• Published 24th Jun 2015
  • 1,399 Views, 12 Comments

A New Reign - Reddened Chaos

What would happen, if Nightmare won during that first confrontation, and was actually a decent mare to begin with? This is what happened in that alternate universe!

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Chapter 2: Announcement

It was the day after the Summer Sun Celebration, and Nightmare had been going over Equestria's alliances and financial status, so that she could give an announcement to the public, saying how she would improve Equestria, even if she knew not many would go with it to start simply because it was her who came up with it, and not her coward sister, who she would eventually task the day guard to find and bring back to Canterlot once she had their loyalty.

Twilight soon appeared "Nightmare! How's your day been so far?" she asked approaching the princess, a slightly worried look on her face.

"What are you doing here, Sparkle? I thought I had you and your friends put in the dungeon."

"I just wanted to help....and I truly do...the guards trust me and let me out here to go see you to see if there's anything I could do to help at all."

Putting a hand on her forehead just below her horn, Nightmare said, "I need to get new guards. One's that aren't stupidly trusting." She looked at the lavender unicorn. "You can help me, but then it's back to your cell, is that clear? One act of good will isn't enough to earn my trust."

She nodded "i understand...I'm just asking that you give us a chance to try and help you...I mean my friends do need to get back to their own jobs back in Ponyville, just as I want to help you here..." She explained softly as she smiled and approached to go help her.

"Then perhaps you can help me at the current time," Nightmare said.

"What do you need help with?"

"Understanding modern politics, as well as where we, as a country, stand."

She giggled lightly "Well then Nightmare, lucky for you I'm such a book worm." She said laughing as she went over and got to work with helping her.

"So," Twilight said, "what first?"

"Equestria's alliances with proper countries, not city-states or the like. Who are we allied with, and which ones meet with my sister most often, as they will be the first delegates I talk to that are from another country since my banishment."

Meanwhile at this very moment, a local Night Guard wakes in his home, with a long yawn. His name, was Red.

Red cracked his neck as he stretched. He had a very muscular body, and was a noble pegasus. Green coat of fur, with red highlights on his wings, a crimson mane, and blue eyes. He yawned before getting up to get dressed and head out, before walking to check on Fleur, the mare he lived with. She was a gorgeous model, with just as gorgeous a body as well. She was so nice too, he truly was lucky to live with her "Fleur?" he asked, softly as he went to check on her.

"Morning, my love," she said to him as he walked into the kitchen. "How did you sleep?"

Red smiled "I slept fine my dear." he said as he hugged her. "Of course, who wouldn't sleep fine, next to you." He said smirking playfully.

"Well, that's good," Fleur said. "I heard that the princess wants to address all of the guards in an hour, including the night guard."

Red nodded "Yeah. I hope she rewards me for my service now...I've been hoping to try and step up to be a personal guard."

"I don't see how, love. I hear that the new one is judging the guard by what they do under her rule, and not Celestia's, which means your back to step one."

"Yeah, I know..." he said softly still sad about that.

"But, that means the others start off on first base as well, which means you have an opprotunity for a good first impression," Fleur said, "so there's that."

Red nodded nuzzling her. "True enough." he said smiling again.

"Well, I think it best if you get ready. Even though it hasn't been made public, a few nobles know, and I hear they're planning on trying to dethrone her," Fleur said, "so please be careful."

Red smiled and walked to her, and gently held her, stroking her back and kissed her. "You know I will my darling. You be careful too okay?"

With that, Red went to his room and put on his guard armor, a process that, for him, took ten minutes, and once he was done, he gave his mare friend a kiss, then left for the castle.

Red is soon happily walking through Canterlot as he heads for the castle, looking around at the sights.

When he was half way to the castle, with only five minutes left, he encountered a noble who was putting up posters of Celestia over the businesses that were open twenty-four hours. Apparently, this noble had heard of last night, and wasn't happy about it. Red rolled his eyes, then walked over to the stallion.

Red sighed rolling his eyes a bit "Sir, I'm afraid you'll be coming with me." he said as he began to tear off the Celestia posters.

"Why?" the noble said. "I won't abide by the monster's rule, nor would any sane pony, and the owners of these businesses are traitors to Celestia if they stay open during the night!"

