• Published 20th May 2012
  • 7,942 Views, 240 Comments

Tamed - PiercingZen

Twilight recieves an unexpected guest one rainy night and discovers something troubling about her.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - A Date With Destiny

Act 1

Chapter 6 – A Date With Destiny


Life has its ways of coming full circle. You just have to know what to do when the opportunity presents itself.


“Twilight Sparkle!” Her head shot up as a blue unicorn called her name. Her cheeks flushed as she felt a hundred eyes staring at her.

“Y-Yes, Professor?” She nervously shuffled the papers on her desk. Many of the papers had different constellations and planets on them.

“You may be the Princess’s personal protégé, Twilight, but while you’re in here, you follow my rules. No sleeping in class.”

“Yes, Professor…” She hung her head and yawned. Twilight might have been studying for too long last night.

“Now, you all know that the constellation of Orion is composed of seven main stars and…”

“Psst! Twi!” The unicorn heard a voice to her left. She resisted the temptation to respond. “Psst!” Her ear twitched.

“What?” Twilight whispered as she turned her head. From what she saw next, the world seemed to pull inward. “R-Rainbow?”

“Am I alive?” Dash was younger, a mere filly.

Twilight furrowed her brow. “Of course you are. W-Why wouldn’t you be?” She chuckled nervously.

“I want to be by you again. When I’m around you…everything just seems right. When I’m alone…”

“Alone? Why would you be alone?” Twilight reached for the filly. She felt the world tilt out of balance, and Rainbow melted away.


“Waaahh!” The unicorn shrieked as she fell out of her bed. “Oww…” She put a hoof on her head.

“Twilight, are you okay?” A familiar purple dragon attended to the mare. Twilight climbed to her hooves and shook her head of her daze.

“I think so. My head’s thumping, but nothing new.”

“You were talking in your sleep.” The dragon had brought her something to drink.

“Was I? Ugh! I’ve become an absolute weirdo the past few days!” She sighed and turned her head towards the drink he was carrying. “What’s that?”

“Oh, this?! I-It’s tea that’s all. Hey, you know, Twi. You said Rainbow’s name while you were sleeping.”

Twilight gasped and scared Spike, causing him to drop it. How could she have forgotten? “Where’s Rainbow?! What happened to her? I can barely remember anything!” She began pacing.

Spike groaned and pulled out a washcloth from seemingly nowhere. “You’ve been out for a couple hours. You need to relax, Twi. We’ll find Rainbow tomorrow.”

“But I don’t know if she’s okay!” She gave a concerned look at the lizard. Spike rolled his eyes.

“Trust me. I think she’s safer as long as you’re not around her.” The blunt remark stabbed at the unicorn. She looked at the floor.

“You…You don’t mean that.” The dragon came into her line of sight and he put a claw on her right hoof.

“You know your broken horn seems to be causing a lot of trouble. From what Rainbow told me…she was frightened to death of your magic. That’s why she didn’t go with you.”

Twilight squeezed her eyes shut in guilt, and then she changed her gaze to the window. It was pitch black outside. A moment or two later she spoke, “So she really was afraid…”

“She had every right to be! You got angry with her when she was just trying to help out! And now she could be anywhere thanks to you!” Twilight’s heart tugged from each word. She felt horrible. “Rainbow also thought that you should stop trying to fix everything and just enjoy being an earth pony for a while. What you’re doing isn’t helping either of you, you know?”

Twilight couldn’t believe she was being coached by Spike of all things. She sighed and gave in, “You’re right, Spike. I have been pushing my luck. It’s not fair to Dash.”

“Thank you. There, you see? Now go and get some re…”

“I’m gonna find her and apologize for everything!” The pony trotted away.

“W-Wait, Twilight! Where are you going? You don’t even know where she is!” The thought hadn’t seemed to occur to Twilight. She stopped in her tracks and sat down. She put a hoof to her chin.

He’s right…I’ve got no leads. Rainbow…why do I feel that you’re in some kind of danger?

“So you can talk with your mind. Rainbow told me about this.” The unicorn shot him a curious look.

“How much did she tell you anyway?”

“Pretty much everything she could. It’s like she really wanted to vent. You know she has some kind of fascination with…”

“Spike! I need to know where she is! I don’t think she’s safe right now!”

~ When I’m alone… ~ Dash’s words from that dream entered her mind again.

“You don’t think she’s safe? What makes you think that?” The dragon argued.

