• Published 12th Jun 2015
  • 1,532 Views, 9 Comments

Luna Carissima Quis Vita Est? - GrizzlytheMedic

(What is There to Life My Dearest Moon?) Celestia has been long pained by the loss of her dearest sister to the Moon over 200 years ago. As an immortal goddess, how does one alleviate the pain within?

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Stories Seldom Told

200 years...

200 years had passed since Luna’s banishment, yet Princess Celestia, now sole ruler of Equestria, could not sleep without being haunted by countless nightmares. Celestia was sometimes reduced to a blubbering puddle of sorrow some nights with nopony to comfort her to sleep, or tell her everything was going to be ok.

Celestia didn’t trust the guards with her emotions, she knew that they would just nod and agree with her, afraid to defy orders. They were warriors, not listeners after all. That’s where Leonidas came in.

Leonidas was a human delegate elected to represent the Northern Equestrian Colonies of Manehatten and Fillydelphia along with being Celestia’s personal advisor. Leo was a soft-spoken man who enjoyed the Princess’ company and her generally cheery demeanor. He was oblivious of her true grief until one night.

Leo walked his usual route to the Princess’ chambers, the only unusual thing was the time he was doing it at.

Normally, he delivered the colonists’ letters to the Princess earlier in the day, but due to a rather clumsy mail-pony, they hadn’t come in until a few moments ago.

Leo had sensed something was bothering Celestia anyways, so he might as well check on her.

The guards at the door nodded him inside as Leo opened the door.

The room that was usually bright and warm was now suddenly dark, cold and quite unusual for the Princess.

“Celestia?” Leo called out into the room.

There was no response.

“Celestia?!” Leo yelled louder.

“Leonidas, is that you?” a muffled voice called out.

“Yes, it’s me Your Highness!” Leo responded, “Where are you?”

“The washroom. I’ll be right out!” Celestia chimed.

“Take your time,” Leo said, sitting in a comfy chair with the letters on his lap.

Celestia emerged a few minutes later, her hair damp but still maintaining its ethereal movement as usual. Leo had always loved her mane, the way it sparkled and waved in an invisible breeze.

“Hello Leonidas. Always a pleasure to see you,” Celestia said, a smile on her face as always.

“Your letters from the colonies, Your Highness.” Leo presented the letters to her as she placed them on her nightstand with her magic.

“I’m a little too exhausted to read those at the moment. I might as well go to sleep,” Celestia said.

“Very well, I’ll leave you to it,” Leo said, figuring that he mistook the troubled look on her face for something else.

“Sweet dreams, Princess,” Leo said as he rose to his feet and made his way to the door.

Celestia was taken aback by the statement. As simple as the phrase was, it left a dent in her heart and soul as she recalled Luna’s favorite thing to wish her well in the night.

A tear rolled down Celestia’s cheek when she spoke up as Leo was approaching the door.

“Leonidas! Wait!” Celestia cried out.

“Yes, Your Highness?” Leo asked, a look of worry upon his face.

“Please approach,” Celestia requested, holding a sniff back.

Leo neared the alicorn and stopped as the large bed was the only thing that kept them separated.

“Leonidas, my faithful advisor and my most trusted companion. You know that it has been 200 years since my sister’s banishment, correct?” Celestia inquired.

“Yes, that is correct,” Leo said, a look of curiosity upon his face.

“Please, sit.” Celestia motioned towards the bed as she laid herself down on the soft mattress.

Leo did as he was told and Celestia nuzzled herself up to his shoulder.

Leo was in no way a stranger to the pony’s need to be close to another, what made this odd was that it was the Princess of the Sun who was doing so. She had never demonstrated any sort of affection other than praise to Leo.

“Princess?” Leo said, an uncomfortable note in his voice.

“Yes, Leonidas?” Celestia said as she looked up at him with her violet eyes that were sparkling with tears.

Leo noticed the redness and changed his attitude quickly.

“Princess, what’s the matter?” Leo asked.

“Oh Leonidas my wonderful man, please just stay with me for a while longer.” Celestia let her emotions go as she sobbed into Leo’s shoulder.

Leo shifted and tensed up under Celestia’s added weight on his chest. Leo had never seen the princess like this, much less knew how to deal with it.

An idea popped into his head. He used to sing a song to his little sister to calm her down before bed back on Earth.

Celestia simply let her tears run into Leo’s simple cotton shirt and dampen his shoulder.

