• Published 24th Jun 2015
  • 1,399 Views, 12 Comments

A New Reign - Reddened Chaos

What would happen, if Nightmare won during that first confrontation, and was actually a decent mare to begin with? This is what happened in that alternate universe!

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Chapter 4: Secrets

It's been a day since Nightmare had released Twilight's friends on probation, and so far, none of them had caused problems.

Red smiled, yawning waking up with Fleur in their bed as he kisses her to wake her up, before he goes to check on Rarity.

Rarity had been staying in one of the many guest bedrooms of their place, as it was a two story house. Red knocked on the door to Rarity's room, an appropriate purple decorating the door.

Red smiled, waiting for her to answer the door, as he wanted to be polite to the mare, rather than simply open the door to look inside since it was his home.

"Coming," he heard behind the door, and he waited for ten seconds before the door opened.

Red smiled happily. "Hello Rarity, how are you feeling today? Have a good sleep?" He asked her.

"Oh. Hello, Red," Rarity said, rubbing her eye and yawning. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm doing quite fine Milady. I trust everything here at Fleur and my home is to your liking?" He asked smiling at her.

"Yes, they are. I can honestly say I did not expect Nightmare to let us out so soon."

"Well, she truly is a nice mare...if you have need of anything don't hesitate to ask myself or Fleur...infact, I'd be honored if you were to perhaps, create some clothing for me..."

"And why's that," the unicorn asked.

"Well, I want to look my best as the night guard captain." He explained.

"Oh. I suppose that makes sense," the white unicorn said.

Red nodded smiling. "So, shall I come in for you to do measurements?" He asked Rarity, being genuinely honorable and nice.

"Perhaps later, darling. I'm not at my best in the morning. Never was unless I stayed up all night," Rarity said.

"Oh nonsense. You look as beautiful as the morning sunrise does." He said smiling "But as you wish." He said as he began to walk off.

To be fair, Rarity never had been one for mornings, even if she tried to hide it, and she did do so well, but this morning, for some reason, she didn't try to hide it.

Red smiled "Well, hope you have a good morning today then.

"You too, darling," Rarity said as he closed the door and went back to her bed.

Red soon decided to go and get himself some coffee to start the morning off.

When he made it to the kitchen, he saw Fleur there as well, getting her own cup of coffee. "Morning, love," she said groggily.

Red smiled and kissed her, giving her a hug. "Morning my sweet. How have you been?"

"I'm doing fine. And how is Rarity?"

Red smiled "She's doing fine for the moment. She probably went back to sleep due to not being much of a morning person.

"Something I can sympathize with entirely," Fleur said.

"As can I my darling." He cooed kissing her.

The two got their coffee and went to the dining room table, sitting in silence for a few minutes, in which, Rarity had woken up to the point she was sociable, and come to get some coffee as well. "Good morning, Rarity," Fleur said.

"And one to you, too," Rarity said as she sat down.

"Oh, I am just fine with that," Rarity said. "Everypony has their own sense of fashion, after all."

Red smiled "Oh Indeed, indeed lady Rarity. I'm happy you are at least, settling in nicely here though."

"Well, in all honesty, it was either this, or stay in that disgusting dungeon."

"Maybe, but we volunteered to look after you during the time...We knew you kinda liked the style of being in Canterlot, so, what better than to have somepony from there that you'd likely get along with, to allow you to stay there?"

"Well, thank you," Rarity said.

Red nodded as he smiled. "Well, if what I've heard is correct, you'll also be accompanying us to Prance."

Rarity seemed to brighten up at this. "Prance?"

Red nodded "Correct."

"Oh, that's probably the only city that can rival Canterlot in fashion and sophistication. I always wanted to go there!"

Red smiled "Well now it seems you get your chance in about...how long darling?" He asked looking to Fleur.

"A week or two." Fleur said.

"Exactly...Chances are, you'll be coming along for the ride anyway!" He said smiling to Rarity watching her reaction.

"Oh, I can't wait," Rarity squealed in happiness, nearly jumping out of her seat.