"You idiot. You really think they are traitors to Celestia if they stay open 24/7? because they happen to have the employees to be able to do so? or because they want to be open so that ANYONE can be able to be helped there at the business regardless of their schedule?! You're clearly insane if you think that." Red scolded. "And don't you DARE call her a monster."

"Why not? It's not like she can hear me, and your just one of her pathetic lap guards who only care about the bragging right being a guard brings."

Red growls in anger "Don't you dare call her a monster, She is the princess and I am a member of her Night Guard. You will apologize and take down those posters."

"NO!" the noble said before trying to punch Red.

Red growled, as he countered the attempted punch by grabbing his wrist, twisting it so that his arm went behind his back, before punching him in the back of the head.

This caused the noble to black out, making Red's job of tearing down the posters go faster. When he was done, he looked up and saw that the Canterlot clock tower had almost passed the point that was when the meeting would start.

Red quickly rushed off then, as he also took off, trying to get there as quick as possible, as he certainly did NOT want to be late.

He arrived just as the clock rang, which made him, ironically, the tenth guard there, which meant that the others were absent, late, or just lazy.

Red saluted instantly, panting a bit.

"Ah, we have the tenth guard here," Nightmare said. She turned to her aide, who Red recognized as Twilight Sparkle, and said, "what's his name, Twilight Sparkle?"

"Zero Star, though his friends call him 'Red', on account of the red accent at the edge of his wings, Princess."

"Your Highness...if I am late even by a moment I apologize, I was held up due to stopping a noble from putting up posters of Celestia, on businesses that were open 24/7......I had been taking down the posters before I got here...I'm sorry if I am even a moment late." He said. "The noble claimed that the businesses that stayed open during the night were traitors to Celestia..." He spoke, bowing before her, as he looked upon her form. Nightmare was certainly a beautiful mare. from her large chest and hips to her slim but strong physique, Red had love for her in his heart, just as he did the model he was living with.

"It is no matter. Given how few of the guard has shown up, I would have had to send out those that did come to find the others and drag them here,"Nightmare said. "You simply saved your self from that fate."

Red nodded, a gentle smile upon his muzzle, listening to her.

"But the easier way would be to have those that could have come here removed from service and get new recruits. Sparkle, take a note that any guards not here that were off duty are to be removed from the service once we have enough new recruits."

"Right," Twilight said, putting a note down on the scroll she held in her hands.

"Permission to speak Your Highness?" Red asked looking up to her.


Red nodded looking to her. "If I might be honest, I've always adored the night....one of the hobbies I'd do when I was off duty was just to relax in the backyard and look up at the Moon and stars...heh...I'd always be stuck going to bed late just because I wanted to stay up later...it's why I'm glad I'm a night guard...cause then I can enjoy my work during the time of day that I love the most....and my dream...was to possibly move forward to become the Princesses personal guard....now that you're in charge...that dream is still there...Now more than ever...because I would be honored, to be by your side as your personal guard, you, who are the embodiement of the night itself...." He said, wanting to tell Nightmare his honest feelings about the night, and his dream.

Smiling, Nightmare said, "Ah, another who enjoys the night as much as me. What is your rank?"

"I'm currently a Sergeant." He said saluting to her proudly.

"In that case, Sparkle, who is the current guard captain?"

"M-my brother, Shining Armor."

"Tell him he now has competition for his rank in the form of Captain Zero Star."

Twilight nodded "Yes Ma'am."

Red blinked, and was incredibly shocked "Permission to approach you, your highness?" He asked, showing a smile, but keeping himself very calm.

"Granted, Captain."

Red nodded and quickly closed the distance between them, now standing face to face with her, within arms reach, as he bowed down, and gently took her hand, kissing it "Thank you, my princess. You won't regret this." He said honestly, as when he looked deep into her eyes, she could see the thanks in it, along with his eternal desire to make her proud, and become her personal guard. He couldn't wait to go out and celebrate with Fleur when the meeting was over.

"As for the rest of you," Nightmare said, "you are in charge of recruitment for the new guard. You are to report how many you recruited every day until I say other wise! DISMISSED!"

Red nodded saluting. "Thank you again your highness. I can't wait to tell my marefriend." He said as he went to leave as they were dismissed, so that he could go back to Fleur and tell her the good news.

As he and the others left, Nightmare said to Twilight, "I do believe you've earned the right to at least walk around the castle, under my supervision until I have new guards, Twilight Sparkle."