“I-I don’t know! Call it a mean hunch.”

“Well, I have no idea! Like I said, she could be anywhere!” Spike looked around briefly. “We could gather everyone and search for her!”

“At this hour? We’d be lucky to get anyone out of bed.” Just the mentioning of a bed caught her eyelids and made them fall slightly. She was still exhausted. Even the few hours of sleep didn’t help. She shook her head and sighed, “We have to look ourselves. I…I don’t want to leave her alone for too long.”

“It will take days for us to scour Ponyville with just us two. We’d have a better chance of finding an Ursa Minor!”

Suddenly, something seemed to hit Twilight right in the middle of her forehead.

~ I remember being so impressed when she subdued that Ursa Minor. It was…actually the first time she looked so…awesome. ~

“Ahh!” Her horn sparked and shocked her. The unicorn fell to her knees and her eyes cringed.

“Twilight?! Are you okay?!” The dragon rushed over to her and put a claw on her cheek, which immediately shocked Spike. “Ow! Woah!”

Did you hear that, Spike? It…It sounded like Rainbow.

“Stop using magic, Twilight! You’re hurting yourself!”

It doesn’t hurt…it… Another shock to her forehead. “Aahh!”

~ I’m home…home and with busted wings! I’m…stuck here! ~

Twilight gasped and painfully stood up, “Stay here, Spike! I may have...just figured out where she is.” The unicorn gathered her strength and bolted for the front door.

“Wait! O-Okay?” The door slammed. The dragon groaned again as he went to go clean up his mess. “I’ll never understand that pony.”


She’s at home! Of course she is! I teleported her there! It’s all making sense! She wasn’t lying to me!

Twilight was galloping at full speed towards Rainbow’s house. It was far, but she knew she had to get there no matter what.

She told me that I was doing magic…while I was reading from that cookbook. My mind was fixed on irritating Spike, while my horn was doing what I ‘asked’ it to do. It’s not even making that much sense to me, but my horn is obviously acting on my emotions. The telepathy…my desire to speak my mind…the bookcase blowing up…my desire simply being the absence of a bookcase…teleporting Rainbow home…that one second of desire to be alone...and now I think I can hear her thoughts…because…well, everyone wants to know what she’s thinking.

She bit her lip. “It still doesn’t explain everything! If it worked on what I desired…then why won’t it…” She stopped fully and looked around. The sun was rising. She looked straight up…Rainbow’s house.

How did I…

“Whatever!” She pounded the grass with a hoof. “Rainbow! Are you there?!” Twilight gasped suddenly as a blue figure leapt from the house…twirled…and dived straight down. “No!”

What do I do? What do I DO?

She flared her horn and tried to catch Rainbow with a levitation spell. Crack! “Ahh!! No! I can’t use magic! I have to feel it! That sounds so stupid, but it’s my only chance!” She panicked regardless…her brain was scrambled and her teeth were clenched.

Okay! Calm down! Just think… She breathed in heavily. “Rainbow! You stupid mare! I…wish you didn’t…break your wings in the first place so you could just leave me alone!” Her heart cringed as she lied through her teeth. “Ahh!!” Her horn shocked her again. She fell to her knees and spasmed for a moment. This time it felt more severe…they were getting worse?

Rainbow was literally seconds from hitting the ground and nothing had happened. Twilight shut her eyes and covered her head, jerking back and forth slightly from her broken assailant.

Dash…I want you here with me…I don’t want to be alone with this stupid thing!

Twilight let out a blood-curdling scream as a huge jolt of electricity surged through every part of her body. Her horn glowed and the familiar ribbons shot out towards Rainbow, encircling her. The unicorn’s eyes flashed open and shone a bright white. However, her eyes quickly went back to normal and the mare slowly crashed onto her side.


“Mm…” Twilight was slowly awakening and she could feel something warm wrapped around her. Something tickled her nose. “Huh…?” She blew it away, which resulted in somepony giggling. This got her eyes open. Two magenta eyes, half-opened, were staring straight at her.

“Morning, sleepyhead. You know you really do sleep forever.” Rainbow and Twilight were both lying on the pegasus’s bed. Dash had the unicorn in a tight embrace with the covers over them.

“Waaah!” The unicorn let a surprised yelp. She pushed her away and nearly fumbled off bed.

Rainbow quickly grabbed her and pulled her back. “Hey, cool it, Twi! I don’t want you falling again. That would be so uncool to have to save you again.” The unicorn eyes met with Rainbow’s.

