• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 68 )

LOL that cover image screams the phrase "it's good to be the princess".....

Which is why I had to write a story for it! ^.^

Not sure if want. :trixieshiftright:

From what I've read, I assume this was a tad "rape-y"? I dunno. :trixieshiftleft:

Maybe... but only a tad.


I see.

The clopfic was kinda hot despite some of its rape-y overtones. Would've been better if the sex was consensual. That's just my personal preference though. :twilightblush:

Not bad. Not bad at all.

I'd post a link to a related gif, but I don't want to hear about it from the mods.

6177661 You could at least tell us how to find it.

Remind me after I get off work. The site that the author and items created is not exactly sfw. When I'm reading something everyone ignores me, but I doubt they'd ignore a gif of Celestia getting DP'd by two solar guards.

Yeah... and hell, I'm usually such a stickler for consent.
Eh, whatever.
It was still fun.
And I suppose there was technically consent because the guards signed their enlistment forms, which said they would have to follow all orders. :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks! ^.^

*awaits seeing this lovely gif*

I was wrong (been awhile since I last saw it), it DOES have two guards, but the one just has his head stuck between her breasts. Also, they're in Anthro form. Does that bother either of you? Regardless, It's on e621, made by swedishsnus. He's actually made two versions of that, with one of them having Celestia being futa. Uses SFM, and he has almost a page and a half's worth of stuff. Some of it's animated, some of it is not. Some of it's Anthro, some of it's not.

Kloudmutt makes great pictures, especially the NSFW ones and Anthros. :raritywink:

“Time is precious; don't waste it,” I reminded them. That quote would be on the back cover of their guard manuals.

Isn't this story in PoV3?(Third Person)

Ah, I hate the CGI stuff so much that I have it filtered out.
No wonder I'd never seen that one.

He does indeed! ^.^

It's supposed to be!

Fixed now.

Heh. I was writing The Unfortunate Stabbing of Nurse Redheart at the same time, in first person present... Tense and perspective slips are surprisingly hard to avoid when you're trying to switch between stories.

Agreed, CGI is such a turn off..
I'd prefer to look at hand drawn stuff.

Even poorly done hand-drawn is better than the best CGI, in my opinion.

Could not agree more.

Good story!

I'm just wondering why aren't there any rumors about the "guarding a princess doors"-duty in the guards barracks.

Also since the original coverart is SFW, you can add a link to the source.

I don't readily have a link to the cover art source. *shrug*. Linked to the artist in the description; I figure that's good enough.

As for the rumors, I'm sure there are. And any savvy new cadet would dismiss them as obviously untrue and just a part of normal banter.

Did this story just get featured somewhere? It just got a sudden surge of favorites.

6222585 *GASP* Another fellow color user! I haven't seen one of you before! :pinkiehappy:

Color? Who uses colors?

I'm going to assume this story left you speechless. ^.^

Hm... maybe I should go color...

6336241 try highlighting my "blank" text. Like just below this line.
Sometimes you can cheat the system. Not all the time. Sometimes it won't work because someone has a dark chat window background.

Ah... more hidden messages.

You can also hide them (and more effectively) by using a really tiny font size.

6336241 Oh, you definitely most positively-lutely should! A nice Light Blue would be awesome, it'd match your mane!

6339826 Purple is commonly called the color of royalty. Just gonna throw that out there.

And the color of magic.
And the color of grape soda!
Truly, purple is best color.

6339826 Oooooh, but what about royal gold?

6343127 Oh, so this is your favorite color!

I wonder, do you have a script for that, or did you painstakingly make it by hand?

6345920 Only took ten minutes. It's not that hard if you just copy paste the code and change it to the correct numbers. (Assuming you know HTML, of course.)

Ten minutes to write seven words...
Yep. That's practical.

6346993 If I wanted to be practical I would go get a life, silly. That's boring!

6348998 Besides, I have the attention span of a goldfish. I've probably attempted to continue writing several of my stories at least half a dozen times, now. I just do better with proper stimuli, like input from an outside source. (I.e. Others.)


>Colour of magic
>Do u even octarine bro

“Therefore, you will each get nice and slippery...” Again, the pause. She relished their reaction to this part. “... by sucking each other.”

:twilightoops: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No offense but,

:rainbowlaugh: Okay.
Things do get just the teensiest bit gay, and I know some people can't handle that.

Man, it got a little gay, and I'm terribly afraid of the thought of touching someone else's penis (with my mouth)... But that was exactly what I thought was going to happen, and I laughed. And I laughed and I laughed and I laughed.

Man, this should have a comedy tag on it...

Maybe so, maybe so. ^.^

As someone who's 11% gay (don't ask), I do find it fun to sprinkle in a little homo stuff here and there.

6727484 As I said, I hate homosex of the male persuasion (cause reasons), but I'm also in the army... And we're the gayest bunch of homophobes you could ever meet. Which also means I find the awkwardness of their situation hilarious.

6730137 Nah, us Marines can be gayer homophobes.

6813229 Canadian Army. We're pretty gay. Now I mean, you guys are navy though, so I guess you have us beat by nature. But like, I have 5 excuses off the top of my head for why dudes cuddling isn't gay. More if I stop and think about it.

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