Red laughed, before giving her a note that read 'Trust me, there will be one surprise for that trip there.' it said. He winked at Rarity to keep it quiet, since it was referring to Fleur.

"Well, I hope it's a good one," Rarity said.

Red nodded and winked, as if to say 'Trust me, It will be. just please keep quiet.'

Rarity gave a small nod, indicating she would.

Red smiled 'Thanks' he said in his eyes, as he smiled.

"And just what the surprise be, love," Fleur said.

Red laughs "Oh you'll find out, trust me."

"Well, then, I'm certain I'll like it," Fleur said.

Red smiled 'Oh you will' he thought 'you definitely will.'

It was then they heard a knocking at the door. "Coming," Fleur said.

A Messenger from Nightmare Moon was there at the door when Fleur answered. "I've got a message for a Captain Red." He had told her.

"What is it?" Fleur asked.

"I do not know," the messenger said. 'I was simply told that I needed to inform the Captain that the Princess wishes to speak with him."

"Very well. I will be there shortly." Red said smiling as he stood up, and quickly finished his breakfast as he went to get dressed up to attend.

It didn't take long for him to get ready, and once he was, he kissed Fleur goodbye, and left for the castle.

Red soon arrives at the Castle, as it certainly wouldn't take him long to arrive there.

He made his way to the throne room. As he made his way there, he saw both solar and lunar guards, both looking at each other in a way that conveyed distrust, or something like it. Once he made it to the throne room, he opened the door, and saw Nightmare, Twilight, and Shining Armor standing around a table. "Ah, Red," Nightmare said. "How nice of you to join us."

Red smiled, bowing "You called, your highness, Princess Nightmare?" He asked smiling.

"Yes, I wished to have you and Captain Armor here so I could get your opinions on a competition for the guard divisions, so as to help them become closer, as I've noticed a disliking attitude between them, and, unlike my sister, who either didn't see it or didn't want to, I wish to take steps to prevent something from happening, and I was hoping a competition would do wonders for that."

Red smiled thinking about it. "Hmm...It sounds interesting...I think something of a friendly competition or friendly rivalry would do wonders for the guard force to get along...might help to build up teamwork from both sides...what do you think, Captain Armor?"

"It's good in concept," he said, "but there's no guarantee it'll work."

"Some would call you a party pooper, but, at the same time, I agree, it's a good idea, even if there's no guarantee that it'll work, the least we can do is try something right?"

"That we can," Twilight said.

Red nodded to her. "Well...any idea for what the whole...I don't know, prize, would be for this competition idea?" He asked.

"Maybe all of the guard in that division get a paid vacation that can last for up to a week," Twilight suggested.

"That sounds like a nice incentive..." Red said thinking about it.

"Then what should the events be?" Twilight asked.

Red thought "Hmm...Not sure...maybe an obstacle course Race, that much could be something I'm sure even your party pooper of a brother here can agree on." he said motioning to Shining.

"Hey!" he said, as Twilight snickered, before Red continued.

"Perhaps, turn it into something similar to a Relay event maybe..." He suggested.

"Perhaps," Nightmare said.

"Well, that's all I can think of, in terms of events.....something like an obstacle course race, or a relay...heck, maybe something like a wrestling thing, I don't know..." He said thinking more.

"That might work," Twilight said.

"Heh. I mean think about it. If the Solar and Lunar guards are having aggression with each other, then why not do something like a wrestling match to let them just well..for lack of better term, beat the heck out of each other...and all for the good of entertainment, or to win a vacation..." He said suggesting it.

"Maybe put betting in there," Shining said.

"What like put two of say the strongest guards in the competition, like say, You and me for the wrestling bit, or the race, and have bets on who would win? Possibly. After all, things like bets are universal, doesn't matter what kind of guard you are, or who ya are. Right?" He said looking at Shining.

"True enough," Shining replied.

"If we're going the physical fighting route, maybe something simple like Boxing..." He thought, bringing it up.