Twilight’s heart jumped as she realized something. “May I ask how we got up here in your house, Dash?”

Rainbow smiled. “Don’t you remember?” The pegasus left the embrace with Twilight, that soothing warmth leaving the unicorn almost immediately. Dash stood on the bed and extended her magnificent set of translucent wings.

The unicorn couldn’t believe her eyes so she gave them a rub. “They’re not real…are they?”

“As real as the pony standing right in front of you! Aren’t they awesome?!” Rainbow grinned widely and flew into the air, soaring around the small room. “You gave them to me, Twi!”

Rainbow left her trademark rainbow trail as she flew around, but now there was also soft blue trail left by her new wings. “They’re…beautiful, Dash.” She smiled, but then frowned as several realizations hit her. “Dash why was I lying in bed with you?” She stood up on the bed.

Rainbow flushed and hovered in place. She looked at a nearby wall, “Well, you were really conked out so I carried you up here, but then I was afraid you’d fall again so I didn’t want to leave you alone…” She nervously rubbed her front hooves together. “Nothing happened, Twi!”

Twilight was already forgetting about it as something else bothered her, “Dash! Why did you do it?!”

The pegasus landed next to her. “Do what?”

“You jumped off your house with no wings! You could have…died! If I wasn’t there to save you…I…” Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

“Hey! I’m sorry! Really! I didn’t know what I was thinking! I just wanted to fly so badly!” She sat and crossed her arms.

“You knew you couldn’t, you stupid pegasus!” The unicorn stomped on the bed. “You know, if I hadn’t heard your thoughts, I don’t think I would have made it here on time to save you!”

“Heard…my thoughts? What are you talking about?” Rainbow tilted her head.

“I’m not even sure myself, but I think I could hear you thinking about being stuck at home…it’s how I knew to come here.” She looked to the side and sighed. “I guess it doesn’t matter.” She ran up and embraced the pony. “I’m just glad you’re okay…even if you are a bit stubborn.”

Rainbow snorted. “Me? Stubborn? Look who’s talking!” Rainbow grappled the unicorn and flipped her onto her back, pinning her to the bed. “You tried to practice magic even though you knew it would backfire! By your logic, you’re just as guilty as I am!” The pegasus was yelling right into her face.

The unicorn was shocked. Her aggressive behavior was uncanny. “I-I-I know! I shouldn’t have tried…I just couldn’t accept it…I couldn’t accept it like you…I’m not as strong as you, Dash!” Twilight began sobbing.

Rainbow stared into that unicorn’s eyes for what seemed like minutes. Dash sighed as she calmed down. “I’m not that strong…I couldn’t accept it either. I was just saying I did…I didn’t want you to think I was...pathetic…” The pegasus looked away as her lips quivered.

“Dash?” The pegasus looked back. “You’re such a stubborn, stupid pegasus.”

Rainbow gritted her teeth and leaned her head closer. “Well, you’re such a boring, selfish know-it-all.” Dash grinned. They were close enough to feel each other’s breath.

Twilight blushed and shuffled a bit under the mare. “So? At least I’m not a…”

Rainbow kissed her mid-sentence. It had all been sudden and the pent up rage between the two ponies melted away as they did in each other’s embrace.

Twilight at first couldn’t fully grasp what was happening. It felt very right to her, but slowly it felt very wrong. About a few seconds into it, the unicorn pushed Rainbow away. “Stop! I can’t do this! We can’t do this!”

Rainbow was breathing heavily. Twilight could see the longing in her eyes. “You..you sure? Because if I recall…you kissed back.” She chuckled and put a hoof on the unicorn’s chest. Twilight looked as if she was about to say something. “Even still, Twi…I owed you that…I owe you everything that I have. Not once have you ever let me down.”

“But, I started all of this…I denied you your chance to attend flight school…I denied you your apology….I basically took away your wings!” She paused. “Now, I denied you this…how can I be even worth it?"

“But you gave me wings! You gave me so much more than you ever took away!” Dash stared at her for a moment, and then sighed. “But you’re right…we shouldn’t do this…” Rainbow removed her hoof and crawled off of her. “It’s wrong in every way, right?” She sat down with her back to her. She hung her head, but she was hiding a grin. “I really am stupid…”

Twilight jumped up and moved in beside the pegasus. She placed a small one on the mare’s cheek. “You might be…but you’re also damn irresistible.” The pegasus could only briefly smile before she found herself on her back being embraced by the unicorn with their lips locked.


