• Published 8th Jun 2015
  • 23,968 Views, 208 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls - Wildcard25

Twilight and her friends from Canterlot High travel to the city of New York to take on the Dazzlings with the help of four heroes in a half shell.

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Back at the lair, Leo, Mikey, Donnie, April, and the rest of the girls were watching some Crognard. Suddenly Raph, Casey, Sunset, Rainbow, and Applejack ran in.

"Leo, guys!" Raph called.

"We got a problem!" Applejack called.

"What is it, guys?" Leo asked, as the group got up.

"Where's Rarity?" Twilight asked, seeing no sign of her.

"We were fighting the Purple Dragons, and then the Foot Bots dropped in and took off with her." Casey answered.

"What?!" Spike and Pinkie gasped in shock.

"Oh, no." Fluttershy gasped in worry.

"We have to find her." April stated.

The group nodded, as Sunset turned to Donnie, "Donnie, can you trace the signal on Rarity's phone?"

"Already on it." Donnie answered, as he used his T-Phone.

"Let's go!" Leo called, as the group took off.

Meanwhile at the warehouse, as Rarity was still trying to cut herself free from her rope bindings, she spoke out out to Hun and the dragons.

"Could you please turn up the heat in here? It's chilly."

"It's fine to us." Hun answered.

"Just asking," Rarity replied, "And since we're on topic of this hideout, you Purple Dragons are in desperate need of a designer. I mean if I was living here I would give this place a little more color and pizzazz. Something you boys know nothing about."

Fong spoke, "Hey, we like how it looks."

"And I'm getting tired of your whining." Sid added.

Rarity frowned and tightened her eyes upon the big member, "Oh, this isn't whining. But if you want whining, I'll give you whining," The dragons were concerned by the threat, until Rarity cried with a whiny voice, "These ropes are too tight! And this chair is so cold! I'm starving and my nose itches!" she whined some more about minimal things, as Fong, Sid, and Tsoi were covering their ears trying to drown her out, while Hun rolled his eyes.

Elsewhere, the turtles, April, Casey, and the rest of the Rainbooms were jumping roofs, as Donnie was tracking the signal.

"Anything, Donnie?" Leo asked.

"We're getting close. Just have to keep going at this pace." the genius answered.

"Then let's pick it up." Mikey said, as they continued on.

"If those guys hurt Rarity, I'm gonna..." Spike barked, only for Twilight to cut him off.

"We'll find her, Spike. We have to." she said, as they hurried.

At the warehouse, the door opened and Fishface and Tiger Claw entered, followed by two rows of Foot Bots. Rarity watched and saw them knowing who was coming next.

Shredder walked into the warehouse, as the Foot Bots, Fishface and Tiger Claw bowed their heads to him. The Shredder approached as Hun stood before him.

"Welcome, Master Shredder." Hun bowed his head in respect.

"I trust you remain true to your word?" he asked.

"Of course, my lord." Hun assured him.

Shredder looked and saw Fong, Sid, and Tsoi cowering in a corner while covering their ears, "What are they doing?"

"You don't wanna know," Hun answered, "Please allow me to show you our captive." he led Shredder to the center of the room where Rarity sat.

The fashion girl gasped in fright, as Shredder towered over her. He glared down at her with his normal eye and his scarred eye, "So you are one of the Rainboom Girls?"

Rarity answered nervously, "Well, yes. I'm Rarity. And I assume you are Shredder?" she winced. Shredder answered, by making the blades in both his gauntlets extend. Rarity's eyes widened in fright, "Ok, that answers that."

Shredder spoke, "The Dazzlings said you and your friends were nothing but trouble. So far I am not seeing it." he said in disappointment.

Rarity frowned, "There's more to me and my friends than meets the eye."

"It is true, master." Fishface agreed, still feeling shaken form Fluttershy's stare.

Shredder looked back at Fishface, eye frowning, "We shall see." he answered.

Rarity feeling her ropes loosening from her cutting knew she could slip out, "Yes we shall!" she called, before surprising Shredder with a kick to his stomach. Shredder taken by surprise backed up a bit from the impact.

Rarity made the chair fall backward and she rolled off it before standing up. She pulled out her sickle weapons, and stood ready, "Like I said, more than meets the eye." she smirked.

Shredder growled, and turned to his minions, "Get her!" Fishface, Tiger Claw, and the Foot Bots went on the attack.

Rarity started fighting back against the Foot Bots with no problems, but when Fishface and Tiger Claw joined in then it was looking tough. Rarity was dodging Tiger Claw's two blaster shots, while Fishface ran up to her and fought using his butterfly knives.

Rarity gagged from being too close to Fishface, "Ugh, I am not a fan of seafood!" he kicked the fish mutant in the face, making him back away.

Tiger Claw jumped in and pulled out his large sword, "Now you face me, little cub." he growled before charging her.

Outside the building, the group arrived on the roof, as Donnie spoke, "This is the place."

"Look." Mikey spoke, as they looked down through the rooftop windows.

They saw Rarity desperately defending herself from Tiger Claw and Fishface, "Rarity." Spike gasped.

"She can't take Tiger Claw and Fishface on her own." Leo said.

"And they're the least of her worries." Donnie said, as they saw who was watching the fight.