She nods "Thank you your highness. Tell me...when might my friends be able to return to their homes and jobs?" She asked, genuinely worried for her friends.

"That depends on them," Nightmare said.

"How so? As we all swore loyalty to you, and you know they have no reason to fight you now." She explained. "At the very least, tell me so that I might can tell them." She said.

"Trust and loyalty are more than words, Twilight," Nightmare said, "and until their actions speak what their mouths are, they shall stay here in the castle. Nothing else shall sway my decision."

"But what actions can they do if you keep them all locked in the dungeon?" She asked, further proving her point of asking for what they could do.

"For starters, not doing any thing that would cause the guards to attack, which they are progressing to the stage you just got to. From there, it will be dependent on how much they help around the castle."

"They haven't been doing anything to cause them to attack." She explained, still curious as to how she could help them.

"Which is why I was planing on giving them the right I'm giving you day after tomorrow."

"That they can leave to work around the castle? or Leave to go home so long as being supervised in some form?" She asked curious.

"The castle. If they can prove themselves there, I will give them the choice of returning home, or staying here."

"Then if I may suggest, might you let Fluttershy tend to the animals in the gardens? It's what her special talent is." She explained smiling hopeful.

"I was going to allow them to do what they wish, so long as it isn't important to national security. The only reason I trust you with your responsibilities is because you're under my watch."

"And so long as they don't leave the castle area right? As Rainbow Dash could possibly serve as a good Errand mare..maybe at least....and Rarity...I'd bet she'd be honored to try and design a dress or some form of clothing for you." She said.

"If they do wish to leave the grounds, they will need my permission, and they will need an escort. As for what they wish to do, it will be up to them, but I suppose you're right about outfits. I need to design a few outfits for the cursed diplomatic meetings I know I'll be going to," Nightmare said, going to the doors, Twilight in tow. "Now, we must make the announcement."

She nodded and walked with her "Who knows, perhaps you can let your new captain be given something new in terms of attire." She said shrugging, as she followed Nightmare along.

Meanwhile, Red had dashed on home, and entered, grabbing Fleur and spinning her around kissing her and holding her close, laughing.

"I assume you're off to a good start," she said.

Red smiled, and stopped, holding her. "I'm now a Captain!!! I'm making it official. we're gonna go out to celebrate!" he said as he went to go leave again with her after removing his armor.

"Where are we gonna eat, Red?"

"Wherever you want to go honey." He said smiling, as he kissed her.

"How about that new restaurant near the palace? What's it called again, Olive Garden?"

Red smiled "Sure think my dear." He said as he kissed her and went to leave instantly with her.

"Then we go tonight!" Fleur said happily before rushing to her room to get dressed.

Red happily smiled, waiting for her, making sure he was dressed well too.

Meanwhile, Nightmare was just inside the castle, preparing to give her speech.

"Are you ready for this, Princess," Twilight asked.

"As best as I can be," Nightmare said. "And Twilight?"

"Yes, princess?"

"Call me Nightmare," the alicorn said before walking onto the balcony to deliver her speech.

Everyone was watching her, as she stepped forward onto the balcony.

"Everyone....I am Princess Nightmare Moon...I have taken over due to Celestia's disapearance, and I promise you that as Princess, I will make Equestria greater than it ever has been. I am going to be getting more recruits for the guard force, I have already enstated a new captain of the night guard, And I plan to help out as many ponies as I can with the changes I intend to make in the coming weeks. Please, give us your support, as I'm not a villain, far from it. I wish to help everyone...I don't want your hatred or your scorn...not any more..." she said softly. "So please, allow me to help you, so that we can make Equestria a truly great nation." She proclaimed.

The crowd was silent at first, but then a single pony clapped, then another, then two more, then three more, until the entire crowd cheered, some even chanting the alicorns name, which made her smile that she was finally getting recognition. "Thank you. All of you," she said. "In an effort to help connect with my citizens in a way Celestia never could, I will be going out every night, and I wish for all of you to treat me as if I was an ordinary pony, and not royalty, and that would include ignoring my title for that time!" This simply made the crowd cheer louder. "THANK YOU!" she yelled in the Royal Canterlot Voice before she waved for three seconds and going back inside.

Red smiled, having seen it with Fleur as they were heading off to eat, he was among the first one clapping as was Fleur, both of whom being fervent supporters of Nightmare. Red infact, was planning to try and spend some time with her that night, in order to help bond with the mare. Not as Princess and Guard, but as simple friends that night.