"Agreed," Nightmare said. "Not as risky for injuries as wrestling."

"Yeah. I mean, at most what you'd get is probably a black eye, and probably something like a broken nose or jaw, and possibly a few missing teeth." Red said explaining what he believed was the most losses. "Possibly some bruises, cracked, or broken ribs..." He thought.

"That's. . . good enough, Red," Nightmare said.

".....Heh...Sorry..." He said, showing some embarrassment.

"So, that's one event down," Nightmare said. "Any ideas for the others."

"Well, what about something as simple as a foot race, like a hundred meter dash or an obstacle relay race?" Shining suggesting, even bringing up what Red had suggested.

"That's good," Twilight said, writing everything down on a scroll.

"Sure, say something with your brother says it." Red mused, rolling his eyes, and crossing his arms.

"What," Twilight said. "It's a good idea!"

"I know. I'm the one that originally mentioned the idea..." He said.

"I didn't hear you. Do you need to act grumpy over it?"

"No, just, can't help myself at the moment." Red said, as Nightmare just giggled a bit at the display.

"Would you two please stop acting like foals," Shining said. "Your giving me a head ache"

"Bet that's what Cadence says a lot huh?" Red snarked, smirking at him, as both Nightmare and Twilight both bursted out laughing at this comment.

Shining, however, had his cheeks become apple red in embarrassment.

This only caused the two mares and Red to laugh even more now.

Meanwhile, Night Shade and Rainbow were in the castle gardens, working on flight techniques.

Rainbow's excited to work with Night Shade. "You're amazing Night Shade! So fast, it's like you're Spitfire of the Wonderbolts!" Said Rainbow, practically geeking out.

"Well, I am one of the queen's Shadow bolts," Night Shade said.

"I always wanted to join the Wonderbolts....though I've yet to be able to get in....You don't...think I could join you as a Shadowbolt do you?" She asked.

"That will all depend on what I think, as I am their captain, and I actually have a criteria."

"Name it. I'll do my best!" Rainbow said with clear devotion and dedication to become a member.

"In that case, you'll need to start waking up early."

She nodded "Yes Ma'am." She said, saluting as they had stopped for the time being.

Definitely a lot of drive, the shadow bolt though to her self. "So, what exactly do you do that doesn't involve flying?"

"Well I was working as Ponyville's Weather manager." She explained. "Other than that, and flying around for fun...I don't really do much other than nap on a cloud..." She said smiling.

"Well, no more of that when you become a Shadow bolt. Except the flying for fun thing," Night Shade said with a small smile.

"Oh look at that, she can smile~" Rainbow said playfully just to have a bit of fun smiling back nodding along.

"Also, no teasing your superior until you're actually a Shadow bolt."

She nodded, a little disappinted. "Yes Ma'am." She replied.

A few days later

Red, Fleur, and Rarity were packing what they would need for the trip.

Red smiles eagerly as he keeps the ring he had for Fleur hidden, as he kisses her, and packs up a few things, including extra clothes, a sword, along with some other necessary items as well.

Rarity was, of course, packing more then she needed.

Red noticed this, and simply shook his head finding it kinda funny that she did so.

"Think we should stop her?" Fleur asked.

"Nah....probably not...would make her get real upset I'm sure." Red mused chuckling as he kissed his beautiful marefriend, eager for her reaction when they got there.

"Still, it would be better to do so now so the chariot pullers don't die from exhaustion."

"True..." he said as he went over to Rarity. "Rarity? Don't you think you have enough?" he asked, touching her shoulder.

"Oh, of course not, Red. We're going to Prance, the city of fashion."

Red chuckles. "For one we don't want to fall from the sky because the chariot drivers get exhausted from your things...two, it's not the city of fashion...it's the city, of" he cooed as he pulled Rarity away and held her in a dipping fashion, now suddenly having a rose in his mouth. "Love~!" he said giving her a playfully amourous gaze.

"Oh, I suppose," Rarity said, a little disappointed.

