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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)


Comments ( 54 )

Outstanding work, as always.

Cadence and Shining’s sexual exploits as a loving couple never fail to... stimulate.

Heh, I do end up writing quite a lot of Cadance’s sexual exploits, don’t I?

A trend I hope keeps going, to be honest. They’re my favorites!

Twilight Sparkle and her friends fucking Shining Armor, yes! I have to see this

Thought it was your regular old children’s story, then it said there’d be international tax negotiation.

international tax negotiations.

You sick, depraved bastard.

Luckily, you’re not the only one.
My Patreon supporters have chosen that for next month’s story. Only ... I’m not sure I’ll get the whole story done in just one month. We’ll see.

DLS brings you the kind of depraved smut that nobody else is willing to write!

Damn, Cadance was a harsh negotiator when it came to letting Celestia fuck Shining Armor. Although, I think a lust princess like her needs to be when it comes to letting anypony have her husband. Now she has to figure out how to get Shining Armor to have sex with Twilight and her friends, which I'm sure isn't going to be easy.

Great work. Didn't expect to see this today but I'm glad you put it out. Although, I'm surprised you had the energy given how you had to manage that whole contest.


Damn, Cadance was a harsh negotiator when it came to letting Celestia fuck Shining Armor. Although, I think a lust princess like her needs to be when it comes to letting anypony have her husband. Now she has to figure out how to get Shining Armor to have sex with Twilight and her friends, which I'm sure isn't going to be easy.

Coming up on the next installment, thanks to the votes of my Patreon supporters! ^.^
Given that it’s -- you know -- me writing it, you can be sure that each of Twilight’s friends wants sexy favors in order to give in!

Great work. Didn't expect to see this today but I'm glad you put it out. Although, I'm surprised you had the energy given how you had to manage that whole contest.

Heh, that seems like ages ago already.
I actually wrote this between finishing the contest judging and posting the results. Came in a couple days late, which I hope my supporters can forgive me for.
But what’s actually been sapping my energy lately is working on a film script. Finally typed ‘FADE OUT.’ on it just a few hours ago. I’d been working on it pretty much constantly up to a month before the contest judging, and now a couple more weeks afterward, and I finally finished the 148 page :facehoof: first draft. Later, I’ll have to edit the damn thing down to a more industry standard 120 pages or less, but for now, I can relax and soak in the success.
“It's hell writing and it's hell not writing. The only tolerable state is having just written.” -- Robert Hass.
Well, with a contest done, a fic in the feature box, and a screenplay just finished, things can finally be tolerable for a little bit.
But there’s no rest for the wicked. I’ve got about 2 hours left on this week’s writing time requirement (saturday’s the last day of the week), and I’m way behind on everything else I’ve been putting off because of the contest and that script. I’ll be catching up on commissions next.

Something for everybody in this story!

My kind of turf!

Time to make twilight getting knocked up. Then you can make at least 2 more stories about the others

When the show gives you a Princess of Love, you make clopfics! :trollestia:

Also, I quite enjoyed Celestia pushing the double entendres to the limit during the trade negotiations. :twilightsheepish:

Whether it is pervert Cadence coordinating/receiving a gangbang/orgy, running an empire with benevolence and kindness, being a doting and loving mother, or being a hopeless romantic as a literal Goddess of Love, Cadence is best princess (and I'm almost fully convinced is my spirit animal).
CANNOT wait for next installment with Mane Six, keep up the amazing writing you do. I know I always get excited seeing your name on a new story. :raritywink:

^.^ What’s your favorite part?

The next one will be Cadance convincing (through sexy means) the rest of the mane 6 to sleep with Shining Armor.
Then there’s a big orgy with all 6 of them... But I’m not sure yet whether that will be the last chapter of the next fic or yet another sequel.
And, of course, there will be pregnancies for everypony! ^.^

Heh, that was one of the more difficult parts to write, but it was fun! ^.^

Well, lucky you -- you shouldn’t have to wait long for the next one.
Patreon supporters will have at least the first few chapters of it by the end of this month. Everyone else will get it ... later. If I manage to finish all the chapters this month, everyone will get it fairly soon. Otherwise, it might sit in unpublished purgatory for quite a while. (Just like Twilight’s Potion Research, another story where I’ve only got a few chapters done and can’t publicly publish it until they’re all finished.)

