• Published 8th Jun 2015
  • 23,972 Views, 208 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls - Wildcard25

Twilight and her friends from Canterlot High travel to the city of New York to take on the Dazzlings with the help of four heroes in a half shell.

  • ...

Triple Threat

The next day down in the sewers, inside the dojo of the lair, Twilight and the rest of the girls were getting some ninjitsu exercises from Splinter, the turtles, Casey, and April.

Leo was working with Twilight, Raph was working with Sunset Shimmer, Mikey was working with Pinkie Pie, Donnie was sparing with Applejack, April was sparing with Rarity, Casey was sparing with Rainbow Dash, and finally Splinter was working with Fluttershy.

Leo was fixing Twilight's stances making sure she was in the proper position for the kata he was demonstrating for her. Twilight herself was feeling embarrassed about the mess ups she was making, but was assured by Leo that she'll get it right.

Raph was holding his palms out, as Sunset was punching them as hard as she could. Raph kept ordering her to punch harder, and she did but to Raph it still didn't feel hard enough.

Mikey was teaching Pinkie Pie some of his own moves which were basically crazy dodges and maneuvering, and yet Pinkie had no problems or difficulty learning them.

Donnie was teaching Applejack some moves as well, while also giving her tips on improvising in case any planned moves thought up ahead in advanced didn't work. Applejack may not have fully understood Donnie and his running mouth, but knew the parts where he told her about blocking and fighting.

April and Rarity were sparing, and despite Rarity being more into fashion was able to block and dodge some of April's strikes.

"I'm impressed, Rarity. I thought being all about fashion you wouldn't know how to fight at all." April said, as she threw a punch that was blocked by Rarity.

"I've taken some woman's self defense classes," Rarity admitted, "And I also study a bit of judo from time to time."

"You do judo?" April asked.

"I'm not just a pretty face." Rarity giggled.

As Rainbow and Casey were sparing, Rainbow spoke, "For some juvenile you actually got skill."

"Same to you. Haven't seen a girl fight so hard since April," Casey said, as he evaded a spin kick from Rainbow, "Though you got ways to go." Rainbow smirked, as she charged him and tackled him to the ground, as the turtles and April laughed.

Finally Splinter was doing some basic exercises with Fluttershy, "Remember, dear, Fluttershy. With a clear mind and strong instincts, one can perceive what is about to happen."

"Yes, sensei." Fluttershy answered, feeling calm.

Watching from the side was Spike who while he enjoyed watching the girls work their butts off with professional ninjas, he still felt a bit left out.

'Wish I could be of some help to them. Though as a dog I can't do that kind of stuff.' he thought to himself.

Splinter announced, "Yamea!" the turtles and the girls ceased their spars, "Well done, my sons," he turned to the girls, "And good work to the seven of you. Though this was merely warm up, I know with more training you will get stronger."

"Stronger than your sons?" Rainbow asked hopefully.

"I did not say that." Splinter replied, as Rainbow looked disappointed.

"We really appreciate you guys training us." Twilight began.

"Yeah. This workout's just what I've been needing." Applejack said, as she flexed a leg.

"We'll be ready to take on those Dazzlings in no time." Rainbow said eagerly.

"That's the spirit." Raph admired.

"Don't get ahead of yourselves," Leo spoke up, "Knowing a few moves won't be enough to protect you from your enemies forever."

"Leonardo is correct," Splinter agreed, "Knowing a few techniques does not make one a master."

"We understand, sensei." Twilight answered, as the girls agreed.

"Come on, guys. It's time for Crognard the Barbarian!" Mikey cheered.

"I love that cartoon!" Pinkie cheered, as the two ran from the dojo with the others following.

Meanwhile in Shredder's own dojo under his own lair, Karai and some Foot Bots were sparing with the Dazzlings, who unlike the turtles and Splinter's methods weren't so merciful. Adagio was trying to block some of Karai's moves, but wasn't fast enough and was knocked to the floor. Same for Aria and Sonata who were defeated by the Foot Bots.

"Owie." Sonata groaned.

"That was really stupid." Aria groaned.

Karai approached, "What's stupid is you three depended so highly on your magic and voices you never considered you could've been practicing in different fields."

"We've never had to fight anyone like this before." Adagio spoke up, as the trio got on their feet.

"No excuses," Karai scolded her, "Be glad I'm training you. If my father was training you personally, he wouldn't be as merciful as I am being."

"I can believe that." Sonata cringed remembering how terrifying Shredder was.

Suddenly a voice spoke up, "Hey, what's happening, girls?" they looked to the side seeing Bebop walk in carrying take out bags, "I got Taco lunch."

