the sign “Fiction” as they passed by.

“I’ll tell you why once we find what we’re looking for.” She began to levitate the candle around as she examined each book.

“And what exactly might that be?” Scoot poked at a book with her hoof. This caused a small row of books to collapse and shoot out a cloud of dust at the filly. She coughed stepped away from the shelf. “Bleck!”

The mare chuckled and levitated the candle in front of Scootaloo. “It’s called Adventure into the Stars: The Tale of the Moon Siren.” The filly took the metallic tray holding the candle in her mouth. “Go ahead and take a look on the other side of this shelf. I’m going to look here.” Her horn began to glow…illuminating the area. Scoot nodded and Twilight watched as the filly pranced around the corner.

This is such a silly investigation…but I have to be sure…Midnight Sun. It just had to be a coincidence. She began to rifle through the hundreds of books on the shelf. The entire shelf devoted to the letter ‘A’. It was going to be a tiresome search because the mare soon discovered that these books were not very well organized and hardly alphabetized.

Great…who made this mess? I wouldn’t be surprised if Spike did the shelving. She picked through the ‘ad’ section to no avail. I wonder how he’s doing…probably at his claws and knees begging those crusaders to leave…I wonder how the crusaders are taking Scootaloo’s absence. We kind of took the filly without a word…hm. Speaking of…I wonder if her mother is worried. She never did talk about her. She stared at a single book titled “Abjuration of a Child” while she was distracted with her thoughts. She blinked and shook her head. Her eyes were showing signs of weariness. She yawned and continued her search.

She pulled a nearby ladder over and began searching the higher shelves. Gotta find this book. It has to be here somewhere. Twilight heard some noises on the other side of the shelf. It seems Scootaloo hasn’t given up yet. I just hope this venture is worth it.

~ Come on, Twi! That’s not fair! Why do you have to be so mean to her?! ~

She heard Rainbow’s voice in her mind. The line she yelled at her before she left. It stung her guilty heart. She never wanted to hurt Rainbow…she just wasn’t aware of how attached she was to Midnight.

I should have been more careful. I just hope Dash hasn’t done anything stupid. Like the last time she was alone…Her friend’s suicide attempt replaying in her mind. She’s reckless…careless. I need to get back to her!

“Ugh! Where is this blasted thing anyway?” She banged her head against the shelf.

“Hey, Twilight! I found it!” She heard the filly cry up to her. Twilight lit up and descended the ladder quickly.

“You did?! How did you find it?” She looked at the book Scootaloo had in her mouth. Indeed, it was the book.

“Well, I couldn’t find it on my own…so I asked somepony to help me look for it. It was in the children’s section…not fiction.”

“The children’s section?” Was it really that childish? The filly nodded to her. “Well, good job! You saved us a lot of time.” The mare sat down right there and opened the book. “Tale of the Moon Siren…did you know this my favorite series as a filly.”

“You’ve been reading for that long?” Scoot sat next to her and looked at the book as well.

“Yep, and I’m still as vigilant as ever. I didn’t always read books about magic and lore. Sometimes I would indulge in some fiction too.”

“Like Daring Do?”

The unicorn giggled. “Yes yes, Daring Do and many others. But my most favorite of all was the Adventure into the Stars series.”

“I can’t imagine why…” The filly was well aware of her hobbies.

“You see, I had a really fancy telescope back in Canterlot that I absolutely fell in love with. I used to stargaze every night…I always wondered what it was like out in space among the millions upon millions of stars.” She flipped a couple pages. There are a lot of pictures in here…but there’s one specific one… She stared at the book intently as she flipped through it.

“Wait! Go back a page!” Scootaloo stood and pointed a hoof. “I thought I saw something.” Twilight turned it back and…

“That’s it! Look!” It was a picture of a mare…a very familiar one.

“That isn’t…is it?!”

“Yes, Scootaloo…it’s her…it’s Midnight Sun.” She pointed to a caption under the picture which confirmed it.

“What does it mean? Does that mean this story isn’t a filly’s tale?”

“No…it means I have to apologize to Rainbow Dash…a lot.”


The two pegasi collapsed into each other…sweating and exhausted. Dash was surprised by how vigorous Midnight was…much more than Twilight. That cold aura from the pegasus had completely vanished. Every touch and kiss was warm and pleasing.

Midnight kissed her neck and tightened her embrace. Dash couldn’t help but giggle…she was still going at it. “Please, Middy. Twi will be home any minute. I have to clean up or she’ll suspect something.” She pushed her away and the pegasus gave her a longing look of desperation. “I mean it!” Rainbow chuckled.