"So, Twilight," Nightmare said, "what do you think we should do for the first night of my new policy?"

"Well, I always did want to go to that new restaurant, Olive Garden since it opened last week," Twilight said with a small smile.

"Then that is where we will go."

Shortly later that night, at Olive Garden, Red and Fleur are happily sitting at their table when they notice that Twilight and Nightmare walked in. Red smiled "Twilight, Nightmare....please, come sit with us!" He said smiling as Fleur waved them over as well.

The two mares walked over to where the new captain and his mare friend were sitting. "Hello, Red," Nightmare said. She wore an elegant dress that was a dark shade of purple, with accents of white at the edges. She saw Fleur and, with a raised eyebrow, said, "And who might this be?"

Red smiled, motioning to her. "This, is my marefriend, Fleur de Lis." He explained. "I'm actually living with her as well...We were coming here to celebrate my promotion...of which I thank you for tremendously." he told her, smiling still.

Sitting down at the booth on the inside and Twilight, wearing a light blue dress with star patterns on it (think a more every day use version of her season one Gala outfit) sitting down next to her, Nightmare said, "There is no need to thank me. I've seen your record, and it's a wonder my sister didn't make you captain instead of Twilight's brother. No offense to him intended, Twilight."

"It's fine, Nightmare. Keep in mind, I've seen his record too."

Red shrugged "I don't know either. Maybe it's because she didn't want the Night guard to have a captain or something else, I doubt we'll ever know...but what I do know is that I'm glad you gave me this new promotion...In truth, I'm hoping to make personal guard...that way I'd be by your side to protect you whenever You needed me...assuming you did that is." He said smiling at her. "And I heard your speech. Lovely way with words you have...and considering your stipulation, about ignoring your own title....would you mind...if...I called you Moony, during times like these?"

"Not at all, Red," Nightmare said. "I am trying to connect with my subjects, after all."

Red smiled "Thank you, Moony." He said softly as he soon picks up a menu, as did the rest of them to eat.

"So, Nightmare said, "how is it you came to be in the guard anyway, Red?"

"Believe it or not, it was actually thanks to you that I did." He said to explain.

"Really? How so?"

"Easy...Twilight...how many books are there that are stories about Nightmare moon here? Be they history books or not." He asked her knowing that she would know the answer.

"One hundred from that time period, five recent, and ten from five hundred years ago," Twilight said smiling.

Red smirked "Read them all. I've read all 115 books that were about you. and I was enraptured by your stories, and I wanted to meet you, but also to become a night guard so that I might have some chance to meet you..."

"But at the time, I was, unfortunately, a mere legend. There were no books that said I existed at that time in real life."

"True. But I believed you were indeed real....I used to spend my nights staring up at the moon, where your shade sat watching over us all..."

"Well, I'm glad to see that the stories they tell of me are good ones, by which I mean that I'm not the villain."

Red nodded "I believe I hear that Celestia was adamant about making sure you weren't demonized....though it's definite that some still did...as some of them did label you as a villain...And naturally ponies still believe that." He explained.

"That'll complicate things," Twilight said.

"Twilight," Fleur said, "if I may ask, how is it your out? I thought you were in the dungeons."

"The guards allowed me to go to Nightmare since I said I wanted to help her." She explained.

"And I plan on making it to where that doesn't happen with any other prisoners in the future," Nightmare said as the waiter came over.

Red, Fleur, Nightmare, and Twilight all order their own food, and smile in excitement to try them. Red looked over to Nightmare when the waiter left. "Moony if I may ask, do you think it could be possible for a Pegasus like me to be able to learn a few magic spells?"

"None I know of. I still haven't caught up with politics for the country, and I don't have any free time for magic study."

"Well...I'd like to try if at all possible." He said looking to her.

"Once I'm able, I'll have Twilight look into it. She became my sisters personal student for a reason, after all."

Red nodded happily "Thanks."

"It is my pleasure. You are the captain of the night guard, after all."

Red smiled, and decided to do something dicey. went over to where Nightmare sat in the booth, and hugged her happily.

Nightmare blushed and looked at Fleur, who had a look of surprise on her face, as well as Twilight. "Uh, Red, you can let go now."

"Heh, Sorry Moony...couldn't help myself....gotta admit, your very...soft, I must say..."