Sonata went over and took some of the bags from him, "Thanks, Bebop."

Bebop frowned and snorted, "Don't call me that, girl!"

"Why not? That's what Rocksteady calls you." Sonata answered.

"I don't care what Steranko says. My name is Zeck. Not Bebop!" he snorted.

"Jeez, take a chill pill, pig." Aria said in annoyance. Bebop sighed, before taking his leave with his own lunch.

As the Dazzlings sat down with Karai to enjoy lunch, Aria spoke up to Karai, "How do you stand living here with so many freaks?"

"It's not so easy. But I've gotten used to it." Karai answered, as she ate a taco.

Adagio sighed, as she ate, "When we had our gems we didn't need to eat this food. The negative energy was about all we needed for sustenance."

"Welcome to the life of a mortal." Karai replied.

"Being a mortal is the worst." Aria spoke up.

"For realzies." Sonata agreed.

Adagio looked at her partners, "Don't worry, when Fly boy fixes our gems we'll be back badder than ever."

Karai interrupted her, "But for now, you three will continue to learn under my lead."

"Yes, Karai. We know." Adagio answered.

"So enjoy lunch. Because after, we're gonna double your training." Karai smirked, while Sonata gulped.

Back in the Turtles lair, the group was watching Crognarg, with Mikey and Pinkie cheering as the titular hero defeated the episode's enemy.

"Yeah!" Mikey and Pinkie cheered.

"So is this basically all you do?" Rainbow asked feeling bored.

"During the daytime, at least." Donnie answered.

"We don't really go above ground during the day," Leo added, "Too many people out on the streets."

"Well, there's a simple solution, Leo." Pinkie said.

"There is?" Leo asked curiously.

"Yeah. The four of you should wear trench coats and fedoras. Nobody would notice you then." she explained.

"Pinkie, they'd only look like flashers if they wore garments like that." Rarity spoke up.

"And that's something I don't wanna be called." Raph put in.

"Me neither," Mikey agreed, until whispering to Donnie, "What's a flasher?" Donnie only rolled his eyes.

"So you only go up top during the night?" Fluttershy asked.

"Safest time of the day for us." Donnie answered.

"Plus we get our real good training done then." Mikey put in.

"Really?" Rainbow asked, as an idea formed in her head, "Then can we join you on tonight's exercise run?"

Leo spoke up, "I don't think so."

"What? Why not?" Rainbow complained.

"Too dangerous. Even the basic night training can lead to run ins with enemies." The lead turtle explained.

"So? April and Casey told us they've joined you before." Rainbow argued.

"Because they've trained with us and are more capable of handling themselves." Leo argued back, as he and Rainbow got into each others faces frowning.

"Rainbow!" Applejack and Sunset pulled Rainbow back, as Raph and Donnie pulled Leo back.

"Ease up, Leo." Raph said.

"Come on, Leo. Remember what I said about the best training there is is hanging with the ninjas." Mikey reminded him.

Leo looked around seeing his brothers, April, and Casey were siding with Rainbow and her choice. The turtle knew he was defeated and sighed.

"Fine, but you girls are to follow our orders and not stray behind." Leo ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Pinkie saluted, as the rest of the girls agreed.

When nighttime came, the turtles, April, Casey, and the girls were going from roof top to roof top for their night exercises. When the group jumped one roof to another, Fluttershy was worried she was going to make it.

"I can't do this." she trembled.

"Come on, Fluttershy, it's easy." Rainbow beckoned her.

"For you maybe." Fluttershy answered.

"Just don't look down!" Applejack told her.

But Fluttershy looked down and saw how high up she was and shrieked. Spike rolled his eyes, "And she looked down."

April stood by the shy girls side, "It's ok, Fluttershy. Let's jump together."

"Really?" April nodded, "Ok, April."

"One, two, three... Jump!" April called, as the two jumped together.

When they reached the other side Fluttershy felt relieved, "We actually made it."

"See, that wasn't so bad." April smiled.

"So girls, how do you like this ninja training?" Raph asked.

"Definitely tiring." Twilight panted.

"It's like doing parkour when you think about it." Rainbow spoke up.

"Even I'm getting plenty of exercise from all this." Spike added.

The group chuckled seeing how good this was, until April clutched her head. This meant trouble, As Leo spoke, "April?"

April's eyes widened in horror, "Everyone down!"

Everyone quickly hit the ground, avoiding some missiles launched at them. Applejack looked up, "What in tarnation did that come from?"

Rarity looked over and gasped, "From that!" she pointed in a direction.