The casual, delicious depravity of it all and Shining's final proposal. I tell you, the stallion is wasted in the guard with mathematical prowess like that!

Ah, sexy as always. With just the right amount of conflict and whoring around.

I’m not sure there’s a right amount of whoring around... Is there such a thing as too much whoring around?

Only thing missing was Cadance ordering the guardsmare getting mounted. Probably by one of the other guards considering how protective she is of Shining.

For the Twilight story, will Cadance manipulate things so that Shining knocks both her and Twilight up at the same time?

Silver Quillion

Subtle. Very subtle.

Now that’s small thinking -- Twilight and her friends!

Uh... It may be so subtle that even I don’t realize what I did.

You've never heard of Silver Quill?

Oh that guy with the griffon OC... Now that you mention it, I have ... but only in passing. Definitely wasn’t thinking about him when I wrote this.

Shining knocking up Twi and the other 5 will be the absolute perfect end to this storyline. I hope with everything that's what you're implying.
Thanks for another great story dls. You make some of the best, imo. Especially when it comes tp that sweet sweet impreg~

I'm not sure what I could have asked for in a gangbang fic, but you somehow delivered with each progressing quartet of paragraphs.

A comeptet but still clever Princess of Love? Check.

An avaricious but still sympathetic Princess Celestia? Check.

A devoted but still tireless Prince Shining Armor? Check.

And of course, a way to show just how Cadance can command a scene while being reamed in a way not seen since A Better Way to be Bad and Polyamory? So many checks it'd make Fort Knox jealous if a fort could have feelings.

Look forward to more form you, slightly peeved as I am that it's sucking all the oxygen off the other clopfics here. Hell of a fic to take silver to, though, and I would caringly hatefuck love every second of it.

That’s the idea. ^.^ Might take a little while to get there, though. Cadance needs to ‘convince’ them all first.

Aw, you’ll get there. A lot of my success is just from building up a lot of followers over time.

As long as Flutters and Rare gets filled with foals, Two too for the hot incest and the others getting knocked up too, I'll wait all the time needed to see that glorious fuc -w-

Tiny typos:

Celestia was a beautiful mare, sure, but if she thought her little sun-adorned flank could so much as hold a candle to the Princess of Love, she had another thing coming entirely!


Which, coincidentally, was the foundation of your bloodline, the reason you call Luna and I your aunts.

Luna and me

Those were the words she'd said to him the night Flurry Heart was conceived, and even though he was sheath-deep inside anther mare at the moment,

First one is entirely perfect the way it originally is -- “thing” is absolutely the right word in that instance, and “think” would be incorrect. Maybe you’ve seen it done incorrectly so many times that you thought “Another think coming” was the right way?

Second one is technically wrong, but I think this kind of grammatical over-correction fits with Celestia’s speech patterns and used it intentionally.

Third one is a legit typo and I fixed it. Thanks! ^.^


You're mistaken. The original idiom is think. "You have another think coming" = "Think again" / "You are mistaken and you have to think again" etc.
It's not about upcoming UPS delivery of your things...

"Thing" comes from people who heard it wrong and substituted similar word, like ex. "give free reign / reign in" in place of "rein".

Edit: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/have_another_think_coming

Well if that were Applejack/Pinkie or Chrysalis (cough*miss-could-care-less*cough) etc. I would wouldn't mind "the reason you call we your aunts" but from Celestia/Twilight/Rarity it's jarring IMHO. ;)

Time to shut this down. Luna had been a special case, a favor for a desperate friend. But Cadance was not about to go around studding her husband out to any mare with a heat between her legs or a twitch in her tail.