Rainbow woke up first. It had gone well into early morning when they fell asleep again. Dash stroked the unicorn’s mane, which got an amusing grunt out of her. The pegasus nipped at the mare’s ear next, which made her shuffle and the ear twitch. She leaned closer to Twilight’s left ear and whispered into it. “I want to go to flight school.”

“What?!” A muffled, deadpan voice vibrated against her chest. Twilight pulled back and looked at the mare. “After all this, you still want to try to get into the Wonderbolts?”

“It’s…it’s my dream, Twi.” She smiled at the unicorn and ran a hoof through Twilight’s mane.

Those drowsy purple eyes stared at her for a few seconds, “Okay.” She buried her face into the mare’s chest. “Whatever you want, Rainbow. I know you won’t change your mind so I’m not going to get in your way again.”

“Really?! Oh, I’m so glad! For some reason, I really thought you were going to stop me. I wanna pack right away!” She squirmed her way out of the unicorn’s grasp and started darting around the room.

Twilight giggled and slowly sat up.

I can’t believe this pegasus…she really is unstoppable…infallible if you will. Oh! She had still forgotten that Dash could hear her, but oddly enough she didn’t respond. Wait…Dash, can you hear me? The pegasus continued to zip around, gathering things in a couple suitcases. The telepathy…it stopped? She sighed.

“You know, Dash. I’ll never understand my horn. It just does whatever it wants.” Twilight sneered.

Rainbow stopped and flew over to her. “Why? What’s it doing now?”

“Well, not really ‘what’ it’s doing more than what it ‘isn’t’ doing. You can’t hear my thoughts anymore can you?” She rubbed her forehead.

“Now that you mention it, it has been a while. Maybe when you zapped me and gave me wings you wore it out or something.” The mare held out her arms.

“Maybe?” Rainbow shrugged and the unicorn smiled. “Well, at least I have some privacy now. It’s been trying to say the least.”

The pegasus tilted her head, “Trying what, Twi?”

This caught the unicorn off-guard. “Trying…I mean…oh, never mind!” She laughed and the pegasus had a confused smile on her face.

“You’re so weird sometimes.” The pegasus went back to packing.

Twilight grinned wide. Eeee! I’m so glad I can think again without somepony interrupting me every five…

Rainbow flew in and kissed her again, and then quickly broke away to continue packing.

The unicorn blinked and let out a happy sigh. Well, I guess it isn’t all that bad sometimes. You’re such a fleeting thing, aren’t you, Dash? So finally it feels like things have settled. I’ve come to accept and somewhat understand my horn, Dash has her wings back, and now she’s going to go fulfill her dream as the greatest flyer in Equestria. She blushed. Oh, right…and I guess we’re sorta together now. It’s so odd how it didn’t repulse me as much as it did.

“Twi! Do you think I need my ball?” She held out a small red ball with a couple white stars on it. “I think I need my ball. Studying is gonna be sooo boring!” She continued.

I’ll admit at first I didn’t feel a thing for her…or…did I? It’s just so…odd! What would the others think?! It’s not common for this sort of thing to happen! Twilight let out an exasperated sighed, which caught the eye of the pegasus.

“Is something wrong, egghead? I can just see on your face that you’re worried about me. Well, don’t be! It’s Rainbow Dash you’re worrying about! Nothing can stop me!” She did a few mid-air back flips and then extended all of her legs outward.

The unicorn giggled. “Of course, how silly of me to doubt you.”

Rainbow sat next to her. “Well, I think I’m done packing most of my things.” She waved her hoof towards the three bulging suitcases. “Just some necessities.”

Twilight moved closer and brushed up against the mare. “That’s great, Dash. Hey, do you mind if you take me to the library? I need to pack a few things as well.” The pegasus unexpectedly moved away at hearing this.

“Woah! Woah! You’re coming with me?!” Rainbow raised a brow and pointed at the mare.

“Well, yeah! Why wouldn’t I?” Twilight raised her brow as well.

“How about being unable to walk on clouds for one! Plus even if you could…what would you do there?”

The unicorn drew circles in the covers. “Well…I can help you study! I can also be your personal cheerleader!” She threw her hooves into the air.

“Yeah, but you’re forgetting one thing, Twi! You can’t use magic…you can’t cast your cloud-walking spell.”

