• Published 10th Jul 2015
  • 1,056 Views, 30 Comments

Continue? - GodOfBBQ

Button Mash and Double Points have gotten closer as friends. A little too close for Sweetie's terms.

  • ...

Choose Your Character!

Choose Your Character

Sweetie, Button and Double sat together in front of Button’s television, the famous familiar jingle of a Pega system played as it transitioned to the game’s menu screen.

Button and Sweetie marveled over the menu screen’s righteousness .

‘16 bits of absolute perfection!’ Button thought to himself as he stared at the texture of a stone ruin that served as a background to the game’s menu options. They ranged from

Start, Options, and Credits.

Button Mash, who was player 1; result of a flip of the coin, chose to not waste any time and quickly chose ‘Start’ which lead to another screen that displayed large white text that read,

‘Choose Your Character’ in bold. Below the text, there were four different classes to choose from. Each being personified by a pony.

Fire class was a bright red earth pony mare with dark black, thick mane with orange cracks running through the mane. Her eyes were a bright orange and she wore an angry face.

The water class was another mare; she was a unicorn however and she had pale blue fur. Her eyes were as white as pearls and her mane was a darker blue with white streaks splashing through her mane, her mane had a watery look to it. Unlike the fire class, she had a kind smile on her muzzle.

The Earth class was a stallion this time. He seemed to be an earth pony with dirt brown fur, dark green mane, and black eyes. He had a determined and serious face.

The final class; an Air class, was a pure white pegasus stallion. His mane was swept back with a pale sky blue color. His eyes were a normal dark blue. He had a happy, toothy smile and he seemed very excited for whatever reason.

“Hm, which one should you pick Button?” Sweetie asked as she scooted closer to the colt. Button paid it no mind, simply shrugging it off as if she needed a better view.

“I’unno… When it comes to these kind of decisions, I usually choose a fire class. But it doesn’t take a gaming master to know that fire classes have a weakness to water, so I could play it safe and play as a water or an earth class.” Button lectured.

“Ooh! Be the air! He looks cute!” Sweetie chirped. Double and Button snickered.

‘He’s cute?’ Sweetie, look… You don’t choose a class just based off how he or she looks.” Button began but was interrupted by Double.

“Do stallions really play as mares just because of the stats?” She asked jokingly.

“... Please don’t Double… Just… Don’t tread that land there.” Button said as he pointed at Double. “Anyway, it’s a very crucial decision to make in these games… It’s serious. It takes a lot of thought, a lot of soul searching-”

“Just choose the freaking Water type and get on with it!” Double exclaimed.

“Right, going with Water…” Button said sounding defeated.

Sweetie crossed her arms. Annoyed by the fact that Button obeyed Double’s words but not hers.

Upon choosing the water type, he was presented with the character’s stats, strengths, weaknesses, powers, and weapon. The weapon was a spear like object. However it seemed to have two axe blades on two sides.

With Button’s character chosen, it was Double’s turn to choose her class. It didn’t take long for her to choose. She instantly went for the Earth class.

“Why’d you get the earth class Double?” Button asked.

“‘Cause it’s like, the best character in the game. Believe me, I was there when they were testing the game Button.” Double informed.

“Oh yeah... Why didn’t you tell me to pick the Earth class in the first place?” Button complained.

“Button. We’ve been friends for three years, you should know that I feed you bull crap sometimes. But don’t worry. Just be glad I didn’t give you the Air class.” Double joked.

Sweetie quietly growled.

With Double’s and Button’s characters chosen, the game began and they found their characters in a dark forest.

A few text boxes and plot later, the game officially began and the two players could control their characters.

“So… When do I play?” Sweetie asked.

“Oh, uh… In about 10 minutes you can take over for me. I’ve played this game before and I don’t want to hog the experience.” Double said.

“Oh, thanks Double Points!”

“No problem Miss Belle.”


Ten minutes later and Sweetie Belle was finally able to play the game herself. While it did suffer from a couple of color glitches and a few coding errors, the game itself was fun. It had an interesting plot line about the characters being the embodiments of an element, and must use their powers to defeat a dark lord who wants to take away all color from the world. Leaving it lifeless and dead.

While Sweetie was new to the gaming world, Button liked her quick learning quality. All Button needed to do was tell Sweetie the basic controls and what was going on in game, story wise, then she was set to go.

Double, who sat behind the two reached for another cookie on the plate that sat between Sweetie and Button.

While it may seem cliché, Button and Double’s hand met on the same cookie. A warm blush came across Double’s face, as did Button’s face. Both sharing eye contact.

Sweetie took notice of this and instantly became jealous.

‘I came here to tell Button how I felt! Not watch him make goo-goo eyes with Double Points! I have to stop this!’

“Hey Button, I found a… Thing!” Sweetie exclaimed. As luck may have it, her character stood in front of an old temple.

Button’s head swiveled back to the screen. He gasped with surprise.

“Oh wow! Double, what’s this!?”

Double was speechless. The blush still covered her muzzle. Trying to hide it, she looked up at the screen, and pointed with a hoof.

“That’s the entrance to the temple of Treighnu. An undead wizard, you want to kill him before anything. He has this ring that protects from fire attacks.” Double informed.

“Alright, thanks Double!” Button said.

“Yeah, thanks!” Sweetie added.

‘Oh you’re welcome Miss Belle...’