“Dash?” She put a hoof on her chest.

Her giggle slowly died. “Uh…yeah?”

“Tell me…tell me what happened in that alleyway.”

The question gripped the pegasus like a vice. “I-I told you…I don’t know what happened.” Midnight stared at her…doubtful. “Okay okay…look, you can’t tell anypony.” She paused. “I…I think I might have…” Creak! The two ponies gasped as they heard the front door open downstairs.

“Oh no! What do I do, Dash?!” Midnight loudly whispered. She made her way off the bed.

“Out the window! Should just slide open! Go go!” Dash pushed the pegasus. Midnight quickly flew over to the window and made her escape. Rainbow quickly closed the door to the bedroom. She straightened all she could and tried to fix her mane and coat. Dammit! What have I done?! She’s totally going to find out. She’s not naïve. I shouldn’t even try to hide it… There was a silent knocking on the door.

“Rainbow? Are you in there? Is everything all right?”

“Yeah! Come on in! Door’s open.” None other than Twilight entered. Before she made it into the room, Dash noticed a purple feather on the ground. She gasped and dived for it, stuffing it into her mouth. Twilight saw the pegasus on the floor and gave her an understandably skeptical look. She shook her head and brought a book in with her. She dropped it onto the bed.

“Dash, I’m so glad you’re here. Look…I’m so sorry about Midnight and…” She stopped mid sentence and sniffed the air. “Is it…musty in here to you?” Rainbow answered with a meek nod. “Uh…Are you all right? You’re acting a little weird…more weird than usual.” Rainbow rolled her eyes and turned her head away from the mare. Twilight was taken aback. “Still mad, huh? I understand but…I can’t stress how sorry I am!” Rainbow teared up as she painfully swallowed the feather.

“Bleck! Nono, Twi!” She turned to face her again and got up to approach her. “I just got back from class and it was a bit uh…grueling. Here…let me open the window.” She walked towards the slightly ajar window and opened it fully. “Ahh…much better.” She took in the nightly breeze. The sun had finally set.

“O-kay…Dash, I have something really important to show you. It has to do with Midnight. She may not be as innocent as you thought.” Her last line irritated the pegasus.

“Please, Twi. Can you just leave her alone? She’s a smart…and wonderful pony.”

“Just hear me out. I’m just concerned…I found something that might change your mind.”

Dash was getting a bit upset…but she was becoming a little interested herself. “All right…what is it? Where have you been anyway? You should have been home hours ago.”

“Well, you see…” The two mares gathered at the bed and Twilight put a hoof on the book. “When I heard your friend’s name…it struck a chord…a very old one. So after Scootaloo and I ate dinner, we stopped by the public library to search for a book.” She pushed it towards Rainbow. “This one…take a look.” Dash put a hoof under the cover and began to open it. The unicorn quickly stopped her. “Before you open it…I just want to apologize in advance…I only did this because I care about you.”

“What’s got you so worked up?” She opened it and read the title. “Adventure into the Stars: The Tale of the Moon Siren…is this a children’s book, Twi?”

“Yes! So it should be easy to read…even for you.” This got a mean look from the pegasus. “Aheh…sorry.”

Dash sighed and continued, “Chapter one: The Myth of the Moon Siren. Among many space ponies, there lived a tale of a creature whose beauty was like none other. She was said to be the fate of anypony who strayed off the main space highways…come on, Twi. Tell me why I’m reading this!” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Okay okay…I’ll spare you the suspense…turn to page twenty-seven.” Rainbow was quick about it. “Look at that picture carefully…and read what’s under it.”

Dash’s eyes widened…she mouthed “Midnight Sun”. She stared at it for what seemed like minutes until she slammed the book shut. “Is this some kind of joke, Twi?!” She burst into anger.

“No! Look!” She opened the book back up to the page. “It’s her, Dash. Even you can’t disagree. It’s a spitting image!”

“Yeah?! So? What does that mean? Why is she in a children’s book? Was she the writer or something?”

“No…even better. I think she actually is Midnight Sun, the Moon Siren, a creature that seduces the hearts of innocent ponies and devours them!” Twilight got excited as she explained the myth.

“What are you talking about?! She’s no creature! How could you say that?!” She growled.

“What I’m saying, Rainbow, is that she may not be real. She…”

Dash grew tired of the unicorn’s nonsense and lunged at her. “Enough!” She shoved the mare to the ground. Twilight hit the nightstand behind her and knocked over a lamp. She was shocked…she fell silent as Dash towered over her. The pegasus was breathing heavily…she was legitimately furious. However, in a moment it faded and she ran out of the room leaving Twilight alone and stunned.