They looked over and saw standing on top of a water tower was a newt creature wearing hunting armor. The creature jumped from his standing point and landed on the roof the group was on.

"Rakka! Rakka! Rukka! Rakka!" the creature called.

"Newtralizer!" The turtles gasped.

"Who?" Sunset asked.

"A psychopathic lizard creature that was once the Kraangs prisoner." Raph explained.

"Turtles!" Newtralizer began, "I knew I'd be seeing you again."

"Really? Because we didn't expect to see you again ever." Mikey replied.

"What do you want, Newtralizer?" Donnie asked.

"The Kraang are gone, you shouldn't have any reason to be after anything." Leo added.

"Destroying the Kraang was once my primary goal, but now that they are back in Dimension X I needed a new hobby to preoccupy myself. And what better than to destroy you, the ones who ruined my plan to eliminate the Kraang!"

The girls backed away seeing how serious he was. Raph stepped forward and spoke, "Hate to say it, Newtralizer, but against all of us the odds of you winning are zip to none."

"On the contrary, I did not come alone," Newtralizer injected, "Boys!"

Suddenly dropping down from another building roof top was a plant like mutant and spider mutant. The plant mutant snarled, "Turtles!"

"The Kung-Fu Frogs. Betcha didn't think you'd see us again." the spider mutant said.

"Snakeweed and Spider Bytez?" Mikey gasped.

"Ugh, now those guys are ugly." Rainbow gagged.

"What are you two doing here?" Leo demanded.

"Ever since we escaped the Kraang we've been in hiding plotting our next move." Snakeweed explained.

"Until this lizard guy offered us a partnership." Spider Bytez said, while motioning to Newtralizer.

"Alone we are formidable foes, but together we are stronger than ever," Newtralizer said, "We are Triple Threat!"

"Triple Threat?" Pinkie asked.

"Man, that is the lamest team name ever. Now if it were me..." Mikey was interrupted as Newtralizer tried blasting him with his lasers. Mikey dodged while looking freaked, "Then again who am I to judge?" he winced.

"Attack!" Newtralizer ordered his partners who charged.

"Get them!" Leo called, as the turtles, April, and Casey drew their weapons.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey called, as they attacked.

Leo and Raph were dealing with Newtralizer, Donnie and April fought Snakeweed, and Mikey and Casey dealt with Spider Bytez.

Newtralizer was jumping around avoiding Leo and Raph's attacks while using his lasers and blades to strike back.

Snakeweed was flinging his vine tendrils at Donnie who deflected them with his bo-staff. April whipped out her tessen and threw it at Snakeweed, only for the mutant plant to move his head avoiding it.

"You missed!" Snakeweed mocked.

Suddenly Snakeweed was hit in the back of his head by April's tessen that returned to it's owner. April fanned herself with her weapon, "Did I?" she asked smugly.

Spider Bytez was firing web threads at Mikey and Casey. When the spider fired one at Casey, the vigilante used his hockey stick to strike but ended up getting the thread stuck on it leading to a tug o war.

"Let go of my stick you eight legged freak!" Casey demanded, as he tugged his hockey stick away.

"What're you gonna do about, kid?" Spider Bytez mocked.

"Not so much as I can do!" Mikey jumped in and smacked Spider Bytez with his chucks making him lose hold of Casey's stick.

Spider Bytez frowned, "Ok, frog, now you're mine!"

"Excuse me!" Pinkie shouted grabbing his attention, "Mikey's a turtle not a frog. I mean the shell on his back is a dead give away."

"Pinkie!" Twilight cried, not wanting her to draw the mutants attention to them.

Newtralizer saw them and turned to Snakeweed, "Take the humans prisoner!"

"Right!" Snakeweed went to grab the girls who looked frightened.

"Girls, get out of here!" Leo shouted.

The girls didn't know where to go, as Snakeweed was about to attack only for a voice to shout out.

"Cowabunga!" riding in on the scene was a familiar gecko mutant on a skateboard. The mutant's board rammed into Snakeweed knocking him down. The mutant gecko gave a thumb's up, "Righteous!"

"Mondo!" Mikey gasped.

Snakeweed growled at the newcomer, and planned to attack him. The plant mutant never got a chance, when dropping in was a bigger turtle mutant, carrying a mace.

"Hey, turtles. Mind if we join the party?" the big turtle mutant asked.

"Slash!" Raph said in relief.

"Slash!" Newtralizer growled.

"Hey, old partner. Miss me?" Slash asked smugly.

"I will make you pay for betraying me!" Newtralizer declared, as he fired his lasers. Slash dodged and spoke.