Celestia found the song calming, yet empowering. For some reason, it really resonated with her and her tears began to subside. She also noticed as the song progressed that Leo’s body was slowly beginning to relax and relieve its tension.

Celestia’s sobs grew softer and softer until the only sound left was Leo’s gentle voice singing those words.

In his anger and his shame, "I am leaving, I am leaving." But the fighter still remains.

His voice was warm and the most beautiful thing Celestia had heard in a long time.

Without knowing it, she began to hum along with Leo as he continued to sing the song once more.

All lies and jest. Still, a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest.

Leo smiled as Celestia looked at him with her red and irritated eyes holding sheer unrepressed happiness for the first time that night.

As the song concluded, Leo wiped away a stray tear from Celestia’s cheek.

“Leonidas, thank you,” Celestia managed to choke out.

“Princess, I am always here for you. Please do not hesitate to reach out next time.” Leo spoke softly, running his hands gently up and down her silky soft back and wings, making her coo softly in relaxation.

“Leonidas, will you spend the night with me? I still fear the nightmares that plague me frequently,” Celestia asked, hoping she wasn’t pushing her luck.

“Yes, Your Highness. I will spend the night with you. Allow me to fetch some things from my own chambers,” Leo said, beginning to rise.

“Thank you, Leonidas. I am truly in debt to you.” Celestia smiled sheepishly.

“You’ve given me a home, a job, and a second chance at life that I never would have back on Earth. This is but the least I can do for you,” Leo said, humbly bowing.

“Retrieve your things and return here. I will instruct the guards of the situation.” Celestia smiled.

“As you wish, Princess.” Leo bowed once more.

As Leo retrieved his things, Celestia opened the large balcony doors, allowing the cool night’s breeze to soothe her irritated eyes. The moon cast a glow upon Celestia and her chambers respectively.

“Luna Carissima, Quid Vitam Est? I wished you could’ve seen what ponies truly thought of your night. Goodnight dear sister,” Celestia whispered to the large cratered orb in the sky as she turned her head at the sound of her chambers door opening and closing.

Leo was dressed in a simple shirt and shorts as he made his way to the bed.

Celestia cast one more look at the Mare in the Moon and then hopped upon the mattress with Leo. She wrapped her forelegs around his large body and nuzzled close to him. She felt him tense up for a brief moment, but he relaxed much faster this time.

“Good night, Leonidas,” Celestia whispered.

“Good night Your Highness. Remember, I’m here should the nightmares come to you tonight.” Leo spoke softly.

“You are one of the most caring individuals I have ever met, Leonidas. I am honored to have you by my side,” Celestia said as she closed her eyes and slept well for the first time in many years with her human companion at her side.

Author's Note:

This story has been a channel for quite a lot of emotion in my life.
I hope you all enjoyed it and if you did, please leave a comment.
As always, feedback is welcomed with open arms!

Comments ( 9 )

Did you use google translate for the title? I won't explain why ( unless you want me to) but the title should be Luna Quod Vitum Carissimum

Unless it is not latin then my bad for assuming.

It is latin, but I didn't use Google Translate.
I used a few other people. Thanks for the heads up!

6086212 just being fluent in latin and several other amcient and modern languages imperfections bothers me.


That is not quite right, either. Don't forget to match case and gender on your adjectives and pronouns, and what case and declension are you trying to use on "vita"?

Also, while the English being translated is a bit idiomatic, I'm reasonably sure you'll still need a verb in there somewhere.

And finally, the interrogative pronoun is needed, rather than the relative. It makes for a rather drastic shift in meaning.

Simplest is "Luna Quis Vita Est Carissima", (What is life, dearest moon?) Of course the English phrase is more nuanced than this, but I can't think of any way to translate that into Latin idiom.

Word order is a bit unusual, but I'm not particularly well versed in exactly how shifts in word order change the emphasis. Still, a more neutral order is "Luna Carissima Quis Vita Est".

Note to self: Stick to English titles next time...:facehoof:

Actually, the correct translation is "Quid luna mea, carissima vitae est?". "Vita" is supposed to be in the dative, and "Carrisima" modifies moon. In addition, Quod isn't the interrogative pronoun, for it's the relative one. Quid is correct pronoun. With all of this and the proceeding argument over who's right, I think that we all learned to stick to english titles. BTW, this is a correction of the first correction.

Here to hop on the Latin train. I read the title as "Dearest Luna, what/who is life?"

I really should just stick to English next time. :rainbowlaugh:

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