• Published 22nd Dec 2015
  • 7,191 Views, 140 Comments

Yep, totally normal.... - Kit-San

Always expect the unexpected they say, well I didn't expect this, and neither will Equstria. HERE I COME!!!!!!

  • ...

Chapter Tres (Now EDITED!)

“By the way Rarity… you disappoint me…” I said to the now cringing Unicorn. A clone of me to her side was giving her the stink eye , before it jumped over and merged back into me. “I bet his lying!” Rainbow said. Ok, I have to say this, Rainbow is my least favorite along with Rarity. I do not like the boastful, nor do I like the snobbish. But I will give Rarity credit, her somewhat snobbish ways are just how she was raised and she is willing to put that aside. Rainbow too, she just doesn’t shut up. Yes, you're awesome; would you kindly shut up about it?

“Aaand saw that coming…” I sighed. “Seriously girls, he uses chaos magic!" Among other abilities..." I threw in "So he must be evil!” Rainbow again said. I then cleared my throat “Now, Rainbow, you believed me to be evil because I simply use chaos magic? Fact is, magic doesn’t have a mind of it’s own. True, it can be wild and unpredictable.” I spoke in a sort professional vibe “However, it is but a tool. For example, who do you blame: the magic or the guy who fired the fireball?” I asked “The guy.” she answered like it was the most obvious thing ever.

I nodded “As such, you should ONLY judge a character by his or her actions, and even then that's pushing it. Listen, I know a Necromancer who can, but doesn’t, raise the dead and tries to use his other spells for good. Now, what do you say to that?” I again asked, though this time to everypony present. Twilight spoke up “ I’d say you’re crazy. Necromancy is forbidden, and there is proof that their evil.” I roll my eyes “One, I am crazy but that's not the point. Two, you say there’s proof, but does what makes it proof? Books? What about those who weren't in your books? You don’t know a person, pony whatever, without knowing them in person in the first place! Magic is a tool, it has no emotion, classifying someone evil for using a certain type of magic is like classifying someone as a murder for collecting swords.” * Does that make sense?* *don't think so sunny boy* *Say Ello to the new editor!*

"Ah for one, don’t trust you ya varmint!” AJ said “ If you weren’t evil then you coulda helped us beat Discord!” “Nah, I knew he was going to lose. Why make some happen if it's going to happen regardless?” Ok, that’s a stupid reason, from my knowledge they would of beaten Discord quicker. However, me just by being here could have changed the timeline; I shouldn’t take any damaging risks.

“Welp, I got to go see a friend right, so by-” I was interrupted by a Fwomp with the word ‘Writer's Blocker’ blocked my way with its stony body. I used Leer on it, even though it was unnecessary. I then picked it back up, it giving me an ‘Oh shit’ look, before tossing behind me.


Your highness, your dinner.” A griffon chef said to another, more royal looking Griffon. “Ah, finally now I can eat.” He said as he walked over to the 15 feet spread on his 19 feet long table. But before he could take a bite, a large spiked stone block with a face with strange words fell through the ceiling and onto the table right in front of him. Looking at him sheepishly, it began sweating profusely. King GuffaWing was not amused. Not. At. All.

--------Back with our stars-------

“ And with that done.” I said before clapping my fore paws, teleporting outa there. “WAAAAAIT!” Pinkie shouted, but it was too late.


“Well, that's the last time I teleport without thinking…” I sighed “Well, I least I know that I’m not alone in the multiverse. I thought this wasn’t going to be Displaced fanfic Crimson.” *Well, I changed my mind. However displaced will be minor thing, maybe like one or two on the main fanfic.* “Fair enough, I guess.” “Who are you talking to?” Kristana asked “The author” I replied with a straight face.


“The author, Crimsoin Sun.”



*Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- I think that's what some animes do when a character stare intently at someone*

Indeed, she was staring at me with a deadpanned look. “Look, you’ll meet him at some point.” I finally said ‘Dude, why not just tell her now?’ I thought to myself, well ok not just to myself. *One, because she was pulled out her world and more than likely won't be able to return, the last thing she needs to know that someone is basically controlling every part of her life from the moment I thought of her. Two, its funny to see her confused.*

‘ Hemmmm…’ I ‘Hemmed' in my head in response to something that "clearly" doesn’t exist.
“Hmm, alright, you haven’t given me a reason not to trust you….” She sighed facing the ground with her eyes closed, deciding that getting a read on me was a lost cause.

“Glad you trust me!” I said, smiling, before it fell into a curious look. “ Hey, speaking of trust, how I relationships between Dark and Fairy, or any type in general. In your world I mean.” I asked. “You don’t know?” She lifted her head, tilting it in confusion and slight astonishment.

“Hey, I wasn’t born in your world.” I shrugged. She nodded “Well ok, um well it is a little fickle but it's nothing too serious I don’t think.”

I nodded in thanks. “Ok, Merci mon ami .”