“Well, I gave you wings, didn’t I? I bet if I just tried…”

“Do we really want to go through this again?! You fell through clouds even when your horn wasn’t broken.”

Twilight was beginning to get upset. “I just…don’t want to be alone again…I don’t want YOU to be alone again!” She lunged at the mare and hugged her. The pegasus slowly returned the hug.

“Twi…I know how much you want to go…but I just don’t think it will be safe…for either of us.” The unicorn’s anger grew.

She separated from the mare. “So…all of those feelings you spilled to me. All of those kisses…were just one final insult to me before you bail on me?!”

“N-No!! I really meant it! I hadn’t even considered pursuing my dream again until I just woke up! Look! I really do…like you, Twilight! I just want to do this one thing…this one thing and then it’s nothing but you!” The pegasus nudged her head under the unicorn’s chin.

She really means it…but so do I, Dash. Like I said…I don’t want to be alone with this stupid thing on my head. I don’t know if I can deal with it. I guess I’m going to have to play hard-ball…I’m gonna hate this…

“Okay, Dash. I get it. I understand.” She pulled the mare’s head to her neck and breathed in the scent of Rainbow’s mane. Twilight separated from her and sighed.

Rainbow smiled. “Thank you. I know it’s hard, but I really need to do this. I know you can wait for me. I know you’re stronger than you think you are.”

“No, I’m not…that’s why I have to do this.” Twilight’s horn glowed and in an instant…Dash’s wings vanished.

Rainbow gasped and looked at her once again ugly wings. “You…You didn’t!! Twilight!!” Tears immediately formed in her eyes. “Give them back!!”

“Not until you let me come with you. Look, if I can give you wings…I can easily take them back. I can use magic, Dash. You just have no faith in me.”

“I have all the faith…in the world!” Tears fell from her eyes as her whole body tensed up. “Okay!! Okay! Okay…you can go…just please give me back my wings! You don’t know what it’s like!”

“Oh…I have a vague idea.” She smiled and almost instantly returned the wings without any repercussions from her horn. “Wow…I can use magic better than I thought. See? No problem!”

Dash spread her wings and took them into her hooves, kissing them. “Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou!!” The unicorn cleared her throat and the pegasus looked at her bashfully.

“All right. You win…but you’d better not cramp my style. Or I’ll just let you fall next time!” She put a hoof on the mare’s nose.

Twilight giggled and kissed it. “I promise.”

“Pinkie Pie promise?!” She pounded her hoof on the bed.

The unicorn sighed, “Cross my heart and hope to fly…stick a cupcake in my eye.” She put a hoof to her left eye. The pegasus giggled.

“Didn’t think you’d actually do it, but all right! I’ll take you to the library. Hop on!” She turned to her side and knelt down.

Twilight cautiously climbed onto the mare’s back and wrapped her hooves around her neck.

“Holding tight? Great!” She took off in a flash out of the nearby window. Twilight’s grip got a lot tighter and started to choke the mare. “Gack! Not so tight!”

“Not so fast! Slow down, will ya?” The pegasus did as she was told as did Twilight. “Just stay at a decent…relaxing speed, please?”

“Aw, you’re no fun.” A few moments passed, the pegasus was having no trouble keeping the mare afloat. The pegasus tried to look behind her. “Twilight did you lose weight?”

Twilight wrinkled her brow. “Uh…I don’t think so. Though I haven’t eaten for a long time.”

“Hm. I think these wings you gave me are a lot stronger than they were before. I can’t even feel you back there. It’s like I’m carrying nothing!”

“Is that a compliment?”

“Umm, sure! I do like my ponies thin.”

“I’m not that thin…”

“Hey, will you just accept the compliment? At least I’m not saying you’re a fatty!”

Twilight chuckled nervously. “Deal. Oh, and by the way, we should probably tell Ponyville that we’re leaving.”

Dash stopped in mid-air and swung her hooves from side to side. “No way! I can’t tell everyone that I’m going back to school! They’ll laugh at me for sure!”

“Don’t worry! We’ll just tell them you’re visiting family.”

This caught the pegasus off-guard. Apparently, she had struck a chord. “Twilight. I don’t have a family…”

“Oh, sorry…not even a sibling?”

“Twilight…we’ll just tell them, okay? I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Okay, okay...” The sudden change in Dash’s demeanor had frightened the mare.

The pegasus continued her flight and the two mares didn’t speak another word to each other.

That was…unexpected…what about her family doesn’t she want to talk about?

End of Act 1