"Okay then," Twilight said before the waiter came back with their drinks, tea for Fleur and Twilight, water for Nightmare, and lemonade for Red.

"Are you four ready to order," he asked, avoiding eye contact with Nightmare.

They all nodded and gave their orders as the waiter happily left.

"And he thinks I didn't notice his averted gaze," Nightmare said once he was out of ear shot. "I suppose I shouldn't have expected to be accepted so soon."

"Given the stories and reputation? I wouldn't have expected it either...but at the very least, give them time...they'll warm up to you."

"Hopefully," Nightmare said, her face having hints of sadness.

Red noticed this and gently reached over taking her hand "I'll support you no matter what Moony...and during the night when you decide to lay down the crown to connect with normal ponies like this....You can always spend time with me to have somepony who isn't afraid of you." He said softly, giving her a smile, hoping to cheer her up.

"Thank you, Red, but I would rather be with the guards and Twilight."

"But I am a Guard. I'm the Captain." He said, effectively making her point invalid.

"Normal guards. Besides, the new duties I have planned for the guard captains would take up a fair portion of your time."

"Okay...such as what?" He asked smiling at Nightmare. "Because with all due respect to you Moony, I do try to at least work my schedule so that whenever Fleur here has a modeling show I get to attend so that I can effectively cheer her on..." He said nuzzling his marefriend.

"Personally overseeing embassies in other countries. You can bring Fleur with you."

Red smiled looking at Fleur "What do you think about that Darling?"

"I always did want to go to another country," Fleur said. "Where will we be going?"


Red smirked "Ah, the country of love eh? isn't that actually where you came from Fleur?" He asked looking to his lovely marefriend.

"Indeed it is, even though I haven't been there for ten years."

"Then this'll be kinda like going home for you huh?" He asked smiling to her, as he nuzzled her.

Giggling, the mare said, "Yes, and I couldn't think of somepony else I would like to spend it with more than you."

Red smiled and hugged her with his wing. "is there anypony else to be coming then? Or, would it just be us?" He asked smiling.

"Yes, actually," Nightmare said. "Twilight?"

Nodding, Twilight said, "Yeah. One of the old night guard that had been taking care of business . Her name's Night Shade, and she actually dresses as a shadow bolt. She's going to go with you two as a body guard, so to speak. She isn't the nosy type, so you should be okay, in terms of personal stuff." Twilight blushed a little at the last part, which got a small giggle from Nightmare.

"Twilight, are you having issues talking about sex, even when just mentioning it?"

Red and Fleur smirked at each other keeping themselves from laughing at the poor mare.

"We'll we're in public, not exactly that good to talk about you know?" She said trying to defend herself.

"I thought that due to the outfits some mares wore that it could be easily talked about in public."

At this point Red and Fleur both laughed smiling "True enough. I can understand why you'd think that, but it also depends on what mare..." Red said "Back to the topic though, if this Night Shade is meant to be joining us, where's she at? Could I perhaps meet her before we leave?"

"She's at the castle. You're supposed to meet with her tomorrow," Twilight said, a small blush still on her face.

"Fair enough. When do we leave for Prance?"

"Once we're able to get enough guards to replace those that didn't dhow up to the meeting for no reason," Twilight said, "which should be in a week or two."

"Which means I can likely use that time to get to know Night Shade then." He said smiling. "Along with possibly getting some new clothes for the trip huh?"

"That would be best," Nightmare said as the food arrived.

Red nodded "Well, Twilight, isn't your friend Rarity a tailor?" He asked as he began to eat his Pepperoni Pizza.

"Yeah," she said, taking a bite of spaghetti. "I imagine you want her to make your outfits?"

"Of course," Fleur said as she ate some of her Pasta carbanara. "Red showed me some of her work before we came here."

"Well, Nightmare said, "I was planning on letting her out on a probationary period tomorrow, as well as the rest of Twilight's friends, and I suppose that, while you two are here, you could be the ones to make sure she follows the rules." She then took a knife from beside her plate and began to cut into the steak she had ordered, due to her more carnivorous appetite and teeth.

Red nodded "Sure, We'd be happy to watch her."

Fleur then nodded agreeing before speaking "In fact, with your permission Nightmare, if you are letting her out for a probationary period, if we are to watch her to ensure she follows the rules, Might I suggest that during her stay in Canterlot, she can stay with us? We live not that far from the Castle." She said.