“French for, "Thanks, my friend".” I answered nonchalantly

She went silent for a few moments. I didn’t interrupt the silence, I knew she taking in a few more things. “So… I can’t go back home, can I?” She smiled sadly. My goofy face faded, it being replaced with a look of pity. “Actually… well there is a way, I just don’t know how…” I put my paw on her shoulder, tears were starting to form in her eyes. ‘ DUDE, why not use the Serpent Stones?!’ I th- oh screw it, spoke to Crimsion *Cuz, its too simple and easy. And yes, yes I am D*Chihuahua bark*k.*

“I-I-I miss my family so much.” She mumbled. *Aye~ now I feel bad….* 'You’re were always a prime definition of different shades of grey; and I don’t mean the book Reader, get you mind out of the cuder. Kind hearted and caring, yet sadistic and loves dark elements.’ I could feel a shrug.

“ No, no tears.” She said shaking her head “ Mother always told tears help with nothing… I’ll be fine…” “No, bad idea to bottle your emotions. Sometimes, it's better to cry, let it all out. It's especially bad to NOT cry for someone if you feel the need.” I comforted.

“I’ll be fine, Shiro.” She resisted. I shook my head “Alright.”

After that scenario, we patted down into the kitchen “ Do you want anything?” I offered “Um, I’ll have an Sitrus Berry, and some water please.” She ordered. I cringed a little. Ok, a lot. “Siturs? Those thing are more sour than eating a bucket of WarHeads sour candies in less than a minute!” ‘I told her. “Something that I, unfortunately and stupidly, tried doing…” I mumbled, Kristiana not hearing. Enthuse on ‘tired’. I won’t ever forget that feeling of eating a quarter of a bucket full of WarHeads...never...

“I like sour.” She said definitely, sitting herself down on a uninteresting chair pulled up to a uninteresting table. “Ok then…” I said, astonished. I guess that I’m not the only weird one, not counting Pinkie or Discord. Grabbing the tongue shriveling berry, I poured a glass of water from a hollowed stick. She gave me a weird look, before shaking it off. Bring the ‘food’ and drink to her, she calmly ate the ‘food’ and drank the water a little quickly. She got up from her seat and looked over me to see my absolutely shocked face. I mean, wide eyes like that in a anime, jaw(Literally) hitting the ground, you get it.

I shook off my shock. “Whatever.” I said, before tossing two Salem Rolls into my mouth.

We just stood there. Well, I stood she sat. “Sooooooo, what do you want to do?” I ask out of the blue. She answered rather quickly “I would like to explore this world!” She said with stars in her eyes, her face rather close to mine. “I’ve always wanted to explore uncharted places! Come on!” I yelped as she pull me to the front door with her ribbons; forgot about those… somehow.

She busted out of the double doors, letting me go. Unfortunately, I was unable to stop my momentum, and I crashed in the ground with a heavy thud, legs splayed out. “Grrrmmm.” I grumbled in minor pain. “Chaos powers I presume?” She asked, pointing at the hollow tree. I picked myself off the ground, rubbing my head, wincing a bit “Yeah.” “So where to?” She asked impatiently “Are we going to explore ruins? Or maybe go to a new world? Oh oh oh-” She was practically bouncing before I shoved my paw into her mouth, effectively shutting her up. “ Lets start by meeting the locals.” I said “O kf.” She mumbled excitedly with my paw still in her mouth. “Then Avanta!” I shouted, creating a wormhole, similar to that of the Doctor Who opening. We jumped in, Kristiana going first.

------Do I even need to tell you?------

The wormhole open at the other side and we fell out. Kristiana was looking around with much Glädje. *nice some swedish.* Why, do I keep using words in different languages? Because I like it and I always wanted to be a linguistic. We landed right in the middle of Manehattan. Why not PonyVille? *Cause I can’t think of anything for them to do there.* Regardless we took my own custom made tour of the place. We got lost. A lot.

Immediately after seeing two ponies that were obviously in love with each other, Kristiana asked me about the inhabitants of the world. I explained as best as I could that this land, Equestria, was populated by mostly Ponies, and brought up the other races. Why I didn’t just shove the info into her mind, I’ll never know…yes I can do that.

After getting her desire, she immediately ran off to meet a Earth pony, myself trying to keep up with her. Boy was he TALL, about five feet… er, hooves?... higher than Macintosh even. The stallion had a dark green, my favorite color, coat, with sea foam green mane. The mane style was similar to Rainbow’s, just a little more kept. His cutie mark was a side view of Blacksmith’s Hammer smashing a white hot metal rod, sparks flying everywhere. Who’s willing to bet that his special talent is blacksmithing?

