• Published 22nd Dec 2015
  • 7,190 Views, 140 Comments

Yep, totally normal.... - Kit-San

Always expect the unexpected they say, well I didn't expect this, and neither will Equstria. HERE I COME!!!!!!

  • ...


So, that outburst made both females recoil in slight shock. Unsurprisingly, Luna recovered in no time, as she resumed to glaring at me. “What are you doing here Mischief?!” She interrogated. “Wait, don’t you mean Mayhem?” I corrected. “Mayhem, Mischief, insanity, it's all the same to us, criten.” She scoffed. I scoffed back “The name’s Shiro, Woona~” I did a mocking rabid blink...thingy; which lead me to having to avoid Luna’s glass horseshoe from connecting to my already flat face.

“How is it that thou know the name that only our sister knows of’est?” She shouted. ‘ I don’t think of’est is a word in the Ye Olden Speech Dictionary Crims.’ *I’m just making guesses bud, anyone know any websites that could help with that?* “I didn’t, I just said it to tease you.” I smirked. “Aw, how cute, sisterly pet names~” Kristana coed; not in a mocking way for the record. Luna blushed momentarily, before she realized who was talking.

“And who is this? One of your servants, mayhaps?” She said with a stoic face. But I could tell she was slightly encapsulated by Kristina's natural adorableness. I don’t blame her. I gave her a funny look “Why the hell would I want a servant?” “I’m not a servant, I’m Shiro’s friend!.” Kristana said, getting up in Luna muzzle with a classic anime “anger tick’’ on her forehead; which while amusing, I had to pull her ba-wait wait a minute how did she get in Luna’s face when she like 3 or 5 times our height? *Anime logic man. Dude, seriously, chaos and anime logic remember?* ‘Well sorry, but I’m feeling a little slow today. And by me I mean you.’ I thought back to… oh you get the point.

“Talk about rude, humph!” … ok she actually said ‘Humph’. Odd. Luna did not look convinced… or sorry for the offense for that matter. “And how to we know that thou isn’t speaking false words?” She leaned in closer to make herself more intimidating, which she wasn’t. She is? Really, I guess it's just me… and Crimsoin *I find her more endearing than threatening.* Then Luna looked straight into my soul, which is something I need to try at some point. “Or perhaps she is speaking the truth, and that would mean she is in league with you, or thou has meddle with her memories.”

“OR, or, she is my friend and I wasn’t evil in the first place!” I countered, standing on my hind legs and waving my fore legs for a few seconds. “Preposterous!” Luna yelled back, before lighting her horn and pointing it at me. “Počkej chvíli (Czech), wait a minute!” I shouted. “What, going to beg for mercy?” Luna questioned.

“Uh nope, I’m guessing a fight is inevitable?” I asked, and she nodded. “Fine.... but not here.” I clapped my forepaws together, and vomp we teleported to another place.

----------Quick A/N----------

Ok, I need to admit this. This entire thing from the summary to the current chapter has been mostly me just winging it and writing it as I go, with some ahead plans every now and again. Is that a bad thing, considering the positive reception I’ve gotten?


We appeared in a...rather uninteresting area, really. Luna wasn’t too surprised by the teleport; makes sense because, well you know: Magical Alicorn and all that. Can’t say the same for Kristana. Fun fact, traveling through portals is never as disorientating as teleporting. Ok, Chaos magic and anime logic aside even I don’t know how that works.

I gave her a short pat on the back as she did what just about everyone does when they feel ill: hold her fore paws over her mouth while gagging. “So, how is this going to go?” I asked “ Is it just going to be all fist-a-cuffs, er, hoove...ist-cuff?” Ok, I have no idea where I was going with that. Luna only looked at me narrowly, which I mistook as a ‘yes’. But, she did stop me by creating a LARGE barrier over us.

“How about this, instead of fighting like the beast do-” ‘Wow, rude…’ “ I purpose a Xīngyún duìjué.” I gave a odd look, and not as in she said something stupid. Kristana however, did “A what?” Luna opened her muzzle but I beat her to it. “A ‘Nebula Duel’?” I answered/ questioned. ‘They have Chinese here? Wait, stupid question, Japoniese remember?’ She nodded, slightly taken off guard that I could translate “A linguistic, aye?” She shook of her slight shock. “A ‘Nebula Duel’ is when two individuals-” Sorry to say, but I interrupted her for a completely irrelevant reason “Wait don’t you Ponies usually say ‘somepony’?” She scoffed “We do not like the pony terms our citizens use, we prefer to include all races.” She spoke like she been ask that several times.