Rainbow headed out the front door and tried to open her wings…they didn’t. “Come on! What’s wrong with you?” She strained and struggled to get them to move.

“Where do you hope to go, Dash?” The pegasus heard Twilight behind her and turned. “To Midnight? Do you even know where she lives?”

Rainbow realized that the unicorn was holding her wings down with magic…she could see that horn glowing. “No! She doesn’t have a home…she told me!”

“No home? Doesn’t that strike you as odd?” She moved closer only to have Dash step backward.

“It doesn’t matter! I’ll find her anyways. Now, let me go, Twilight! You can’t keep me grounded!”

“Just remember who gave you those wings, Rainbow!”

“Oh, yeah?! Just remember who took my old ones away!”

“I didn’t take them away! You lost them when you saved me!”

“Well…then…maybe I shouldn’t have saved you!”

The unicorn gasped. She was crying at this point. “Maybe you’re right!!” Her horn sparked and she teleported away. The hold on Dash’s wings gave way. She opened them up, but then she saw Scootaloo standing in the doorway.

“That was so uncool, Rainbow Dash.” The filly approached her.

Dash gritted her teeth. “Stay out of this, kid! She had it coming!”

“I may be a filly, but even I know that was uncalled for! I don’t know who you are…but you’re not the awesome, loyal Rainbow Dash I remember.”

“You cheeky little…” She stopped herself…it slowly dawned on her. “But…I was just defending a friend! Midnight is…”

“Midnight Midnight Midnight. That’s all you two talk about! If she really is a Moon Siren like that book said…she’s doing a good job pulling you two apart.” Dash sunk. She was starting to become convinced. Maybe she was… She remembered the love they shared earlier. Cheating...killing...Why am I doing these things? What’s happening to me?

Scootaloo continued, “I’m gonna ask Twilight to send me home. I didn’t want this…” She turned and headed inside.

“Wait, Scoot! I-I’m sorry! You’re right…I can’t believe it took you to see it…but I have been acting like a…” She couldn’t think of the word.

“Like a total jerk? Yeah, you could say that.” The filly smiled.

The two headed back inside and found Twilight in her room crying in that little corner she read books in. She had a wall of books obstructing their view.

Dash sighed and approached the wall. “Twi?”

She could hear the unicorn collect herself and she spoke softly. “What is it?

She tried to look through the wall and found a small crack where she could see Twilight. “Nice book fort you got here.” The unicorn rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry. I…I think you’re right. Let me talk to her tomorrow…No, wait…let me bring her over. We’ll find out together.”

“What will you do if she is…you know.”

“I don’t know…let’s just deal with that as it comes.”

“And if she isn’t…?”

Dash fell silent for a few moments. “Let’s just get some sleep…I’m bushed.”


Wednesday morning. Dash was on her way to class. She hadn’t seen Midnight yet…and couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe something else happened to her. However, as she was about to fly onto the field for her first class, that “seductress” flew in front of her.

“Good morning, Dash!” The pegasus was as giddy as ever. She wasn’t aware of what transpired last night. Rainbow was a little hesitant. She needed to act normally around her…like her talk with Twilight never happened.

“Hey, Middy! How’s it going? I had a great time last night.” She put on a teasing smile.

The dark blue pegasus giggled. “Dash, come on…not in public. Let’s get to class.”

“Y-Yeah. Let’s hope today is a little more peaceful.”

The two pegasi reached the line and got into their positions. Midnight looked around a little and she sighed. “Dash.”


“He’s not here.”

“Who? Zephyr? He’s always late.”

“No!” Middy fell into a whisper. “The one who attacked me last night…he’s gone.”

A huge knot grew in Dash’s throat. She looked where he usually stood and…she was right. A perfect gap where he should be. Rainbow fidgeted a bit. No! He’s fine…he has to be!

“What happened, Dash?” There’s that question again.

“Not now, Middy!” She hushed her. In her peripheral, Dash could see two pegasi approaching them…the two she let go from last night. They had grins on their faces. “Oh no…”

Wham! A savior in the form of a green stallion landed in between Dash and the two pegasi. “Good morning, slackers!” He eyed the two pegasi. “And what are you two doing out of line?!” He stomped his hoof and the stallions quickly returned to their spots. “That’s better!” Okay, is he a coach or some sort of military trainer…? “Now I was severely disappointed in you ponies yesterday! I had better not see another hoof out of line or you’re gone! You got that?!” He eyed one of the ponies.