“Excuse me!” Kristiana called. The stallion turned with a kind expression, but frowned when he didn’t see anypony. “Down here!” I called, getting him to look down. “Hi, my names Kristian, what’s yours!” Said the oddly colored Sylveon asked hurriedly. Seeing her talk must really caught him off guard, because his head reared back. Everypony turned their heads towards us as well. “Erm, well lil’ missy, I’m FlintStone,"He answered, still in shock. “Erm, if you don’ mind me asking, but ah, what are you?” “She’s a Sylveon, I’m a Umbreon. Call me Shiro, we’re here’ just be explorein’.” I said, at the end I matched his accent. I held out my paw, which his shook, and Kristiana shook his hoof with a ribbon. Which confused him a tad.

“How are you manipulating your ribbons like that?” He asked. “I don’t know really, their just a part of me, so it's like just moving my legs.” She answered, waving her ribbon in the air. He nodded understanding, and put on that kind smile again. He looked at me afterwards. “Shiro, eh? Like them Japonies?” I made a croaking like sound, trying not to laugh. ‘Hehehahah, Japonies, that's bloody brilliant!’ [/i]*I know, right!?*I Cleared my throat “Yes.”

Kirstiana promptly began barraging questions to the poor guy. He tired answering as best, and as fast, as he could. I had to stop her, seeing as Flintstone's answers were starting to lag behind. I did so my putting my paw over her muzzle.“Sorry, she’s never seen a Pony before.” I apologized. “Hehe, it's quite’ alright my friend. I know when somepon' has a curiosity that' an’ easily satisfied.” He than explained about Cutie marks, that being the last question before I stopped Kristiana. “Huh, but doesn’t it seem like, I don’t know, a forced destiny?” She asked after StoneFlint finished. He gave a hearty chuckle “Nah, you see lass, it’s what we’re good and what we love, you can’t have one without the other. Well, most of the time.” He mumbled that last part.

“Ok, thanks for your time. Come on Shiro, I want to see more of this place!” Kristian exclaimed, running again. “Ah hey, wait! Er, see ya StoneFlint!” I shouted behind me as ran after Kristiana. “Take care you two!” He waved after us. He then chuckled lightly “I wonder if they're goin’ to more than just friends at this rate.” He mused. “No doubt about it, I can already see the signs…” He then continues on his merry way.

------Two hours la- *Hey, give me my signs back!* *Guha hey! Patrick, come back here!* -----

“Like the Ice cream?” I asked, my left paw supporting my head. “Hemhmm!” She Hummed. She's eating, yes eating not licking, a medium sized mint chocolate chip ice cream. “How can you stand chomping on that? Just thinking about it makes my teeth hurt.” *Eh, God owowowow, my teeth are actually aching a bit from the thought XD…* “Ouch…” I mumbled. “Hehe, nothings cold to me anymore, not since I was frozen solid.” She proudly announced, some ice cream clinging to her muzzle. What an adorable sight… What, I’m a sucker for cuteness!

Wait a minute, what? “Wait wut?” I asked “You were frozen solid once?!” I was a little shocked by that. “Twice actually.” She responded like it was the most normal thing ever. “T-twice!” Ok, gone from a little shock to ‘WTH?!’ “I had a little brother, Daniel. He evolved into a Glaceon and he accidentally froze me solid when I was still an Eevee.” *Anyone else feel a little bad for male pokemon evolving into something more feminine?* *you know you could have made it a little sister*

“And the second time?” I asked a little apprehensively. “Kyurem blasted me during a festival.” Silence… “Uh Shiro?” ‘We’re sorry, your fanfic character's mind has crashed, please wait until w-’ *An’t nobody got time for that!* I shook my head “Do I even want to know?” “He comes by yearly; at the beginning of winter and takes some food after freezing it. I got in his way one day.” She answered. Ok then.

Oh right, currently we were sitting out next to the Ice Cream shop we just visited, enjoying our Ice Cream and talking about stuff. I got a Sherbert -Pop Rock- Chocolate Waffle Cone -Ice Cream with Gummy Bears, YAAAAS I LOVE GUMMI BEARS!!! Trust me its good. We did a lot of exploring in Manehattan, the only place we haven’t been to was Dragon Town which was our next stop after we finish our Ice Cream. While that happened, I explained to her about my ‘relationship’ with the country's Heroes and Princesses. “Oh wow, a thousand years, that must of been rough.” She said, long finished with her Ice Cream.

“Eh, not really, Discord helped me keep company.” Than I felt as though I was forgetting something, but I didn’t know what…. I HATE that feeling! I just shrugged it off. “Right, I’m done, let's go to dragon town!” I said after dumping the paper that was sticked onto the Cone.

We walked through town, just talking about random things. DT was just a few blocks away. However, as we past the Police Station, the door opened to, and I wasn’t quick to stop myself from bumping into a Pony's legs. “Oh, sorry about tha-” I started to say, but stopped when I saw who it was ‘oh dear’. “Oh my, we are ter-” The pony in question also stopped mid sentence. “YOU!” She bellowed. Princess Luna


Chapter End

Author's Note:

Yeah, sorry for the wait, and with nothing very interesting happed am I right? Also, I did a crossover! Here it is! Be nice.