"Shredder." the turtles gasped.

Twilight looked down seeing the Shredder and gasped, as her dream vision came back to her. She groaned from the memory, before Leo spoke, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. But we need to help, Rarity." she answered.

Back inside, Rarity was still defending herself from the two mutants. Things got worse when Hun and the dragons jumped in, and through their combined strengths knocked her off her feet and onto the floor.

Tiger Claw and Fishface placed a foot each on her arms pinning her down. Tiger Claw spoke, "You have lost."

Shredder approached and looked down at her, "Splinter has taught you well, but he is a fool for training you and your friends."

Rarity frowned, "Fool or not, at least he had what you did not deserve."

Shredder knowing what the girl was talking about bellowed, "Silence!" Rarity shook. Shredder looked at Tiger Claw, "Finish her."

"Yes, Master." Tiger Claw aimed one of his blasters down at her.

Rarity trembled feeling this was the last of her, until the window glass shattered, and the turtles, Rainbooms, April, and Casey jumped in.

Leo and Raph knocked Tiger Claw and Fishface off Rarity so she could get up and retrieve her sickles. Twilight and Sunset ran over to her, "Rarity, are you ok?" Sunset asked.

"I am now, thanks." she answered.

Shredder saw the turtles glare at him, "Once again you come right to me," he noticed the girls, "And these must be the rest of the Rainbooms."

"Guilty as charged." Pinkie grinned.

"And you must be Shredder." Rainbow tightened her eyes.

Shredder pointed his gauntlet at them, "You never should've come to this city and get yourselves involved in a fight that does not concern you."

Twilight spoke, "We know you're allied with our enemies, so that does concern us."

"Yes. The Dazzlings have told me much about you and your friends, Princess. Shame they cannot be here at the moment to watch you fall at my hands."

"It's you who will be falling before us!" Leo called, as the heroes went into battle once again.

The Rainbooms, April, and Casey took fight against the remaining Foot Bots, Purple Dragons, Tiger Claw, and Fishface. The turtles went up against the Shredder using all their skills against him.

As Rarity and Applejack fought side by side against Fong and Sid, the country girl spoke, "How'd ya manage to get free?"

"I improvised." Rarity answered, as the two knocked the two dragons out.

Pinkie was jumping around avoiding Fishface's kicks, before she reached into her hair and pulled out a cream pie, "Taste!" she threw the pie at the mutant's face covering him with the cream.

Fishface became blinded by the cream in his face and stumbled around. He stumbled right into Tiger Claw, and ended up tripping the tiger as he fell flat.

Rainbow who was fighting Hun along side Casey spoke, "Good one, Pinkie!"

"Look out!" Casey called, as he shoved Rainbow aside avoiding a blow from Hun. The vigilante skated around Hun using his hockey stick and pucks to pelt the gang leader.

Rainbow seeing Hun distracted by Casey ran over, and used her Naginata to trip Hun off his feet. Casey and Rainbow smirked and high fived on their teamwork. As the rest of the group took down the Foot Bots, Rarity looked over and saw the Turtles fighting Shredder. The evil ninja was ready to strike a blow at Leo with his blade gauntlet, but the girl acted fast.

"Booyakasha!" she threw one of her sickles.

The sickle ended up striking the side of Shredder's gauntlet making his punch shift in direction. Leo taking advantage struck Shredder making him fly back and land on the ground. The turtles ran back over to the group, as Leo spoke.

"We'll be back."

"Adios!" Mikey threw a smoke bomb enabling them to escape.

Shredder looked and saw the pieces of Foot Bots scattered on the floor, his two henchmen and the Purple Dragons knocked unconscious. Shredder shouted in frustration, "NO!"

The group returned to the lair where they rested up, "I can't believe we got out of there." Fluttershy said in disbelief.

"Well, I can. We're awesome." Rainbow boasted, until Splinter approached.

"I am glad to see you all are ok," he looked at the fashion girl, "Especially you, Rarity."

"Thank you, sensei," she thanked him, "That Shredder. When I looked him in the eye, I felt as if all I could see was hatred."

"I felt that way too when I looked at him." Twilight admitted.

"I can't believe one man could be filled with so much hate." Fluttershy added.

"I don't think any of my classic parties could put a smile on his face." Pinkie put in.

"Very few have faced a confrontation with the Shredder and lived. You girls were fortunate that my sons were there." The rat explained.

"If he's capable of fighting like that, who knows what the Dazzlings could be capable of under his belt." Sunset feared.

"Looks like we're really going to have to train even harder should we run into them." Applejack said.

"Yes, but do not train so hard that you wear yourselves out," Splinter warned them, "I tried that when I feared my sons facing the Shredder, and made them work past their limits. I will not let you do that to yourselves. We shall continue to train at our own pace for now."

"Yes, sensei." the girls agreed.

When Splinter left, Rainbow spoke, "Wow, Rarity I can't believe you actually got to hit Shredder."

"Well, it didn't really affect him so much. But still to have been able to land a blow like that felt so exhilarating." she said in nostalgia.

"And you really helped me back there when Shredder almost had me." Leo added.

"Girl, you are the bomb." Mikey cheered.

Rarity did a flip of her hair, "Naturally, it's how I am." she winked.