She cleared her throat before continuing. “As I was saying-” ‘Lost the accent again’ “ a Nebula Duel is when two individuals duel, by creating constellational beings to fight. The two contestants, in this case you and myself, don’t actually fight.” Kristana raised one of her ribbons “Um wouldn’t they both need to be able to control the stars then?” Luna looked very unhappy “She can control the stars. That and the Moon and Night themselves.” I told our curious Sylveon. Now Kristana looked between shocked and embarrassed. “He is correct; I have no doubt the he is capable of the same.” Luna said, still rather peeved. “The first to win three rounds is the winner.”

‘Ohohoh, did she make the biggest mistake ever.’ One word, creativity. One of my strongest features. Well ok maybe not but still.' “I accept this challenge, Měi wǎn yī ( Nightly One).” Luna slightly blushed at that, but I knew that it was just out of embarrassment. I knew that because I just poked her mind for a bit. She smiled devilishly soon after, no doubt thinking she can win this. The light blue barrier shown briefly, before constellations from both this world and mine appeared.

“How about a bargain? You win, I’ll go back to being stone from a healthy blast of the Elements Of Harmony” ‘Not that you could anyway; thank you Uendelig Stjerne!’ “If I win ‘which I will’, you must swear to never bother me or Kristana again.” Luna was about to protest “It won’t count for Celestia.” I interrupted. She nodded at that “Fair enough.”

From behind her, a constellation of spider glowed before it showed illustration of it. Soon after, it jumped out. It was MUCH larger than any of us, and due to its proportions I recognized as a Tarantula. Um, so well…. Two words, Minor Arachnophobia. Yep. Luckily, I had a great counter that tripled as my favorite insect and a reference to a old game.

A constellation glowed behind me, that of a Scorpion. Same as Luna’s ‘pet’, it landed behind me, clicking it claws and its barbed tail swinging slightly to the left and right. Luna just looked in awe before shouting “What manner of creature is that?!” To which I responded “You’ve never seen a Scorpion before?! Their like the coolest insect there is!” I swore I saw both said insect and the spider sweat dropped. We both shook off our shock, prepared to command them in a battle of the Deadliest Creatures. Aaaand there's the video game reference I mentioned earlier.

The spider- * I’m not writing Tarantula over and over again, cuz I’m lazy!* suddenly sprang at Mira- Yes, I name her and yes it's a she- to which she backed off a bit before slamming her left claw onto it with a resounding crack. While it was dazed, she grabbed one of its leg and performed a… uh what do you call it… an overhead slam? Grabbing a limb and throwing the victim over head and slamming them to the ground? Well whatever it's called, she did just that. To finish up the basic combo, she struck out with her tail. Oddly enough, the spider even though upside down managed to move out of the way.

Circling around quickly, the spider looked for an opening. Mira followed, but could only turning in place; Scorpion’s weren’t that fast after all. The spider then unexpectedly rushed at her and struck with a leg. Mira caught it, but didn’t predict for another to strike. Thankfully Mire’s had a strong set of “armor”, so instead of shish kebabing her Dark Souls style, it made dull thwack! Thing about scorpion's though, their grip was that of a piranha's. Okay maybe not quite, but you get the point.

Mira made a move to do the same overhead slam, but the spider dug it's free legs into the ground. “Mira, strike now!” She obeyed by giving it a stinger to the side. I notice earlier that stardust would blast out with each hit, so quite a lot few out from Luna’s champion. The spider however, responded by sinking its fangs into Mira’s outstretched arm. Both attacks made them back off. Mira clicked her claws again, almost tauntingly; to which the spider reared up flashing it venomous fangs.

The fight continued to last for about an half hour, the not-so-miniature creepy crawlies traded blows. I did notice that despite being star constellation, they were in fact poisoned. And funnily enough, their color darkened to a blue-purple color in a classic RPG style. Well, not that it matter much, because for whatever reason Mira got beyond pissed off. So did Luna, which wasn’t beneficial…. At all. Luna, commanded the spider to rush Mira. Remember when I said Mira was mad? Well, actually that think that wasn’t accurate enough, because she slammed both claws on its head, grabbed it and stabbed it over and over and over in the just above the spot between eyes. Seriously! I could hear the classic reach reach reach reach noise they played in old horror movies when someone was stabbed to death. I wasn’t counting the time, but it lasted longer than it should.... Like at all.