"Well, I see you got some new partners. Fortunately, I do as well. Mutanimals!" Slash announced.

Appearing on scene were three more mutants, a big alligator, a monkey wearing a metal helmet, and a pigeon wearing an army helmet and carrying an old Kraang blaster.

"More mutants?" Twilight gasped.

"Whoa." Sunset gasped.

"Attack!" Slash called, as his team joined the turtles in fighting against Triple Threat.

The girls watched the new mutants fight, with the Gator used his strength to wrestle Spider Bytez before throwing him over his shoulder. Snakeweed was fighting Donnie and April some more, until the Monkey jumped in and emitted purple psychic waves from his mind knocking the plant mutant back. Finally, as Slash and the mutant gecko named Mondo were fighting Newtralizer with Leo and Raph. The Pigeon opened fire on Newtralizer and blasted at him.

"Whoo!" the pigeon mutant cheered.

Newtralizer was angry at being shot at and started blasting the pigeon back. The mutant bird was dodging frantically, until Slash swung his mace at Newtralizer throwing him off balance.

The psychotic lizard looked to his partners, "Boys, we're leaving!"

"No need to tell me twice!" Spider Bytez called, as he shot web strands and swung away with Snakeweed following.

Newtralizer turned to the turtles, "We'll be back!" he took off.

"Yeah you better run suckers!" Mikey called.

The Turtles the Mutanimals came together as Leo and Slash shook hands, "Good timing, Slash."

"Yeah, you arrived just when we needed you guys." Raph added.

"It's a talent." Slash answered, as he and the Mutanimals saw the other girls.

Leo turned to them, "Come over here, girls," they approached, as Leo began, "These are our friends, the Mighty Mutanimals. Mutanimals, this is Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Sunset Shimmer."

"Nice to meet you." Twilight said, as she held her hand out to Slash.

"Princess Twilight, nice to finally meet you as well," Slash shook her hand, "I'm Slash, the turtle formerly known as 'Spike'." he winked at Spike the dog.

"So you were Raph's pet turtle?" Rainbow asked.

"That's right," Slash confirmed, "Raph's sent me messages about you girls."

"You told them about us?" Sunset asked Raph.

"What? They're trustworthy." Raph replied.

"Now that we know you, allow me introduce my team," Slash continued, "This is Leatherhead, my second in command." he introduced the gator.

"So nice to meet you all." Leatherhead greeted them politely.

"A mutant alligator?" Rainbow gasped.

Pinkie gasped deeply, and squealed like a girly girl, "He's cute!" she ran over and hugged Leatherhead's mouth as if she were hugging a puppy.

The gator mutant chuckled happily at the affection, while Raph looked disturbed, "This just doesn't look right."

Slash continued motioning to the Monkey, "This is the brains of the group, Dr. Tyler Rockwell."

"Charmed, my dear girls," the monkey answered in a British accent, until he noticed Twilight staring at him in wonder, "You know it is impolite to stare, Ms. Twilight."

Twilight realizing what she was doing snapped out of it, "Sorry, it's just how were you able to what you did back there?"

Rockwell answered, while levitating around her, "I was once experimented on by the Kraang. They accidentally gave me psychic powers with the use of this helmet."

Slash spoke while motioning to the pigeon, "This is Pigeon Pete, our team spy."

"Hiya." Pete waved hello.

"Are you sure you should be carrying that thing around?" Donnie asked, while motioning to the Kraang Blaster he was holding.

"Hey, I've learned how to use it better than last time." Pete reminded him of how he used it moments ago.

"And I see you're already familiar with our newest recruit, Mondo Gecko." Slash finished, as Mondo approached while carrying his board.

"What's happening, dudes?"

"Hey, what's up, Mondo?" Casey asked, as he and Mikey high fived their Gecko friend.

"I'm doing awesome. I found Slash and the Mutanimals and they took me in."

"Nice to see you found a better group than with Fishface." Mikey said.

"Yeah," Mondo agreed before looking at the girls, "Whoa, babe central!" he let his mouth hang open with his tongue out.

The girls felt repulsed, while Rarity looked disgusted, "Please put that away." she said about his tongue.

"Whoop, sorry." he said sheepishly.

"How did you guys know Newtralizer was here?" Leo asked.

Slash answered, "We've been trailing Newtralizer, Snakeweed, and Spider Bytez for the last three days now."

"Any idea what they're up to?" Donnie asked.

"Knowing Newtralizer it ain't good." Mikey answered.

"He is right. Let us go back to your lair so we can discuss the matters." Leatherhead suggested.

"All right, let's go." Leo ordered, as the turtles, mutanimals, and the girls took off back to the lair.