"She's correct, we don't live that far away from the castle grounds." Red said confirming it.

"If what you said earlier is true and that you'll later give them the option of going home or staying there, it fits perfectly. She can stay with Red and Fleur at their house during that testing period."

"Heck if that's the case, Maybe she can simply stay and watch over our house whilst we're gone for that Prance trip in a few weeks perhaps?" Red suggested.

"Perhaps," Nightmare said, eating a piece of her steak, "the last part will depend on how well she behaves while she stays with you."

They nod. "So, we have your permission to allow her to live with us during her trial period stay?" Red asked.

"Yes," Nightmare said. "You two can lay down specific rules if you wish."

They nod. "Thank you Nightmare."

Red then spoke up "If you wish, I could give you observational reports of her during her stay." He suggested smiling.

"That would be best."

Red nodded. "As you wish. Would you prefer personal recount? A simple written report? Or either one?" He asked her.

"The first. I wish to know what you think, but a second, more analytical one couldn't hurt either," Nightmare said.

"Then I will go for a case of trying both. I can give you my own personal thoughts, and later give a written more detailed report at a possible later date...how often would you like me to give them to you? Like, every week? Every other day, so on?" He asked smiling.

"Every other day starting the day she arrives at your house," Nightmare said while cutting another piece of steak.

Red nodded "Very well. so...Tomorrow, and then every other day after? Alright, I can do that." He said smiling.

The four of them continued to eat, talking about trivial things, such as what Nightmare was planning on doing tomorrow night, which she still hadn't decided.

Red smiled "Well...what about a spa trip?" He suggested

"Are there any decent spas here in Canterlot?" Nightmare asked as she finished her steak.

"Hmm...not sure. But I'm sure either Rarity herself, or Fleur here could tell you." He said looking to his marefriend for a possible answer.

"You're forgetting me," Twilight said, having finished her meal shortly before Nightmare finished. "I was raised here in Canterlot all my life."

"True, but why would the bookworm want to go to a spa? Rather than a model, or a mare who loves to make herself look her best?" He asked, bringing up a fair point.

"Because my parents made me go to some when I was a filly."

"Fair enough. Either of you two know a good spa?" He asked both Fleur and Twilight, as he looked to Fleur, actually planning to spend a spa day with her sometime soon.

"There is one a few blocks from the castle," Twilight said. "Of all the spas I went to with my parents, it was the best of them."

"Then perhaps that is where we will go tomorrow night, Twilight, should you want to," Nightmare said. "Plus, I feel like I need one already from all of today's work."

Red smiled as he hugged Fleur. "Perhaps you and I should go visit one before we leave maybe...who knows, maybe take Rarity with us just to be good hosts." He said smiling.

"Perhaps we will tomorrow night, if only so you can also give Nightmare a report on her first day," Fleur said.

Red nodded "Fair enough. Like I said, Maybe we can take Rarity with us too..." He said shrugging

"That would be good," Nightmare said, "I would like to get to know her as well, as she is one of my subjects."

Red smiled "Then how about perhaps the 5 of us all go out to the spa tomorrow? You two, Me and Fleur, and Rarity? Heck, maybe even Night Shade if she wishes." He said suggesting an interesting idea.

"She's not one for spas," Nightmare said. "I ttink she said she'd rather burn alive then go there. I think she said that 'No one as awesome as her would be caught dead in one of those fancy shmancy spas'."

"Might I suggest she supervise Rainbow Dash? If My knowledge is correct they tend to think the same way." He explained.

"As long as they don't destroy the city," Nightmare said.

"Fair enough then...." He said smiling.

Getting up from the booth after paying for their meal, Nightmare said, "Then we shall see you two tomorrow," before she and Twilight left.

Red got up with Fleur and smiled "Well, I suppose we should be going home to rest and relax eh?"

"I would enjoy that," Fleur said, "especially seeing as we're going to need to be at the castle early tomorrow to get Rarity."

Red nodded "Good thing I have today and tomorrow off huh?"

"Yes it is," Fleur said as she got up. "Now come on, let's head home."

Red took her hand and walked with her now.

They made it back to their house without incident, got ready for bed, laid down, letting their minds wander through the land of dreams.

Red and Fleur were snuggled up together, as Red was planning something very special for their trip in a few weeks.