‘Jesus Crimsoin, overkill much?!’ Needless to say, we were all petrified. Luna and Kristana because their not being used to such brutality, and me because I was in shock from the bang of pity I felt. I love animals, it did not need to go out like that. “OK!” I shouted before sending her off. “U-um, how about a break?” I stuttered a little. All I got was a couple of traumatized nods.


“Ok, shall we continue?” I spoke after we finished our juice, Me and Kristina apple, Luna orange. The girls nodded, both recovered from Mira’s brutality. We retook our places, me and Luna on opposite sides and Kristana off in the distance.

Luna once again took the initiative, this time conjuring a Cyclops. Which I was not expecting. “Cyclops’s exist in Equestria? Cool.” I noted before conjuring a smaller constellation. ‘Man… it doesn’t look like the actual one…’ I should have noted this, but any constellations would just appear like the illistrat- wait a minute. I face pawed, ‘Hello? Chaos Magic…’ I clapped my fore paws together changing the constellation more life like. Anyone remembers this crazy power house? “Say hello to Black Rock Shooter!” I shouted, presenting the copy of the Other Self. She drew her Black Blade; yes that's its actual name. Looking over at the Cyclops I shrugged, having a thought “Ah, what the heck.” I clapped again, transforming it.

Said cyclops flexed, before attempting to smash Rock with its dark quartz hammer. She merely got out of the way with great ease and slashed outward. Now let me clear something up: these copies are NOT NEARLY as strong, durable or as fast as the originals, so don’t be surprised to see the girl who got impaled by GIANT mechanical spider leg and got up like it was barely a bug bite getting beat up by a clumsy brute.

Again and again the cyclops attempted to smash her, and over and over again she dodged and countered with her katana. Luna decided to switch things up and made it so it would make weaker but swifter attacks. Now those hit Rock from time to time. I shouted to her “Use your Rock Cannon!” Yes that's its cannon name. Buda chish, bad pun. Her right eye burst into that iconic ‘well iconic if you watch her anime… or played the game…. None of which were that good really….’ blue flame. Outstretching her unarmed hand she materialized it and began firing shots into the Greek giant.

The battle… was kind of disappointing really. It ended with a tie; Rock threw her sword into the giant’s eye, killing it, but the hammer fall straight on her. Funny, normally she pays more attention than that. All well. * Can you tell I got lazy here? XD Yo, editor you got any ideas?* *eh..one stop being lazy*

“You want another break?” I asked, but Luna refused. Yeah she's angry, guess she’s just a poor sport. “This time we will win! It will be double!” Wait what? She summoned two champions this time. “O...k then?” She summoned a dragon, that looked remarkably like Smaug and a….um… something. It looked similar to the Vicar Amila boss from BloodBorne…. Thats the closest way I could describe it.

I summon two champions that you readers will definitely recognize.

A knight in draconic golden amour wielding a large spear landed with electricity arching everywhere harmlessly.

“Dragon Slayer Ornstein…” I spoke in a intimidating voice.

The other formed into a anthropormothic goat-like creature where a royal purple cape and a crown.

“ And Asgore Dreemur…” Ornstein bow in respect, then readied his spear towards the dragon. Asgore only continued to look down, which I had no idea as to why. Abruptly, he drew his Trident ‘Exactly like from the game’ from his robe and charged at the… other thing.

*who are these huys sunny boy?* *(Falls off in seat)*

Let's start with Ornstein: Immediately after Asgore began his attack, Ornstein jumped to the air and lunged with his spear forward at the dragon. The dragon reared back dodging the weapon and swiped at the knight. Maneuvering with grace, Ornstein managed to get out of dodge and countered with a left side swiping arc, cutting through the dragon’s false scales. Angered, or at least simulated anger, the dragon lashed out with its tail. Now I know what some of you are thinking ‘Burn Him! Fire Breath!’. Interesting fact: dragons, well in this world, love to play with their ‘prey’. Ironic, considering he is Ornstein’s prey. The scaly tail thumped against Ornstein’s armour, sending him flying.

Not that it would deter him much, seeing as he easily landed on his feet. Not giving the dragon a chance to recover, the draconic knight lunged forward; practically sliding along the ground. The spear point impaled itself into the dragon’s stomach, and with an exaggerated grunt, Ornstein unleashed a volley of electricity straight into what was practically his natural enemy. The dragon did not like that one bit, as hinted to his anguished roar.