:twilightblush:: "Not even me?"

Cadance glanced over her shoulder ... just in time to see Celestia storming off in the opposite direction. Well, storming off for her. To most ponies, she would look as regal and serene as ever. But Cadance knew her well, and knew what it meant when she held her wings like that, when she put just a bit too much force into every step.

Should we be worried?

Was she out of practice? Had she gotten soft after being with only one stallion for so long?

Maybe she should look for an harem of her own.
And once she aquired (and properly trained) one she should challenge Celestia to an duel!

For a time, they almost even matched their rhythm ... but the guard stallion had nowhere near Shining Armor's staying power. The guard was already softening and slipping out of her gaped asshole, and Shining Armor was still going strong, his cock pumping stream after stream of his miraculously virile cum into Celestia, making her pregnant for the first time in ages.

Shining: "Take that, rookie!"

Was she actually going to—? Oh yes she was! Celestia took Shining Armor's spent cock into her mouth, expertly sucking it deeper despite how soft it was at the moment.
Well alright then. That actually improved Cadance's opinion of her auntie substantially.

So, that is how to improve diplomatical relationships to the Chrystal Empire...

And as he hastily came up behind her, she happened to notice the guardspony mare, standing mostly behind the others and trying to touch herself inconspicuously.

Not sure if good girl or naughty girl...

“The math, hm? You want to fuck your sister because of math?” Cadance gave him a sidelong look that would have been devastating if it hadn't come along with a loving smile.

:twilightsmile:: "Math? Did someone say math? I love math, no matter the subject!"

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.
(And commented too much again...)

No such thing as commenting too much! ^.^

Can't wait for the next one

My Patreon supporters already have the first 4 (out of 7) chapters of it! ^.^ And they’ll probably get another chapter of it before the end of this week!

I’ll post it for everyone once I’ve finished all 7 chapters.

I'm so late but I really enjoyed this story

Better late than never! ^.^
What’s your favorite part?

That was phenomenal! Hope that Celestia's potion was effective, I'd love to see just how many Shiny put into her. Between Shiny's efforts and that sneaky potion, I'd love to see if she got more than she bargained for.

And if so, Luna is probably going to come back for seconds. XD

Hmm... Maybe I should try to put something about that into the sequel...

Is there a planed sequel still? Or is it stuck in limbo?
Would probably be perfect for this months contest.

There is a sequel, actually. I just finished chapter 6 out of 7. Like literally 10 seconds ago.
(Available on Patreon now! ^.^)
But it will probably be a good long while before I get to chapter 7. Almost certainly not in time for the current contest. Not sure it involves much worldbuilding anyway.

Neat, ill check it out (for some reason your comment didnt give me a notification thingy)

Those negotiations are a really nice touch. I love when real politics is brought in to ridicules sex scenario's like this. Also Cadance really showed herself to be a skilled negotiator; setting the pace of the discussion and being very aware that she is the dominant party here. Though she is not quite an equal to Celestia as the crystal empire is a vassal state and Equestria is 20 times larger in area and 10 times larger in population. So if Celestia really wanted to she could just take or enforce whatever she wants by force. So denying her entirely would not be a smart decision.

Celestia would be very reluctant to do that of course but she would at least bluff about it.

I like to put in a little extra besides just the clop. ^.^

And you did it very well. Making Cadance look intelligent and shrewd without having a 1000+ word lecture or something like that.
Still though I think you could have pushed it a little further. Like Celestia threatening force and Cadance calling her bluff. That Celestia doesn't have it in her to kill hundreds of ponies for something like this.
Celestia didn't try to do much politics back to negotiate. I know I just praised you for not making it drag on but you can just not have those negotiations go anywhere as Cadance won't allow it. However it will still make Celestia look better for having tried and Cadance look better for not allowing her to gain ground.

i think i enjoyed the pre-sex drama more than the sex itself this time

As long as both were still enjoyable! ^.^

You won't be finding stuff that steamy in most clopfics on this site!

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