Red smiled "It'll be alright Rarity, how about you just pack up a FEW more things, and then you can stop eh?" He asked. "Maybe I'll ask Princess Nightmare, if you can bring your little sister with you...since I wanna bring mine with me anyway." He said smiling.

"Well, she always has wanted to go to Prance," Rarity muttered. "Fine."

Red smiled "Wonderful. Then I'll go talk to Nightmare." He declared as he goes to leave and do just that.

In the castle, Nightmare and Twilight were looking over history books. "I did not realize you like books so much , Twilight," Nightmare said, noticing she had gone through ten, thick, books in less then an hour.

"She lives in a library." Red said as he entered approaching, and bowed before Nightmare. "Princess. I'd like to make a request if you'd allow, for My and Fleur's trip to Prance soon?" He began. "I'd like Rarity to be able to bring her little sister Sweetie Belle, and for me to be able to bring my own sister, Moon Dancer with me, if you'd allow." He said smiling.

"Of course, Red," Nightmare said.

"Thank you, Nightmare." he said smiling, moving to speak to her as a thankful friend. "I'll have Moon Dancer start packing and then I'll go collect Sweetie Belle." he said smiling as he goes to leave and tell them.

The two mares continued to read for a few more minutes, when Twilight said, "So, um, Nightmare, what exactly do you do for fun?"

"What is fun?" She asked, having a dumbfounded look on her face.

"You're kidding? You're kidding, right?" Twilight said, getting a small laugh from the both of them.

Though Nightmare giggled she shook her head "Fraid not...I was locked up for a thousand years remember?" She asked.

Twilight blushed. "Oh, right. Sorry."

"Back then, my idea of fun was watching the Gladiator ponies fight inside the colleseum in another district of town." She explained.

"Yeah, that's considered illegal now," Twilight said. "Um, Nightmare, there's something I want to tell you." A blush came on her face as she said this.

"Oh, and what might that be, Twilight?" Nightmare asked.

"Well, I guess I kinda have a crush on you."

She began to blush, as though she was gone for a thousand years, she knew what that meant, and she began to blush so much that her black fur began to turn a dark shade of red on her face.

"Twilight, I do not know what to say aside from I believe I have feelings for you as well," Nightmare said.

She began to blush madly, surprised.

"You know, Twilight, back before I was banished, when two ponies confessed their love for another, they often did, ahem, bed-centered exercises," Nightmare said, and it was a few seconds before Twilight's mind processed that.

Unfortunately, Twilight's brain.EXE needed to shut down, and Twilight's eyes promptly roll back, and she passed out collapsing on the floor in shock.

"I knew I should have waited," Nightmare said. "Probably until we were both drunk."

If one were to notice, Twilights entire eye turned blue right before they rolled and shut...and there seems to be a bit of smoke coming from her ears.

Nightmare picked Twilight up in her magic, and took her to what accounted as Twilight's room.

She slept quietly as she was tucked in by Nightmare, complete with her favorite, and old, smartypants doll toy, which she held very closely to her.

"Good night, Twilight," Nightmare said as she left the room.


Red arrives at the home of Rarity, where Sweetie Belle stayed at, and knocked on the door, hoping she would answer.

"Hello, Red," the white filly said upon seeing him.

Red smiled looking to the young unicorn filly. "Hey there Sweetie Belle...Would you like to come with myself, and Fleur to Prance for a little while? You'll get to be with Rarity." he explained.

The filly looked up from her book on spells and said, with a large smile, "Oh definitely."

Red smiled "Wonderful~ then you'd better get packed. Though please try to be a bit more...reserved than your sister by bringing what is needed and not packing more than you need."

"Oh, I always am," Sweetie said as she went to her room to get her suitcase.

Castle throne room-meanwhile

Nightmare was sitting on her throne, reading over reports, when a knock on the door got her attention.

"Enter," she said.

The two doors opened, and a single night guard, with a black and red coat and tail, walked in.

"What is it, Sergeant Lone Shadow?"

"Ma'am," Lone said, saluting. "We have a lead on your sister."