Pushing through the pain, the dragon unlodged the weapon, and made to bite of Ornstein’s head. Thinking fast, Gwyn’s knight blocked the incoming maw with his spear; its teeth clamping onto the shaft. Both did not back off, and instead opted to make it a match of strength. Both of them struggling to overpower the other.

Now let's focus on Asgore; charging at the thing, he raise his trident upwards and stabbed downwards. All it met was dirt, and with Asgore’s battle instincts, the shaft meeting with steel like claws. Asgore quickly pushed it off. Then without warning his eyes suddenly shown two different colors in a pattern: orange, blue, blue, orange. After it ended Asgore struck out with blinding speeds, his Trident changing color as well. The creature tried to block and dodge, but all attacks hit their marks.

It responded by blasting light blue beam at the monster king, who dodge with clear experience. Luna had still yet to see his eye’s besides from his recent attack. She knows that face however. The face of someone with a kind heart fighting with regret. She shot a questioning look towards me, to which I shrugged.

Using his mastery over pyromancy, Asgore launched a volley of fireballs, many hitting the beast. Said beast charged through them and attempted to remove the King’s face. Asgore leaped out the way, missing a slash in an attempt to counter attack. Asgore noticed Ornstein in the previously mentioned lock down, and threw his trident at the dragon. The butt of the weapon socked it between the eyes, making it recoil and involuntary freeing Ornstein. The Trident boomeranged back to its rightful owner. Gwyens faithful knight nodded in thanks, before sending a bolt of lighting to stop Asgore’s first opponent in its tracksThe king of the Underground nodded back, eyes still not visible to Luna.

The dragon did not take kindly to be thacked, and whacked Ornstein aside before unleashing a torrent of rending flames. Flames that Asgore was not able to avoid. It didn’t do much, but the incoming claws did a fair bit of damage. At that point, Ornstein pushed it off of him and got the dragon to attack him and him alone.

Asgore and the creature faced off one another again, this time the creature taking the initiative. And was met with the butt of the Crimson Trident. On and on this went, Asgore either throwing fireballs or attacking with his spear. He had long gave up on his eye color frenzy attack, as Luna quickly learned how it works. The creature kept lashing out with its hooked claws and firing blasts of pure magic from its mouth. Neither could get the upperhand on each other. That was until, Asgore found himself unable to move. I subtly noticed Luna’s horn glowed briefly, a entanglement spell. ‘Dirty cheater ‘ I thought, but didn’t act. The creature then tore into Asgore.

Not long after, Asgore fell onto his back, ‘dead’. Luna can finally see his eyes, and they shook her a little. The regret and sadness in them didn’t go unnoticed by me either. And Asgore’s fall didn’t go unnoticed to Ornstein. The knight sprinted to Asgore’s body, knocking the King’s enemy over. Coming to a stop, Ornstein kneeled down to him and place a hand over the fallen King’s chest and nodded with respect. Suddenly, crimson energy began surging into him, double his size, and adding a few changes. Ornstein wore an identical cape to Asgore’s and wielded a golden trident with a red rose at the base of the middle point. The Royal Dragon Slayer lunged at the creature and slashed, immediately removing it head. Both Asgore’s body and the now headless creature disappeared in a cloud of stardust.

Ornstein and the Dragon faced off again. Then, with a wave of his hand, the Kingly Knight summon a barrage of Sunlight Spears. They all pierced to overgrown reptile. The dragon despite being swish cheesed roared in defiance and charged.

The battle afterwards was destructive and it was clear that the dragon was losing. “A knight’s loyalty to his king is stronger than any blade, Luna” I called ‘Even though Asgore wasn’t his king’ I thought to myself. Luna was getting desperate, calling odd attacks and attempting to cheat, only for me to stop that rubbish.

Eventually, Ornstein grabbed the dragon by the neck and slammed it down to the ground, and finished it off gladiator style. Royal Ornstein vanished, along with the barrier. I looked to Luna “ A deal is a deal, Lulu.” I reminded. She only nods in reluctance. “Good, now let's get back to Manehattan.” I Clapped my paws, and we teleported back. Kristana was quickly giving the same treatment, seeing as she was in the distance.


“And now we ca-” I was going to say, but then a rather familiar pink drag- oh wait it's Spike. “Princess Luna, why did you call for me?” He asked… to which Luna just burped a ball of magic fire.

We all stared at her for a few seconds, until I broke the silence. “Whelp, that image is forever burned into my mind; no pun intended.”

Author's Note:

I just realized the word count; over 3,000 word woot! I getting better with experience!