The pony stopped his talk and looked around a bit. He noticed the gap where the yellow pegasus should have been. “Class! We have a little sad story to tell. It appears one of your mates has taken a turn for the worse. Sometime yesterday, our poor Grinder broke both of his wings in some sort of bizarre accident. He’s now staying at Mammatus Hospital. Nopony knows who’s responsible for the assault.” Just hearing that, Dash felt a huge weight on her shoulders vanish entirely.

The two witnesses stepped up. “We know who did it, Coach Zephyr!” Dash’s heart sank.

“What?! Get back in line, you two! How would you know who did it?” He glared at the ponies.

“I-It was Rainbow Dash! She broke both of his wings and sent him flying towards solid ground…uh, sir!” Zephyr turned his head to Rainbow who immediately froze. He walked over to the pegasus and eyed her for a while.

“You’re telling me this petite bird-brain took on Grinder?” He put a hoof on her head. Who’s he calling a bird-brain?!

“Yes, she did!” The other of the two spoke. “He didn’t even touch her!”

Zephyr continued to stare at Rainbow as if trying to find something in her eyes. Suddenly, however, he burst into laughter and fell backwards. Dash chuckled a bit as well…unsure what was going on. She looked at Midnight who just shrugged. The coach got to his feet. “You can’t be serious! You two probably could have picked any stallion in this line and I would have believed you. But Rainbow Dash?!” He cackled.

“But it’s true, coach!” The two pegasi said in unison. Zephyr’s laughter immediately died and he confronted the ponies.

“Don’t think I forgot about yesterday, slackers! I hope you haven’t either. Any more attempts to harass Miss Dash and you both are out of her faster than you can say Cumulus! Is that clear?!”

Reluctantly the two ponies nodded. I can’t believe it…No way did I just dodge that one. However, Zephyr shot a glance at her. It was about two seconds long…enough to tell Rainbow he was on to her. She sighed. At least he’s alive…Oh, Celestia thank you…

“Now all of you! I want all of you to stretch those wings! Stretch them till they dislocate! I want a minimum…of eighty…slaloms through those cloud pillars in half an hour!” Rainbow Dash grinned and started right away with her stretches as the rest just stood silently. Zephyr smiled. “Aha! Now see there’s some initiative! Get cracking! You’ve wasted…” He looks at his watch. “Ten seconds…eleven…twelve.” The rest followed suit.


“Twilight?” Scootaloo called to her. The two were relaxing outside.

“Yeah, Scoot?” She was reading the book they got from the library while the filly was practicing her flying.

“I’m so bored! When does Dash get home?” Scootaloo did a couple of miniature loop-de-loops. She hadn’t mastered flying yet…so her attempts often landed her face-first into ground.

“Hm.” She looked at the sky. “About three more hours…”

“Three hours?! You’ve gotta be kidding me!”

“Well, she left about fifteen minutes ago, Scoot. Even you know classes last longer than that.”

“Ugh!” She collapsed onto the ground and began tapping the ground impatiently.

Twilight shook her head, but then got an idea. “Hey, Scoot…want to see something cool?”

“Huh?” She turned to her. “What is it?”

“Think of an animal. Any animal…try to pick a small one.”

“An animal…?” Twilight nodded. “Uh…Okay, I thought of one…now what?”

“Keep it in your head. Now imagine it’s right in front of you.”

“Imagine it? Uh, okay?” She stared at the ground in front of her for a few seconds. “Um…nothing’s…” She gasped. Out of seemingly nowhere…a chicken! She jumped back. “Woah! How the…?”

“Ta da!” Twilight smiled. “Is this your animal, Scoot?”

The filly nodded. “It is! But that’s more weird than cool…you did that?”

“Yeah. Actually, I wasn’t even sure I could do something like that.” The chicken vanished. “Ever since I gave Dash her wings…I’ve been wondering what else I could do with this crazy horn.”

“But how did you know I was thinking of a chicken?”

“Oh! I read your mind…it’s something else I can do.”

“Woah! So you’re like some kind of psychic pony?”

“Nono.” She chuckled. “It’s just magic. If somepony is thinking too hard about one thing…I can sort of hear it.”

“Wicked…so do you think you can give me wings too?” The filly became excited at the idea.

“Oh no…you’re getting your wings the natural way…with patience. Besides, I’m not even sure I can.”

“Aw…” She sank in disappointment.

The unicorn rolled her eyes and her horn began to glow.